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GetSimple I18N InnovationGrid

The files provided in this repository are intended to provide a quick and easy-to-install starting point for a responsive, multi-language Web-Site. The intention is that users can get a functional and easy to maintain web site up and running in a matter of minutes.

The files are to be used with the GetSimple CMS and include a new version of the default Innovation theme. The new theme uses CSS3 Grid techniques, hence the name, InnovationGrid, and allows more flexibility when designing for different screen withs.

Important features such as a language menu and search functions are integrated into the theme files.
Code which integrates the Front-End User Login Enhanced plugin is also included. This plugin allows access to content to be restricted to registered users. Examples of such restricted content could be an appointment calender, upload page or a picture gallery.

Example Web-Site

I use this package as the basis for my own web-site with only minor changes to the CSS and a number of additional features to meet my own requirements.

Why use the GetSimple CMS?

There are a number of reasons that I became interested in using GetSimple:

  • it is Open Source - so, if necessary I could update the code myself;
  • it is free - with a good selection of free themes and plugins;
  • it has an active community;
  • a feature-rich set of plugins is available for creating multi-language sites;
  • it uses flat-file storage instead of a database, simplifying installation and potentially speeding up response times.

In addition, GetSimple provides editors with a very clean and easy-to-use interface. This makes it easier for site owners to learn to add their own content, which is a cost-effective aid for small businesses seeking to improve their site ranking and win new custom.

Download Description

This download file contains template, style and component files required for the InnovationGrid theme as well as a number of page files that demonstrate and describe the site. Users have to install the following before the Web-Site will function fully:

  • a) the GetSimple CMS,
  • b) the plugins listed below,
  • c) the InnovationGrid theme itself and
  • d) copy a small number of files containing the page and component information for the site. In addition, a small number of configuration changes are required if user authentication and authorization is required.



The InnovationGrid theme is responsive and uses Grid and Flex CSS3 techniques. (This is instead of the Skeleton CSS used by the Responsive Innovation theme.)

Theme Layout

The theme has four different layouts according to the width of the browser window and the widest has a right-hand sidebar as in the default Innovation theme. Two layout - i.e. grid - files are provided, one for two aside elements in the sidebar and one for three. The grid file which is active is specified by commenting in/out the relevant ...2r.css or ...3r.css file in the default template.php template file.

Theme Menus

A 'burger menu' is active in smaller screens instead of the standard 'fixed' menu display in an aside element.


Many of the functions provided by the plugins, such as language-specific menus and search, are integrated into the theme files using components, which are stored in a components.xml file. These components then generate a number of page elements such as the search fields and the menus.

Custom Page Headers

The i18n Custom Fields plugin is used to provide custom page Text Headers in the Header part of each page, allowing this text to be varied according to the page language.

Tag Cloud

LAnguage-specific tag clouds provided, which are searched by the i18n Search Plugin along with page content.

Language-Specific Search

A search field is included in the page header element. This field uses the i18n Search plugin and both page content and page tags - as shown in the optional tag cloud - are searched.


A breadcrumb bar is included between the Page Header element and the main page section.

User Registration, Authentication and Authorization

The theme contains code for the Front-End User Login Enhanced plugin, which provides user registration, authentication and authorization functions. This means that access to pages can be restricted to individual users or user groups.

Included with this theme are optional custom components which integrate the user autorization in the aside and 'burger' menus, so that users are only shown links in the menus to pages which they are authorised to access.

Code to show the Front-End User Login Enhanced plugin is included in the theme files but commented out. Instructions for activating this plugin together with its custom components are included below.

Installation and Configuration

Install the CMS

Install the GetSimple CMS. Instructions are available on the GetSimple Wiki site.

Install the Plugins

I recommend making life slightly easier by first installing and activating the GetSimple PluginInstaller plugin instead of manually downloading and installing the plugins individually.

Then install and activate the following plugins:

If you want to provide user authentication and authorization, you will also need to install the Front-End User Login Enhanced plugin, which is described below. I recommend doing this after installing the theme.

Additional Useful Plugins

I have found the following plugins to be useful and have included CSS style information for them in the theme:

  • Cookies, which places a cookie acceptance message on your site.
  • GSMaintenanceMode, which provides a convenient method of putting your site in "Maintenance Mode".
  • debugmode, Not essential but useful for debugging.

Install the Theme

This theme is installed in the GetSimple Theme folder:

  • Copy the contents of the theme folder from this download to the Theme folder of your CMS installation.
  • Overwrite the original components.xml file by copying the data\other\components.xml file provided in the download into your folder:
    • Site_Installation_Folder\data\other\
  • Copy the demonstration page files provided in the pages folder of the download into the following folder of your installation, overwriting the original index.xml file:
    • Site_Installation_Folder\data\pages\
  • Log into the admin section of the CMS using the user credentials you set when installing the CMS and select and activate the InnovationGrid theme in the admin Theme tab.
  • Still in the admin section, select the Pages tab and then Edit Navigation Structure from the menu on the right and click in the Save Navigation Structure button.
  • Stay in the admin/Pages tab, select View All Pages from the menu on the right and check that the "Language of all pages ..." box is showing "en", which is the default language for the demonstration pages. Click the Save button if if you have to change this.

The default pages will now be replaced with a number of pages relevant to this theme.

You will find more information about themes in the GetSimple Themes documentation.

Review the Site

You should now have a web-site with two languages, the default being English and the second language German.

If the Tag Cloud in the page sidebar is either empty or showing tags in the wrong language, do the following:

  • In the the Pages tab of the admin section, select the index page, make a token change such as adding a space and then click Save Updates.

Note that in the navigation menus you will see a page named "User Pages" listed with three subpages. These pages are included to demonstrate the Front End User Login Extended plugin and come preconfigured with authorization settings for the plugin. At this stage of the installation procedure, they are all visible by default and can be deleted if the user authentication and authorization functions provided by the plugin are not required.

Configuring Your Site


  • You can change the languages used on the site by following the instructions on the Pages tab in the site Admin section.
  • You can use the Edit language menu link in the sidebar menu of the Pages tab to update the texts used in language menu.

Aside Elements

The default sidebar contains two aside elements - that is, elements that are only indirectly related to the page's main content. These are the Navigation Menu and the Tag Cloud. When viewed in a browser window of more than approximately 950 pixels wide, these elements will be shown in the sidebar to the right. In narrower windows they will be positioned below the page's main content.

Installing and Activating User Authentication and Authorization

Carry out the following steps if you want to include the user authentication and authorization provided by the Front-End User Login Enhanced plugin:

  • Install and activate the plugin.

  • In the Admin Section, select the User Management tab

  • Use the Click Here to make initial settings link to open the Plugin Settings tab and:

    • In the Email Settings block update the "From" Email Address.
    • In the Edit Protected Message modify the message as required.
    • Do not modify the CSS edit fields.
  • Now, in the Theme tab, open the Default Template file (template.php) and change the active innovationgrid_grid_aside-*r.css file from ...aside-2r.css to ...aside-3r.css in lines 38 and 39.

  • In the same file, comment in the code in line 98 by removing the two slashes: <?php //include(''); ?>.

  • Save the file.

You will now have a third 'User Area' block, which at this stage will be empty apart froom the title. This block will be positioned in the sidebar if you are using a wide browser window, or just above the page footer, if you are using a smaller device.

You will, however, still be using the default navigation components for the Navigation block, which is shown in wider browser windows, and the Burger-Menu, which is shown with smaller window widths. These components do not take account of user authorization and show all pages, including those a signed-on user is not authorized to access. To activate the authorization and only show menu links to pages that the user is authorized to see you need to replace the default navigation components with the custom navigation ones provided with the theme.

Note that both the default and custom navigation components can be seen in the site Admin section, in the Theme tab, by clicking the Edit components link in the right hand menu. The default components are the BurgerIcon, BurgerMenu and SidebarNav, and the custom components are FEULE_MenuIcon, FEULE_MenuMobile and FEULE_MenuAside, and FEULE_UserArea).

Carry out the following steps in the Admin section, Edit Theme tab:

  • In the file, change the active menu component by commenting out the line containing get_i18n_component('sidebarnav'); and commenting in the line containg get_i18n_component('feule_menuaside', $language');. Save the file.
  • In the Page Header file (, activate the custom Burger Menu components by commenting out the lines containing:
    • get_component('burgericon'); and
    • get_component('burgermenu');
  • and by commenting in the two lines containing:
    • get_component('feule_menuicon');
    • get_i18n_component('feule_menumobile', $language);
  • Save the file.

In the Admin section, go to the newly=added User Management tab and click on the Click Here link to make the initial settings for the plugin:

  • In the General Settings block, you can deactivate self-registration of users if required.
  • Enter a mail address in the Email Settings block.
Authorization Check

User authentication and authorization will now be active. This can be seen in the sidebar and 'burger' menus: you will only see the Unauthorized Page as a subpage of the User Pages page. The Admin Page and User Page pages that could be seen before the authorization was activated will only be visible once a user has been registered, they are assigned the necesary group membership and they have logged in.

User authorization - i.e. access to pages - is implemented through membership of user group(s).

  • The user groups that can access a page are specified individually for each page in the Page Options section of the Edit Page form.
  • New groups can be added by the site administrator in the Manage Groups form of the User Management tab.
  • Users can be added by the site administrator in the Manage Users form of the User Management tab.
  • Users can also self-register using the forms provided in the User Area section in the page sidebar.
    • Note that self-registered users are allocated automatically membership of the Users group. The site administrator is then free to add membership of further user group(s) if required.