Releases: IntershopCommunicationsAG/icm-gradle-plugin
Releases · IntershopCommunicationsAG/icm-gradle-plugin
Rework writeCartridgeClasspathPath
RELEASE_4.3.3 Merge pull request #60 from IntershopCommunicationsAG/writeCartridgeC…
Solve issue with Windows path on cross project configuration
RELEASE_4.3.2 #64795: solve issue with configured windows pathes
Fix issue with clusterID task
RELEASE_4.3.1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Sitesfolder task removed
Merge pull request #58 from IntershopCommunicationsAG/sitesfoldertask Sitesfoldertask
Fix task CopyThirdParty
RELEASE_4.2.1 Merge pull request #57 from IntershopCommunicationsAG/copythirdpartyi…
Gradle 7 Update (final)
RELEASE_4.2.0 Merge pull request #56 from IntershopCommunicationsAG/gradle7_plugin_…
Gradle Plugin Update(JDK, Gradle, Crossproject handling)
Merge pull request #54 from IntershopCommunicationsAG/wo_sites With out sites support
Release without sites support
Merge pull request #54 from IntershopCommunicationsAG/wo_sites With out sites support
Create dev release without sites support
RELEASE_3.6.0-wosites sites support remove, because sites will be prepared by the dbprepare
cartridge dependencies are now transitive!
Merge pull request #53 from IntershopCommunicationsAG/cartridgeconf Configuration cartridge is now transitive