In the data there will be four attributes of air pollution that I will be looking for are (pm25, pm10, no2, co) pm25(pm2.5): fine inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 2.5 micrometers and smaller pm10: inhalable particles, with diameters that are generally 10 micrometers and smaller
The factors I will be checking to find fluction in levels of air pollution will be based off of the following-
- Temperature
- Sunlight
- Rain
- Cultural and Social Events
- Power plants in that area
- Humidity
- Wind
- Transportation
Aim:- To analyse and inspect air quality fluctuation in India.
Initial Hypothesis: It is believed that festivals in india have a major contribution to poor air quality in certain cities of India. I want to analyse which festivals might and what other factors may affect air quality in those times I will be checking for the following fesitvals.
- Diwali
Sources that I have used