YuLab-SMU/ggtree#434 YuLab-SMU/ggtree#367
ggtree + deeptime can do something like this, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2590197420300197.
- introduce align argument in geom_hilight #431
- geom_facet() support discrete scale
- geom_cladelab: the devel version of geom_cladelabel to support aes mapping
- add horizontal parameter in geom_cladelabel
- branch size can be grandually changed
- add offset.label and label to geom_treescale
- fix extendto argument for geom_highlight when layout="inward_circular" or "dendrogram"
- added new default tip.order to ggdensitree that is more similar to DensiTree's
- update stat method of tree layout
- remove inhibit.size and use continuous replace
- The optimization of internal function of geom_tiplab
- optimize the angle of text in geom_cladelab and don't inherit the global aes in geom_cladelab and geom_taxalink
- fix ape layout branch.length
- update geom_tiplab for better compatibility with geom_nodelab
- new geom_nodelab and geom_tiplab
- Update geom_range.R to fix issue #306
- optimizing geom_range to support the mapping of color, size.
- Add branch.y (and branch.x = branch) in calculate_branch_mid() for positioning on branches in unrooted layouts
- add branch.x and branch.y for unrooted layout
- fixed fontface of aes
- add td_mutate and geom_hilight, geom_cladelab supporting fuction data
- fix the issue of data argument of geom_tiplab
- options to control the line type of radial
- data argument of geom_facet supporting function #430
- add
verbs fortreedata
ggtree for pvclust
x = tribble(~x, ~y, 'a', 'b', a', 'c') ggtree(as.phylo(x), layout='roundrect') + geom_label(aes(label=label))
Adding read.treeqza to parse tree qza file from output of qiime2
fix the add_pseudo_nodelabel when the node.label is not null in beast file
- 树变图,图变树?
- treeio: 进化树基础类和方法
- 进化树改名
- treeio: Phylogenetic data integration
- Subsetting Phylogenetic Trees
- treeio支持解析MEGA的输出
- Ask me anything about ggtree
- 当年ggtree发布文,为整合数据而生!
- ggtree无根树及注释
- 无根树中加入枝长图例
- ggtree画根分支
- phylip树格式
- ggtree版本的plotTree
- align genomic features with phylogenetic tree
- ggjoy facet with ggtree
- reproducible logo generated by ggtree
- 用ggtree重现Figtree的示例进化树
- ggtree for microbiome data
- ggtree for outbreak data
- ggtree支持phylog对象
- ggtree画层次聚类
- 用户数据注释进化树
- 改变outgroup的枝长
- 使用自己的数据来给进化树上色
- bootstrap分段标记
- ggtree中标记树分支?
- xlim_tree: set x axis limits for only Tree panel
- reverse time scale
- vertical dendrogram in ggtree
- 中空的环形树
- 可视化操作树的拓扑结构
- ggtree - updating a tree view
- facet_plot: 加图层到特定的分面上
- facet_plot:加图层到特定分面,方法二
- facet_plot: 关联数据和进化树的通用方法
- facet_plot更改panel label
- 同时让N颗树关联同一个数据集
- 漫画版的进化树你见过吗?
- 取子集画图
- Y叔不想养蛙,只想养你!
- 用图片注释进化树
- 当生物女博士遇到小学二年级语文作业
- identify: 交互式操作进化树
- plotly: 交互式探索进化树
- ggnetworx:让ggtree支持phylogenetic networks
- ggtree买家秀
- ggplot2 - 更改分面的相对宽度
- 听说你想画好几颗树在一起
- 倒不如画一些渐变色的线条吧
- python的世界里没有这么好的工具!
- 风儿啊,它吹乱了我的头发
- ggtree在线书
- 进化树和基因组结构
- ggtree所支持的各种树的布局
- 进化树上随意选几条边来上色
- 进化树上随意选几条边,换线条类型!
- 听说你想在系统发育树上随意加个点?
- 这么多年了,终于有个故事可以讲
- 对ggplot2指定的分面,任性调整xlim和分面宽度!
- 给不同的分面分别设置x label?
- 度量生物多样性
- 进化树与序列的距离矩阵
- 画两颗面对面的树,还要分别加注释!
- 对进化树的分支长度做数据变换
- 一个legend伪装成三个,服气!
- 听说你想给线条画个边框?
- 纯文本的进化树
- 用ggtree画思维导图,小白也能学会!