Basic DPDK test with a dpdk-testpmd
instance running in a QEMU/KVM
based virtual machine on a bare-metal server and another dpdk-testpmd
instance running inside a nested virtual
machine. The outer virtual machine has UEFI Secure Boot enabled and runs on Debian 11 (Bullseye). The nested virtual
machine runs on Fedora CoreOS but uses BIOS instead of UEFI.
On a bare-metal server with Debian 11 (Bullseye) open a shell and enter:
sudo -s
# util-linux has nsenter
# iproute2 has ip
# gdisk has sgdisk
# qemu-utils has qemu-img and qemu-nbd
apt install -y iputils-ping iproute2 wget gdisk kpartx qemu-utils
# Allocate huge pages and mount them at /dev/hugepages
# Ref.:
mountpoint /dev/hugepages
exit # leave root shell
# python3-openvswitch is required for ovs-tcpdump
# dpdk-dev has testpmd
docker run -t --init --name build1 debian:bullseye \
/bin/bash -c \
'apt-get update && apt-get install -y openssh-client openvswitch-switch-dpdk python3-openvswitch vim iproute2 iputils-ping man-db tcpdump dpdk-dev qemu-kvm qemu-system-gui-'
docker commit build1 dpdk-sb:local
docker rm build1
# prebuild fcos has no dpdk and no dpdk-tools
#docker run --pull=always --rm -v /tmp/data:/data -w /data download -f iso
# build is done in /var/tmp/cosa because cosa wants to set xattrs which tmpfs does not provide by default?!?
cosa() {
docker run --rm -ti --security-opt label=disable --privileged \
-v /var/tmp/cosa:/srv/ --device /dev/kvm --device /dev/fuse \
--tmpfs /tmp -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp \ "$@"
cosa init
rm /var/tmp/cosa/src/config/overlay.d/15fcos/etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/40-disable-passwords.conf
sed -i '/^packages:$/a\ \ - dpdk' /var/tmp/cosa/src/config/manifests/fedora-coreos.yaml
sed -i '/- dpdk$/a\ \ - dpdk-tools' /var/tmp/cosa/src/config/manifests/fedora-coreos.yaml
# python3 is required for dpdk-tools but is blacklisted in fcos
sed -i 's/^ - python3$//g' /var/tmp/cosa/src/config/manifests/fedora-coreos.yaml
sed -i 's/^ - python3-libs$//g' /var/tmp/cosa/src/config/manifests/fedora-coreos.yaml
cosa fetch
cosa build metal metal4k # metal and metal4k are required for cosa buildextend-live
cosa buildextend-live
# debug
cosa shell
mkdir /tmp/data
cd /tmp/data
# Define a Butane config, convert it to a Ignition config and prepare a Fedora CoreOS live iso
cp -raiv /var/tmp/cosa/builds/latest/x86_64/fedora-coreos-*-live.*.iso /tmp/data/
cat << 'EOF' > live.bu
variant: fcos
version: 1.4.0
- name: admin
# password is secret
password_hash: $y$j9T$bxqxdLbW2jb/yOwSW1BaD.$QXAPgOvsfdFKglwbnrOC.1K5WEl1i7kQpm.WXQA8s9D
- sudo
- wheel
docker run -i --pull=always --rm --pretty --strict < live.bu > live.ign
coreos_iso=$(compgen -G "fedora-coreos-*-live.*.iso" | grep -v '.sig$' | sort | tail -n 1)
docker run --rm -v /tmp/data:/data -w /data iso customize \
--live-ignition live.ign \
--live-karg-append 'console=ttyS0,115200' \
--live-karg-append 'earlyprintk=ttyS0,115200' \
--live-karg-delete 'console=tty0' \
-o "live.iso" "$coreos_iso"
wget -O debian.qcow2
qemu-img resize debian.qcow2 16G
sudo -s
modprobe nbd
qemu-nbd --connect=/dev/nbd0 debian.qcow2
kpartx /dev/nbd0
sgdisk --print /dev/nbd0
# Disk /dev/nbd0: 4194304 sectors, 2.0 GiB
# Sector size (logical/physical): 512/512 bytes
# Disk identifier (GUID): 367C4A27-92CE-5E47-BC8C-C0EED691F8D5
# ...
# Number Start (sector) End (sector) Size Code Name
# 1 262144 4194270 1.9 GiB 8300
# 14 2048 8191 3.0 MiB EF02
# 15 8192 262143 124.0 MiB EF00
mkdir -p /mnt/tmp1/
mount /dev/nbd0p1 /mnt/tmp1/
cat << 'EOF' > /mnt/tmp1/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99_ovs_dpdk.cfg
datasource_list: ['None']
ssh_pwauth: true
- name: admin
# password is secret
passwd: $y$j9T$bxqxdLbW2jb/yOwSW1BaD.$QXAPgOvsfdFKglwbnrOC.1K5WEl1i7kQpm.WXQA8s9D
lock_passwd: false
shell: '/bin/bash'
package_update: true
- dpdk-dev
# linux-image-amd64 is required for 9p support
- linux-image-amd64
mode: reboot
umount /mnt/tmp1/
mount /dev/nbd0p15 /mnt/tmp1/
cat << 'EOF' > /mnt/tmp1/startup.nsh
umount /mnt/tmp1/
qemu-nbd --disconnect /dev/nbd0
exit # leave root shell
docker run -ti --init --network bridge --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
-v /dev/hugepages:/dev/hugepages --privileged -v /tmp/data:/data --name ctr0 \
dpdk-sb:local /bin/bash
Run the following commmands in the previously started shell inside the Docker container:
cd /data
# Ref.: /usr/share/doc/ovmf/README.Debian
cp -raiv /usr/share/OVMF/ debian_VARS.fd
qemu-system-x86_64 -accel kvm -name debian -m 16G -cpu host -smp 4 \
-machine q35,smm=on \
-object memory-backend-memfd,id=mem,share=on,size=16G,hugetlb=on \
-numa node,cpus=0-3,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc \
-nographic \
-drive file=debian.qcow2,media=disk,if=virtio \
-boot menu=on \
-net nic,model=virtio \
-net user,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22,ipv6=off \
-global driver=cfi.pflash01,property=secure,value=on \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=0,file="/usr/share/OVMF/",readonly=on \
-drive if=pflash,format=raw,unit=1,file="debian_VARS.fd" \
-virtfs local,path=/data,mount_tag=host0,security_model=passthrough,id=host0
Once the virtual machine has booted, open another shell at your container host and run:
docker exec -ti ctr0 ssh -p 10022 admin@localhost
Log in as admin
with password secret
and enter the following commands:
sudo -s
mokutil --sb-state
# SecureBoot enabled
cat /sys/kernel/security/lockdown
# none [integrity] confidentiality
apt purge -y linux-image-cloud-amd64 linux-image-5.10.0-21-cloud-amd64
reboot # and login again
sudo -s
mount -t 9p -o trans=virtio,version=9p2000.L host0 /mnt/
echo 4096 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
docker run -it --init --rm --network bridge --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
-v /dev/hugepages:/dev/hugepages --privileged -v /mnt:/mnt --name ctr1 debian:bullseye \
/bin/bash -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y dpdk-dev qemu-kvm qemu-system-gui- && bash'
Run the following commmands in the previously started shell inside the Docker container:
dpdk-testpmd --socket-mem=512 -n 4 \
--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=/tmp/vhost-user-0' \
--vdev 'net_vhost1,iface=/tmp/vhost-user-1' \
-- \
--portmask=f -i --rxq=1 --txq=1 \
--nb-cores=3 --forward-mode=io --auto-start
Open yet another shell at your container host and run:
docker exec -ti ctr0 ssh -p 10022 admin@localhost
Again log in as admin
with password secret
and enter the following commands:
sudo -s
docker exec -ti ctr1 /bin/bash
Run the following commmands in the previously started shell inside the Docker container:
cd /mnt
qemu-system-x86_64 -accel kvm -name fcos -m 6G -cpu host -smp 4 \
-object memory-backend-file,id=mem,size=6G,mem-path=/dev/hugepages,share=on \
-numa node,cpus=0-3,memdev=mem -mem-prealloc \
-nographic \
-cdrom live.iso \
-chardev socket,id=char0,path=/tmp/vhost-user-0 \
-netdev type=vhost-user,id=mynet0,chardev=char0,vhostforce \
-device virtio-net-pci,mac=00:00:00:00:00:0a,netdev=mynet0,addr=0x10 \
-chardev socket,id=char1,path=/tmp/vhost-user-1 \
-netdev type=vhost-user,id=mynet1,chardev=char1,vhostforce \
-device virtio-net-pci,mac=00:00:00:00:00:0b,netdev=mynet1,addr=0x11
Once the virtual machine has booted, log in as admin
with password secret
and enter the following commands:
sudo -s
modprobe vfio enable_unsafe_noiommu_mode=1
modprobe vfio-pci --status net -b vfio-pci 0000:00:10.0 0000:00:11.0 --status net
echo 512 > /proc/sys/vm/nr_hugepages
dpdk-testpmd -l 0,1,2 --socket-mem 1024 -n 4 \
--proc-type auto --file-prefix pg -- \
--portmask=3 --forward-mode=macswap --port-topology=chained \
--disable-rss -i --rxq=1 --txq=1 \
--rxd=256 --txd=256 --nb-cores=2
Inside the dpdk-testpmd
shell (starting with testpmd>
) enter the following commands:
start tx_first
show port stats all
Use shutdown -h now
to shutdown the nested virtual machine.
Use exit
to leave the shell inside the Podman container.
Use shutdown -h now
again to shutdown the outer virtual machine.
Now start the outer virtual machine again but when in UEFI Shell enter reset –c -fwui
to enter the firmware ui, go
to Device Manager
, Secure Boot Configuration
, disable Attempt Secure Boot
(remove the [X]
), press Escape
twice and Reset
. Then continue with UEFI Shell commands and the other commands given above.
Once finished with testing, enter in a shell of the container host:
docker kill ctr0
docker rm ctr0
docker rmi dpdk-sb:local