- Vim setup for golang and python
- Autocomplete for both languages using
pkg - Config files pushed to github for bspwm, vimrc, polybar etc
- The power of ignorance-- .gitignore!!!
- Pckgs required for bluetooth-- pulseaudio-bluetooth, bluez, bluez-utils
- Notification theme that matches terminal, polybar
- Battery notifications using
- Start using
$ systemctl --user start iwantpower.service
- Nautilus disable recent files, use urxvt as default terminal:
$ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.privacy remember-recent-files false
$ gsettings set com.github.stunkymonkey.nautilus-open-any-terminal terminal urxvt
files, or systemd atleast use%h
rather than the conventional~
- Lots of changes, switched terminal to kitty, emulator to tmux
- Added devicons for vim, support for js-- likes of
etc - Nord theme for tmux, Batman + wal theme for Terminal and vim
- Bluetooth issue was fixed--
or something - If you're gui session is not starting, use:
$ sudo startx
#monogame #gamedev
- Nautlius
open in terminal
is now set to kitty usinggsettings
- Vim now supports Haxe, the autocomplete is garbage and so slow
- NPM global packages are now stored in the user's home directory
- Command to build openfl projects:
$ openfl test linux
- Monogame and vscode ext installation:
- Link: Monogame Website
- Getting Started guide
$ sudo pacman -S dotnet-sdk-3.1
$ code --install-extension ms-dotnettools.csharp
$ dotnet tool install --global dotnet-mgcb-editor
$ mgcb-editor --register
<- Didn't work :/ Fix below$ chmod +x ~/.nuget/packages/monogame.content.builder/
$ chmod +x ~/.nuget/packages/monogame.content.builder/
$ sudo pacman -S mono
for Hevadea- And then to build the project, go to Hevadea.Launcher:
$ dotnet build .