- Team members:
- Contact person: Tianyang Zhan tzhan@andrew.cmu.edu
- Ruoxin Huang ruoxinh@andrew.cmu.edu
- Amanda Xu xinyix2@andrew.cmu.edu
- Ziming He zimingh@andrew.cmu.edu
- Track: Model
As COVID-19 spread quickly around the world, wearing masks and maintaining social distance have become more and more important as preventive measures. To protect themselves against the disease and reduce transmission, people need to be aware of taking these measures, and avoid scenarios with higher risk of contracting COVID-19. In this project, we solve the problem by dividing it into two parts. In the first part, we allow users to interact with data of percentage of having COVID-19 symptoms and wearing masks in each state. By adjusting parameters, users can construct a scatter plot and two maps showing the correlation between these two factors. These plots will show a negative correlation between them, and convince users the importance of wearing masks. In the second part, we allow users to choose or upload an image, and offer a safety score for the scenario demonstrated in that image. The safety score is based on ratio of people wearing masks and distance among people in the image. To obtain information of mask wearing, we use pretrained models to identify number of faces and number of faces with masks. Then we estimate relative distance between people, and combine them to calculate mask per centimeter as the basis of the score. Users can learn the safety level suggested by the score and whether it is safe to enter. We believe these measures can assist people in protecting themselves and help to combat the disease.
In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, it has been shown that wearing masks is an effective way to prevent the spread of the disease. CDC calls people to wear masks, and masks are required in public transportation and restaurants. Our app aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of wearing masks and show how wearing masks can increase safety levels in real-world scenarios. However, relying on manpower to check whether all people are wearing masks is cumbersome and unrealistic. Thus, it becomes an important task to automatically check whether people are wearing masks under different scenarios. Our project provides a solution by analyzing whether people in a scenario are wearing masks and providing a score to evaluate the safety level of the scene.
As wearing masks has become a suggestive preventive method of COVID-19, researchers have analyzed the effectiveness of mask-wearing. Since transmission might happen before symptoms appear, wearing masks by well people is beneficial to lowering the risk of infection (MacIntyre & Chughtai 2020). Analysis across different continents has also shown the universal effectiveness of mask-wearing (Chu et.al, 2020). Inside the US, the Delphi Group has conducted an analysis on the relationship between masks wearing and infected by Covid, and they found a strong negative relationship (Reinhart, 2020). In the visualization section, we use data collected from surveys conducted by The Delphi Research Group at Carnegie Mellon University and Facebook. These datasets include the percentage of mask-wearing and the percentage of having COVID symptoms for each state (Delphi Research Group, 2020).
Face detection has gained significant consideration over the years as one of the essential topics for many downstream computer vision tasks such as face recognition and image captioning. In recent computer vision research, a lot of study work was proposed in the field of Face Detection to make it more advanced and accurate. Viola and Jones proposed a Haar-based cascade classifier to find locations of the human faces in the input image based on the assumption that human faces share some universal properties like the eyes region is darker than the neighbor pixels (Viola & Jones, 2001). This approach is fast and computationally inexpensive but has the limitation of only able to detect objects with clear edges and lines. Thus, the algorithm is likely to fail when the faces are covered by glasses, masks, or the direction of the face is tilted to the side. Another type of Face Detection system involves more complex deep neural networks that require training on large datasets. MTCNN detector (Zhang, et al., 2016) and ResNet-based model (He, et al. 2015) allow us to draw a bounding box around partially obscured faces at the cost of computational time.
With the COVID-19 pandemic, the branch of Face Mask Detection has gained more focus. Most related research work and open-source projects formulate this task as an image classification problem, where the input is an image containing a single human face, and the output is a binary label of "with_mask" or "without_mask". To enable real-time image and video analysis, some systems are built on top of the MobileNetV2 deep neural network (Sandler, et al. 2019) that achieves the state-of-the-art performance of mobile models on multiple computer vision tasks and benchmarks.
Estimating the distance between objects in a single monocular image is a difficult research area. Many of the researches focus on applications for autonomous drivings, aiming to calculate the distance of the object from the camera using methods like Inverse Perspective Mapping (IPM). Recent developments in computer vision also employ deep learning approaches to predict distance from the monocular camera (Zhu, et al. 2019) (Haseeb, et al. 2019). Other methods involve finding anchor points in the image, mapping them to a plane, calibrate and transform the image, and then calculate the distance between objects as they appear on the plane (open-source project by landing.ai).
In the visualization part of our project, we wish to demonstrate the effectiveness of face masks. We do so by plotting the percentage of the population having COVID symptoms against the percentage of the population wearing masks in each state. First, we create a scatter plot where each point is a state and drew the best fit line to demonstrate the correlation. This plot is created using Streamlit functions and is interactive in that it allows the users to move the plot around and choose the desired timeframe and the state they are interested in. Next, we present two map plots of the USA on the same data to strengthen our claim. The first map visualization colors each state by the percentage of people not wearing masks, while the second plot colors each state by the percentage of people having COVID symptoms. The two maps use identical color schemes to convey the correlation. These plots are produced using Altair plots as they are not directly producible using Streamlit.
To accurately detect all masked and unmasked faces in the input image, we need to combine a Face Detection model with a Mask Detection model into a single pipeline. First, we use the Face Detection model to detect and select bounding boxes B_i around all faces in the input image I. Then for each selected bounding box, we perform image transformation to extract and resize the faces as the input image for the Mask Detection model for classification. Based on the output label and confidence score of the Mask Detection model, we add different colors and text to the bounding boxes on the original image I to generate an output image O. We choose the pre-trained Caffe-based ResNet-10 face detector from the OpenCV library as our Face Detection Model. To reduce computational latency and to support future real-time analysis extensions, we use a MobileNetV2 based face mask classifier from an open-source project pretrained on an face mask image dataset of 3835 real-world images of masked and unmasked faces.
After the face detection model identifies the location of faces with and without masks in the image, we use the bounding boxes as reference objects to calculate the distance in-between each person. Many prior works for distance estimation require either the camera information or perspective photographs with anchor points on the ground for perspective transformation. And the deep learning models often lack training data for distance to human faces in particular. Since many of the images with face masks taken does not have related camera information or ground anchor points, the best method to estimate distance is using the human face dimensions as a reference to estimate the distance. We estimate the distance between the faces' centroids through inverse mapping of the bounding boxes' height and width. We also provided a scaling factor to help the users adjust the result to seem more reasonable. Based on the above method, we calculate the minimum distance between each face and one another.
To provide a safety score for the given scene, we define the safety score as a density measure of masks per centimeters. A face without a mask is assigned a value of high risk, and a face with a mask is assigned a value of low risk. The safety score is calculated as face mask interaction between two faces divided by the distance in between. The safety score is then compared to safety scores calculated with no face masks in the scene and the social distancing recommendation of 6 feet to provide a label of very low, low, average, high, and very high.
In order to demonstrate the importance of wearing masks, we also give the user an option to put masks on people who do not wear masks in the scene and provide an estimation after the change. After the user chooses the option, masks can be overlaid on top of the faces without masks, and a new safety score will be calculated with the new image.
In the visualization section, the best fit line of the scatter plot clearly demonstrates a positive correlation between wearing masks and reduced covid symptoms. The color schemes in the map plots match very closely, implying that in states where people do not wear masks, the chances of having Covid symptoms is higher. Both results show that wearing masks is effective in mitigating the spread of the virus.
In the face mask detection part, the user can either use one of the sample images or upload one of their own images. The face mask detection model will outline faces with and without masks in the image and the distance in between the faces. It will also provide a safety score for the given scene based on the percentage of masks and distance in between. In the final part, the users will see the importance of wearing masks as in most cases, the option of putting masks on will substantially improve the safety score for the given scene.
The visualization part involves the percentage of mask-wearing and having covid symptoms in each state. The interactive elements enable users to investigate data themselves and have a deep understanding of the negative relationship between wearing masks and the spread of the COVID-19 virus. In this way, users will learn the importance of wearing masks in preventing the spread of COVID-19.
In the face mask detection part, users can upload an image and obtain a safety score. The calculation process of the score is transparent to users since users can see mask detection results and distance measure, tune the threshold values, and review the explanations of results. By knowing factors influencing the score, users will better understand the relationship between wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and getting infected. Users are free to choose parameters of face detection threshold and distance scale so that calculations are personalized. With this app, users can know the safety level of different scenarios by uploading an image of the scene to get a score. Consequently, users can avoid unsafe scenes and go to safer ones to protect themselves and control the spread of the disease.
There are several limitations to our current work that we want to improve in future work. In the visualization part, we can incorporate data with a larger time span and finer granularity. Specifically, we can collect the symptom data for each county in the US and make the geographic visualization plot more interactive.
For the mask detection part, we can experiment with different datasets, models, training setups to get better detection accuracy. We also notice some inaccurate distance estimation for faces along the z-dimension of the image. In future work, we can also experiment with complex machine learning models to get more accurate estimations.
Due to the time constraint on this project, we narrow down the scope of the app from real-time video analysis to single image analysis. But our selected model fully satisfies the latency requirement for video processing. In future work, we can extend the app to support static image and video analysis as well as real-time video analysis. This can expand the use case of our app and allow us to develop mobile apps and embedded software for public surveillance systems to monitor and evaluate COVID safety levels in various locations.
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