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This library is used to write shaders directly from C++ code.

It is split in two main libraries (ShaderAST and ShaderWriter) and a "compiler" library for each front end language (CompilerGLSL, CompilerHLSL and CompilerSpirV).

ShaderAST holds the base architecture (expressions and statements, roughly) used to describe a shader.

ShaderWriter is based on ShaderAST, and is fully typed, to be able to write GLSL-like shaders in C++.

The compiler libraries allow exporting the generated AST in either of these shader languages.

How to build

Using packages repositories

You can find shaderwriter on several packages repositories:

Using cmake

The following command line should be a good start to build ShaderWriter:

cmake <shaderwriter_root> -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

By default, all libraries (ShaderAST, ShaderWriter and all compilers) will be built as dynamic libraries.

You can use the option -DSDW_BUILD_STATIC=ON to force static build for all of them.


Let's take the following vertex shader code, written in C++:

template< sdw::var::Flag FlagT >
using PosColStructT = sdw::IOStructInstanceHelperT< FlagT
	, "PosCol"
	, sdw::IOStructFieldT< sdw::Vec4, "position", 0u >
	, sdw::IOStructFieldT< sdw::Vec4, "colour", 1u > >;

template< sdw::var::Flag FlagT >
struct PosColT
	: public PosColStructT< FlagT >
	PosColT( sdw::ShaderWriter & writer
		, sdw::expr::ExprPtr expr
		, bool enabled = true )
		: PosColStructT< FlagT >{ writer, std::move( expr ), enabled }

	auto position()const { return this->getMember< "position" >(); }
	auto colour()const { return this->getMember< "colour" >(); }

void vertex()
	using namespace sdw;
	VertexWriter writer;

	writer.implementMainT< PosColT, PosColT >( [&]( VertexInT< PosColT > in
		, VertexOutT< PosColT > out )
			out.colour() = in.colour();
			out.position() = in.position();
			out.vtx.position = in.position();
		} );

	// Select your weapon !
	auto glsl = compileGlsl( writer.getShader()
		, SpecialisationInfo{}
		, glsl::GlslConfig{} );
	auto hlsl = compileHlsl( writer.getShader()
		, SpecialisationInfo{}
		, hlsl::HlslConfig{} );
	auto binSpirV = serialiseSpirv( writer.getShader()
		, spirv::SpirVConfig{} );
	auto textSpirV = writeSpirv( writer.getShader()
		, spirv::SpirVConfig{} );

This shader will generate the following GLSL:

#version 430
layout(location=0) in vec4 sdwIn_position;
layout(location=1) in vec4 sdwIn_colour;
layout(location=0) out vec4 sdwOut_position;
layout(location=1) out vec4 sdwOut_colour;
out gl_PerVertex
	vec4 gl_Position;
	float gl_PointSize;
	float gl_ClipDistance[];
	float gl_CullDistance[];

void main()
	sdwOut_colour = sdwIn_colour;
	sdwOut_position = sdwIn_position;
	gl_Position = sdwIn_position;

The following HLSL (Shader Model 5):

struct HLSL_SDW_GlobalVertInput
	float4 colour: TEXCOORD1;
	float4 position: TEXCOORD0;

struct HLSL_SDW_MainVertOutput
	float4 colour: TEXCOORD1;
	float4 position: TEXCOORD0;
	float4 Position: SV_Position;

void main(in HLSL_SDW_GlobalVertInput sdwGlobalInput
	, out HLSL_SDW_MainVertOutput sdwMainOutput)
	sdwMainOutput.colour = sdwGlobalInput.colour;
	sdwMainOutput.position = sdwGlobalInput.position;
	sdwMainOutput.Position = sdwGlobalInput.position;

And the following SPIR-V 1.6 listing:

; Magic:     0x07230203
; Version:   0x00010600
; Generator: 0x00210280
; Bound:     17
; Schema:    0

        Capability Shader
   %1 = ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
        MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
        EntryPoint Vertex %13 "main" %2 %6 %7 %9 %10

; Debug Names and Sources
        Source LanguageGLSL 460
        Name %2(sdwIn_colour) "sdwIn_colour"
        Name %6(sdwIn_position) "sdwIn_position"
        Name %7(sdwOut_colour) "sdwOut_colour"
        Name %9(sdwOut_position) "sdwOut_position"
        Name %10(OutPosition) "OutPosition"
        Name %13(main) "main"

; Decorations
        Decorate %10(OutPosition) BuiltIn Position
        Decorate %7(sdwOut_colour) Location 1
        Decorate %2(sdwIn_colour) Location 1
        Decorate %9(sdwOut_position) Location 0
        Decorate %6(sdwIn_position) Location 0

; Constants and Types
   %4 = TypeFloat 32
   %3 = TypeVector %4(f32) 4
   %5 = TypePointer Input %3(v4f32)
   %8 = TypePointer Output %3(v4f32)
  %12 = TypeVoid
  %14 = TypeFunction %12(void)

; Global Variables
   %2 = Variable %5(InputPtr<v4f32>) Input
   %6 = Variable %5(InputPtr<v4f32>) Input
   %7 = Variable %8(OutputPtr<v4f32>) Output
   %9 = Variable %8(OutputPtr<v4f32>) Output
  %10 = Variable %8(OutputPtr<v4f32>) Output

; Functions
 %13(main) = Function %12(void) [None]  %14(func)
  %11 = Label
  %15 = Load %3(v4f32) %2(sdwIn_colour)
        Store %7(sdwOut_colour) %15
  %16 = Load %3(v4f32) %6(sdwIn_position)
        Store %9(sdwOut_position) %16
        Store %10(OutPosition) %16


You can reach me on the Discord server dedicated to my projects: DragonJoker's Lair