release-162 - 2024-12-09
- NRMI-78: release notes feature
- NRMI-84: fix for optional FDL fields with depends_on
release-161 - 2024-11-25
- NRMI-76: Make name mandatory when adding a new user
- NRMI-9: Add edit notification functionality
release-160 - 2024-10-28
- NRMI-10: Added past notifications log
release-159 - 2024-10-07
- NRMI-28: Change notification banner to details component
- NRMI-27: Resize admin notification message text box
release-158 - 2024-08-19
- RMI-691: get framework lots
- RMI-692: get agreement framework lots
release-157 - 2024-07-25
- RMI-701: Further improvements to frontend task history load time
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails from to
- [Snyk] Upgrade rexml from 3.2.6 to 3.2.8
- [Snyk] Upgrade nokogiri from 1.16.2 to 1.16.5
- [Snyk] Upgrade rexml from 3.2.8 to 3.3.2
- [Snyk] Upgrade actiontext and actionpack from to
- [Snyk] Security upgrade sprockets-rails from 3.4.2 to 3.5.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade zipp from 3.15.0 to 3.19.1
release-156 - 2024-06-20
- RMI-684: set up api key authentication and v2 get endpoint for users
- RMI-685: v2 get endpoint for suppliers
- RMI-686: v2 get endpoint for memberships
- RMI-689: v2 get endpoint for agreements
- RMI-693: v2 get endpoint for customers
- RMI-690: v2 get endpoint for frameworks
- RMI-700: Speed up loading time for completed tasks page in supplier frontend
release-155 - 2024-05-28
- RMI-698: fix create user issue
release-154 - 2024-05-23
- RMI-625: Workday invoice number integration
- RMI-592: Allow suppliers to see replaced submissions info
- RMI-671: Ruby upgrade from 3.1.4 to 3.2.2 and Sidekiq pro from 7.1.5 to 7.2.0
- RMI-694: Prevent existing users from being linked to no suppliers
- RMI-695: Force new users to be linked to at least 1 supplier when manually created
- RMI-696: Add new sheet name patterns
release-153 - 2024-03-07
- RMI-652: notification banner
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.15 to 5.65.16
- [Snyk] Upgrade govuk-frontend from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rspec-rails from 6.0.3 to 6.0.4
- [Snyk] Security upgrade sidekiq-cron from 1.10.1 to 1.11.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails_event_store from 2.12.1 to 2.13.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade factory_bot_rails from 6.2.0 to 6.3.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade puma from 5.6.7 to 5.6.8
- [Snyk] Security upgrade net-http from 0.3.2 to 0.4.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails from 7.1.0 to
- [Snyk] Security upgrade actionpack from 7.1.0 to
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails_event_store from 2.11.1 to 2.13.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rack from 3.0.8 to
release-152 - 2024-01-18
- RMI-658: allow admin users to update user names
release-151 - 2023-12-13
- RMI-673: update maintenance mode page
- GMTRP-63: Fix for missing Linux container image security updates in aws instance
release-150 - 2023-12-07
- RMI-670: set up maintenance mode page
release-149 - 2023-10-26
- RMI-646: enable encryption on traffic between front-end and API layer
- RMI-649: enable RMI apps to be run within Jenkins using docker
- RMI-657: python upgrade from 3.7.x to 3.8.x
- [Snyk] Security upgrade puma from 5.6.4 to 5.6.7
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails from to
- [Snyk] Security upgrade skylight from 5.3.4 to 6.0.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade sidekiq-cron from 1.2.0 to 1.3.0 and upgrade sidekiq and sidekiq-pro to 7.1.5
- RMI-654: Upgrade to jquery3
release-148 - 2023-09-07
- RMI-631: add submitter details to Frontend view completed task page
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.13 to 5.65.14
- RMI-647: View completed task page (Frontend) should still display given failed Workday call
release-147 - 2023-08-15
- RMI-627: Improve loading time of supplier URN list page
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails_event_store from 2.0 to 2.10
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails from 7.0.4 to + jquery-rails from 4.4.0 to 4.5.0 + various minor version bumps
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.12 to 5.65.13
- RMI-637: fix for GPG error in build
release-146 - 2023-07-06
- RMI-427: Workday invoice number integration
- RMI-606: Searchable URN table
release-145 - 2023-06-22
- RMI-620: Rails upgrade from to 7 and Ruby upgrade from 2.7 to 3.1.4
release-144 - 2023-06-12
- RMI-618: updated ingest error handling
release-143 - 2023-05-25
- RMI-616: Upgrade csvkit from 1.0.5 to 1.1.1
release-142 - 2023-05-11
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails from to
- RMI-601: Fix for supplier page pagination issue
- RMI-602: Workday endpoint update
release-141 - 2023-04-27
- RMI-596: Fix for reversal invoices not generating when Workday API fails
release-140 - 2023-03-30
- RMI-587: Fix for pagination counteracting filtering in admin supplier page
- RMI-549: Imporvements to URN page
- [Dependabot] Bump rack from 2.2.5 to
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.11 to 5.65.12
release-139 - 2023-03-09
- RMI-589: Set sidekiq buildpacks in manifest to fix builds
release-138 - 2023-02-16
- RMI-502: Fix for workday transaction not being reversed
- RMI-573: Stop sending revenue category information to Workday
- RMI-579: Make Workday use 'Ship To' address
- RMI-582: Fix for blanks on completed tasks page
- RMI-583: Fix for discrepency between completed tasks and individual completed task view.
- [Security] Bump globalid from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1
release-137 - 2023-01-19
- RMI-527: Change task sort order for supplier home page
- RMI-577: create task page improvements
- RMI-517: prevent admins from creating manual tasks dated in the future.
- RMI-530: Edits to "OtherFields" sheet name allowlist
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.10 to 5.65.11
release-136 - 2023-01-05
- RMI-553: Add status filter to Unfinished Tasks page and sort table by supplier name (A-Z)
- RMI-9: Report success/failure of bulk user upload in admin UI
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.9 to 5.65.10
- [Dependabot] Bump rails-html-sanitizer from 1.4.3 to 1.4.4
- [Snyk] Security upgrade sass-rails from 5.1.0 to 6.0.0
- [Snyk] Bump loofah from 2.18.0 to 2.19.1
release-135 - 2022-12-08
- RMI-554: Replace the term framework with agreement in views
- RMI-30: Update the Suppliers Page - Tasks tab - to include "Replaced" tasks
- [Snyk] Security upgrade ruby from 2.7.5 to 2.7.6
release-134 - 2022-11-10
- RMI-559: Fix accessibility issues on Framework and Supplier pages
release-133 - 2022-11-02
- RMI-401: Replaced UI instaces of "Framework" with "Agreement", to web pages, or where it will be seen on the site.
- RMI-33: New supplier's agreements page
- RMI-419: Added status filtering for supplier's Agreements page
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.7 to 5.65.9
- RMI-525: Update travis yaml for postgres 11
- [Snyk] Upgrade rubbyXL and nokogiri
release-132 - 2022-08-16
- RMI-508: allow admin users to dowload customer effort scores
- RMI-513: update FDL and management charge calculator to support new levy model
- RMI-519: Fix for submissions not exported in the invoices / contracts extracts and missing management_charge in staging entries
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.6 to 5.65.7
release-131 - 2022-07-28
- RMI-518: Removed BigDecimal gem and upgraded shoulda-matchers to address warnings in logs
- RMI-501: Updates to staging table for overnight export process
- [Snyk] Upgrade jbuilder, spring-watcher-listen and skylight
- [Dependabot] Bump tzinfo from 1.2.9 to 1.2.10
- Amended url in sandbox workday xml file
release-130 - 2022-07-14
- RMI-341: Created mechanism to measure customer effort score
- [Snyk] Security upgrade rails from to
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.5 to 5.65.6
- [Dependabot] Bump rails-html-sanitizer from 1.4.2 to 1.4.3
release-129 - 2022-06-23
- Upgrade Ruby from 2.7.4 to 2.7.5
- Bump jmespath from 1.5.0 to 1.6.1
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.4 to 5.65.5
release-128 - 2022-05-26
- [Snyk] Upgrade Rails from to
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.1 to 5.65.3
- Upgrade Puma from 5.6.2 to 5.6.4
- Upgrade Ruby from 2.6.8 to 2.7.4
- RMI-479: Added check in FDL semantic checker for number of variables
release-127 - 2022-02-24
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.65.0 to 5.65.1
- [Snyk] Upgrade Rails from to
- [Snyk] Upgrade Puma from 5.5 to 5.6
release-126 - 2022-02-03
- RMI-494: Fixed nav menu dropdown
- RMI-480: Enable Sidekiq pro
- Increses GPaaS Memory Limit for API App.
release-125 - 2022-01-27
- [Snyk] Upgrade azure-storage-blob from 2.0.1 to 2.0.3
- RMI-473: Allow secret URNs to be added to URN list in the database
- RMI-495: Ruby version bumped to 2.6.8
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror to 5.65.0
- [Snyk] Security upgrade sidekiq from 6.2.2 to 6.4.0
release-124 - 2021-11-25
- [Snyk] Upgrade codemirror from 5.62.0 to 5.63.3
- [Snyk] Upgrade govuk-frontend from 3.13.0 to 3.14.0
- RMI-471: Updated sidekiq default disk quota.
- RMI-467: Updated sort.
- RMI-474: Update whitelist sheets.
release-123 - 2021-10-14
- RMI-411: Implement updated levy charge model
- RMI-424: Fix for tasks pagination bug
- RMI-441: Fix for Data Warehouse exports missing fields bug
- RMI-417: Status filter in frameworks tab on supplier page
- RMI-356: Unfinished tasks page
release-122 - 2021-09-16
- RMI-358: Status filter on frameworks page
- RMI-408: Truncate exported strings
- RMI-318: Framework filter on tasks tab in supplier page
- RMI-425: Update travis env variable
- Snyk: Upgrade codemirror from 5.62.0 to 5.62.3
- Snyk: Sidekiq upgrade
release-121 - 2021-08-05
- RMI-317: Paginate admin supplier page.
- RMI-349: Update Ruby To 2.6.6. from 2.5.8
- RMI-316: Use tabs on admin supplier page
- RMI-359: Add status filter to users tab of supplier page
- RMI-360: Update buildpack version.
release-120 - 2021-06-03
- RMI-345: set up conclave branch to deploy rmi-conclave integration work to preprod env
- RMI-343: Update Ruby version from 2.5.7 to 2.5.8 (minor update).
- RMI-36: Backend dependancy for front-end filtering (adds a paramter dig to the tasks controller).
- Snyk & dependabot fixes/updates.
release-119 - 2021-04-01
- RMI-319: Moved 'Add Tasks' button.
- Update mime0magic dependancy gem.
- RMI-303: Added partial index on invoice entry types
release-118 - 2021-03-18
- RMI-27: Removed Beta Banner.
release-117 - 2021-03-04
- RMI-282: Added field mapping validator to prevent fields failing to export.
- RMI-45: Added transpiler errors for when a field in a multi-column management charge block is missing or begins with a wildcard.
- RMI-313: gem update to resolve dependabot alert
release-116 - 2021-02-11
- RMI-38: Remove Coda References
- RMI-31: Access MI templates through link, on the FDL framework page.
- RMI-301: Refactor deploy script and add rolling deployment for fix zero downtime deploy.
release-115 - 2021-01-21
- RMI-281: Added a new Notify download for unfinished submissions
release-114 - 2021-01-07
- RMI-5: Fix: 'Additional' (not known) fields should now be transpiled correctly, when used with 'depends_on', and ultimately ingested.
release-113 - 2020-12-16
- RMI-25: Updating 'Lots' block in FDL now reflecting in database. Removing lots with active agreements triggers an alert.
- RMI-280: Excluded inactive users from "Download users on a framework" CSV export
release-112 - 2020-12-10
- RMI-12: Fix: If ingested document contains a field with 'E' in (e.g. 705E01510602), it is not converted to number, which causes a stuck submission.
release-111 - 2020-11-26
- Fix: ensure invalid dates trigger error message
- RMI-275: Fix: Add to travis.yml and to accomodate and add Preproduction to the Travis/Github infrastructure.
- RMI-243: Feature: Add auto-fail ingestions stuck in processing after 24hrs feature, inside the users_controller.rb file, index method. Also add conditional and comment.
release-110 - 2020-11-11
- Work required for RMI-242
- Bump rails from to
- [Security] Bump actionview dependency from to
- Fix: templates now keep their original file extension
- Admin template uploads restricted to .xls and .xlsx files
release-109 - 2020-11-09
- Changed link to endpoint documentation in README
- Added SimpleCov and Code Climate to Travis build
- Change to pull request template
release-108 - 2020-10-08
- Update Travis credentials, from dxw to ccs (password & username).
- Bump csvkit version from 1.0.4 to 1.0.5
- Missed excel validations now raise error
release-106 - 2020-09-14
- Add Splunk to manifest to enable monitoring
release-105 - 2020-07-14
- Reject submission spreadsheets that are missing sheets required by the framework
release-104 - 2020-06-23
- [Security] Bump puma from 3.12.4 to 3.12.6
- [Security] Bump kaminari from 1.1.1 to 1.2.1
- [Security] Bump rack from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
- [Security] Upgrade to Rails
- URN list importer replaces rather than appends
- Simplify notify CSV uploads
- Bulk remove suppliers from framework lots
- Allow deactivating suppliers on frameworks in bulk
- Deactivate suppliers when removing them from all their lots
- Admins can download suppliers and users on a framework
- Admins can download suppliers and their lots for a given framework
release-103 - 2020-03-26
- [Security] Upgrade to Rails
- Whitelist "Utility Spend" as an OtherFields sheet name
release-102 - 2020-03-17
- Allow admins to create tasks up to 10 years in the past
release-101 - 2020-03-12
- [Security] Bump puma from 3.12.2 to 3.12.4
- [Security] Bump rake from 12.3.2 to 13.0.1
- [Security] Bump omniauth from 1.9.0 to 1.9.1
- Don't calculate management charge if wrong state
release-100 - 2020-02-27
- Allow management charge combinations of 'varies_by' and 'of'
- Fix: Due dates are correctly calculated as the 5th working day of the month
- Fix: Decimal fields containing 'N/A'-like values are no longer valid
- Fix: Interpret integer management charge percentages correctly
release-99 - 2020-02-18
- Add OtherFields to FDL, ingest and export
- Fixed a Customer URN issue where a spreadsheet cell would be marked as valid if it started with a valid URN (e.g. "123456 Hey Duggee")
release-98 - 2020-01-23
- Bulk user import runs as a background job
release-97 - 2020-01-15
- Fix: Restore column order for the submissions export
release-96 - 2020-01-07
- Data warehouse export hits IOPS read limit every time it is run (Speed up DataWarehouseExport.generate!)
release-95 - 2019-12-19
- Multi-column management charge calculation
- Upgrade to Ruby 2.5.7
- Validate multi-column management charge calcs
- Add missing database indexes
- Add 'maintenance_work_mem' setting for Postgres
- [Security] Bump simple_form from 4.1.0 to 5.0.0
- [Security] Bump puma from 3.11.4 to 3.12.2
- Support integer column headings in management charge calculation
- Fix multi-column management charge calculation
- [Security] Bump rack from 2.0.7 to 2.0.8
- Pin bundler to 2.0.2 and do not update rubygems
release-94 - 2019-11-14
- Run the daily data warehouse export at 20:30
- Don’t retry ingestion job when submission has been marked as ingest_failed
- [Security] Bump loofah from 2.2.3 to 2.3.1
- Ensure only valid ISO8601 dates are parsed and converted
release-93 - 2019-11-06
- Ingest doesn't error if running total encounters a nil value
- Allow update template to fail gracefully if a template file is forgotten
release-92 - 2019-10-24
- Performance improvements to avoid large returns taking down the service, increased work_mem for postgres, and added a new column called
release-91 - 2019-10-15
- A new script to clean up incorrect URNs created after a Customer with a URN of 0 was mistakenly added to the database; this time in SQL
- A script to backfill all management_charge_total for Submissions, again in SQL because the script in the previous release was not performant
release-90 - 2019-10-14
- Clean up incorrect URNs created after a Customer with a URN of 0 was mistakenly added to the database
- Add management_charge_total for Supplier and backfill for troublesome clients with large returns
- Calculate management charge and send invoice for returns where total_send is 0 but management_charge is non-zero
release-89 - 2019-09-19
- Allow -f command-line switch to work in CF/
- Reduce Sidekiq's memory usage
- Deploy two separate instances of Sidekiq, one for each queue
- Move ingest jobs into a separate 'ingest' queue
- Use the API_ROLLBAR user service for rollbar environment variables
- Increase Sidekiq memory from 8192M to 16384M (already applied to prod)
release-88 - 2019-08-30
- Reduce Sidekiq concurrency from 30-5 to prevent concurrency errors during busy ingest periods
- Align Puma, Sidekiq and Database concurrency to avoid database connection errors
- Documentation for how user logins work
release-87 - 2019-08-29
- Add some security-related HTTP response headers
- Creating users in Auth0 no longer fails if the local user is missing
- Deactivated users are reactivated with through the bulk upload feature
release-86 - 2019-08-27
- Use Docker exclusively to manage the dev environment
- Support multiple parent fields with
in FDL - Import FDL from the filesystem into the database
- Fix the database seed data to match current validation rules
release-85 - 2019-08-22
- Allow editing of definition for published frameworks
- [Security] Bump nokogiri from 1.10.3 to 1.10.4
- Remove support for loading framework definitions from filesystem. Validate the presence of a framework's definition source.
release-84 - 2019-08-19
- (chore) Copy filesystem FDL into the database
- (fix) Disable in2csv's type inference, as it can mis-infer
- (fix) Align development Python version with that of production
- Validate presence of salesforce_id on suppliers
- (chore) Amend the docs for getting production DB backups
- (fix) Don't use gzip when importing database backups
- (chore) Update the DB restoration docs to work on Docker
- (fix) Make db:restore work under Docker
- (chore) Update documentation for grabbing a database dump
- (chore) Fresh docker builds will provision node_module dependencies
- (chore) Only build the docker image for the codebase once
- (fix) Docker setup script treated as a shell file
- (chore) Add a pull request template for GitHub
- (chore) Update the default ENV variables
release-83 - 2019-08-02
- fix: A tool to allow us to resynchronise user details between the API's User table and the canonical source within Auth0, this will allow the recently onboarded users (added directly to auth0) to sign into the frontend and see their tasks
- chore: Docker uses the latest version of Yarn and commits
to the lock file - chore: when running as a container this application can be connected to by the frontend for data
release-82 - 2019-07-31
- Fix sanitisation of FDL that was causing
to be replaced with_
in framework names - Use
environment variable rather thanAUTH0
release-81 - 2019-07-01
- Use GPaaS-compatible method for user to download their submissions
- FDL: Extra error reporting when creating new frameworks
- Update RM3786 and RM6060 frameworks
release-80 - 2019-06-20
- Revert JWT for API authentication. Fixes infinite redirect.
release-79 - 2019-06-19
- Fix/known field missing should be transpiler error
- Address CVE-2015-9284
- Allow admins to generate tasks for suppliers
- API expects a JSON Web Token for authentication
release-78 - 2019-06-10
- Remove erroneous optional fields from RM3756's FDL
release-77 - 2019-06-06
- Fix discrepancies in optional fields between FDL and the templates
release-76 - 2019-05-24
- FDL: Make fields used by management charge calculation mandatory
- Corrupted files halt ingest
- Rows that contain only white-space are skipped
- Submissions with missing columns halt ingest
- Admin: Late notifications exclude suppliers with no late tasks
- FDL: Make lots block mandatory, and move to above field defs
- Revert validation error message for blank fields
release-75 - 2019-05-23
- Bug: Bulk supplier import doesn't reject CSVs uploaded from Windows
- Admin: Bulk import users
release-74 - 2019-05-21
- Load frameworks from the database
- Ensure deleted scheduled jobs are removed from Redis
- FDL: Additional fields should allow 'depends_on' validation
- FDL: Use code editor when editing framework definitions
- Admin: Tasks show total and management charge
- Admin: Bulk import suppliers
- Admin: Update URN list
release-73 - 2019-05-14
- Use new ingest by default
- Allow admins to publish new frameworks
- Remove unused QueueSizeMetricJob
- Admin app shows and sorts frameworks by short_name
release-72 - 2019-05-08
- Make admin submission file downloads compatible with GPaaS
- Ingest fetches files using ActiveStorage, for GPaaS compatibility
- Admin can add/edit framework template file
release-71 - 2019-04-30
- Prevent ingest from attempting to convert non-existent sheets
- Change daily data warehouse export to run at 22:30 London time
- Calculate management charge when all entries are valid
- Allow Sidekiq (background jobs) concurrency to be controlled independently
release-70 - 2019-04-29
- Allow FDL to validate blank Framework#name
- Explicitly call Rails.logger on Framework#update/create_from_fdl
- Prevent editing of published frameworks
- Add travis
- New Python + Ruby ingest implementation
- FDL validates the lack of an invoicevalue or contractvalue
- Replace Data Warehouse Export S3 upload with Azure
- New ingest can be enabled with an environment variable
- Send credit notes of greater than 5k as draft to workday
- Update Workday to support sandbox and production tenants
release-69 - 2019-04-24
- Upgrade to ruby 2.5.5
- Switch RMI to using FDL definitions instead of Ruby framework definitions
- Load ENV variables from VCAP services (GPAAS)
- Update bundler to 2.0.1
- Run brakeman in a separate process
- [Security] Bump nokogiri from 1.10.1 to 1.10.3
- Adding and editing FDL
- Delete Ruby versions of Framework Definitions
release-68 - 2019-04-11
- translate all existing frameworks to fdl
- GPAAS support for s3 buckets
release-67 - 2019-04-10
- Data migration to correct truncated Digital Marketplace Service IDs
- 'Digital Marketplace Service ID' should be exported to ProductCode
- Remove space in RM1043.5
Invoice Date
export - Fix exports_to: "Invoice Date"
- Configure Service Connection Environment variables for GPAAS
- Data migration to convert incorrect date formats to dd/mm/yyyy
- Rake task to allow us to re-export everything
release-66 - 2019-04-04
- Fix snags in RM3788 framework definition
- DependentFieldInclusionValidation is case insensitive
- Parse FDL framework short names with roman numerals
- Fix typo in RM1557vii / G Gloud 7
- Remove redundant guard on event
release-65 - 2019-04-03
- Prevent duplicate submission entries being saved in bulk request
- Fix validation snags in RM1557vii and RM3788
- Fix framework lot names for RM3767
- FDL: Prevent string values being coerced into integers
- BUG: Fix reversal invoice creation
release-64 - 2019-04-01
- Submission factories more accurately reflect reality
- Admin can edit supplier with blank CODA reference
- FDL: Support combining lookups
- Fix framework definitions to match Excel templates
release-63 - 2019-03-28
- Admin user can edit supplier details
- Fix a bug in 'Correct US date formats in submission entries'
release-62 - 2019-03-28
- Add data migration for importing March 2019 customers
- FDL: Support for Lot Number definitions
- Correct US date formats in submission entries
- Loosen Coda reference validation
- April Supplier onboarding
- Use FDL definition for RM6060
release-61 - 2019-03-27
- April onboarding part 1: add framework definitions to API
- Daily generation and upload of data warehouse export to S3
- FDL supports dependent field lookups
- Correct sidekiq_schedule.yml
- Add lots to new seeded frameworks
- Fixed bug: FDL <-> Original RB framework comparisons invalid
- FDL supports various field length validations
- Record correction submitter in Workday reversal invoice and reversal invoice adjustment
release-60 - 2019-03-25
- FDL: Add ContractFields class for RM3772
- Incomplete correction submission available to FE
- Incomplete correction can be cancelled
- FDL: Validators favour case-insensitive inclusion
- Admins can view submission errors
release-59 - 2019-03-20
- Rename two suppliers on RM1070 and RM1043.5
- FDL Management Charge support
- Customer sector-based management charge support
- 5c Data Warehouse is updated about replacement submissions
release-58 - 2019-03-14
- Bump rails from to
- Reversal Invoice is submitted to Workday on a submission replaced by a correction
- Generate data warehouse exports incrementally
release-57 - 2019-03-13
- Refactored column-based management charge calculator
- Added Lookup (product-tables) support to FDL
- Added NULL constraint to protect against submissions without associated tasks
- Admin user can download CSV files for sending notifications via GOV.UK Notify
release-56 - 2019-03-12
- Supplier can correct a submission by uploading an MI return
- Configure
for caching in the test environment - Use
everywhere - Update Task request spec to prevent intermittent failures
- Simplify Task#completed_or_latest_scope
release-55 - 2019-03-11
- Ensure completed submissions are always the active one.
release-54 - 2019-03-07
- Update overdue user notification CSV generation to match new GOV.UK Notify templates
- Added first version of Framework Definition Language (FDL) for defining frameworks, with CM/OSG/05/3565 fully defined
release-53 - 2019-03-07
- Updated management charge calculations for RM6060 (calculated against a column other than the total value)
- Update Google Oauth2 to new recommended endpoints (not Google+!)
release-52 - 2019-03-05
- Expose temporary_download_url on submission files
release-51 - 2019-03-04
- Data migration: update Customer (URN) list
- Generate CSV for monthly task notification emails
- Supplier can replace submission for no business
release-50 - 2019-02-28
- Onboarding of RM6060
- Updated API endpoint for tasks to expose extra data on the latest submission
- Re-instating January tasks for CM/OSG/05/3565
- Performance improvements to tasks#index (reduced n+1 queries)
release-49 - 2019-02-26
- Admin user can deactivate and activate suppliers on frameworks
- Added code to automate generation of the list of users with late tasks
- Updated API endpoints for replacing a return with a no-business return
- Simplified scheduling of monthly tasks
- Removed redundant dependent field validations
- Improved setup documentation
release-48 - 2019-02-20
- Supplier can view list of history of tasks
- Data migration: Delete 'test supplier' from prod
release-47 - 2019-02-19
- ActiveJob exceptions are sent to Rollbar
- Optimise memory usage on data warehouse exports
- Refactor creation of user to catch Auth0 exceptions more reliably
release-46 - 2019-02-14
- Clean up the admin application
- Being able to charge the correct management charge for RM858, RM3710
- RUN ON PRODUCTION: remove submissions without task and associated models, this should have been released in release 45 but wasn't actually merged
release-45 - 2019-02-13
- Task list should show period_date
- RUN ON PRODUCTION: remove submissions without task and associated models
- RM858 and RM3710 changes to DW export
- Reinstate validations on remaining October frameworks (2/2)
- Users should be soft deleted
- Remove Docker configuration for local development
- Add developer strategy to API/omniauth so that development doesn't require Google auth setup per-developer
release-44 - 2019-02-11
- Admin app see status of submission
- Admin app download submission file
release-43 - 2019-02-07
- Reinstated validations on some October frameworks:
- CM/OSG/05/3565
- RM1031
- RM1070
- RM3710
- RM3754
- RM3767
- Send the submitter name to Workday
- Do not send an invoice to Workday if the total spend is 0
- Invoices are submitted to Workday in 'Approved State'
- Invoice Adjustments (invoices that have a negative management charge) are submitted to Workday as 'credit'
- Submit Revenue Category and Tax Code IDs to Workday
- Fixed a bug in the dependent field inclusion validator that meant some submissions were stuck processing if the dependent field or its parent field were missing
release-42 - 2019-01-31
- Added Workday invoice adjustment (AKA credit note) generation code
- Capture the user that creates submissions
- Capture the user that completes a submission
- Report created_by, submitted_by, and submitted_at for submissions to data warehouse
- Remove unnecessary AWS credentials from configuration
- Added Suppliers section to admin section
- Added product table validations
release-41 - 2019-01-24
- Added Workday invoice generation code
- Added new SubmissionInvoice model to storing reference for Workday invoices
- Switched to using IAM role on the container for AWS API authentication
- Fixed bug caused by double-clicking during submission
release-40 - 2019-01-14
- Lock scoping of user/task/submissions to current user
- Report background job queue size to AWS
- Update code linting library and configuration
release-39 - 2019-01-09
- Make the "no business" API endpoint idempotent
- Ensure the temporary generated password complies with the Auth0 criteria
- Ensure users do not get persisted without an Auth0 account
- Fix submission_stats rake task year bug
- Remove unused aws-sdk-lambda gem
release-38 - 2019-01-03
- Add skylight sidekiq support
- Use bulk SQL insertion to improve ingest performance
release-37 - 2018-12-20
- Add endpoint to allow bulk loading of submission entries to prevent the API server becoming swamped with requests from ingest
- Prevent admins from creating users with duplicate email addresses (with differing case)
release-36 - 2018-12-20
- Add rake task to create monthly tasks, triggered on schedule on AWS
- Add DATABASE_POOL_SIZE environment variable which controls the size of the database pool and Sidekiq's concurrency
release-35 - 2018-12-19
- Updates to admin layout and markup
- Enhanced validations for RM858 and RM3710
- RM1043.5 (DOS3) supplier onboarding
release-34 - 2018-12-17
- Add framework definition for RM1043.5 (aka DOS 3)
- Data migration to set lots and coda ref on DOS3
- Add Skylight
- Expose Sidekiq web UI
release-33 - 2018-12-12
- Added lots modelling and validation
- Added supplier search to user management
- Fixed a bug in user search that wouldn't show a user if they were not associated with a supplier
- Fixed a bug in user search where users would appear multiple times if they were associated with more than one supplier
release-32 - 2018-12-06
- Admin user can delete users
- Remove now-redundant submission entry endpoint from API
release-31 - 2018-12-04
- Update RM3710 to mark lease date fields as optional
release-30 - 2018-11-30
- Admin user can link/unlink users to/from suppliers
- Migrate validation rules from existing lambda implementation
- Add API endpoint to trigger validation
- Updated Customer URN list for November
release-29 - 2018-11-28
- Add the supplier name to the Task returned by the API
- Add a User endpoint to the API that shows a given user name, email and a boolean to show if the user has multiple suppliers
- Admin users can locate a supplier user
- [Security] Bump rails from 5.2.0 to
- Admin can create a new user
release-28 - 2018-11-26
- Secure sign in for support admin users
- Generate validation rules from MISO export
release-27 - 2018-11-20
- Expose a report_no_business property on submission in the API
- [Security] Bump rack from 2.0.5 to 2.0.6
- Update bulk user import process
- Ensure all memberships have a valid user
release-26 - 2018-11-13
- Include minus sign '-' in the whitelist
- Format decimal fields correctly in export
release-25 - 2018-11-12
- Bug fix: Strip invalid characters when extracting total_value
release-24 - 2018-11-08
- Include the management charge in the 'invoices' export
- Use AuthID and local users table to find tasks
release-23 - 2018-11-08
- Create background job for performing validations
- Add validation rules for RM1070
- Fix typo in RM3767 which prevented management charge calculation
release-22 - 2018-11-05
- Add User model
- Various cleanup
release-21 - 2018-10-30
- Rename "Publisher's Name" to "Publisher Name" in RM3797
- Data migration to add October customers
- Data migration for users with multiple suppliers
- Bump loofah from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3
release-20 - 2018-10-25
- Explicit link between SubmissionEntry and Customer
- Introduced sidekiq for performing background jobs
- Added Ruby-based management charge calculation
release-19 - 2018-10-16
- Submission entries now store "total value" as column on ingest
- Script to backfill total_value for existing submission entries
- Fixed case mismatch in RM3767
- Consistent formatting of dates in data warehouse export
- Data migration to add missing inactive customers
- Per-row management charge field and backfill script added
- Finance report updated to report based on per-row management charge
- Data warehouse export updated to report based on per-row management charge
release-18 - 2018-10-11
- data migration to back-full total_value for existing submission entries
- added framework definitions for all October frameworks
- add management charge rate on framework definitions
- exports and finance report contain correct management charge rate
- corrected framework identifier reporting in tasks export
- Suppliers now have a salesforce_id
release-17 - 2018-10-09
- Include submission purchase order number in finance export
- Make 'total_value' a first class attribute of SubmissionEntry
- Made temporary code for reporting spend and management charge into a rake task
- Fixed issue that was stopping '£' to be typed into the Docker console
release-16 - 2018-10-08
- Reduce logging in production environments
- Updated dependency with security fixes
- Established framework definition mappings
- Added helper code for debugging submissions and reporting submission stats
release-15 - 2018-10-03
- Ignore duplicate entries sent by ingest lambda
- Added rake task to export contracts
- Remove spaces in "Customer Reference Number" in export
release-14 - 2018-10-01
- Data migration to import non-Active customers to database
- Temporary bypass of broken management charge calculation to avoid blocking user submission
- Fix bug that was resulting in submissions transitioning before ingest and validation had completed.
- Updated Customer URN list for October
- Added data migration to seed agreements for October suppliers
- Added code to generate tasks for September submissions
- Performance enhancements to data warehouse export script
- Data migrations to onboard October frameworks and suppliers
- Added invoices to data warehouse export
- Optimise Submission endpoint by no longer returning all entries
- Added fetching of validation errors. This returns at most ten errors, ordered by source row number
- Added scripts for exporting submissions
- Adjusted terraform config for zero-downtime deploys
- Removed redundant calculate action
- Added support for setting a purchase order number on submissions
- Submissions now include a count of their invoices and orders
- Renamed "levy" to "management charge"
- Introduce new "validation_failed" state to submissions
- Added first exporter for data warehouse export: tasks
- Enhanced submission entries to make identifying their type easier
- Added script to generate tasks for September 2018
- Add endpoint to set submission file upload information
- Update URN list
- Finance report includes submission ID in RunID column
- Finance report rounds levy calculations down
- Added exception monitoring and reporting
- Updated dependent libraries
- Added code to generate Coda finance reports
- Added coda_reference to Framework model
- Added coda_reference to Submission model
- Introduced Customer model
Initial release