There are two parts to this Operator. The CRDs (ChiaCA, ChiaFarmer, ChiaNode, etc.) and the actual operator manager Deployment and related objects. You can install these components in two methods, either by cloning the repository and generating the manifests yourself with kustomize, or with kubectl apply
on the generated manifests on releases.
Install the latest CRDs:
kubectl apply --server-side -f
NOTE: In 0.12.0 it became necessary to server-side apply the custom resource definitions.
Install the latest controller manager:
kubectl apply -f
If you have the Prometheus Operator installed in your cluster and would like to use the bundled ServiceMonitor to scrape chia-operator metrics:
kubectl apply -f
This ServiceMonitor is installed in the same namespace as chia-operator, so it will only work in Prometheus Operator configurations that can load ServiceMonitors from any namespace, and also don't have any ServiceMonitorSelectors set.
Clone this repository (and change to its directory):
git clone
cd chia-operator
You're currently on the main branch which defaults to the latest versions of this operator, chia, and all sidecars (chia-exporter, chia-healthcheck, etc.) You can switch to the latest release tag for a more stable experience:
git checkout $(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)
Install the CRDs:
make install
Deploy the operator:
make deploy