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Best guide for immigration to the United States |
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"We No Speak Americano" is your ultimate guide to immigration, and achieving success in studying, working, and living in the United States. This comprehensive guide, possibly the most detailed work on the subject, demystifies the processes, documentation, steps, and strategies required to make a successful transition to the US. It encapsulates over six years of firsthand experiences of the authors David Gomez and Laura Carreño, who have made their American dream true.
In a casual yet precise tone, this guide breaks down the multitude of concepts, norms, and nuances that define American society. It offers well-structured, easily digestible information that is rarely found in other sources. Blending entertaining anecdotes with insightful reflections, readers get a response to questions such as:
- How to get a VISA for working in the US?
- What are the best places to live in the United States?
- When to apply for studying a Master in the US?
Key topics such as F visa, OPT, Social Security, Credit History, Sexual Harassment, taxes, Employment Permits, and the role of attorneys are presented with clarity and simplicity.
Spanning over 250 pages, the guide is organized into 22 chapters and 5 sections that cover: visa and legal documents for immigration, procedures for studying in the US and subsequent working, strategies for job success, advice on living in the US including finding housing and dealing with banks or taxes, and guidance on transitioning back to one's home country.
This text is designed to remain relevant amidst legislative changes of each political cycle, delving into the factors that have fueled the rise of nationalism and providing insights into the imminent future.
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We've faced many of the questions and uncertainties you may currently have about how to study, work, or live in the United States, and there were many times when we didn't know who to ask for assistance.
To help you navigate these challenges, we've written this book, sharing our experiences of living in the US. Our hope is that it will guide you to succeed in your American dream.
text extracted from the book We No Speak Americano
American companies can only hire individuals who are authorized to work, otherwise they would be hiring undocumented workers and risking significant fines. It is also illegal to hire a worker without verifying their authorization to work through the Form I-9 or the e-verify program. It's also against the law to subcontract jobs to other companies that have undocumented workers. As laws in the United States are respected and enforced, employers have a strong aversion and fear of hiring anyone without permission, especially in larger companies and more professional positions. Additionally, many professions require or recommend American licenses or certifications in order to practice, such as doctors, lawyers, or engineers.
In order for an American company to hire a foreigner, either they must already have permission (such as with OPT, Green Card, etc.) or they must sponsor them for an H visa (the most common), O visa, J visa, or Green Card. But this process is costly, lengthy (it can take months), and risky (the visa may not be granted, for example, because it falls within the H lottery). Foreign companies operating in the USA have some more options with the E or L visas.
Therefore, except for very exclusive positions or in cases where there is a shortage of such professionals, American companies, in general, avoid sponsoring at all costs.
In many online job applications, they will directly ask if you have permission to work or if you need sponsorship. If so, it's likely that they won't even call you back. People who come with tourist visas to try for a few months really have almost no chance of being hired.
However, even though the reality is harsh, we have written this book to give you the keys and guide you towards the path that will give you the most options to achieve your goal of living and working in the USA.
Join our subscription list and Download for free a complete scheme that will guide you in selecting the visa best suited for you.
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