diff --git a/lib/routes/the/index.ts b/lib/routes/the/index.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..76bee65ca9b1fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/routes/the/index.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+import { Route } from '@/types';
+import { getCurrentPath } from '@/utils/helpers';
+const __dirname = getCurrentPath(import.meta.url);
+import got from '@/utils/got';
+import { load } from 'cheerio';
+import { parseDate } from '@/utils/parse-date';
+import { art } from '@/utils/render';
+import path from 'node:path';
+import { apiSlug, bakeFilterSearchParams, bakeFiltersWithPair, bakeUrl, fetchData, getFilterParamsForUrl, parseFilterStr } from './util';
+export const handler = async (ctx) => {
+ const { filter } = ctx.req.param();
+ const limit = ctx.req.query('limit') ? Number.parseInt(ctx.req.query('limit'), 10) : 50;
+ const rootUrl = 'https://the.bi/s';
+ const filters = parseFilterStr(filter);
+ const filtersWithPair = await bakeFiltersWithPair(filters, rootUrl);
+ const searchParams = bakeFilterSearchParams(filters, 'name', false);
+ const apiSearchParams = bakeFilterSearchParams(filtersWithPair, 'id', true);
+ apiSearchParams.append('_embed', 'true');
+ apiSearchParams.append('per_page', String(limit));
+ const apiUrl = bakeUrl(`${apiSlug}/posts`, rootUrl, apiSearchParams);
+ const currentUrl = bakeUrl(getFilterParamsForUrl(filtersWithPair) ?? '', rootUrl, searchParams);
+ const { data: response } = await got(apiUrl);
+ const items = response.slice(0, limit).map((item) => {
+ const terminologies = item._embedded['wp:term'];
+ const guid = item.guid?.rendered ?? item.guid;
+ const $$ = load(item.content?.rendered ?? item.content);
+ const image = $$('img#poster').prop('data-srcset');
+ $$('figure.graf').each((_, el) => {
+ el = $$(el);
+ const imgEl = el.find('img');
+ el.replaceWith(
+ art(path.join(__dirname, 'templates/description.art'), {
+ images: imgEl
+ ? [
+ {
+ src: imgEl.prop('src'),
+ width: imgEl.prop('width'),
+ height: imgEl.prop('height'),
+ },
+ ]
+ : undefined,
+ })
+ );
+ });
+ const title = $$('h1').text();
+ const intro = $$('h2').text();
+ $$('h1').parent().remove();
+ const description = art(path.join(__dirname, 'templates/description.art'), {
+ images: image
+ ? [
+ {
+ src: image,
+ },
+ ]
+ : undefined,
+ intro,
+ description: $$.html(),
+ });
+ return {
+ title: item.title?.rendered ?? item.title ?? title,
+ description,
+ pubDate: parseDate(item.date_gmt),
+ link: item.link,
+ category: [...new Set(terminologies.flat().map((c) => c.name))],
+ author: item._embedded.author.map((a) => a.name).join('/'),
+ guid,
+ id: guid,
+ content: {
+ html: description,
+ text: $$.text(),
+ },
+ updated: parseDate(item.modified_gmt),
+ };
+ });
+ const data = await fetchData(currentUrl, rootUrl);
+ return {
+ ...data,
+ item: items,
+ };
+export const route: Route = {
+ path: '/:filter{.+}?',
+ name: '分类',
+ url: 'the.bi',
+ maintainers: ['nczitzk'],
+ handler,
+ example: '/the',
+ parameters: { filter: '过滤器,见下方描述' },
+ description: `:::tip
+ 如果你想订阅特定类别或标签,可以在路由中填写 filter 参数。\`/category/rawmw7dsta2jew\` 可以实现订阅 [剩余价值](https://the.bi/s/rawmw7dsta2jew) 类别。此时,路由是 [\`/the/category/rawmw7dsta2jew/\`](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawmw7dsta2jew).
+ 你还可以订阅多个类别。\`/category/rawmw7dsta2jew,rawbcvxkktdkq8/\` 可以实现同时订阅 [剩余价值](https://the.bi/s/rawmw7dsta2jew) 和 [打江山](https://the.bi/s/rawbcvxkktdkq8) 两个类别。此时,路由是 [\`/the/category/rawmw7dsta2jew,rawbcvxkktdkq8\`](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawmw7dsta2jew,rawbcvxkktdkq8).
+ 类别和标签也可以合并订阅。\`/category/rawmw7dsta2jew/tag/raweekl3na8trq\` 订阅 [剩余价值](https://the.bi/s/rawmw7dsta2jew) 类别和 [动物](https://the.bi/s/raweekl3na8trq) 标签。此时,路由是 [\`/the/category/rawmw7dsta2jew/tag/raweekl3na8trq\`](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawmw7dsta2jew/tag/raweekl3na8trq).
+ 你还可以搜索关键字。\`/search/中国\` 搜索关键字 [中国](https://the.bi/s/?s=中国)。在这种情况下,路径是 [\`/the/search/中国\`](https://rsshub.app/the/search/中国).
+ :::
+ | 分类 | ID |
+ | ---------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------- |
+ | [时局图](https://the.bi/s/rawj7o4ypewv94) | [rawj7o4ypewv94](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawj7o4ypewv94) |
+ | [剩余价值](https://the.bi/s/rawmw7dsta2jew) | [rawmw7dsta2jew](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawmw7dsta2jew) |
+ | [打江山](https://the.bi/s/rawbcvxkktdkq8) | [rawbcvxkktdkq8](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawbcvxkktdkq8) |
+ | [中国经济](https://the.bi/s/raw4krvx85dh27) | [raw4krvx85dh27](https://rsshub.app/the/category/raw4krvx85dh27) |
+ | [水深火热](https://the.bi/s/rawtn8jpsc6uvv) | [rawtn8jpsc6uvv](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawtn8jpsc6uvv) |
+ | [东升西降](https://the.bi/s/rawai5kd4z15il) | [rawai5kd4z15il](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawai5kd4z15il) |
+ | [大局 & 大棋](https://the.bi/s/raw2efkzejrsx8) | [raw2efkzejrsx8](https://rsshub.app/the/category/raw2efkzejrsx8) |
+ | [境外势力](https://the.bi/s/rawmpalhnlphuc) | [rawmpalhnlphuc](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawmpalhnlphuc) |
+ | [副刊](https://the.bi/s/rawxght2jr2u5z) | [rawxght2jr2u5z](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawxght2jr2u5z) |
+ | [天高地厚](https://the.bi/s/rawrsnh9zakqdx) | [rawrsnh9zakqdx](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawrsnh9zakqdx) |
+ | [Oyster](https://the.bi/s/rawdhl9hugdfn9) | [rawdhl9hugdfn9](https://rsshub.app/the/category/rawdhl9hugdfn9) |
+ `,
+ categories: ['new-media'],
+ features: {
+ requireConfig: false,
+ requirePuppeteer: false,
+ antiCrawler: false,
+ supportRadar: true,
+ supportBT: false,
+ supportPodcast: false,
+ supportScihub: false,
+ },
+ radar: [
+ {
+ source: ['the.bi/s/:category?'],
+ target: (params) => {
+ const category = params.category;
+ return `/the${category ? `/category/${category}` : ''}`;
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ title: '时局图',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawj7o4ypewv94'],
+ target: '/category/rawj7o4ypewv94',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '剩余价值',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawmw7dsta2jew'],
+ target: '/category/rawmw7dsta2jew',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '打江山',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawbcvxkktdkq8'],
+ target: '/category/rawbcvxkktdkq8',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '中国经济',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/raw4krvx85dh27'],
+ target: '/category/raw4krvx85dh27',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '水深火热',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawtn8jpsc6uvv'],
+ target: '/category/rawtn8jpsc6uvv',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '东升西降',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawai5kd4z15il'],
+ target: '/category/rawai5kd4z15il',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '大局 & 大棋',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/raw2efkzejrsx8'],
+ target: '/category/raw2efkzejrsx8',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '境外势力',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawmpalhnlphuc'],
+ target: '/category/rawmpalhnlphuc',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '副刊',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawxght2jr2u5z'],
+ target: '/category/rawxght2jr2u5z',
+ },
+ {
+ title: '天高地厚',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawrsnh9zakqdx'],
+ target: '/category/rawrsnh9zakqdx',
+ },
+ {
+ title: 'Oyster',
+ source: ['the.bi/s/rawdhl9hugdfn9'],
+ target: '/category/rawdhl9hugdfn9',
+ },
+ ],
diff --git a/lib/routes/the/namespace.ts b/lib/routes/the/namespace.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fea038bf6fa2ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/routes/the/namespace.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+import type { Namespace } from '@/types';
+export const namespace: Namespace = {
+ name: 'The.bi',
+ url: 'the.bi',
+ categories: ['new-media'],
+ description: '',
diff --git a/lib/routes/the/templates/description.art b/lib/routes/the/templates/description.art
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..cd725d1f54a204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/routes/the/templates/description.art
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+{{ if images }}
+ {{ each images image }}
+ {{ if image?.src }}
+ {{ /if }}
+ {{ /each }}
+{{ /if }}
+{{ if intro }}
{{ intro }}
+{{ /if }}
+{{ if description }}
+ {{@ description }}
+{{ /if }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/routes/the/util.ts b/lib/routes/the/util.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..fbbdc853fa946a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/routes/the/util.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+import got from '@/utils/got';
+import { load } from 'cheerio';
+const apiSlug = 'wp-json/wp/v2';
+interface Filter {
+ id: string;
+ name: string;
+ slug: string;
+const filterKeys: Record = {
+ search: 's',
+const filterApiKeys: Record = {
+ category: 'categories',
+ tag: 'tags',
+ search: undefined,
+const filterApiKeysWithNoId = new Set(['search']);
+ * Bake filter search parameters.
+ *
+ * @param filterPairs - The filter pairs object.
+ * e.g. `{ category: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... }, { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ], tag: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ] }`.
+ * @param pairKey - The filter pair key.
+ * e.g. `{ id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... }`.
+ * @param isApi - Indicates if the search parameters are for API.
+ * @returns The baked filter search parameters.
+ */
+const bakeFilterSearchParams = (filterPairs: Record, pairKey: string, isApi: boolean = false): URLSearchParams => {
+ /**
+ * Bake filters recursively.
+ *
+ * @param filterPairs - The filter pairs object.
+ * e.g. `{ category: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... }, { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ], tag: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ] }`.
+ * @param filterSearchParams - The filter search parameters.
+ * e.g. `category=a,b&tag=c`.
+ * @returns The baked filter search parameters.
+ * e.g. `category=a,b&tag=c`.
+ */
+ const bakeFilters = (filterPairs: Record, filterSearchParams: URLSearchParams): URLSearchParams => {
+ const keys = Object.keys(filterPairs).filter((key) => filterPairs[key]?.length > 0 && (isApi ? Object.hasOwn(filterApiKeys, key) : Object.hasOwn(filterKeys, key)));
+ if (keys.length === 0) {
+ return filterSearchParams;
+ }
+ const key = keys[0];
+ const pairs = filterPairs[key];
+ const originalFilters = { ...filterPairs };
+ delete originalFilters[key];
+ const filterKey = getFilterKeyForSearchParams(key, isApi);
+ const pairValues = pairs.map((pair) => (Object.hasOwn(pair, pairKey) ? pair[pairKey] : pair));
+ if (filterKey) {
+ filterSearchParams.append(filterKey, pairValues.join(','));
+ }
+ return bakeFilters(originalFilters, filterSearchParams);
+ };
+ return bakeFilters(filterPairs, new URLSearchParams());
+ * Bake filters with pair.
+ *
+ * @param filters - The filters object.
+ * e.g. `{ category: [ a, b ], tag: [ c ] }`.
+ * @returns The baked filters.
+ * e.g. `{ category: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... }, { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ], tag: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ] }`.
+ */
+const bakeFiltersWithPair = async (filters: Record, rootUrl: string) => {
+ /**
+ * Bake keywords recursively.
+ *
+ * @param key - The key.
+ * e.g. `category` or `tag`.
+ * @param keywords - The keywords.
+ * e.g. `[ a, b ]`.
+ * @returns The baked keywords.
+ * e.g. `[ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... }, { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ]`.
+ */
+ const bakeKeywords = async (key: string, keywords: string[]) => {
+ if (keywords.length === 0) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const [keyword, ...rest] = keywords;
+ const filter = await getFilterByKeyAndKeyword(key, keyword, rootUrl);
+ return [
+ ...(filter?.id && filter?.slug
+ ? [
+ {
+ id: filter.id,
+ name: filter.name,
+ slug: filter.slug,
+ },
+ ]
+ : []),
+ ...(await bakeKeywords(key, rest)),
+ ];
+ };
+ /**
+ * Bake filters recursively.
+ *
+ * @param filters - The filters object.
+ * e.g. `{ category: [ a, b ], tag: [ c ] }`.
+ * @param filtersWithPair - The filters with pairs.
+ * e.g. `{ category: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... }, { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ], tag: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ] }`.
+ * @returns The baked filters.
+ * e.g. `{ category: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... }, { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ], tag: [ { id: ..., name: ..., slug: ... } ] }`.
+ */
+ const bakeFilters = async (filters: Record, filtersWithPair: Record) => {
+ const keys = Object.keys(filters);
+ if (keys.length === 0) {
+ return filtersWithPair;
+ }
+ const key = keys[0];
+ const keywords = filters[key];
+ const originalFilters = { ...filters };
+ delete originalFilters[key];
+ return bakeFilters(originalFilters, {
+ ...filtersWithPair,
+ [key]: filterApiKeysWithNoId.has(key) ? keywords : await bakeKeywords(key, keywords),
+ });
+ };
+ return await bakeFilters(filters, {});
+ * Bake URL with search parameters.
+ *
+ * @param url - The URL.
+ * @param rootUrl - The root URL.
+ * @param searchParams - The search parameters.
+ * @returns The baked URL.
+ */
+const bakeUrl = (url: string, rootUrl: string, searchParams: URLSearchParams = new URLSearchParams()): string => {
+ const searchParamsStr = searchParams.toString();
+ const searchParamsSuffix = searchParamsStr ? `?${searchParamsStr}` : '';
+ return `${rootUrl}/${url}${searchParamsSuffix}`;
+ * Fetch data from the specified URL.
+ *
+ * @param url - The URL to fetch data from.
+ * @param rootUrl - The root URL.
+ * @returns A promise that resolves to an object containing the fetched data to be added into `ctx.state.data`.
+ */
+const fetchData = async (url: string, rootUrl: string): Promise