Public repository holding source code for AC-SpGEMM
This repository holds the implementation for AC-SpGEMM and three different executables used for testing. This framework can be used to setup AC-SpGEMM, run it with different matrices, test its performance against cuSparse (the other frameworks are not included in this public repository).
NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit, a C++14 enabled compiler, CMake, a reasonable modern GPU as well as NVIDIA CUB
Framework has been tested with the following versions:
- CUDA 9.1/9.2/10.0
- gcc-6/gcc-7 or MVSC (VS17) (c++14 support required)
- CMake 3.2 or higher
- GPU with CC 6.1
- CUB v1.8.0
as well as CUDA_BUILD_CCXX
in CMakeLists.txt
to the appropriate values for your system.
To download the matrices used for evaluation, download the ssgui
tool from SuiteSparse, filtering the set of all matrices by setting the minimum number of non-zeros to 10000
(i.e. only testing matrices of non-trivial size).
from top level directory.
Download CUB (tested with v1.8.0), create folder external
in include
folder and extract contents into this folder.
Create folder build
in top-level directory.
Setup CMake to setup project into this build folder.
After building the project, 3 executables should be present
- HostTest
- performTestCase
- checkBitStability
To get the timing and memory data from the framework, simply run test/
, changing the folder
parameter to a folder holding the matrices in .mtx
format to test all the matrices in this folder with AC-SpGEMM and cuSparse.
If detailed timing results and memory results should be required, the last parameter of the Multiply
call has to be changed to true
, this will disable streams, print out more information and gather individual stage timings and memory measurements.
Sourcecode available in source/main.cpp
, can be called as
./HostTest <matrix.mtx> [deviceID] [testing]
(e.g. ./HostTest 1138_bus.mtx 0 0
Testing enabled will check the output matrix of AC-SpGEMM vs cuSparse.
Sourcecode available in source/performTestCase.cpp
, can be called as
./performTestCase <folder_with_matrices> <runtests> <deviceID> <continue_run> <run_traits> <bitmask for run selection> <datatype (f/d)>
- folder_with_matrices : A folder containing matrices to test
- runtests : Enabled (1) if tests should be run, (0) only statistics run
- deviceID : Which device to use (e.g. 0)
- continue_run : Set to true for testing
- run_traits : These traits are used to select a configuration, the parameters are
- Threads (256)
- BlocksPerMP (3)
- NNZPerThread (2)
- InputElementsPerThreads (4)
- RetainElementsPerThreads (4)
- MaxChunksToMerge (16)
- MaxChunksGeneralizedMerge (512)
- MergePathOptions (8)
- bitmask for run selection : Select which approaches to run
- Bit 0: cuSparse
- Bit 1: AC-SpGEMM
- E.g.: To run both cuSparse + acSpGEMM : 3
- datatype (f/d) : either float(f) or double(d)
Example: ./performTestCase folder 1 0 1 256,3,2,4,4,16,512,8 3 f
This testcase is typically called with a script (e.g. /test/ which repeatedly calls this executable until all aproaches were tested on all matrices in the folder.
The reason behind this strategy is to get a fresh launch for each individual testcase, such that a failing testcase is not able to use up resources for another testcase.
To run a full testrun on a folder, change the folder
in the test/
script and run the script.
Sourcecode available in source/checkBitStability.cpp
Works similarly to performTestCase
, checks the approaches for bitstable results.
AC-SpGEMM is highly configurable as can be seen with the traits in the performTestCase
, these traits are implemented as template parameters.
Hence, for all combinations used, the respective instantiation must be present.
Instantiations can be created by modifying the call to Multiply
in source/GPU/
in line 781, which is given as
bool called =
EnumOption<256, 256, 128, // Threads
EnumOption<3, 4, 1, // BlocksPerMP
EnumOption<2, 2, 1, // NNZPerThread
EnumOption<4, 4, 1, // InputElementsPerThreads
EnumOption<4, 4, 1, // RetainElementsPerThreads
EnumOption<16, 16, 8, // MaxChunksToMerge
EnumOption<256, 512, 256, // MaxChunksGeneralizedMerge
EnumOption<8, 8, 8, // MergePathOptions
EnumOption<0, 1, 1>>>>>>>>> // DebugMode
::call(Selection<MultiplyCall<DataType>>(call), scheduling_traits.Threads, scheduling_traits.BlocksPerMp, scheduling_traits.NNZPerThread, scheduling_traits.InputElementsPerThreads, scheduling_traits.RetainElementsPerThreads, scheduling_traits.MaxChunksToMerge, scheduling_traits.MaxChunksGeneralizedMerge, scheduling_traits.MergePathOptions, (int)Debug_Mode);
This expanding template will instantiate variants of MultiplyCall
with the parameters specified in EnumOption<Start, End, Step>
, so each EnumOption describes all the possible values for a certain property and all different configurations will be instantiated (e.g. BlocksPerMP with EnumOption<3, 4, 1,
will instantiate the template call with BlocksPerMP=3 and BlocksPerMP=4)
For any questions please directly contact Martin Winter