UmbNav was designed to be as clean and easy for developers as it is for editors to use.
Out of the box UmbNav can return strongly typed models for a given navigation.
The following properties are available in the UmbNavItem
Property | Type | Description |
Udi | GuidUdi | The node UDI of the selected content item. For external linking nav items this will be null |
Key | Guid | The node Key of the selected content item. For external linking nav items this will be 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 |
Title | String | The link title, often the node name |
Description | String | The link description |
Target | String | The link target |
Noopener | String | noopener if set in the backoffice |
Noreferrer | String | noreferrer if set in the backoffice |
Url | String | The link url |
Anchor | String | The anchor part of the url |
QueryString | String | The link querystring / anchor |
Level | Int | The level in the overall navigation that the current item sits at |
Content | IPublishedContent | The IPublishedContent for the selected content item. For external linking nav items this will be null |
Parent | UmbNavItem | The parent UmbNavItem item |
Children | List | The picked child / sub items for the current item |
Culture | String | The link culture |
CustomClasses | String | Any CSS classes set in the backoffice |
ItemType | UmbNavItemType | The menu item type, this can be either Link or Content or Label |
Image | IPublishedContent | The IPublishedContent for the media item selected for the menu item |
IsActive | bool | Will return true if the current published request key equals the nav item key |
UmbNav was designed to closely follow the "Umbraco way" of doing things so we don't impose our own styles or markup on you.
It's easy to implement in your own Razor:
@inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage
@using UmbNav.Core.Extensions
@using UmbNav.Core.Models
@using Umbraco.Web;
var site = Model.Root();
var umbNav = site.FirstChildOfType("siteSettings").Value<IEnumerable<UmbNavItem>>("umbNavPE");
@foreach (var item in umbNav)
<a class="nav-link @item.CustomClasses" href="@item.Url()" target="@item.Target" rel="@item.Noopener @item.Noreferrer">@item.Title</a>
There is also some helpers available to generate the each menu item:
GetLinkHtml(this UmbNavItem item, string cssClass = null, string id = null, string culture = null, UrlMode mode = UrlMode.Default, string labelTagName = "span", object htmlAttributes = null, string activeClass = null)
and in Umbraco V9 there is a TagHelper available:
<umbnavitem menu-item="item" label-tag-name="span" mode="UrlMode" culture="Culture" active-class=""></umbnavitem>
To make the tag helper work in Umbraco V9 you will need to add the following you your _ViewImports.cshtml
@using UmbNav.Core
@addTagHelper *, UmbNav.Core
Note: For large navigations with multiple levels it is highly recommended that you cache your navigation for optimal performance.