version: v0.43.0
- chore(version): bump to version 1.0.0
- chore(getMyCertificates): improve error log
- chore(logs): add logs for fetch certificate
- chore: add blockchain event typing
- chore: add eslint
- chore: update web3 to 1.2.2
- chore(readme): update readme and add arianee doc link
- chore(myexample): put each function in a file
- chore(lint): fix lint and prettier
- chore(lint): add indent in tslint
- chore: parallel test 8 => 4
- chore(tslint): add tslint & tslint check in test
- chore(ci): remove unecessary script
- fix(batch): fix batch script + add example
- fix(createCertificate): return directly deeplink
- fix(proof): Correct message error
- fix(getCertificate): translate certificate only if user query needs content
- fix(query): advanced is always defined in query
- fix(typing): fix typescript error on CertificateSummary
- fix(getIdentity): Fix getIdentity when waiting identity is default
- fix(fromArianeeVault): remove bdhvault in walletBuilder and add a setter in ArianeeWallet
- fix(getMyCertificates): certificates are ordered by date of ownership
- fix(events): pass certificated id to getCertificateTransfertEvents
- fix(getIdentity): fix to be retrocompatible
- fix(getCertificate): waiting identity was always verified=false
- fix(store): change namespace to avoid conflict
- fix(rpc): rpc call throw error if in error to allow get fallback
- fix(deeplink): remove / to mainnet deeplink
- fix: send back address in identity
- fix: change key for fetch with cache
- fix(rpcCache): rpc cache is now based on method and url + add simple cache override
- fix(arianee): a wallet can be instantiate from same arianee lib
- fix(arianee): a wallet can be instantiate from same arianee lib
- fix(identity): identity content interface is updated with v2
- fix: param in myexample.ts
- fix(mainnet): can connect to mainnet even without events
- fix(urlParsed): stop using URL and use parsedURL polyfill
- fix(e2e): add e2e test for create certificate
- feat(createCertificate): Create certificate batch
- feat(getCertificate): return deepLink
- feat(recoverCertificate): issuer can recover certificate
- feat(destroyCertificate): user can destroy a certificate
- feat(web3customProviders): on init can overide web3customprovider
- feat(identity): getIdentity reject if no id and store does not store error.
- feat(getCertificate): rpcEndpoint can be overide in query
- feat(getMyCertificates): language can be chosen in query
- feat(events): create events and store events content in rpc
- feat(transferCertificate): passphrase can only be used once to request certificate
- feat(rewardadresses): reward and bdh reward can be set on init arianee
- feat(createCertificate): method to store content in rpc server
- feat(fromArianeeVault): be able to sign transaction in arianee vault
- feat(getCertificate): add imprint to certificate summary
- feat(getCertificate): query object is every to sub functions
- feat(getCertificate): getMyCertificateIds is stored and can be refresh
- feat(message): get message sender authorization + add/remove sender from blacklist
- feat(proof): Return proof creation timestamp
- feat(store): can pass parameter force refresh to identity
- feat(getCertificate): getCertificate with waiting identity + global option setter
- feat(store): remove http cache on rpc and simple http cache
- feat(eventWatcher): add blockchain event watcher
- feat(store): Add store for web3 call #81
- feat: expose getIdentity method
- feat(chain): return chain name when wallet's current chain is not the same
- feat(send): request poa before send transaction in overridesend
- feat: add timestamp to events
- feat(events): get pending status in arianee events #92
- feat: expose utilsService in wallet
- feat(certificate): certificateSummary has cerficiatedId property
- feat(certificates): certificates are ordered by ownership date desc
- feat(network): arianeejs can be run on arianeeTestnet
- feat(certificate): getMyCertificates groupBy issuers
- feat: rename getAria requestAria getFaucet requestPoa
- feat(certificate): getAllMyCertificate accept query parameters
- feat(init): connectToProtocol is deprecated in favor of init
- feat(certificate): optimize data query
- feat(requestToken): method isRequestable + .call is overiden
- feat(fetch): implement cache manager
- feat(event): can get arianee events #5
- feat(config): faucet url and deepLink in configurations
- feat(createWallet): from mnemonic
- feat(identity): identity return a clean and typed object
- feat(proof): user can read a proof send by an owner #9
- feat(config): get adresses from remote
- feat(transfer): user can make transfer of certificate with passphrase
- feat(readme): make a simple and clear readme
- test(e2e): get identity is not defined in testnet
- test(firefox): e2e test on firefox
- test(getCertificate): create e2e test for waiting identity
- test(eventWatcher): add unit test to eventWatcher
- test(ci): add gitool to project and ci
- test(tnr): test public key private key from same mnemonic
- test(travis): speed up job with caches
- test(uat): improve performance on getAria, getFaucet and browser tests
- test(e2e): add test browser
- docs(changelog): add gt changlog in npm script
- refactor: boolean => extendedBoolean
- refactor: change certificate param => content param in createCertificate
- refactor: isCertificateProofValid return false instead of catch
- refactor: proof link with suffix
- refactor(wallet): remove extends and create a WalletCustomMethods class