"Confusion" is an emotional sculpture in form of a head with two faces that talks confusions with the spectator when someone touches it´s neurotic brain, by touching it immediately starts sharing its confusion thoughts with you. The sculpture is made with transparent acrylic layers laser and an interactive neurotic plasma brain that speaks when touched.
This artwork is prototyped at the event Creative Code Jam by Berlin OpenTechSchool and exhibited at MAC, Museum of Contemporary Art of Gaz Natural Fenosa in La Coruña, Spain.
More details at http://www.anaisafranco.com/confusion
- Anaisa Franco http://www.anaisafranco.com
- Aravinth Panchadcharam http://aravinth.info
- Rodolfo Acosta Castro
- Video of construction of scuplture
- Materials: Acrylic, plasma ball as a sensor, arduino, mp3 shield, speakers,
- Size: 45x35x40 cm
- weight:15 kilos