The code for this exercise can be found in exercises/2-variables/
You can manually run your code by clicking the play button, or:
$ cd ~/Desktop/2024-autumn-python-intro/exercises/2-variables
$ python3 {FILE_NAME}.py
Task file:
Have a look at the code, and see if you can work guess what the function will print out! Then uncomment the print statement, and check if you were right :)
Expected output:
$ python3
{mysterious number}
Task file:
You are given two variables 'radius' and 'height' which are radius and height of a cone. Using the formula ( Pi* r^2 *h)/3
, can you find the volume of the cone?
Print the height, radius and volume, rounded to the nearest whole number.
Hint: Do you remember what data type we use for decimals?
Expected output:
$ python3
Radius of the cone = 3
Height of the cone = 6
Task file:
Write a program that determines how many bowls of ramen a restaurant can make from the given sheets of seaweed. A bowl of ramen must have 3 sheets of seaweed, no more, no less!
Your output can look like this:
$ python3
How many sheets of seaweed: 7
The number of ramen: 2
Hint: Do you remember how to get a whole number while dividing?