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91 lines (79 loc) · 3.84 KB


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Kanon is an event-driven network library written in C++11(Support TCP only). The library must be be used in linux or unix-like platform(since depends on the API of them). Therefore, the event-handling is synchronized-unblocking(poll() or epoll()). Due to this feature, it is natural to implement the network module of library in the reactor design pattern. Also in order to take the advantage of the mutil-core machine, the library can start many thread, and the main thread accept connection, other threads(IO threads) handle IO events, that including receiving messages, processing messages, sending messages, etc. This is called as multi-reactor.

In addition, the library also implements other useful components:

  • log module(terminal/file/async logging)
  • thread module(Pthread: mutex, condition variable, etc.)
  • string module(lexical_stream, string_view, etc.)
  • util module(down_pointer_cast, make_unique(c++11), etc.)

These modules can be reuse in other places also.


The library is built by cmake.

The cmake minimum version I set is 3.10, but I don't know which command is also allowed under 3.10. But it is best that you ensure the cmake version is 3.10 at least.

If you use Ubuntu OS, you can install cmake by following command:

$ sudo apt install cmake

Then, build kanon by following commands:

# ${USER_ROOT_DIR} is ~ usually.
$ cd ${USER_ROOT_DIR}/kanon
$ mkdir build && cd build
# Options:
# Setting BUILD_STATIC_LIB can choose to generate shared libaray(.so) or static libaray(.a)(default: OFF)
# Setting BUILD_ALL_TESTS can choose whether to generate tests or not(default: OFF)
# Setting BUILD_ALL_EXAMPLES can choose whether to generate example or not(default: OFF)
$ cmake ..
# -j specify the number of concurrent jobs
# You can set it according to the core number of your machine
$ cmake --build . --target all -j 2
  • The default generator is Unix Makefiles, you can change it to other also.For example, Ninja which I'm using. The command line argument as following:
cmake -G Ninja ...
  • The default build type is Release, if you want to build Debug mode, you can input following command:
$ cmake .. -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ...
  • The default output directory of library is ${USER_ROOT_DIR}/kanon/build/lib.
  • The output directory of tests is ${USER_ROOT_DIR}/kanon/build/test
  • The output directory of examples is ${USER_ROOT_DIR}/kanon/build/examples

After build, you can install headers to /usr/include/, and install libraries to /usr/lib default.

# In ${USER_ROOT_DIR}/kanon/build
$ cmake --install .

You can change the install directory of libraries to other by the following command:

# ${INSTALL_DIR_YOU_WANT} is the install directory of lib you want
$ cmake --install . --prefix ${INSTALL_DIR_YOU_WANT}


The simple example is daytime server. According the daytime protocol, we just register the OnConnection callback.

void OnConnection(TcpConnectionPtr const& conn)
  conn->SetWriteCompleteCallback([](TcpConnectionPtr const& conn) {


Besides, you also can register OnMessage callback to process message from peer, etc. You can know them in tcp_connection.h. Other examples in example directory.


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