This file documents changes to the Ecore meta-model after creating the first version. Be aware that the other meta-models and the models depend on it. So if the Ecore meta-model changes, (in more recent commits) the Xtext grammar, the QVT transformation, the Xtend code generator and the Sirius editor might be affected, too, as well as the different instance (model) files.
Create first version of meta-model
Initial version as described by task a) (also tagged cbsm-first-version), but lacking the OCL constraints which we chose to add after talking to the advisor about this first version and doing some basic refactorings. The initial version is strongly based on the task, so it has some major differences to Palladio and does not contain attributes/references which would make sense, but are not mentioned (a kind of sanity check was done during the following refactoring).
Note: As described in the FAQ
file, the OCL constraints (belonging to task 1a) were added after first refactorings took place (so during the work on task 1b). Changes that only add OCL constraints for the first time or even whole commits doing just that (without changing meta-model elements or existing OCL constraints) are not mentioned here, because they are no true meta-model refactorings.
Remove Services
- Remove the EClass Service. Services are mentioned in the text of the task ("interfaces [...] provides services", "external calls to required services"), but they are rather a semantic concept. Regarding syntax, they can also be represented with the existing EClass Signature, so we chose to remove the EClass Service after a discussion with the advisor.
Change BehaviorDescription
- Add the EReferences predecessor and successor to the EClass Action, so the user can define a behavior flow.
- Add the EReference loopActions to the EClass Loop, so the semantics of loops is properly represented (Loop had no EReferences before, as the task did not provide any details on that aspect).
- Add the EReference branchPaths to the EClass Branch and create an EClass BranchPath with an EReference pathActions, so the semantics of branches is properly represented (Branch had no EReferences before, as the task did not provide any detail on that aspect).
Replace Interface with Role + Split DelegationConnector
- Consistently use the EClasses ProvidedRole and RequiredRole to hide references to interfaces. In the initial version, the EClasses System and DelegationConnector had direct references to the type Interface, because it was described that way in the task. With this refactoring, roles are referenced instead. One the one hand this ensures consistency within our meta-model, on the other hand, the same approach is chosen in Palladio.
- Move the EClasses ProvidedRole and RequiredRole from the EPackage assembly to repository. They are needed e.g. by the EClass Component in the EPackage repository and we do not want any references from repository to assembly, as there are already dependencies from assembly to repository. Cyclic dependencies are an anti-pattern in software engineering and from the component-based point of view, the entities in the repository should not depend on any elements of a concrete system (on the model level).
- Create two sub-classes of DelegationConnector, ProvidedDelegationConnector and RequiredDelegationConnector. The old EClass contained all the references of both sub-classes at the same time, but that did not make sense because the connection is either provided-provided or required-required. Therefore, two sub-classes with the same super-class are created.
Move behavior-related elements to separate EPackage
- Create a new EPackage behavior as sub-package of repository. Move all behavior-related EClasses to that package. They belong to the same concept and should therefore be stored together, but they are still part of the repository, so we decided on a sub-package.
Change containment in assembly
- Make the EClass System the top-level element for the assembly view type. It references the EClasses Connector, ProvidedRole and AssemblyContext (and contains instances of that classes). Each model file should have a top-level element and the
had none before this change. - Create a super-class Connector for AssemblyConnector and DelegationConnector, because they represent related concepts (although there are no common attributes).
- Make the EReferences to ProvidedRole and RequiredRole non-containment in the Connector sub-classes and AssemblyContext. Those EClasses only reference roles already contained in a Component. If the reference to roles was a containment one for connectors and assembly contexts, too, there would be additional roles in the model, although the same real-world entity was referenced.
Add element names where appropriate
- Add inheritance from multiple EClasses to NamedElement. For some elements it is explicitly mentioned in the text that they should have a name, but for some not. The initial version of the meta-model had only names where mentioned in the text, this refactoring adds further names where they make sense (so in the end nearly all elements are named, because this allows a user-friendly identification in the model).
Introduce common super-class for ProvidedRole and RequiredRole
- Create a super-class Role, because ProvidedRole and RequiredRole represent similar concepts (although the new EClass does not have any own attributes; the EReference to the represented interface remains in the sub-classes, as it is named differently -> providedInterface / requiredInterface).
Make elements abstract where appropriate
- Make NamedElement, Role, DataType, Connector and DelegationConnector abstract. All those EClasses have multiple sub-classes and no direct real-world representation themselves, so instantiation is not necessary.
Derive Roles of AssemblyContext
- Make the EReferences providedRoles and requiredRoles of the EClass AssemblyContext derived. They can be directly calculated from the 1..1 instantiatedComponent EReference.
Rename EReferences where appropriate
- Give more descriptive names for EReferences. Many EReferences were directly named after their type (which resulted in multiple EClasses having EReferences with the same names if the type was the same). To distinguish them better, they are renamed and include more context information. E.g., both Link and AllocationContext had an EReference to Container. Now they are called linkedContainers respectively allocatedContainer.
Add System's RequiredRole EReference
- Add an EReference systemRequiredRoles to the EClass System. The text only mentions functionality provided by the system, but it makes sense that systems could also require interfaces.
Add first OCL constraints and refactor
- Rename the EReference requiredRole of the EClass Component to requiredRoles. Just a typo, cardinality already was 0..*.
- Add an EReference requiredRoleOfService with type RequiredRole to the EClass ExternalCall. The requiredService (type: Signature) already was an EReference, but signatures are independent of components, they belong to an interface. The external call should not only be related to the signature, but also its context (role that references the containing interface), as it describes component behavior. Therefore, the reference to the required role is added.
- Create an abstract super-class CompositeElement for CompositeComponent and System which references containedAssemblyContexts. On the one hand this moves a common concept of two sub-classes to a super-class, on the other hand this bi-directional EReference is necessary for an OCL constraint regarding the EClass AllocationContext.
- Add the EReferences innerAssemblyContext and outerAssemblyContext to the EClass DelegationConnector. Necessary for OCL constraints.
- Move the EReferences innerRole and outerRole of the EClasses ProvidedDelegationConnector and RequiredDelegationConnector to super-class DelegationConnector. Both represent similar concepts, only the type of connected roles are different. As a consequence, the references can be moved to the super-class and the latter gets a generic type parameter <T extends Role>.
Add constraints for DelegationConnector
- Move the EReferences innerRole and outerRole back to sub-classes, because OCL has problems with the generic type parameter.
- Create an abstract super-class ProvidingAndRequiringElement for Component and CompositeProvidingAndRequiringElement (former CompositeElement, sub-classes CompositeComponent and System). The common EReferences providedRoles and requiredRoles can be moved to the new super-class (common concept for all sub-classes).
- Move the EClass CompositeComponent to the EPackage assembly, so there are no references from the EPackage repository to assembly (the super-class CompositeProvidingAndRequiringElement is part of the assembly), only the other way around.
Add constraints for AssemblyConnector
- Add the EReferences connectedProvidedAssemblyContext and connectedRequiredAssemblyContext to the EClass AssemblyConnector. This ensures consistency to the DelegationConnector which also stores references to the contexts, not only the roles.
Add constrainte for AllocationContext and Allocation
- Add the EReference parentEnvironment to the EClasses Container and Link. This is necessary for the OCL constraints regarding the EClass Allocation.
Change meta-model duration model creation
- Add inheritance of SimpleType and ComplexType to DataType. Just missed during the initial meta-model creation.
- Make the EReference returnType of the EClass Signature a 0..1 reference instead of 1..1 to support the "void" return type.
- Edit the AssemblyContextsConnectedByAssemblyConnectorAllocatedOnSameOrLinkedContainers constraint, as it showed a validation error.
Add ViewType EClass
- Create an abstract super-class ViewType for the EClasses Repository, System, Environment and Allocation. This is used as entry rule for the Xtext grammar: A DSL file can contain exactly one ViewType (rule dispatch).
Fix constraint for connected contexts
- Edit the AssemblyContextsConnectedByAssemblyConnectorAllocatedOnSameOrLinkedContainer constraint, as it should be fulfilled if there are no allocation contexts from which the constraint could be checked (check if isEmpty first).
Make CBSM more compliant to Palladio
- Add inheritance from ViewType to NamedElement, so the EClasses Repository, System, Environment and Allocation get a name as in Palladio (otherwise the transformation sets a default name).
- Make the EReference behaviorDescriptions of the EClass Component a 0..* reference instead of 0..1, as PCM components can also have multiple SEFFs.
- Add inheritance from BehaviorDescription to NamedElement, so you can distinguish the different behaviors that might belong to the same component.
- Make the EClass Action abstract. Non-abstract actions are InternalAction, Loop, ExternalCall and Branch. The task for assignment 1 only demands those four types, so a non-abstract class Action simply is not necessary (but as abstract super-class it serves a purpose, as it contains the EReferences predecessor and successor).
- Change the EReferences of the EClasses Loop and BranchPath. Now they reference exactly one BehaviorDescription instead of 0..* Actions. This is similar to Palladio's AbstractBranchTransition and AbstractLoopAction which both reference one ResourceDemandingBehavior.
Fix some PCM-OCL-related errors
- Move the EReference connectors from the EClass System to the EClass CompositeProvidingAndRequiringElement, so CompositeComponents can contain connectors now. Our initial idea was that all connectors should be stored centrally in the system, but Palladio's OCL constraints require a local storage (connectors have to be related to their container).
- Remove the EReference outerAssemblyContext of the EClass DelegationConnector, so similar to PCM only the innerAssmemblyContext and the inner/outer role are referenced. This also enables delegation connectors for the system as a whole which in that case don't have an outerAssemblyContext.
- Add the EReferences allocatedSystem and allocatedEnvironment to the EClass Allocation. OCL constraints of Palladio and now also in our meta-model guarantee that the assembly contexts of the allocation contexts of the allocation belong to that system and that the containers of the allocation contexts of the allocation belong to that environment.
Fix some behavior mappings
- Make the EReferences predecessor and successor of the EClass Action eOpposites. This has the advantage that setting one reference from an element to another one directly sets the opposite reference.
Fix SEFF mapping
- Add an EClass ComponentBehaviorDescription that inherits from BehaviorDescription. The old CBSM meta-model had only one EClass BehaviorDescription to represent PCM's ResourceDemandingBehavior, always transformed to PCM's ResourceDemandingSEFF. However, two EReferences of a SEFF were missing (to the described service [signature] and the containing component), which resulted in violated OCL constraints. These EReferences are only interesting for SEFFs, but not for the general PCM super-class ResourceDemandingBehaviour which also is non-abstract and can be referenced from the EClasses LoopAction and AbstractBranchTransition in Palladio. As a consequence, our meta-model gets a new EClass ComponentBehaviorDescription which extends BehaviorDescription and has the necessary references for representing a SEFF.
Allow interface Inheritance in meta-model
- Add an EReference superInterfaces to the EClass Interface. Task 5 speaks about interface inheritance which we did not have in our meta-model, so it is added here.
Add icons for Repository elements
- Add icons for various EClasses of the EPackage repository to the editor project (does not affect the core meta-model). The icons are mainly needed for the Sirius editor, but as they are added to the editor project of the meta-model, they can also be used in the tree editor. The structure of the meta-model is not affected by this change.
Rename meta-model projects
- Adapt the project name to make it fully-qualified and similar to other projects. The meta-model itself is not affected, its package names and URIs remain the same. Only the name of the plug-in and project directory changes (and all locations depending on that, e.g. the