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With npm:
$ npm i berk-api.js@latest
With yarn:
$ yarn add berk-api.js@latest
const berk = require("berk-api.js");
let pablo = berk.pablo("No memes allowed in general!", false);
pablo.then((r) => console.log(r));
This will log in console
All available methods can be found down below.
Function | Required Parameters | Default | Description | Example Usage |
pablo() |
text, everyone | undefined, false | Makes pablo say the given text, second argument is whether pablo mentions everyone or not. | pablo("Hello m'lady") |
anycard() |
image, {text1, text2, text3}, {color1, color2, color3}, {color1, color2, color3}, background | undefined | Returns a card with the given image and text, background and colors are optional. | anycard("", {text1: "Head text here", text2: "Second text here", text3: "Third text here"}) |
overlay() |
type, image | undefined | Returns the given image on the given type of overlay. Available types can be found here! | overlay("bravery", "") |
whoreallyis() |
image | undefined | Returns the given image on whoreallyis meme. | whoreallyis("") |
angrymob() |
text1, text2 | undefined | Returns angry mob meme with the given text. text1 is top text, text2 is bottom text. | angrymob("BDFD is.....", "The best coding lang!") |
uglier() |
image | undefined | Returns the given image on the "It's even uglier up close." meme. | uglier( |
info() |
none | undefined | Returns package info | info.version |
isbeautiful() |
image | undefined | Returns the given image on the this is beautiful meme. | isbeautiful( |
blocks() |
image | undefined | Returns the image on a Minecraft-like mine on the center. | blocks( |
trash() |
image | undefined | Returns the image on a pop-up to confirm the deletion of this trash. | trash( |
iFearNoMan() |
image | undefined | Returns the given image on the I fear no man meme. | iFearNoMan( |
billy() |
text | undefined | Returns the given text on the "Shoot him again" meme. | billy('BDFD sucks.. admit it |