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Projects |
#7ec4ea |
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These projects pledge to drop Python 2 support in or before 2020.
- TensorFlow
- scikit-learn
- PyTorch
- Apache Spark
- pandas
- Tornado
- Apache MXNet (Incubating)
- XGBoost
- mitmproxy
- IPython
- ccxt
- NumPy
- SaltStack
- Zulip
- Bokeh
- Matplotlib
- Kivy
- Pelican
- Pillow
- PyInstaller
- SciPy
- SymPy
- Jupyter notebook
- Dask
- Spyder
- pytest
- Tensorpack
- statsmodels
- PyMC3
- Cython
- marshmallow
- Hypothesis
- Apache Beam
- xonsh
- Scikit Image
- Sphinx
- geopy
- Neural Network Libraries
- Astropy
- Biopython
- FontTools
- Nikola
- xarray
- GluonNLP
- Apache Libcloud
- Weblate
- Pythran
- dateutil
- CherryPy
- Tryton
- Adversarial Robustness Toolbox
- tikzplotlib
- stumpy
- pydicom
- PyStan
- RDKit
- Software Carpentry
- ADB-Enhanced
- Cartopy
- fecon235
- scikit-bio
- MetPy
- Bottleneck
- SunPy
- Nengo
- Axelrod
- rpy2
- Toyplot
- Psi4
- pyLast
- iris
- ESMValTool
- meshio
- perfplot
- cmd2
- yt
- quadpy
- betterbib
- OpenQuake engine
- PyMeasure
- Urduhack
- osBrain
- Cylc Workflow
- FEniCS
- colorio
- TatSu
- Chaquopy
- angr
- BioBuilds
- orthopy
- freud
- signac
- Manticore
- GSTools
- Cantor
- NetworkX
- folium
- PyQt5
- better-exceptions
- umap-learn
- hdbscan
- h5py
- python-gitlab
- python-chess
- awslimitchecker
- Altair
- music21
- imageio
- An Introduction to Applied Bioinformatics
- pyfakefs
- pvlib-python
- Py-ART
- Plyara
- gala
- stomp.py
- cual-id
- tinytext
- fino
- OSMViz
- MambuPy
- Pyramid
- eml_parser
- odin
- jenkinsflow
- multiconf
- pyApp
- python-daemon