- Briefed about the assignment.
- Learnt a little about GIS and photogrammetry.
- Recevied a tutorial on git.
Researched on different ways to implement the module (gui, cli?).
Formed the basic arhitecture of the module.
Received a tutorial on photogrammetry.
RULES will be contained in a separate moduled named rules.py. Each rule will be implemented as a function, with a decorator to register the rule with the the main module. Each function name will also being with 'rule_' prefix. (rule_type, rule_size)
rules = [] @register_rule def register_rule(function): rules.append(function)
PROCESSES will follow a similar layout. Processes will also have a similar decorator, and will be registered with a similar function.
FILE TRANSFER will be handled using 'sftp' (SSH FTP) module.
Attended the general meeting.
Redesigned the module.
Watchdog module can be used to monitor any file/directory events, such as modification, deletion, creation.
Using watchdog and sftp we could even make the process resume, from the position where it was last paused/terminated (Similar to dropbox sync).
Also, to provide a control from skylark app, to pause the upload, we could use the concept of shared memory between the two processes, which would not only allow the module to work independently as a daemon/process, but will also allow the skylark app to gain access to the pause functionality.
- Implemented SFTP protocol and tested it on localhost SFTP server.
- Was able to upload and download files on the SFTP server.
- Implemented sftpconn.py module to maintain SSH connection to the remote SFTP server.
- Started working on mapping a local foler to a remote folder on SFTP server.
- Finished the mapper.py module.
- Implemented watcher.py module - to watch over the local dir for any changes and take necessary action.
- Implemented handler.py module - to actually handle the transfers, and mimic them on the SFTP server.
- Added support for ignoring the monitoring and trasnfer of some files like - swap files etc.
- Started working on integrating persist-queue with handler.py module to make the module thread-safe, recoverable and disk based.
- Integrated the persist-queue with the handler.py and the watcher.py module.
- watcher.py and handler.py modules run independently of each other.
- Syncing process is fault tolerant and recoverable now due to the above changes.
- Attended a presentation on Drones and Data Acquistion
- Started working on the main module -- skynet.py and its process flow.
- Working on cli for generating config files using command line.
- Attended a presentation on Color space and Digital photography.
- Added support for the for configuration of the SFTP connection using config.ini file.
- Implemented a cli to generate the config file.
- Started working on re-establishing connection b/w the local m/c and the SFTP server.
- Learnt about Image Segmentation of GCP points.
- Ran coala --code linter, over the project. Made it compatible with pep8 guidelines.
- Completed the skynet.py module.
- When the connection is lost - the daemon keeps on trying to re-establish conn with the SFTP server.
- Add detailed decription about the changes made to incorporate recoverability to LOG.md.
- Started working on adding support for port forwarding --because android's SFTP server runs on port 2222.
- Test skynet.py --to check whether or not it works as expected using SFTP server.
- skynet now supports port forwarding.
- Also added the capability to recover from conn loss mid-transfer, or mid-execution.
- After the connection is lost, the daemon keeps on trying to re-establish the conn and is also able to resume from the state the during which the action was halted.
- To further extend skynet, will start working on incorporating it with cloud storage services.
- Leave of absence
- Started working on cloud integration.
- Separated skynet from the underlying architecture, by making handler.py and sftpcon.py modules abstract, so that cloud services can be integrated easily.
- started working on aws-s3 handler module.
- started working on aws-s3 connection module.
- Started working on syncing files already present in the folder, when the process is executed of the first time.
- aws --uploaded a directory to a bucket
- aws --downloaded a file from the same bucket
- Now, when the module is executed for the very first time, it syncs the files already present in that folder --syncsnap.py.
- Working on optimizing the Q, so that multiple actions corresponding to the same file are not recorded multiple times.
- Went on a field trip and got to see how drones collected data.
- Finished s3con.py --handles connection and ops like move, delete, send to s3-bucket.
- Started working on a cli for configurin s3-bucket service.
- Attended weekly programming feedback session.
- Started seperating skynet.py from sftpcon.py so that it can pretty much run with any cloud service.
- skynet.py can now run with any cloud service, provided a 'XCon' class with methods _delete, _move and _send.
- Leave of absence
- Optimized the Q, no two actions, which are the same, cannot reside in the Q at the same time. Saves a lot of time, for big video files, mods during conn. loss.
- Started porting code to windows.
- Ported the code to windows, everything works as expected ;-). A couple of changes had to be made.
- Started working on README.md
- Demo and Presentation of the main module.
- Researched on multi-part resumable uploads and how to implement them with the existing architecture.
- Started working on chunkio.py, for chunking big files into smaller parts.
- Weekly Progress Meeting
- Completed chunkio.py for chunking big files.
- Researched on assembling the chunks at the storage side.
- aws s3 multi-part uploads using boto3
- Worked on remote progress monitoring using local DB and hosted DB
- Hosted a notification server on Heroku with Postgres
- Django-app for notification and remote progress monitoring complete.
- Working on notifier.py which will push the notifications to the DB server.
- Completed notifier.py, now when an action is recorded in the Q, it also sends a notification to the remote DB using which we can monitor the progress.
- The schema of the Database is [action, file(primary), status, not_time].
- The contention b/w handler.py and notifier.py was resolved using sleep() method and will work for real-events in most cases.
- Resumed working on multi-part resumable uploads.
- Instead of threads, partitions will be uploaded using processes as they're much faster than threads according to benchmarks performed. Single threaded process was faster compared to multi-threaded, but not faster than multi-processes.
- Basic support for resumable multi-parts added to s3con.py.
- Need to test the strategies employed and see wheather or not they acheive the desired result.
- Spawning the sub-processes took longer, not only that, you cannot manipulate the parent process's resources directly. Thus, I went ahead and used multiple threads.
- Faster than single threaded setup as multiple parts are being uploaded at the same time.
- Each thread that is spawned is able to mark the part which it has uploaded, so even if the system were to crash, we would atleast have a record of the parts that were uploaded successfully and we can upload the parts which were not.
- After all parts have been uploaded, the parts are stitched together by sending s3 a signal that all parts have been uploaded with a list of parts and their corresponding 'ETags' which we store after successful transmission on the disk
- We do not need to take care of the assembling process. Google buckets also supports multi-part uploads.
- Part Limit set by s3 buckets is 5MB, so we cannot go any lower than that. However we can go higher.
- You can set any arbitrary number of threads during for uploading the parts. For efficiency, I'd reccommend keeping them under 10.
- Started working on updating the progress of the multi-part uploads
- Made schema changes to Django-app skywatch for partial upload monitoring.
- This will enable the user to monitor the progress of a huge file instead of vague status icons.
- Working on integrating it with skynet.py
- Notification support for multipart uploads added.
- pep8 stds --comply with pep8 guidelines, using coala patches.
- Added docstring to functions.
- Started working on a system tray --systray.py which provides all controls in a tray.
- The tray now, has functions to edit the config, open the sync dir, start and stop the uploading process and open the log, just from the tray menu.
- Made handler and notifier daemons so that they stop when their parent processes stop.
- Using signals --SIGINT and singal handler to stop the skynet thread instance.
- Started working on setup.py for easy distribution.
- Released the package on testpypi and replaced imports with relative imports.
- Tested the pkg out linux env, everything works as expected.
- Deployed the project on windows, works well and is easy to setup.
- Made changes to skywatch to display accurate progress of multi-part uploads.
- Minor changes and bug fixes. Will be testing the module with a file of size greater than 1GB to test multipart uploads and remote progress monitoring.
- Should the first-time sync crash and all the file-paths cannot be written to the database, the module will not upload the files which could not be written to the DB.