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Implementing LROs with `createHttpPoller`

Deyaaeldeen Almahallawi edited this page Mar 8, 2023 · 3 revisions

Implementing Long-Running Operations

Implementing LROs is a daunting task because of the complexity of managing transitions between states and in the same time taking care of behavioral details such as dynamic polling spacing and aborting. To make it easier for client authors to implement LROs, @azure/core-lro exports a function named createHttpPoller that abstracts away all LRO-specific implementation details.


createHttpPoller that constructs a poller from a few pieces, mainly, a way to initialize the operation, a way to poll it, a way to convert the last polling response into a result object, and a way to update the poller state from a polling response. The first two pieces are captured by the first parameter of the function which is of type LongRunningOperation:

export interface LongRunningOperation<T = unknown> {
  requestPath?: string;
  requestMethod?: string;
  sendInitialRequest: () => Promise<LroResponse<unknown>>;
  sendPollRequest: (path: string, options?: { abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike }) => Promise<LroResponse<T>>;

More specifically, those two pieces are the values of sendInitialRequest and sendPollRequest respectively. Note that requestPath and requestMethod are optional properties that are needed by PUT LROs only, in which case, requestPath is the URL path of the resource, and requestMethod is "PUT".

For the last two pieces are options in the options bag which is defined as follows:

export interface CreateHttpPollerOptions<TResult, TState> {
  processResult?: (result: unknown, state: TState) => TResult;
  updateState?: (state: TState, response: LroResponse) => void;
  intervalInMs?: number;
  restoreFrom?: string;
  resourceLocationConfig?: LroResourceLocationConfig;
  withOperationLocation?: (operationLocation: string) => void;
  resolveOnUnsuccessful?: boolean;

More specifically, those two pieces are the values of processResult and updateState respectively. processResult takes the last polling response and the state as input and returns a TResult, which will eventually be returned to the customer when they call poller.pollUntilDone(). updateState can mutate the state with specific information from every polling response such as updating metadata fields (e.g. many operations return a lastUpdatedDateTime field in their polling responses to tell the customer when last time their operation had an activity).

These are the main four pieces of information needed to construct the poller but there are other options that can be used to adjust the poller behavior:

  • intervalInMs: controls the time interval between polling requests
  • restoreFrom: enables creating a poller for an existing operation from a serialized state
  • resourceLocationConfig: controls the polling behavior and typically used only when the LRO swagger extension is used in the swagger
  • withOperationLocation: a callback that gets called every time the operation location header is first returned or updated. This callback is useful to save the operation URL for later use, e.g. get pages from it if the result is pageable
  • resolveOnUnsuccessful: controls whether to throw exceptions when the operation is canceled or failed. Typically needed by REST-level clients (RLCs) only


Please see @azure/ai-language-text for an example of how to use createHttpPoller.

Benefits of using createHttpPoller

  • it is plug-in and forget it setup, with zero maintenance cost on the client author side
  • it provides a good logging experience
  • it is feature-complete
  • it is battle-tested with a comprehensive test suite that has many customer-reported cases and no major gh issue currently open against it
  • it is being used in all types of clients, REST-level, management-plane, data-plane, etc

Migrating existing LROs

Please note that createHttpPoller returns an object of type SimplePollerLike<TResult> which is slightly different from PollerLike<TResult> that many libraries still use. There are a couple of differences between the two interfaces:

  • PollerLike has isCanceled, isFailed, and isCompleted boolean fields but SimplePollerLike has status which is a closed enum of notStarted, running, succeeded, failed, and canceled values. Using status improves the customer experience because it can be consumed by a simple switch statement and typically corresponds directly to a field in the response object with the same name, so no need for the customer to be familiar with how the client interprets the operation's status.
  • PollerLike has a cancelOperation method that is not implemented by the majority of LROs, which is misleading to our customers. SimplePollerLike doesn't have such method but you can always add it to your poller object if one is needed.

To avoid breaking changes, you may want to update the return object from createHttpPoller to be compatible with PollerLike as follows:

  • utilize updateState to add isCanceled, isFailed, and isCompleted fields to your poller state
  • tack on a cancelOperation method