This application include java spring boot using micro-services architecture and iOS swift
Here is total 5 separate application (4 backend).
- service-registry
- api-gateway
- product-service
- offer-service
Microservices, as opposed to a monolith architecture, dictates you have
to divide your application into small, logically related, pieces.
These pieces are independent software that communicates with other
pieces using HTTP or messages.
No high coupling risk -
Since each app lives in a different process, it is impossible to create classes that talk to each other.
Easy scaling -
As you already know, every service is an independent piece of software. As such, it can be scaled up or down on demand. Moreover, since the code is smaller than a monolith, it probably will start up faster.
Multiple stacks -
You can use the best software stack for every service. No more need to use Java when, say, Python is better for what you’re building.
Fewer merges and code conflicts -
As every service is a different repository, it is easier to handle and review commits.
Open terminal and run
git clone
RabbitMQ is Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), It should be installed and running in your system where product
service will be deployed. Though this example is for localhost you need to install in your local computer and by default
run in http://localhost:15672/
Username: guest
Password: guest
I have prepared a bash file to install RabbitMQ in MacOS. Type bash
and start
Check this for Installing on Debian and Ubuntu
Lombok plugin should be installed in you IDE otherwise IDE will catch code error. I used Intellij Idea and I had to install lombok plugin.
service-registry is the application where all microservice instances will register with a service id. When a service wants to call another service, it will ask service-registry by service id to what instances are currently running for that service id.
Open a new terminal and run below command to launch service-registry
cd service-registry/
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
Or Open the project and Add pom.xml as maven project wait for dependancies to be downloaded and run
service-registry will launch in http://localhost:8761/ (normal port for Eureka).
api-gateway application is the service for facing other services. Just like the entry point to get any service. Receive all the request from user and delegates the request to the appropriate service.
- Zuul is used to achieve this functionality
Open a new terminal and run below command to run api gateway
cd api-gateway/
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
The application will run in http://localhost:8000/
API | REST Method | Api-gateway request | Forwarded service | Forwarded URL |
Get all products | GET | http://localhost:8000/product-service/products |
product-service | http://localhost:8081/products |
Add new product | POST | http://localhost:8000/product-service/products |
product-service | http://localhost:8081/products |
Update price | PUT | http://localhost:8000/product-service/products/addPrice |
product-service | http://localhost:8081/products |
Add offer | POST | http://localhost:8000/offer-service/offer |
offer-service | http://localhost:8082/offer |
Above table contains all the used api in this entire application.
Open a new terminal and run below command
cd product-service/
mvn clean install
The mvn clean install
command will create a product-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
inside target
We will run two product service instance by two different port. Run below command in a separate terminal
cd target/
java -jar product-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8081
Above command will run product-service in 8081 port.
Run another instance of product-service in 8180 port by running below command in another terminal
java -jar product-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar --server.port=8180
After few seconds you can see there are 2 instance running for product-service which is registered with Eureka server in http://localhost:8761/
Access product-service data source console in browser by
To connect product data source h2 console use below credentials
JDBC URL : jdbc:h2:~/product
User Name : root
Password : root
Check product table. Right now there is no products.
Let's add a new product by calling localhost:8000/product-service/products
POST endpoint with below body in postman.
"productCode": "NOT_EMPTY",
"productTitle": "NOT_EMPTY",
"imageUrl": "NOT_EMPTY",
"price": price is Double
Open separate terminal and run
cd offer-service/
mvn clean install
mvn spring-boot:run
Application will run on http://localhost:8082/
Access it's data source console in browser by
To connect offer data source h2 console use below credentials
JDBC URL : jdbc:h2:~/offer
User Name : root
Password : root
Check offer table and there is no offer right now.
Let's add a offer for product_id = 1 by calling http://localhost:8000/offer-service/offer
POST endpoint with below body in postman
"productId": 1,
"discountOffer": 10
All services + iOS simulator running all Together
Drafts Tutorial steps: