standalone programs which take an audio file as argument
you may want to forget about all this fancy complicated stuff and just use event hooks instead (which doesn't need -e2ts
or ffmpeg)
NOTE: these all require -e2ts
to be functional, meaning you need to do at least one of these: apt install ffmpeg
or pip3 install mutagen
some of these rely on libraries which are not MIT-compatible
- detects the BPM of music using the BeatRoot Vamp Plugin; imports GPL2
- detects the melodic key of music using the Mixxx fork of keyfinder; imports GPL3
these invoke standalone programs which are GPL or similar, so is legally fine for most purposes:
- generates checksums for audio and video streams; uses FFmpeg (LGPL or GPL)
- removes exif tags from images; uses exiftool (GPLv1 or artistic-license)
these do not have any problematic dependencies at all:
- computes various checksums
- grabs metadata from .exe and .dll files (example for retrieving multiple tags with one parser)
- lets you download files by POSTing URLs to copyparty
- also available as an event hook
plugins in this section should only be used with appropriate precautions:
- combined with meadup.js converts copyparty into a janky yet extremely flexible chromecast clone
- also adds a virtual keyboard by @steinuil to the basic-upload tab for comfy couch crowd control
- anything uploaded through the android app (files or links) are executed on the server, meaning anyone can infect your PC with malware... so protect this with a password and keep it on a LAN!
- kamelåså is a much better (and MUCH safer) alternative to this plugin
- powered by chicken-curry-banana-pineapple-peanut pizza so you know it's good
- and, unlike this plugin, kamelåså even has windows support (nice)
to build/install most dependencies required by these programs (supports windows/linux/macos)
alternatively (or preferably) use packages from your distro instead, then you'll need at least these:
- from distro:
numpy vamp-plugin-sdk beatroot-vamp mixxx-keyfinder ffmpeg
- from pip:
keyfinder vamp
copyparty -e2dsa -e2ts
followed by any combination of these:
-mtp key=f,
-mtp .bpm=f,
-mtp ahash,vhash=f,
makes the detected value replace any existing values -
indicates numeric value -
assumes the python files are in the folder you're launching copyparty from, replace the filename with a relative/absolute path if that's not the case
modules will not run if a file has existing tags in the db, so clear out the tags with-e2tsr
the first time you launch with newmtp
instead of affecting all volumes, you can set the options for just one volume like so:
copyparty -v /mnt/nas/music:/music:r:c,e2dsa:c,e2ts
immediately followed by any combination of these: