copyright | years | lastupdated | title | parent | nav_order |
2020 - 2022 |
2022-03-17 |
Installing Open Horizon |
Install Open Horizon |
2 |
{:new_window: target="blank"} {:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:screen: .screen} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:pre: .pre} {:child: .link .ulchildlink} {:childlinks: .ullinks}
{: #hub_install_overview}
You must install and configure a management hub before you start the {{}} ({{}}) node tasks.
{: #sum}
- This content describes the steps to deploy the following components.
- {{}} exchange API.
- {{}} agbot.
- {{}} Cloud Sync Service (CSS).
- {{}} Secure Device Onboarding (SDO).
- {{}} Secrets manager (Vault).
Note: Upgrade from {{}} 4.1 is not supported.
{: #prereq}
Follow the steps in post installation to continue setting up your new management hub.