Please clone to your machine and navigate to the project directory ('bank-challenge').
To run tests, please use 'npm test' in the terminal.
To run the index.js file, please use 'node src/index.js' in the terminal.
Please see below the user stories and domain models I created from the requirements.
User story 1: I want to be able to deposit money into a bank account.
User story 2: I want to be able to withdraw money from a bank account.
User story 3: I want a bank account to store a list of transactions made.
Objects | Properties | Messages | Output |
Account | balance @Integer | deposit(@Integer) | @Void |
transactions @Array[@Transaction] | withdraw(@Integer) | @Void | |
getBalance() | @Integer | ||
getTransactions() | @Array[@Transaction] |
User story 4: I want a transaction to have a date, a type and an amount.
Objects | Properties | Messages | Output |
Transaction | date @Date | getDate() | @Date |
typeOfTransaction @String | getTypeOfTransaction() | @String | |
amount @Integer | getAmount() | @Integer |
User story 5: I want to be able to print a bank account statement containing details of all transactions/each transaction made.
User story 6: I want the most recent transaction to display first.
User story 7: I want the statement to be in reverse chronological order.
User story 8: I want to store the current balance after a transaction is made.
Objects | Properties | Messages | Output |
Statement | print(@Account) | @String | |
- Please Note: for legibility, I have not included all methods of the Statement class in the above domain model. I have included only the main function of the class which is to print a bank account statement.
I am including this to show what my Statement class looked like before I attempted to refactor. For reference only.
Statement Class code snippet (old version, for reference only):
static header = "date || credit || debit || balance ";
creditColumn = ""
debitColumn = ""
currentBalance = 0;
row = [""];
sortedTransactions.forEach(transaction => {
let amount = `${transaction.getAmount().toFixed(2)}`
if (transaction.getTypeOfTransaction() == "Credit") {
creditColumn = Statement.padString(, 7)
debitColumn = Statement.padString(" ", 6)
currentBalance += transaction.getAmount()
if (transaction.getTypeOfTransaction() == "Debit") {
debitColumn = Statement.padString(, 6)
creditColumn = Statement.padString(" ", 7)
currentBalance -= transaction.getAmount()
row.push(`${transaction.getDate().toLocaleDateString("en-GB")} || ${creditColumn} || ${debitColumn} || ${currentBalance} `);
//using reverse() as transactions need to be printed in reverse chronological order, newest to oldest.
//using join() to make row (which is an array of strings) into one big string with new lines.
return header + `\n` + row.reverse().join(`\n`); (Returning values from Jasmine spies)