diff --git a/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow.py b/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow.py index 57b867114..64b5625a1 100755 --- a/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow.py +++ b/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow.py @@ -136,6 +136,9 @@ parser.add_argument('--mft-reco-full', action='store_true', help='enables complete mft reco instead of simplified misaligned version') parser.add_argument('--mft-assessment-full', action='store_true', help='enables complete assessment of mft reco') +# TPC options +parser.add_argument('--tpc-distortion-type', default=0, type=int, help='Simulate distortions in the TPC (0=no distortions, 1=distortions without scaling, 2=distortions with CTP scaling)') +parser.add_argument('--ctp-scaler', default=0, type=float, help='CTP raw scaler value used for distortion simulation') # Global Forward reconstruction configuration parser.add_argument('--fwdmatching-assessment-full', action='store_true', help='enables complete assessment of global forward reco') parser.add_argument('--fwdmatching-4-param', action='store_true', help='excludes q/pt from matching parameters') @@ -520,7 +523,6 @@ def getDPL_global_options(bigshm=False, ccdbbackend=True): '${O2_ROOT}/bin/o2-ccdb-downloadccdbfile --host http://alice-ccdb.cern.ch -p TPC/Calib/CorrectionMap --timestamp 1 --created-not-after ' + str(args.condition_not_after) + ' -d ${ALICEO2_CCDB_LOCALCACHE} ; }' workflow['stages'].append(TPC_SPACECHARGE_DOWNLOADER_TASK) - # query initial configKey args for signal transport; mainly used to setup generators simInitialConfigKeys = create_geant_config(args, args.confKey) @@ -672,7 +674,6 @@ def getDPL_global_options(bigshm=False, ccdbbackend=True): --ptHatMax='+str(PTHATMAX) if WEIGHTPOW > 0: SGN_CONFIG_task['cmd'] = SGN_CONFIG_task['cmd'] + ' --weightPow=' + str(WEIGHTPOW) - # if we configure pythia8 here --> we also need to adjust the configuration # TODO: we need a proper config container/manager so as to combine these local configs with external configs etc. args.confKey = args.confKey + ";GeneratorPythia8.config=pythia8.cfg" @@ -680,11 +681,11 @@ def getDPL_global_options(bigshm=False, ccdbbackend=True): # elif GENERATOR == 'extgen': what do we do if generator is not pythia8? # NOTE: Generator setup might be handled in a different file or different files (one per # possible generator) + workflow['stages'].append(SGN_CONFIG_task) # determine final conf key for signal simulation CONFKEY = constructConfigKeyArg(create_geant_config(args, args.confKey)) - # ----------------- # transport signals # ----------------- @@ -865,10 +866,29 @@ def putConfigValuesNew(listOfMainKeys=[], localCF = {}): workflow['stages'].append(ContextTask) + # ===| TPC digi part |=== + CTPSCALER = args.ctp_scaler + tpcDistortionType=args.tpc_distortion_type + print(f"TPC distortion simulation: type = {tpcDistortionType}, CTP scaler value {CTPSCALER}"); tpcdigineeds=[ContextTask['name'], LinkGRPFileTask['name'], TPC_SPACECHARGE_DOWNLOADER_TASK['name']] if usebkgcache: tpcdigineeds += [ BKG_HITDOWNLOADER_TASKS['TPC']['name'] ] + tpcLocalCF={"DigiParams.maxOrbitsToDigitize" : str(orbitsPerTF), "DigiParams.seed" : str(TFSEED)} + + # handle distortions and scaling using MC maps + # this assumes the lumi inside the maps is stored in FT0 (pp) scalers + # in case of PbPb the conversion factor ZDC ->FT0 (pp) must be taken into account in the scalers + if tpcDistortionType == 2 and CTPSCALER <= 0: + print('Warning: lumi scaling requested, but no ctp scaler value set. Full map will be applied at face value.') + tpcDistortionType=1 + + lumiInstFactor=1 + if COLTYPE == 'PbPb': + lumiInstFactor=2.414 + + if tpcDistortionType == 2: + tpcLocalCF['TPCCorrMap.lumiInst'] = str(CTPSCALER * lumiInstFactor) tpcdigimem = 12000 if havePbPb else 9000 TPCDigitask=createTask(name='tpcdigi_'+str(tf), needs=tpcdigineeds, tf=tf, cwd=timeframeworkdir, lab=["DIGI"], cpu=NWORKERS_TF, mem=str(tpcdigimem)) @@ -876,14 +896,16 @@ def putConfigValuesNew(listOfMainKeys=[], localCF = {}): TPCDigitask['cmd'] += '${O2_ROOT}/bin/o2-sim-digitizer-workflow ' + getDPL_global_options() + ' -n ' + str(args.ns) + simsoption \ + ' --onlyDet TPC --TPCuseCCDB --interactionRate ' + str(INTRATE) + ' --tpc-lanes ' + str(NWORKERS_TF) \ + ' --incontext ' + str(CONTEXTFILE) + ' --disable-write-ini --early-forward-policy always --forceSelectedDets ' \ + + ' --tpc-distortion-type ' + str(tpcDistortionType) \ + putConfigValuesNew(["TPCGasParam","TPCGEMParam","TPCEleParam","TPCITCorr","TPCDetParam"], - localCF={"DigiParams.maxOrbitsToDigitize" : str(orbitsPerTF), "DigiParams.seed" : str(TFSEED)}) + localCF=tpcLocalCF) TPCDigitask['cmd'] += (' --tpc-chunked-writer','')[args.no_tpc_digitchunking] TPCDigitask['cmd'] += ('',' --disable-mc')[args.no_mc_labels] # we add any other extra command line options (power user customization) with an environment variable if environ.get('O2DPG_TPC_DIGIT_EXTRA') != None: TPCDigitask['cmd'] += ' ' + environ['O2DPG_TPC_DIGIT_EXTRA'] workflow['stages'].append(TPCDigitask) + # END TPC digi part trddigineeds = [ContextTask['name']] if usebkgcache: @@ -1001,13 +1023,36 @@ def getDigiTaskName(det): workflow['stages'].append(tpcclus) tpcreconeeds.append(tpcclus['name']) + # ===| TPC reco |=== + tpcLocalCFreco=dict() + + # handle distortion corrections and scaling using MC maps + # this assumes the lumi inside the maps is stored in FT0 (pp) scalers + # in case of PbPb the conversion factor ZDC ->FT0 (pp) must be set + tpc_corr_options_mc='' + + if tpcDistortionType == 0: # disable distortion corrections + tpc_corr_options_mc=' --corrmap-lumi-mode 0 ' + tpcLocalCFreco['TPCCorrMap.lumiMean'] = '-1'; + elif tpcDistortionType == 1: # disable scaling + tpc_corr_options_mc=' --corrmap-lumi-mode 2 ' + tpcLocalCFreco['TPCCorrMap.lumiInst'] = str(CTPSCALER) + tpcLocalCFreco['TPCCorrMap.lumiMean'] = str(CTPSCALER) + elif tpcDistortionType == 2: # full scaling with CTP values + if COLTYPE == 'PbPb': + tpcLocalCFreco['TPCCorrMap.lumiInstFactor'] = str(lumiInstFactor) + tpc_corr_options_mc=' --corrmap-lumi-mode 2 ' + tpcLocalCFreco['TPCCorrMap.lumiInst'] = str(CTPSCALER) + + # TODO: Is this still used? tpc_corr_scaling_options = anchorConfig.get('tpc-corr-scaling','') TPCRECOtask=createTask(name='tpcreco_'+str(tf), needs=tpcreconeeds, tf=tf, cwd=timeframeworkdir, lab=["RECO"], relative_cpu=3/8, mem='16000') TPCRECOtask['cmd'] = '${O2_ROOT}/bin/o2-tpc-reco-workflow ' + getDPL_global_options(bigshm=True) + ' --input-type clusters --output-type tracks,send-clusters-per-sector ' \ - + putConfigValuesNew(["GPU_global","TPCGasParam", "TPCCorrMap", "GPU_rec_tpc", "trackTuneParams"], {"GPU_proc.ompThreads":NWORKERS_TF}) + ('',' --disable-mc')[args.no_mc_labels] \ - + tpc_corr_scaling_options + + putConfigValuesNew(["GPU_global","TPCGasParam", "TPCCorrMap", "GPU_rec_tpc", "trackTuneParams"], {"GPU_proc.ompThreads":NWORKERS_TF} | tpcLocalCFreco) + ('',' --disable-mc')[args.no_mc_labels] \ + + tpc_corr_scaling_options + tpc_corr_options_mc workflow['stages'].append(TPCRECOtask) + # END TPC reco ITSMemEstimate = 12000 if havePbPb else 2000 # PbPb has much large mem requirement for now (in worst case) ITSRECOtask=createTask(name='itsreco_'+str(tf), needs=[getDigiTaskName("ITS")], @@ -1025,8 +1070,8 @@ def getDigiTaskName(det): ITSTPCMATCHtask=createTask(name='itstpcMatch_'+str(tf), needs=[TPCRECOtask['name'], ITSRECOtask['name'], FT0RECOtask['name']], tf=tf, cwd=timeframeworkdir, lab=["RECO"], mem='8000', relative_cpu=3/8) ITSTPCMATCHtask['cmd'] = '${O2_ROOT}/bin/o2-tpcits-match-workflow ' + getDPL_global_options(bigshm=True) + ' --tpc-track-reader \"tpctracks.root\" --tpc-native-cluster-reader \"--infile tpc-native-clusters.root\" --use-ft0' \ - + putConfigValuesNew(['MFTClustererParam', 'ITSCATrackerParam', 'tpcitsMatch', 'TPCGasParam', 'TPCCorrMap', 'ITSClustererParam', 'GPU_rec_tpc', 'trackTuneParams', 'ft0tag'], {"NameConf.mDirMatLUT" : ".."}) \ - + tpc_corr_scaling_options + + putConfigValuesNew(['MFTClustererParam', 'ITSCATrackerParam', 'tpcitsMatch', 'TPCGasParam', 'TPCCorrMap', 'ITSClustererParam', 'GPU_rec_tpc', 'trackTuneParams', 'ft0tag'], {"NameConf.mDirMatLUT" : ".."} | tpcLocalCFreco) \ + + tpc_corr_scaling_options + tpc_corr_options_mc workflow['stages'].append(ITSTPCMATCHtask) TRDTRACKINGtask = createTask(name='trdreco_'+str(tf), needs=[TRDDigitask['name'], ITSTPCMATCHtask['name'], TPCRECOtask['name'], ITSRECOtask['name']], tf=tf, cwd=timeframeworkdir, lab=["RECO"], cpu='1', mem='2000') @@ -1041,11 +1086,10 @@ def getDigiTaskName(det): 'ITSCATrackerParam', 'trackTuneParams', 'GPU_rec_tpc', - 'ft0tag', 'TPCGasParam', - 'TPCCorrMap'], {"NameConf.mDirMatLUT" : ".."}) \ + 'TPCCorrMap'], {"NameConf.mDirMatLUT" : ".."} | tpcLocalCFreco) \ + " --track-sources " + trd_track_sources \ - + tpc_corr_scaling_options + + tpc_corr_scaling_options + tpc_corr_options_mc workflow['stages'].append(TRDTRACKINGtask2) TOFRECOtask = createTask(name='tofmatch_'+str(tf), needs=[ITSTPCMATCHtask['name'], getDigiTaskName("TOF")], tf=tf, cwd=timeframeworkdir, lab=["RECO"], mem='1500') @@ -1063,9 +1107,9 @@ def getDigiTaskName(det): 'ITSCATrackerParam', 'MFTClustererParam', 'GPU_rec_tpc', - 'trackTuneParams']) \ + 'trackTuneParams'], tpcLocalCFreco) \ + " --track-sources " + toftracksrcdefault + (' --combine-devices','')[args.no_combine_dpl_devices] \ - + tpc_corr_scaling_options + + tpc_corr_scaling_options + tpc_corr_options_mc workflow['stages'].append(TOFTPCMATCHERtask) # MFT reco: needing access to kinematics (when assessment enabled) @@ -1342,7 +1386,8 @@ def addQCPerTF(taskName, needs, readerCommand, configFilePath, objectsFile=''): SVFINDERtask = createTask(name='svfinder_'+str(tf), needs=[PVFINDERtask['name'], FT0FV0EMCCTPDIGItask['name']], tf=tf, cwd=timeframeworkdir, lab=["RECO"], cpu=svfinder_cpu, mem='5000') SVFINDERtask = createTask(name='svfinder_'+str(tf), needs=[PVFINDERtask['name']], tf=tf, cwd=timeframeworkdir, lab=["RECO"], cpu=svfinder_cpu, mem='5000') SVFINDERtask['cmd'] = '${O2_ROOT}/bin/o2-secondary-vertexing-workflow ' - SVFINDERtask['cmd'] += getDPL_global_options(bigshm=True) + svfinder_threads + putConfigValuesNew(['svertexer', 'TPCCorrMap'], {"NameConf.mDirMatLUT" : ".."}) + SVFINDERtask['cmd'] += getDPL_global_options(bigshm=True) + svfinder_threads + putConfigValuesNew(['svertexer', 'TPCCorrMap'], {"NameConf.mDirMatLUT" : ".."} | tpcLocalCFreco) \ + + tpc_corr_scaling_options + tpc_corr_options_mc # Take None as default, we only add more if nothing from anchorConfig svfinder_sources = anchorConfig.get('o2-secondary-vertexing-workflow-options', {}). get('vertexing-sources', 'ITS-TPC,TPC-TRD,ITS-TPC-TRD,TPC-TOF,ITS-TPC-TOF,TPC-TRD-TOF,ITS-TPC-TRD-TOF,MFT-MCH,MCH-MID,ITS,MFT,TPC,TOF,FT0,MID,EMC,PHS,CPV,ZDC,FDD,HMP,FV0,TRD,MCH,CTP') SVFINDERtask['cmd'] += ' --vertexing-sources ' + svfinder_sources + (' --combine-source-devices','')[args.no_combine_dpl_devices] diff --git a/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow_anchored.py b/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow_anchored.py index eae092994..651f044cc 100755 --- a/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow_anchored.py +++ b/MC/bin/o2dpg_sim_workflow_anchored.py @@ -202,29 +202,31 @@ def retrieve_MinBias_CTPScaler_Rate(ctpscaler, finaltime, trig_eff, NBunches, Co if ColSystem == "PbPb": ctpclass = 25 # <--- we take scalers for ZDC ctptype = 7 - print("Fetching rate with class " + str(ctpclass) + " type " + str(ctptype)) + print("Fetching rate with time " + str(finaltime) + " class " + str(ctpclass) + " type " + str(ctptype)) rate = ctpscaler.getRateGivenT(finaltime, ctpclass, ctptype) #if ColSystem == "PbPb": # rate.first = rate.first / 28. # rate.second = rate.second / 28. print("Global rate " + str(rate.first) + " local rate " + str(rate.second)) + ctp_local_rate_raw = None + if rate.second >= 0: + ctp_local_rate_raw = rate.second if rate.first >= 0: # calculate true rate (input from Chiara Zampolli) using number of bunches coll_bunches = NBunches mu = - math.log(1. - rate.second / 11245 / coll_bunches) / trig_eff finalRate = coll_bunches * mu * 11245 - return finalRate + return finalRate, ctp_local_rate_raw print (f"[ERROR]: Could not determine interaction rate; Some (external) default used") - return None + return None, None def determine_timestamp(sor, eor, splitinfo, cycle, ntf, HBF_per_timeframe = 256): """ Determines the timestamp and production offset variable based on the global properties of the production (MC split, etc) and the properties of the run. ntf is the number of timeframes per MC job - Args: sor: int start-of-run in milliseconds since epoch @@ -291,6 +293,7 @@ def main(): parser.add_argument("--trig-eff", type=float, dest="trig_eff", help="Trigger eff needed for IR", default=-1.0) parser.add_argument('forward', nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) # forward args passed to actual workflow creation args = parser.parse_args() + print (args) # split id should not be larger than production id assert(args.split_id <= args.prod_split) @@ -316,6 +319,7 @@ def main(): print ("Determined timestamp to be : ", timestamp) print ("Determined offset to be : ", prod_offset) + # retrieve the GRPHCIF object grplhcif = retrieve_GRPLHCIF(ccdbreader, int(timestamp)) eCM = grplhcif.getSqrtS() @@ -340,6 +344,7 @@ def main(): forwardargs = " ".join([ a for a in args.forward if a != '--' ]) # retrieve interaction rate rate = None + ctp_local_rate_raw = None if args.ccdb_IRate == True: effTrigger = args.trig_eff @@ -360,7 +365,7 @@ def main(): print(f"ERROR: Cannot retrive scalers for run number {args.run_number}") exit (1) # time needs to be converted to seconds ==> timestamp / 1000 - rate = retrieve_MinBias_CTPScaler_Rate(ctp_scalers, timestamp/1000., effTrigger, grplhcif.getBunchFilling().getNBunches(), ColSystem) + rate, ctp_local_rate_raw = retrieve_MinBias_CTPScaler_Rate(ctp_scalers, timestamp/1000., effTrigger, grplhcif.getBunchFilling().getNBunches(), ColSystem) if rate != None: # if the rate calculation was successful we will use it, otherwise we fall back to some rate given as part @@ -370,6 +375,8 @@ def main(): # Use re.sub() to replace the pattern with an empty string forwardargs = re.sub(pattern, " ", forwardargs) forwardargs += ' -interactionRate ' + str(int(rate)) + if ctp_local_rate_raw != None: + forwardargs += ' --ctp-scaler ' + str(ctp_local_rate_raw) # we finally pass forward to the unanchored MC workflow creation # TODO: this needs to be done in a pythonic way clearly