Component | Brank |
CPU | Intel i5 8265U |
iGPU | Intel® UHD Graphics 620 |
Display | 1920x1080 |
Audio | Realtek ALC236 |
Ram | 16 Gb ddr4 2400 Mhz |
Wifi + Bluetooth | BCM943602BAED |
NVMe | Samsung 970 evo plus 512Gb |
SSD | Kingston A400 512gb |
SmBios | MacbookPro 15,2 |
BootLoader | OpenCore |
- Intel UHD 620 iGPU HDMI Output
- ALC236 Internal Speakers
- ALC236 Native Combojack (headphones no work)
- ALC236 HDMI Audio Output
- All USB Ports
- SpeedStep / Sleep / Wake
- I2C Touchpad with gesture
- Brightness Key
- Wi-Fi and Bluetooth BCM943602BAED Module
- Realtek RTL8100 LAN
- USB Cardreader
- ACPI Battery
- Windows boot from OpenCore
- Usb port mapping performed
- Disabled unused device
- Cosmetics DSM in Configplist
in OC Config.plist boot-args sectoin, add alcverbs=1
copy alc-verb executable from AppleALC repository somewhere in your system path (preferable /usr/local/bin)
run this command in terminal anytime to make headphones work
alc-verb 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x20
To switch back to normal speakers from laptop
alc-verb 0x19 SET_PIN_WIDGET_CONTROL 0x0
Note: No longer needed VerbStub.kext and CodecCommander.kext in OC/Kexts. AppleALC only needed.
- Thanks Samnan
Scope (_SB.PCI0.I2C0)
If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
Method (PKGX, 3, Serialized)
Name (PKG, Package (0x03)
PKG [Zero] = Arg0
PKG [One] = Arg1
PKG [0x02] = Arg2
Return (PKG) /* \_SB_.PCI0.I2C0.PKGX.PKG_ */
If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
Method (SSCN, 0, NotSerialized)
Return (PKGX (SSH0, SSL0, SSD0))
If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
Method (FMCN, 0, NotSerialized)
Name (PKG, Package (0x03)
Return (PKG) /* \_SB_.PCI0.I2C0.FMCN.PKG_ */
Scope (TPD0)
If (_OSI ("Darwin"))
Name (OSYS, 0x07DC)
- Acidanthera for OpenCore and all the lovely hackintosh work.
- Apple for macOS;
- Dortania
- Hackintoshlifeit
- rehabman