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Discord bot setup

Nick edited this page Oct 14, 2020 · 11 revisions

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First you need to go to here and click "New Application"

Application Screen Now give your bot a name.

Create an Application Screen

Click "Create". On the next screen you can set a Avatar Icon for your app and description (not necessary). This is also where you will find your Client ID, more on that later. New App Screen

Next, click on Bot on the left hand menu, then click "Add Bot" Add Bot

Click "Yes Do It"

Yes Do It.

On the Bot screen you will get to see your token, you can click "Copy" to put it in your clipboard or "Click to reveal your Token", put this in your config file. On this Same Screen you can toggle if the bot is public (which will allow others to invite to their servers, this is on by default). Bot Screen 1

Make sure to also toggle the "Server Members Intent" option further down under "Privileged Gateway Intents" to allow the bot to see the member list, otherwise you'll get an error message similar to Error obtaining server members: HTTP 403 Forbidden, {"message": "Missing Access", "code": 50001}.

Click "Save Changes" Server Members Intent

Now its time to invite your bot to your server. Don't worry about your bot being started for this next step. You can get this under General Information Client ID

Change the client_id to your Client ID under App Details, then go to this url

Now select your sever, then click authorize.

Authorize Bot

Solve reCAPTCHA if necessary


Then you should see


You can confirm the bot is added under Your Guild > Settings > Integrations > Bots and Apps, and in your #general channel you should see "A wild [bot name] appeared!".

Take the bot's token (the token, not the client ID) and add it to your matterbridge config like so:


# Server (REQUIRED) is the ID or name of the guild to connect to, selected from the guilds the bot has been invited to

That's it! Now you can start your bot and enjoy chatting!

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