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!function () { "use strict"; var t = function (t) { var e = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : document; return e.querySelector(t) }, e = function (t) { return window.getComputedStyle(t) }, i = function (t, e) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (e - t + 1)) + t }, s = function (t, e) { return 4 * t + e }; function n() { this.cells = function (t) { return (arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : document).querySelectorAll(t) }(".cell"), this.tiles = [0, 0, 0, 0].map((function (t) { return [0, 0, 0, 0] })), this.merged = [0, 0, 0, 0].map((function (t) { return [0, 0, 0, 0] })), this.resetMerged = function () { this.merged = [0, 0, 0, 0].map((function (t) { return [0, 0, 0, 0] })) }, this.getRandomAvailableCell = function () { var t = i(0, 3), e = i(0, 3); return this.empty(t, e) ? { r: t, c: e } : !!this.tiles.some((function (t) { return t.some((function (t) { return 0 === t })) })) && this.getRandomAvailableCell() }, this.empty = function (t, e) { return 0 === this.tiles[t][e] } } function l() { var i = this; this.tileMap = new n, this.board = t(".gameboard"), this.boundaries = { minX: 0, minY: 0, maxX: 3, maxY: 3 }, this.ismoving = !1, this.GameOver = !1, this.newTilePositions = [], this.moved = !1, this.score = 0, this.canMove = { up: function (t, e) { return !(t - 1 < i.boundaries.minX) && (i.tileMap.empty(t - 1, e) || i.tileMap.tiles[t][e] === i.tileMap.tiles[t - 1][e]) }, down: function (t, e) { return !(t + 1 > i.boundaries.maxX) && (i.tileMap.empty(t + 1, e) || i.tileMap.tiles[t][e] === i.tileMap.tiles[t + 1][e]) }, left: function (t, e) { return !(e - 1 < i.boundaries.minY) && (i.tileMap.empty(t, e - 1) || i.tileMap.tiles[t][e] === i.tileMap.tiles[t][e - 1]) }, right: function (t, e) { return !(e + 1 > i.boundaries.maxY) && (i.tileMap.empty(t, e + 1) || i.tileMap.tiles[t][e] === i.tileMap.tiles[t][e + 1]) } }, this.setup = function () { var i = this, s = e(this.board).width; t(".gameOver").style.display = "none", this.board.style.height = s, [2, 2].map((function (t) { i.generateRandomTile(t) })), this.updateBoard() }, this.generateRandomTile = function (t) { var e = this.tileMap.getRandomAvailableCell(); !1 !== e && this.generateNewTile(e, t) }, this.generateNewTile = function (t, e) { this.tileMap.tiles[t.r][t.c] = e, this.newTilePositions.push(s(t.r, t.c)), this.updateBoard() }, this.updateBoard = function () { var e = this; this.tileMap.tiles.map((function (t, i) { t.map((function (t, n) { if (0 !== t) { var l = e.tileMap.cells[s(i, n)], a = s(i, n), o = ""; -1 === e.newTilePositions.indexOf(a) && 1 !== e.tileMap.merged[i][n] || (o = " pop", e.newTilePositions = e.newTilePositions.filter((function (t) { return t !== a }))), l.innerHTML = '<div class="tile'.concat(o, '" data-value="').concat(t, '">').concat(t, "</div>") } else e.tileMap.cells[s(i, n)].innerHTML = "" })) })), t("#score").innerHTML = this.score }, this.render = function () { var t = this; this.GameOver || (this.moved ? setTimeout((function () { t.updateBoard(), setTimeout((function () { t.generateRandomTile(2), t.ismoving = !1, t.tileMap.resetMerged(), setTimeout((function () { !t.GameOver && t.isgameOver() }), 20) }), 20) }), 100) : this.ismoving = !1) }, this.isgameOver = function () { var t = this; this.GameOver = this.tileMap.tiles.map((function (e, i) { return !e.map((function (e, s) { return !!t.tileMap.empty(i, s) || (t.canMove.up(i, s) || t.canMove.down(i, s) || t.canMove.left(i, s) || t.canMove.right(i, s)) })).every((function (t) { return !1 === t })) })).every((function (t) { return !1 === t })), this.GameOver && this.finish() }, this.finish = function () { t(".gameOver").style.display = "flex" }, this.moveRight = function () { if (!this.ismoving) { var e, i, n; for (this.ismoving = !0, this.moved = !1, e = 0; e < 4; e++)for (i = 2; i >= 0; i--) { var l = 0; if (!this.tileMap.empty(e, i)) { var a = e, o = i, r = t(".tile", this.tileMap.cells[s(a, o)]); for (n = i; n < 3; n++)this.tileMap.empty(e, n + 1) ? (this.tileMap.tiles[e][n + 1] += this.tileMap.tiles[e][n], this.tileMap.tiles[e][n] = 0, this.moved = !0, l += 1) : this.tileMap.merged[e][n] || this.tileMap.merged[e][n + 1] || this.tileMap.tiles[e][n] !== this.tileMap.tiles[e][n + 1] || (this.tileMap.tiles[e][n + 1] += this.tileMap.tiles[e][n], this.tileMap.tiles[e][n] = 0, this.tileMap.merged[e][n + 1] = 1, this.moved = !0, this.score += this.tileMap.tiles[e][n + 1], l += 1); r.style.left = "calc(".concat(l, "*(10px + 100%))") } } this.render() } }, this.moveLeft = function () { if (!this.ismoving) { var e, i, n; for (this.ismoving = !0, this.moved = !1, e = 0; e < 4; e++)for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { var l = 0; if (!this.tileMap.empty(e, i)) { var a = e, o = i, r = t(".tile", this.tileMap.cells[s(a, o)]); for (n = i; n >= 1; n--)this.tileMap.empty(e, n - 1) ? (this.tileMap.tiles[e][n - 1] += this.tileMap.tiles[e][n], this.tileMap.tiles[e][n] = 0, this.moved = !0, l += 1) : this.tileMap.merged[e][n] || this.tileMap.merged[e][n - 1] || this.tileMap.tiles[e][n] !== this.tileMap.tiles[e][n - 1] || (this.tileMap.tiles[e][n - 1] += this.tileMap.tiles[e][n], this.tileMap.tiles[e][n] = 0, this.tileMap.merged[e][n - 1] = 1, this.moved = !0, this.score += this.tileMap.tiles[e][n - 1], l += 1); r.style.left = "calc(".concat(-l, "*(10px + 100%))") } } this.render() } }, this.moveUp = function () { if (!this.ismoving) { var e, i, n; for (this.ismoving = !0, this.moved = !1, i = 0; i < 4; i++)for (e = 1; e < 4; e++) { var l = 0; if (!this.tileMap.empty(e, i)) { var a = e, o = i, r = t(".tile", this.tileMap.cells[s(a, o)]); for (n = e; n >= 1; n--)this.tileMap.empty(n - 1, i) ? (this.tileMap.tiles[n - 1][i] += this.tileMap.tiles[n][i], this.tileMap.tiles[n][i] = 0, this.moved = !0, l += 1) : this.tileMap.merged[n][i] || this.tileMap.merged[n - 1][i] || this.tileMap.tiles[n][i] !== this.tileMap.tiles[n - 1][i] || (this.tileMap.tiles[n - 1][i] += this.tileMap.tiles[n][i], this.tileMap.tiles[n][i] = 0, this.tileMap.merged[n - 1][i] = 1, this.moved = !0, this.score += this.tileMap.tiles[n - 1][i], l += 1); r.style.top = "calc(".concat(-l, "*(10px + 100%))") } } this.render() } }, this.moveDown = function () { if (!this.ismoving) { var e, i, n; for (this.ismoving = !0, this.moved = !1, i = 0; i < 4; i++)for (e = 2; e >= 0; e--) { var l = 0; if (!this.tileMap.empty(e, i)) { var a = e, o = i, r = t(".tile", this.tileMap.cells[s(a, o)]); for (n = e; n < 3; n++)this.tileMap.empty(n + 1, i) ? (this.tileMap.tiles[n + 1][i] += this.tileMap.tiles[n][i], this.tileMap.tiles[n][i] = 0, this.moved = !0, l += 1) : this.tileMap.merged[n][i] || this.tileMap.merged[n + 1][i] || this.tileMap.tiles[n][i] !== this.tileMap.tiles[n + 1][i] || (this.tileMap.tiles[n + 1][i] += this.tileMap.tiles[n][i], this.tileMap.tiles[n][i] = 0, this.tileMap.merged[n + 1][i] = 1, this.moved = !0, this.score += this.tileMap.tiles[n + 1][i], l += 1); r.style.top = "calc(".concat(l, "*(10px + 100%))") } } this.render() } } } window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", (function () { function i() { var t = new l; t.setup(), function (t) { document.addEventListener("keyup", (function (e) { if (t.GameOver) console.log("Game Over!... Try Again..."); else switch (e.key) { case "ArrowUp": t.moveUp(); break; case "ArrowDown": t.moveDown(); break; case "ArrowRight": t.moveRight(); break; case "ArrowLeft": t.moveLeft() } })) }(t), function (t) { if (t.GameOver) console.log("Game Over!... Try Again..."); else { var e = null, i = null; document.addEventListener("touchstart", (function (t) { var s = t.touches[0]; e = s.clientX, i = s.clientY }), !1), document.addEventListener("touchmove", (function (s) { if (e && i) { var n = s.touches[0].clientX, l = s.touches[0].clientY, a = e - n, o = i - l; a < 30 && a > -30 && o < 30 && o > -30 || (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(o) ? a > 0 ? t.moveLeft() : t.moveRight() : o > 0 ? t.moveUp() : t.moveDown(), e = null, i = null) } }), !1) } }(t), document.addEventListener("resize", (function () { t.board.style.height = e(t.board).width })) } t("#replay").addEventListener("click", (function (t) { i() })), i() })) }();