In this tutorial, we're gonna build a Spring Boot application with Kafka applying the concepts of Event-Driven Architecture, Producers, and Consumers. In this application, we are simulating one spring boot application (PRODUCER) that a customer can place an order and another application that simulate a transportation officer (CONSUMER). When the customer places an order the Transportation Officer consumes this information, using Apache Kafka and Event-Driven Architecture, to know if the order is ready for shipping, and can automatically collect the package.
- OrderController - Responsible to receive the POST request /orders (place a order) - See REST CONTROLLER
- OrderProducer - Responsible to publish (write) a event in kafka topic (order-topic) - See Kafka Documentation
- TransportationOfficerConsumer - Responsible to subscribe the event(order-topic), read and process the event place order
- Initialize Zookeeper and Kafka, in folder kafka-springboot-integration run:
docker-compose up
- Build the applications:
mvn clean package
- Initialize the projects CONSUMER AND PRODUCER:
cd producer
mvn spring-boot:run
cd consumer
mvn spring-boot:run
The consumer project doesn't have an endpoint, it onlys conect to the order topic to listening the stream
Download POSTMAN for JSON requests.
- Open your postman application in localhost:8080/orders
- BODY: raw - type JSON
"customer": "CUSTOMER 1",
"value": 1200,
"address":"SQNW 309 bl. D apt 305",
"zipcode": "70686456"
- RETURN - 200 OK
============= PRODUCER ======================
Receive the Order:
"customer": "CUSTOMER 1",
"value": 1200,
"adress":"SQNW 309 bl. D apt 305",
"zipcode": "70686456"
Process the payment: OK
Packing: OK
============= CONSUMER ======================
key: 0d2d5a8a-ead4-4c62-8dbd-da7d44319c89
Headers: RecordHeaders(headers = [], isReadOnly = false)
Partion: 0
Receive the Order:
"customer": "CUSTOMER 1",
"value": 1200,
"adress":"SQNW 309 bl. D apt 305",
"zipcode": "70686456"
Collect the package: OK
Shipping the package: OK