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ItzNotABug edited this page May 3, 2024 · 1 revision

AppExpress is a very lightweight framework inspired by express.js designed specifically for Appwrite Functions.

AppExpress simplifies creating server-like functionality by providing an intuitive API for routing, middleware integration, and more.


  • Custom Routing: Supported routes include GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS, and ALL.
  • Router Management: Use Express like Routing with a dedicated AppExpress.Router instance.
  • Middleware Support: Seamlessly integrate custom middleware to modify the functionality of your routes.
  • Parameter Extraction: Directly parse parameters embedded in URLs.
  • Wildcard Paths: Implement wildcard routing for advanced path matching.
  • Dependency Injection: Use cleaner code through dependency management by caching classes or repositories.
  • View Engine Support: Use your favourite View Systems like Handlebars, EJS, PUG, or even Custom View Engines.
  • HTTP Compression: Use the standard Brotli, GZIP, Deflate compressions or implement your own.
  • Static Content Serving: Similar to Express, specify a directory and serve the content directly without defining any routes.