diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 096a7cd..2d11490 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ Refer to [docs/ConnectingRealRobot.md](docs/ConnectingRealRobot.md)
* rs013n
* rs020n
* rs025n
+ * rs030n
* rs80n
## Notes
diff --git a/docs/ConnectingRealRobot-ja.md b/docs/ConnectingRealRobot-ja.md
index 80ee0bd..a5f9926 100644
--- a/docs/ConnectingRealRobot-ja.md
+++ b/docs/ConnectingRealRobot-ja.md
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
### 1.2 サポートしているASバージョン
diff --git a/docs/ConnectingRealRobot.md b/docs/ConnectingRealRobot.md
index c7eeb37..b6e9845 100644
--- a/docs/ConnectingRealRobot.md
+++ b/docs/ConnectingRealRobot.md
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ Controllers with ”✓” are available.
### 1.2 Supported AS version
diff --git a/docs/README-ja.md b/docs/README-ja.md
index 8c51e62..9c39c8a 100644
--- a/docs/README-ja.md
+++ b/docs/README-ja.md
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ roslaunch ***_moveit_config moveit_planning_execution.launch
* rs013n
* rs020n
* rs025n
+ * rs030n
* rs80n
## ノート
diff --git a/khi_robot_bringup/config/rs030n_controllers.yaml b/khi_robot_bringup/config/rs030n_controllers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a47bb1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_robot_bringup/config/rs030n_controllers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+ khi_robot_param:
+ robot: RS030N
+ arm:
+ arm1:
+ - rs030n_arm_controller
+ # Publish all joint states -----------------------------------
+ joint_state_controller:
+ type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
+ publish_rate: 50
+ # Position - Joint Position Trajectory Controller -------------------
+ rs030n_arm_controller:
+ type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ - joint3
+ - joint4
+ - joint5
+ - joint6
+ constraints:
+ goal_time: 2.0 # Defaults to zero
+ stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.1 # Defaults to 0.01
+ joint1:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint2:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint3:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint4:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint5:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint6:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ state_publish_rate: 50 # Defaults to 50
+ action_monitor_rate: 20 # Defaults to 20
+ #hold_trajectory_duration: 0 # Defaults to 0.5
+ # Joint Group Position Controller -------------------
+ rs030n_joint_group_controller:
+ type: "position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController"
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ - joint3
+ - joint4
+ - joint5
+ - joint6
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_robot_bringup/launch/rs030n_bringup.launch b/khi_robot_bringup/launch/rs030n_bringup.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3209a15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_robot_bringup/launch/rs030n_bringup.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
diff --git a/khi_robot_test/CMakeLists.txt b/khi_robot_test/CMakeLists.txt
index 6768eef..6c875f2 100644
--- a/khi_robot_test/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/khi_robot_test/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -47,5 +47,6 @@ if (CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING)
+ add_rostest(tests/khi_robot_control/test_khi_robot_control_rs030n.xml)
diff --git a/khi_robot_test/package.xml b/khi_robot_test/package.xml
index 33a1fbe..f8c0d72 100644
--- a/khi_robot_test/package.xml
+++ b/khi_robot_test/package.xml
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ khi_rs030n_moveit_config
diff --git a/khi_robot_test/tests/khi_robot_control/test_khi_robot_control_rs030n.xml b/khi_robot_test/tests/khi_robot_control/test_khi_robot_control_rs030n.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a15420
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_robot_test/tests/khi_robot_control/test_khi_robot_control_rs030n.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/.setup_assistant b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/.setup_assistant
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38374ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/.setup_assistant
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ package: khi_rs_description
+ relative_path: urdf/rs030n.urdf.xacro
+ xacro_args: ""
+ relative_path: config/khi_rs030n.srdf
+ author_name: RS030N
+ author_email: kurita_taisuke@khi.co.jp
+ generated_timestamp: 1693526009
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/CMakeLists.txt b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e65bf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1.3)
+find_package(catkin REQUIRED)
+ find_package(roslaunch REQUIRED)
+ roslaunch_add_file_check(tests/roslaunch_test_moveit_rs030n.xml)
+ PATTERN "setup_assistant.launch" EXCLUDE)
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/cartesian_limits.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/cartesian_limits.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7df72f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/cartesian_limits.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+ max_trans_vel: 1
+ max_trans_acc: 2.25
+ max_trans_dec: -5
+ max_rot_vel: 1.57
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/chomp_planning.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/chomp_planning.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb9c912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/chomp_planning.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+planning_time_limit: 10.0
+max_iterations: 200
+max_iterations_after_collision_free: 5
+smoothness_cost_weight: 0.1
+obstacle_cost_weight: 1.0
+learning_rate: 0.01
+smoothness_cost_velocity: 0.0
+smoothness_cost_acceleration: 1.0
+smoothness_cost_jerk: 0.0
+ridge_factor: 0.0
+use_pseudo_inverse: false
+pseudo_inverse_ridge_factor: 1e-4
+joint_update_limit: 0.1
+collision_clearance: 0.2
+collision_threshold: 0.07
+use_stochastic_descent: true
+enable_failure_recovery: false
+max_recovery_attempts: 5
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/controllers.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/controllers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb99bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/controllers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ - name: rs030n_arm_controller
+ action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory
+ type: FollowJointTrajectory
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ - joint3
+ - joint4
+ - joint5
+ - joint6
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/fake_controllers.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/fake_controllers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa61c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/fake_controllers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ - name: fake_manipulator_controller
+ type: $(arg fake_execution_type)
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ - joint3
+ - joint4
+ - joint5
+ - joint6
+ - name: fake_tool_controller
+ type: $(arg fake_execution_type)
+ joints:
+ - joint6
+initial: # Define initial robot poses per group
+ - group: manipulator
+ pose: home
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/gazebo_controllers.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/gazebo_controllers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4d2eb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/gazebo_controllers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+# Publish joint_states
+ type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
+ publish_rate: 50
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/gazebo_khi_rs030n.urdf b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/gazebo_khi_rs030n.urdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e8f21dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/gazebo_khi_rs030n.urdf
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ 1
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ 1
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ 1
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ 1
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ 1
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ 1
+ hardware_interface/PositionJointInterface
+ /
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/khi_rs030n.srdf b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/khi_rs030n.srdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d22e52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/khi_rs030n.srdf
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/kinematics.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/kinematics.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c3e99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/kinematics.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ kinematics_solver: khi_rs030n_manipulator_kinematics/IKFastKinematicsPlugin
+ kinematics_solver_search_resolution: 0.005
+ kinematics_solver_timeout: 0.005
+ goal_joint_tolerance: 0.0001
+ goal_position_tolerance: 0.0001
+ goal_orientation_tolerance: 0.001
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/ompl_planning.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/ompl_planning.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c37fe1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/ompl_planning.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+ AnytimePathShortening:
+ type: geometric::AnytimePathShortening
+ shortcut: true # Attempt to shortcut all new solution paths
+ hybridize: true # Compute hybrid solution trajectories
+ max_hybrid_paths: 24 # Number of hybrid paths generated per iteration
+ num_planners: 4 # The number of default planners to use for planning
+ planners: "" # A comma-separated list of planner types (e.g., "PRM,EST,RRTConnect"Optionally, planner parameters can be passed to change the default:"PRM[max_nearest_neighbors=5],EST[goal_bias=.5],RRT[range=10. goal_bias=.1]"
+ SBL:
+ type: geometric::SBL
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ EST:
+ type: geometric::EST
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0 setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability. default: 0.05
+ type: geometric::LBKPIECE
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ border_fraction: 0.9 # Fraction of time focused on boarder default: 0.9
+ min_valid_path_fraction: 0.5 # Accept partially valid moves above fraction. default: 0.5
+ type: geometric::BKPIECE
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ border_fraction: 0.9 # Fraction of time focused on boarder default: 0.9
+ failed_expansion_score_factor: 0.5 # When extending motion fails, scale score by factor. default: 0.5
+ min_valid_path_fraction: 0.5 # Accept partially valid moves above fraction. default: 0.5
+ type: geometric::KPIECE
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability. default: 0.05
+ border_fraction: 0.9 # Fraction of time focused on boarder default: 0.9 (0.0,1.]
+ failed_expansion_score_factor: 0.5 # When extending motion fails, scale score by factor. default: 0.5
+ min_valid_path_fraction: 0.5 # Accept partially valid moves above fraction. default: 0.5
+ RRT:
+ type: geometric::RRT
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
+ RRTConnect:
+ type: geometric::RRTConnect
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ RRTstar:
+ type: geometric::RRTstar
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
+ delay_collision_checking: 1 # Stop collision checking as soon as C-free parent found. default 1
+ type: geometric::TRRT
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability? default: 0.05
+ max_states_failed: 10 # when to start increasing temp. default: 10
+ temp_change_factor: 2.0 # how much to increase or decrease temp. default: 2.0
+ min_temperature: 10e-10 # lower limit of temp change. default: 10e-10
+ init_temperature: 10e-6 # initial temperature. default: 10e-6
+ frontier_threshold: 0.0 # dist new state to nearest neighbor to disqualify as frontier. default: 0.0 set in setup()
+ frontier_node_ratio: 0.1 # 1/10, or 1 nonfrontier for every 10 frontier. default: 0.1
+ k_constant: 0.0 # value used to normalize expresssion. default: 0.0 set in setup()
+ PRM:
+ type: geometric::PRM
+ max_nearest_neighbors: 10 # use k nearest neighbors. default: 10
+ PRMstar:
+ type: geometric::PRMstar
+ FMT:
+ type: geometric::FMT
+ num_samples: 1000 # number of states that the planner should sample. default: 1000
+ radius_multiplier: 1.1 # multiplier used for the nearest neighbors search radius. default: 1.1
+ nearest_k: 1 # use Knearest strategy. default: 1
+ cache_cc: 1 # use collision checking cache. default: 1
+ heuristics: 0 # activate cost to go heuristics. default: 0
+ extended_fmt: 1 # activate the extended FMT*: adding new samples if planner does not finish successfully. default: 1
+ type: geometric::BFMT
+ num_samples: 1000 # number of states that the planner should sample. default: 1000
+ radius_multiplier: 1.0 # multiplier used for the nearest neighbors search radius. default: 1.0
+ nearest_k: 1 # use the Knearest strategy. default: 1
+ balanced: 0 # exploration strategy: balanced true expands one tree every iteration. False will select the tree with lowest maximum cost to go. default: 1
+ optimality: 1 # termination strategy: optimality true finishes when the best possible path is found. Otherwise, the algorithm will finish when the first feasible path is found. default: 1
+ heuristics: 1 # activates cost to go heuristics. default: 1
+ cache_cc: 1 # use the collision checking cache. default: 1
+ extended_fmt: 1 # Activates the extended FMT*: adding new samples if planner does not finish successfully. default: 1
+ type: geometric::PDST
+ type: geometric::STRIDE
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability. default: 0.05
+ use_projected_distance: 0 # whether nearest neighbors are computed based on distances in a projection of the state rather distances in the state space itself. default: 0
+ degree: 16 # desired degree of a node in the Geometric Near-neightbor Access Tree (GNAT). default: 16
+ max_degree: 18 # max degree of a node in the GNAT. default: 12
+ min_degree: 12 # min degree of a node in the GNAT. default: 12
+ max_pts_per_leaf: 6 # max points per leaf in the GNAT. default: 6
+ estimated_dimension: 0.0 # estimated dimension of the free space. default: 0.0
+ min_valid_path_fraction: 0.2 # Accept partially valid moves above fraction. default: 0.2
+ type: geometric::BiTRRT
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ temp_change_factor: 0.1 # how much to increase or decrease temp. default: 0.1
+ init_temperature: 100 # initial temperature. default: 100
+ frontier_threshold: 0.0 # dist new state to nearest neighbor to disqualify as frontier. default: 0.0 set in setup()
+ frontier_node_ratio: 0.1 # 1/10, or 1 nonfrontier for every 10 frontier. default: 0.1
+ cost_threshold: 1e300 # the cost threshold. Any motion cost that is not better will not be expanded. default: inf
+ type: geometric::LBTRRT
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability. default: 0.05
+ epsilon: 0.4 # optimality approximation factor. default: 0.4
+ BiEST:
+ type: geometric::BiEST
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ ProjEST:
+ type: geometric::ProjEST
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ goal_bias: 0.05 # When close to goal select goal, with this probability. default: 0.05
+ LazyPRM:
+ type: geometric::LazyPRM
+ range: 0.0 # Max motion added to tree. ==> maxDistance_ default: 0.0, if 0.0, set on setup()
+ LazyPRMstar:
+ type: geometric::LazyPRMstar
+ type: geometric::SPARS
+ stretch_factor: 3.0 # roadmap spanner stretch factor. multiplicative upper bound on path quality. It does not make sense to make this parameter more than 3. default: 3.0
+ sparse_delta_fraction: 0.25 # delta fraction for connection distance. This value represents the visibility range of sparse samples. default: 0.25
+ dense_delta_fraction: 0.001 # delta fraction for interface detection. default: 0.001
+ max_failures: 1000 # maximum consecutive failure limit. default: 1000
+ SPARStwo:
+ type: geometric::SPARStwo
+ stretch_factor: 3.0 # roadmap spanner stretch factor. multiplicative upper bound on path quality. It does not make sense to make this parameter more than 3. default: 3.0
+ sparse_delta_fraction: 0.25 # delta fraction for connection distance. This value represents the visibility range of sparse samples. default: 0.25
+ dense_delta_fraction: 0.001 # delta fraction for interface detection. default: 0.001
+ max_failures: 5000 # maximum consecutive failure limit. default: 5000
+ AITstar:
+ type: geometric::AITstar
+ use_k_nearest: 1 # whether to use a k-nearest RGG connection model (1) or an r-disc model (0). Default: 1
+ rewire_factor: 1.001 # rewire factor of the RGG. Valid values: [1.0:0.01:3.0]. Default: 1.001
+ samples_per_batch: 100 # batch size. Valid values: [1:1:1000]. Default: 100
+ use_graph_pruning: 1 # enable graph pruning (1) or not (0). Default: 1
+ find_approximate_solutions: 0 # track approximate solutions (1) or not (0). Default: 0
+ set_max_num_goals: 1 # maximum number of goals sampled from sampleable goal regions. Valid values: [1:1:1000]. Default: 1
+ ABITstar:
+ type: geometric::ABITstar
+ use_k_nearest: 1 # whether to use a k-nearest RGG connection model (1) or an r-disc model (0). Default: 1
+ rewire_factor: 1.001 # rewire factor of the RGG. Valid values: [1.0:0.01:3.0]. Default: 1.001
+ samples_per_batch: 100 # batch size. Valid values: [1:1:1000]. Default: 100
+ use_graph_pruning: 1 # enable graph pruning (1) or not (0). Default: 1
+ prune_threshold_as_fractional_cost_change: 0.1 # fractional change in the solution cost AND problem measure necessary for pruning to occur. Default: 0.1
+ delay_rewiring_to_first_solution: 0 # delay (1) or not (0) rewiring until a solution is found. Default: 0
+ use_just_in_time_sampling: 0 # delay the generation of samples until they are * necessary. Only works with r-disc connection and path length minimization. Default: 0
+ drop_unconnected_samples_on_prune: 0 # drop unconnected samples when pruning, regardless of their heuristic value. Default: 0
+ stop_on_each_solution_improvement: 0 # stop the planner each time a solution improvement is found. Useful for debugging. Default: 0
+ use_strict_queue_ordering: 0 # sort edges in the queue at the end of the batch (0) or after each rewiring (1). Default: 0
+ find_approximate_solutions: 0 # track approximate solutions (1) or not (0). Default: 0
+ initial_inflation_factor: 1000000 # inflation factor for the initial search. Valid values: [1.0:0.01:1000000.0]. Default: 1000000
+ inflation_scaling_parameter: 10 # scaling parameter for the inflation factor update policy. Valid values: [1.0:0.01:1000000.0]. Default: 0
+ truncation_scaling_parameter: 5.0 # scaling parameter for the truncation factor update policy. Valid values: [1.0:0.01:1000000.0]. Default: 0
+ BITstar:
+ type: geometric::BITstar
+ use_k_nearest: 1 # whether to use a k-nearest RGG connection model (1) or an r-disc model (0). Default: 1
+ rewire_factor: 1.001 # rewire factor of the RGG. Valid values: [1.0:0.01:3.0]. Default: 1.001
+ samples_per_batch: 100 # batch size. Valid values: [1:1:1000]. Default: 100
+ use_graph_pruning: 1 # enable graph pruning (1) or not (0). Default: 1
+ prune_threshold_as_fractional_cost_change: 0.1 # fractional change in the solution cost AND problem measure necessary for pruning to occur. Default: 0.1
+ delay_rewiring_to_first_solution: 0 # delay (1) or not (0) rewiring until a solution is found. Default: 0
+ use_just_in_time_sampling: 0 # delay the generation of samples until they are * necessary. Only works with r-disc connection and path length minimization. Default: 0
+ drop_unconnected_samples_on_prune: 0 # drop unconnected samples when pruning, regardless of their heuristic value. Default: 0
+ stop_on_each_solution_improvement: 0 # stop the planner each time a solution improvement is found. Useful for debugging. Default: 0
+ use_strict_queue_ordering: 0 # sort edges in the queue at the end of the batch (0) or after each rewiring (1). Default: 0
+ find_approximate_solutions: 0 # track approximate solutions (1) or not (0). Default: 0
+ default_planner_config: RRTConnect
+ planner_configs:
+ - AnytimePathShortening
+ - SBL
+ - EST
+ - RRT
+ - RRTConnect
+ - RRTstar
+ - TRRT
+ - PRM
+ - PRMstar
+ - FMT
+ - BFMT
+ - PDST
+ - BiTRRT
+ - BiEST
+ - ProjEST
+ - LazyPRM
+ - LazyPRMstar
+ - SPARStwo
+ - AITstar
+ - ABITstar
+ - BITstar
+ projection_evaluator: joints(joint1,joint2)
+ longest_valid_segment_fraction: 0.005
+ planner_configs:
+ - AnytimePathShortening
+ - SBL
+ - EST
+ - RRT
+ - RRTConnect
+ - RRTstar
+ - TRRT
+ - PRM
+ - PRMstar
+ - FMT
+ - BFMT
+ - PDST
+ - BiTRRT
+ - BiEST
+ - ProjEST
+ - LazyPRM
+ - LazyPRMstar
+ - SPARStwo
+ - AITstar
+ - ABITstar
+ - BITstar
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/ros_controllers.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/ros_controllers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb99bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/ros_controllers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ - name: rs030n_arm_controller
+ action_ns: follow_joint_trajectory
+ type: FollowJointTrajectory
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ - joint3
+ - joint4
+ - joint5
+ - joint6
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/sensors_3d.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/sensors_3d.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51010a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/sensors_3d.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/simple_moveit_controllers.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/simple_moveit_controllers.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4118c3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/simple_moveit_controllers.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+ []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/stomp_planning.yaml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/stomp_planning.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25ef11d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/config/stomp_planning.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ group_name: manipulator
+ optimization:
+ num_timesteps: 60
+ num_iterations: 40
+ num_iterations_after_valid: 0
+ num_rollouts: 30
+ max_rollouts: 30
+ control_cost_weight: 0.0
+ task:
+ noise_generator:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/NormalDistributionSampling
+ stddev: [0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05, 0.05]
+ cost_functions:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/CollisionCheck
+ collision_penalty: 1.0
+ cost_weight: 1.0
+ kernel_window_percentage: 0.2
+ longest_valid_joint_move: 0.05
+ noisy_filters:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/JointLimits
+ lock_start: True
+ lock_goal: True
+ - class: stomp_moveit/MultiTrajectoryVisualization
+ line_width: 0.02
+ rgb: [255, 255, 0]
+ marker_array_topic: stomp_trajectories
+ marker_namespace: noisy
+ update_filters:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/PolynomialSmoother
+ poly_order: 6
+ - class: stomp_moveit/TrajectoryVisualization
+ line_width: 0.05
+ rgb: [0, 191, 255]
+ error_rgb: [255, 0, 0]
+ publish_intermediate: True
+ marker_topic: stomp_trajectory
+ marker_namespace: optimized
+ group_name: tool
+ optimization:
+ num_timesteps: 60
+ num_iterations: 40
+ num_iterations_after_valid: 0
+ num_rollouts: 30
+ max_rollouts: 30
+ control_cost_weight: 0.0
+ task:
+ noise_generator:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/NormalDistributionSampling
+ stddev: [0.05]
+ cost_functions:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/CollisionCheck
+ collision_penalty: 1.0
+ cost_weight: 1.0
+ kernel_window_percentage: 0.2
+ longest_valid_joint_move: 0.05
+ noisy_filters:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/JointLimits
+ lock_start: True
+ lock_goal: True
+ - class: stomp_moveit/MultiTrajectoryVisualization
+ line_width: 0.02
+ rgb: [255, 255, 0]
+ marker_array_topic: stomp_trajectories
+ marker_namespace: noisy
+ update_filters:
+ - class: stomp_moveit/PolynomialSmoother
+ poly_order: 6
+ - class: stomp_moveit/TrajectoryVisualization
+ line_width: 0.05
+ rgb: [0, 191, 255]
+ error_rgb: [255, 0, 0]
+ publish_intermediate: True
+ marker_topic: stomp_trajectory
+ marker_namespace: optimized
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/chomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/chomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea20dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/chomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/default_warehouse_db.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/default_warehouse_db.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99d7016
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/default_warehouse_db.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/demo.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/demo.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76bea61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/demo.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ [move_group/fake_controller_joint_states]
+ [move_group/fake_controller_joint_states]
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/demo_gazebo.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/demo_gazebo.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef8f95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/demo_gazebo.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/fake_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/fake_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2baed60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/fake_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/gazebo.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/gazebo.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e94e97b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/gazebo.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/joystick_control.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/joystick_control.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9411f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/joystick_control.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/khi_rs030n_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/khi_rs030n_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..600428f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/khi_rs030n_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/khi_rs030n_moveit_sensor_manager.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/khi_rs030n_moveit_sensor_manager.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d02698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/khi_rs030n_moveit_sensor_manager.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/move_group.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/move_group.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c20c478
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/move_group.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit.rviz b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit.rviz
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d87444
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit.rviz
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+ - Class: rviz/Displays
+ Help Height: 84
+ Name: Displays
+ Property Tree Widget:
+ Expanded:
+ - /MotionPlanning1
+ Splitter Ratio: 0.5
+ Tree Height: 226
+ - Class: rviz/Help
+ Name: Help
+ - Class: rviz/Views
+ Expanded:
+ - /Current View1
+ Name: Views
+ Splitter Ratio: 0.5
+Visualization Manager:
+ Class: ""
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.5
+ Cell Size: 1
+ Class: rviz/Grid
+ Color: 160; 160; 164
+ Enabled: true
+ Line Style:
+ Line Width: 0.03
+ Value: Lines
+ Name: Grid
+ Normal Cell Count: 0
+ Offset:
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ Z: 0
+ Plane: XY
+ Plane Cell Count: 10
+ Reference Frame:
+ Value: true
+ - Class: moveit_rviz_plugin/MotionPlanning
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: MotionPlanning
+ Planned Path:
+ Links: ~
+ Loop Animation: true
+ Robot Alpha: 0.5
+ Show Robot Collision: false
+ Show Robot Visual: true
+ Show Trail: false
+ State Display Time: 0.05 s
+ Trajectory Topic: move_group/display_planned_path
+ Planning Metrics:
+ Payload: 1
+ Show Joint Torques: false
+ Show Manipulability: false
+ Show Manipulability Index: false
+ Show Weight Limit: false
+ Planning Request:
+ Colliding Link Color: 255; 0; 0
+ Goal State Alpha: 1
+ Goal State Color: 250; 128; 0
+ Interactive Marker Size: 0
+ Joint Violation Color: 255; 0; 255
+ Query Goal State: true
+ Query Start State: false
+ Show Workspace: false
+ Start State Alpha: 1
+ Start State Color: 0; 255; 0
+ Planning Scene Topic: move_group/monitored_planning_scene
+ Robot Description: robot_description
+ Scene Geometry:
+ Scene Alpha: 1
+ Show Scene Geometry: true
+ Voxel Coloring: Z-Axis
+ Voxel Rendering: Occupied Voxels
+ Scene Robot:
+ Attached Body Color: 150; 50; 150
+ Links: ~
+ Robot Alpha: 0.5
+ Show Scene Robot: true
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Global Options:
+ Background Color: 48; 48; 48
+ Fixed Frame: world
+ Name: root
+ Tools:
+ - Class: rviz/Interact
+ Hide Inactive Objects: true
+ - Class: rviz/MoveCamera
+ - Class: rviz/Select
+ Value: true
+ Views:
+ Current:
+ Class: rviz/Orbit
+ Distance: 2.0
+ Enable Stereo Rendering:
+ Stereo Eye Separation: 0.06
+ Stereo Focal Distance: 1
+ Swap Stereo Eyes: false
+ Value: false
+ Field of View: 0.75
+ Focal Point:
+ X: -0.1
+ Y: 0.25
+ Z: 0.30
+ Focal Shape Fixed Size: true
+ Focal Shape Size: 0.05
+ Invert Z Axis: false
+ Name: Current View
+ Near Clip Distance: 0.01
+ Pitch: 0.5
+ Target Frame: world
+ Yaw: -0.6232355833053589
+ Saved: ~
+Window Geometry:
+ Displays:
+ collapsed: false
+ Height: 848
+ Help:
+ collapsed: false
+ Hide Left Dock: false
+ Hide Right Dock: false
+ MotionPlanning:
+ collapsed: false
+ MotionPlanning - Trajectory Slider:
+ collapsed: false
+ QMainWindow State: 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
+ Views:
+ collapsed: false
+ Width: 1291
+ X: 454
+ Y: 25
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit_planning_execution.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit_planning_execution.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a62ac06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit_planning_execution.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8f0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/moveit_rviz.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ompl-chomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ompl-chomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a96cd10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ompl-chomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ompl_planning_pipeline.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ompl_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc2fcc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ompl_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/pilz_industrial_motion_planner_planning_pipeline.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/pilz_industrial_motion_planner_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c7c4cf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/pilz_industrial_motion_planner_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/planning_context.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/planning_context.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be5eebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/planning_context.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/planning_pipeline.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/planning_pipeline.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b4d0d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/planning_pipeline.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ros_control_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ros_control_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ebc91c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ros_control_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ros_controllers.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ros_controllers.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c789c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/ros_controllers.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/run_benchmark_ompl.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/run_benchmark_ompl.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d191c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/run_benchmark_ompl.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/sensor_manager.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/sensor_manager.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6aeddf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/sensor_manager.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/setup_assistant.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/setup_assistant.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1a6f37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/setup_assistant.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/simple_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/simple_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e88ce20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/simple_moveit_controller_manager.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/stomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/stomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f252ebc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/stomp_planning_pipeline.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/trajectory_execution.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/trajectory_execution.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20c3dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/trajectory_execution.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/warehouse.launch b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/warehouse.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0712e67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/warehouse.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/warehouse_settings.launch.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/warehouse_settings.launch.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e473b08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/launch/warehouse_settings.launch.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/package.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/package.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..12f4273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/package.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+ khi_rs030n_moveit_config
+ 1.4.0
+ An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the khi_rs030n with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework
+ RS030N
+ RS030N
+ http://moveit.ros.org/
+ https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit/issues
+ https://github.com/ros-planning/moveit
+ catkin
+ moveit_ros_move_group
+ moveit_fake_controller_manager
+ moveit_kinematics
+ moveit_planners
+ moveit_ros_visualization
+ moveit_setup_assistant
+ moveit_simple_controller_manager
+ joint_state_publisher
+ joint_state_publisher_gui
+ robot_state_publisher
+ rviz
+ tf2_ros
+ xacro
+ khi_rs_description
diff --git a/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/tests/roslaunch_test_moveit_rs030n.xml b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/tests/roslaunch_test_moveit_rs030n.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..db2b447
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs030n_moveit_config/tests/roslaunch_test_moveit_rs030n.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/CMakeLists.txt b/khi_rs_description/CMakeLists.txt
index 9a80d6c..cd648f8 100644
--- a/khi_rs_description/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/khi_rs_description/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ if (CATKIN_ENABLE_TESTING)
+ roslaunch_add_file_check(tests/roslaunch_test_rs030n.xml)
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/config/rs030n_joint_limits.yaml b/khi_rs_description/config/rs030n_joint_limits.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fac4f6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_description/config/rs030n_joint_limits.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# joint_limits.yaml allows the dynamics properties specified in the URDF to be overwritten or augmented as needed
+# For beginners, we downscale velocity and acceleration limits.
+# You can always specify higher scaling factors (<= 1.0) in your motion requests. # Increase the values below to 1.0 to always move at maximum speed.
+# default_velocity_scaling_factor: 0.1
+# default_acceleration_scaling_factor: 0.1
+# Specific joint properties can be changed with the keys [max_position, min_position, max_velocity, max_acceleration]
+# Joint limits can be turned off with [has_velocity_limits, has_acceleration_limits]
+ joint1:
+ has_position_limits: true
+ min_position: -3.14159265359
+ max_position: 3.14159265359
+ has_velocity_limits: true
+ max_velocity: 3.078760800518
+ has_acceleration_limits: true
+ max_acceleration: 4.68483115009004
+ joint2:
+ has_position_limits: true
+ min_position: -1.83259571459
+ max_position: 2.44346095279
+ has_velocity_limits: true
+ max_velocity: 3.078760800518
+ has_acceleration_limits: true
+ max_acceleration: 4.84328867428427
+ joint3:
+ has_position_limits: true
+ min_position: -2.70526034059
+ max_position: 2.35619449019
+ has_velocity_limits: true
+ max_velocity: 3.16428193386572
+ has_acceleration_limits: true
+ max_acceleration: 4.97469573133849
+ joint4:
+ has_position_limits: true
+ min_position: -6.28318530718
+ max_position: 6.28318530718
+ has_velocity_limits: true
+ max_velocity: 4.44709893408155
+ has_acceleration_limits: true
+ max_acceleration: 9.76690872804774
+ joint5:
+ has_position_limits: true
+ min_position: -2.53072741539
+ max_position: 2.53072741539
+ has_velocity_limits: true
+ max_velocity: 4.44709893408155
+ has_acceleration_limits: true
+ max_acceleration: 12.6051557088479
+ joint6:
+ has_position_limits: true
+ min_position: -6.28318530718
+ max_position: 6.28318530718
+ has_velocity_limits: true
+ max_velocity: 6.15752160103599
+ has_acceleration_limits: true
+ max_acceleration: 19.6602895095619
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J0.stl b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J0.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1cd6bee
Binary files /dev/null and b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J0.stl differ
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J1.stl b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J1.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43a2c7a
Binary files /dev/null and b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J1.stl differ
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J2.stl b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J2.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0fd9d89
Binary files /dev/null and b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J2.stl differ
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J3.stl b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J3.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3760b1
Binary files /dev/null and b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J3.stl differ
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J4.stl b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J4.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2c884e
Binary files /dev/null and b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J4.stl differ
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J5.stl b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J5.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..86ffdd0
Binary files /dev/null and b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J5.stl differ
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J6.stl b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J6.stl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..385b9c1
Binary files /dev/null and b/khi_rs_description/meshes/RS030N_J6.stl differ
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/tests/roslaunch_test_rs030n.xml b/khi_rs_description/tests/roslaunch_test_rs030n.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e670e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_description/tests/roslaunch_test_rs030n.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/urdf/rs030n.urdf.xacro b/khi_rs_description/urdf/rs030n.urdf.xacro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dfa8f88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_description/urdf/rs030n.urdf.xacro
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs_description/urdf/rs030n_macro.xacro b/khi_rs_description/urdf/rs030n_macro.xacro
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a84e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_description/urdf/rs030n_macro.xacro
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs_gazebo/config/rs030n_gazebo_control.yaml b/khi_rs_gazebo/config/rs030n_gazebo_control.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c8acb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_gazebo/config/rs030n_gazebo_control.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ # Publish all joint states -----------------------------------
+ joint_state_controller:
+ type: joint_state_controller/JointStateController
+ publish_rate: 50
+ # Position - Joint Position Trajectory Controller -------------------
+ rs030n_arm_controller:
+ type: "position_controllers/JointTrajectoryController"
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ - joint3
+ - joint4
+ - joint5
+ - joint6
+ constraints:
+ goal_time: 2.0 # Defaults to zero
+ stopped_velocity_tolerance: 0.1 # Defaults to 0.01
+ joint1:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint2:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint3:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint4:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint5:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ joint6:
+ trajectory: 0
+ goal: 0.0
+ state_publish_rate: 50 # Defaults to 50
+ action_monitor_rate: 20 # Defaults to 20
+ #hold_trajectory_duration: 0 # Defaults to 0.5
+ # Joint Group Position Controller -------------------
+ rs030n_joint_group_controller:
+ type: "position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController"
+ joints:
+ - joint1
+ - joint2
+ - joint3
+ - joint4
+ - joint5
+ - joint6
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs_gazebo/launch/rs030n_gazebo_control.launch b/khi_rs_gazebo/launch/rs030n_gazebo_control.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08c3f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_gazebo/launch/rs030n_gazebo_control.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs_gazebo/launch/rs030n_world.launch b/khi_rs_gazebo/launch/rs030n_world.launch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..39b63f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_gazebo/launch/rs030n_world.launch
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/CMakeLists.txt b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/CMakeLists.txt
index bbf6d28..9db7901 100644
--- a/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -87,3 +87,18 @@ install(
+set(IKFAST_LIBRARY_NAME khi_rs030n_manipulator_moveit_ikfast_plugin)
+find_package(LAPACK REQUIRED)
+add_library(${IKFAST_LIBRARY_NAME} src/khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_moveit_plugin.cpp)
+target_link_libraries(${IKFAST_LIBRARY_NAME} ${catkin_LIBRARIES} ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${LAPACK_LIBRARIES})
+ khi_rs030n_manipulator_moveit_ikfast_plugin_description.xml
diff --git a/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/khi_rs030n_manipulator_moveit_ikfast_plugin_description.xml b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/khi_rs030n_manipulator_moveit_ikfast_plugin_description.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53b7647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/khi_rs030n_manipulator_moveit_ikfast_plugin_description.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+ IKFast61 plugin for closed-form kinematics
diff --git a/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/package.xml b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/package.xml
index 051219e..1a4d510 100644
--- a/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/package.xml
+++ b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/package.xml
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
diff --git a/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/src/khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_moveit_plugin.cpp b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/src/khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_moveit_plugin.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d256c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/src/khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_moveit_plugin.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1400 @@
+ *
+ * Software License Agreement (BSD License)
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2013, Dave Coleman, CU Boulder; Jeremy Zoss, SwRI; David Butterworth, KAIST; Mathias Lüdtke, Fraunhofer
+ *IPA
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ *
+ * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * * Neither the name of the all of the author's companies nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ *********************************************************************/
+ * IKFast Plugin Template for moveit
+ *
+ * AUTO-GENERATED by create_ikfast_moveit_plugin.py in arm_kinematics_tools
+ * You should run create_ikfast_moveit_plugin.py to generate your own plugin.
+ *
+ * Creates a kinematics plugin using the output of IKFast from OpenRAVE.
+ * This plugin and the move_group node can be used as a general
+ * kinematics service, from within the moveit planning environment, or in
+ * your own ROS node.
+ *
+ */
+// Need a floating point tolerance when checking joint limits, in case the joint starts at limit
+const double LIMIT_TOLERANCE = .0000001;
+/// \brief Search modes for searchPositionIK(), see there
+namespace ikfast_kinematics_plugin
+#define IKFAST_NO_MAIN // Don't include main() from IKFast
+/// \brief The types of inverse kinematics parameterizations supported.
+/// The minimum degree of freedoms required is set in the upper 4 bits of each type.
+/// The number of values used to represent the parameterization ( >= dof ) is the next 4 bits.
+/// The lower bits contain a unique id of the type.
+enum IkParameterizationType
+ IKP_None = 0,
+ IKP_Transform6D = 0x67000001, ///< end effector reaches desired 6D transformation
+ IKP_Rotation3D = 0x34000002, ///< end effector reaches desired 3D rotation
+ IKP_Translation3D = 0x33000003, ///< end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation
+ IKP_Direction3D = 0x23000004, ///< direction on end effector coordinate system reaches desired direction
+ IKP_Ray4D = 0x46000005, ///< ray on end effector coordinate system reaches desired global ray
+ IKP_Lookat3D = 0x23000006, ///< direction on end effector coordinate system points to desired 3D position
+ IKP_TranslationDirection5D = 0x56000007, ///< end effector origin and direction reaches desired 3D translation and
+ /// direction. Can be thought of as Ray IK where the origin of the ray must
+ /// coincide.
+ IKP_TranslationXY2D = 0x22000008, ///< 2D translation along XY plane
+ IKP_TranslationXYOrientation3D = 0x33000009, ///< 2D translation along XY plane and 1D rotation around Z axis. The
+ /// offset of the rotation is measured starting at +X, so at +X is it 0,
+ /// at +Y it is pi/2.
+ IKP_TranslationLocalGlobal6D = 0x3600000a, ///< local point on end effector origin reaches desired 3D global point
+ IKP_TranslationXAxisAngle4D = 0x4400000b, ///< end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ /// direction makes a specific angle with x-axis like a cone, angle is from
+ /// 0-pi. Axes defined in the manipulator base link's coordinate system)
+ IKP_TranslationYAxisAngle4D = 0x4400000c, ///< end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ /// direction makes a specific angle with y-axis like a cone, angle is from
+ /// 0-pi. Axes defined in the manipulator base link's coordinate system)
+ IKP_TranslationZAxisAngle4D = 0x4400000d, ///< end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ /// direction makes a specific angle with z-axis like a cone, angle is from
+ /// 0-pi. Axes are defined in the manipulator base link's coordinate system.
+ IKP_TranslationXAxisAngleZNorm4D = 0x4400000e, ///< end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ /// direction needs to be orthogonal to z-axis and be rotated at a
+ /// certain angle starting from the x-axis (defined in the manipulator
+ /// base link's coordinate system)
+ IKP_TranslationYAxisAngleXNorm4D = 0x4400000f, ///< end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ /// direction needs to be orthogonal to x-axis and be rotated at a
+ /// certain angle starting from the y-axis (defined in the manipulator
+ /// base link's coordinate system)
+ IKP_TranslationZAxisAngleYNorm4D = 0x44000010, ///< end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ /// direction needs to be orthogonal to y-axis and be rotated at a
+ /// certain angle starting from the z-axis (defined in the manipulator
+ /// base link's coordinate system)
+ IKP_NumberOfParameterizations = 16, ///< number of parameterizations (does not count IKP_None)
+ IKP_VelocityDataBit =
+ 0x00008000, ///< bit is set if the data represents the time-derivate velocity of an IkParameterization
+ IKP_Transform6DVelocity = IKP_Transform6D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_Rotation3DVelocity = IKP_Rotation3D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_Translation3DVelocity = IKP_Translation3D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_Direction3DVelocity = IKP_Direction3D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_Ray4DVelocity = IKP_Ray4D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_Lookat3DVelocity = IKP_Lookat3D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationDirection5DVelocity = IKP_TranslationDirection5D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationXY2DVelocity = IKP_TranslationXY2D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationXYOrientation3DVelocity = IKP_TranslationXYOrientation3D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationLocalGlobal6DVelocity = IKP_TranslationLocalGlobal6D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationXAxisAngle4DVelocity = IKP_TranslationXAxisAngle4D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationYAxisAngle4DVelocity = IKP_TranslationYAxisAngle4D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationZAxisAngle4DVelocity = IKP_TranslationZAxisAngle4D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationXAxisAngleZNorm4DVelocity = IKP_TranslationXAxisAngleZNorm4D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationYAxisAngleXNorm4DVelocity = IKP_TranslationYAxisAngleXNorm4D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_TranslationZAxisAngleYNorm4DVelocity = IKP_TranslationZAxisAngleYNorm4D | IKP_VelocityDataBit,
+ IKP_UniqueIdMask = 0x0000ffff, ///< the mask for the unique ids
+ IKP_CustomDataBit = 0x00010000, ///< bit is set if the ikparameterization contains custom data, this is only used
+ /// when serializing the ik parameterizations
+// struct for storing and sorting solutions
+struct LimitObeyingSol
+ std::vector value;
+ double dist_from_seed;
+ bool operator<(const LimitObeyingSol& a) const
+ {
+ return dist_from_seed < a.dist_from_seed;
+ }
+// Code generated by IKFast56/61
+#include "khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_solver.cpp"
+class IKFastKinematicsPlugin : public kinematics::KinematicsBase
+ std::vector joint_names_;
+ std::vector joint_min_vector_;
+ std::vector joint_max_vector_;
+ std::vector joint_has_limits_vector_;
+ std::vector link_names_;
+ const size_t num_joints_;
+ std::vector free_params_;
+ bool active_; // Internal variable that indicates whether solvers are configured and ready
+ const std::string name_{ "ikfast" };
+ const std::vector& getJointNames() const
+ {
+ return joint_names_;
+ }
+ const std::vector& getLinkNames() const
+ {
+ return link_names_;
+ }
+ /** @class
+ * @brief Interface for an IKFast kinematics plugin
+ */
+ IKFastKinematicsPlugin() : num_joints_(GetNumJoints()), active_(false)
+ {
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ supported_methods_.push_back(kinematics::DiscretizationMethods::NO_DISCRETIZATION);
+ supported_methods_.push_back(kinematics::DiscretizationMethods::ALL_DISCRETIZED);
+ supported_methods_.push_back(kinematics::DiscretizationMethods::ALL_RANDOM_SAMPLED);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, compute the joint angles to reach it
+ * @param ik_pose the desired pose of the link
+ * @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
+ * @param solution the solution vector
+ * @param error_code an error code that encodes the reason for failure or success
+ * @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
+ */
+ // Returns the IK solution that is within joint limits closest to ik_seed_state
+ bool getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose, const std::vector& ik_seed_state,
+ std::vector& solution, moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, compute the set joint angles solutions that are able to reach it.
+ *
+ * This is a default implementation that returns only one solution and so its result is equivalent to calling
+ * 'getPositionIK(...)' with a zero initialized seed.
+ *
+ * @param ik_poses The desired pose of each tip link
+ * @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
+ * @param solutions A vector of vectors where each entry is a valid joint solution
+ * @param result A struct that reports the results of the query
+ * @param options An option struct which contains the type of redundancy discretization used. This default
+ * implementation only supports the KinmaticSearches::NO_DISCRETIZATION method; requesting any
+ * other will result in failure.
+ * @return True if a valid set of solutions was found, false otherwise.
+ */
+ bool getPositionIK(const std::vector& ik_poses, const std::vector& ik_seed_state,
+ std::vector>& solutions, kinematics::KinematicsResult& result,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, search for the joint angles required to reach it.
+ * This particular method is intended for "searching" for a solutions by stepping through the redundancy
+ * (or other numerical routines).
+ * @param ik_pose the desired pose of the link
+ * @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
+ * @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose, const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ std::vector& solution, moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, search for the joint angles required to reach it.
+ * This particular method is intended for "searching" for a solutions by stepping through the redundancy
+ * (or other numerical routines).
+ * @param ik_pose the desired pose of the link
+ * @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
+ * @param the distance that the redundancy can be from the current position
+ * @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose, const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ const std::vector& consistency_limits, std::vector& solution,
+ moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, search for the joint angles required to reach it.
+ * This particular method is intended for "searching" for a solutions by stepping through the redundancy
+ * (or other numerical routines).
+ * @param ik_pose the desired pose of the link
+ * @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
+ * @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose, const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ std::vector& solution, const IKCallbackFn& solution_callback,
+ moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Given a desired pose of the end-effector, search for the joint angles required to reach it.
+ * This particular method is intended for "searching" for a solutions by stepping through the redundancy
+ * (or other numerical routines). The consistency_limit specifies that only certain redundancy positions
+ * around those specified in the seed state are admissible and need to be searched.
+ * @param ik_pose the desired pose of the link
+ * @param ik_seed_state an initial guess solution for the inverse kinematics
+ * @param consistency_limit the distance that the redundancy can be from the current position
+ * @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose, const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ const std::vector& consistency_limits, std::vector& solution,
+ const IKCallbackFn& solution_callback, moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options = kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions()) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Given a set of joint angles and a set of links, compute their pose
+ *
+ * @param link_names A set of links for which FK needs to be computed
+ * @param joint_angles The state for which FK is being computed
+ * @param poses The resultant set of poses (in the frame returned by getBaseFrame())
+ * @return True if a valid solution was found, false otherwise
+ */
+ bool getPositionFK(const std::vector& link_names, const std::vector& joint_angles,
+ std::vector& poses) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Sets the discretization value for the redundant joint.
+ *
+ * Since this ikfast implementation allows for one redundant joint then only the first entry will be in the
+ *discretization map will be used.
+ * Calling this method replaces previous discretization settings.
+ *
+ * @param discretization a map of joint indices and discretization value pairs.
+ */
+ void setSearchDiscretization(const std::map& discretization);
+ /**
+ * @brief Overrides the default method to prevent changing the redundant joints
+ */
+ bool setRedundantJoints(const std::vector& redundant_joint_indices);
+ bool initialize(const std::string& robot_description, const std::string& group_name, const std::string& base_name,
+ const std::string& tip_name, double search_discretization);
+ /**
+ * @brief Calls the IK solver from IKFast
+ * @return The number of solutions found
+ */
+ int solve(KDL::Frame& pose_frame, const std::vector& vfree, IkSolutionList& solutions) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets a specific solution from the set
+ */
+ void getSolution(const IkSolutionList& solutions, int i, std::vector& solution) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief Gets a specific solution from the set with joints rotated 360° to be near seed state where possible
+ */
+ void getSolution(const IkSolutionList& solutions, const std::vector& ik_seed_state, int i,
+ std::vector& solution) const;
+ double harmonize(const std::vector& ik_seed_state, std::vector& solution) const;
+ // void getOrderedSolutions(const std::vector &ik_seed_state, std::vector >& solslist);
+ void getClosestSolution(const IkSolutionList& solutions, const std::vector& ik_seed_state,
+ std::vector& solution) const;
+ void fillFreeParams(int count, int* array);
+ bool getCount(int& count, const int& max_count, const int& min_count) const;
+ /**
+ * @brief samples the designated redundant joint using the chosen discretization method
+ * @param method An enumeration flag indicating the discretization method to be used
+ * @param sampled_joint_vals Sampled joint values for the redundant joint
+ * @return True if sampling succeeded.
+ */
+ bool sampleRedundantJoint(kinematics::DiscretizationMethod method, std::vector& sampled_joint_vals) const;
+}; // end class
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::initialize(const std::string& robot_description, const std::string& group_name,
+ const std::string& base_name, const std::string& tip_name,
+ double search_discretization)
+ setValues(robot_description, group_name, base_name, tip_name, search_discretization);
+ ros::NodeHandle node_handle("~/" + group_name);
+ std::string robot;
+ lookupParam("robot", robot, std::string());
+ // IKFast56/61
+ fillFreeParams(GetNumFreeParameters(), GetFreeParameters());
+ if (free_params_.size() > 1)
+ {
+ ROS_FATAL("Only one free joint parameter supported!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ else if (free_params_.size() == 1)
+ {
+ redundant_joint_indices_.clear();
+ redundant_joint_indices_.push_back(free_params_[0]);
+ KinematicsBase::setSearchDiscretization(DEFAULT_SEARCH_DISCRETIZATION);
+ }
+ urdf::Model robot_model;
+ std::string xml_string;
+ std::string urdf_xml, full_urdf_xml;
+ lookupParam("urdf_xml", urdf_xml, robot_description);
+ node_handle.searchParam(urdf_xml, full_urdf_xml);
+ ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Reading xml file from parameter server");
+ if (!node_handle.getParam(full_urdf_xml, xml_string))
+ {
+ ROS_FATAL_NAMED(name_, "Could not load the xml from parameter server: %s", urdf_xml.c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ robot_model.initString(xml_string);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Reading joints and links from URDF");
+ urdf::LinkConstSharedPtr link = robot_model.getLink(getTipFrame());
+ while (link->name != base_frame_ && joint_names_.size() <= num_joints_)
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Link %s", link->name.c_str());
+ link_names_.push_back(link->name);
+ urdf::JointSharedPtr joint = link->parent_joint;
+ if (joint)
+ {
+ if (joint->type != urdf::Joint::UNKNOWN && joint->type != urdf::Joint::FIXED)
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Adding joint " << joint->name);
+ joint_names_.push_back(joint->name);
+ float lower, upper;
+ int hasLimits;
+ if (joint->type != urdf::Joint::CONTINUOUS)
+ {
+ if (joint->safety)
+ {
+ lower = joint->safety->soft_lower_limit;
+ upper = joint->safety->soft_upper_limit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lower = joint->limits->lower;
+ upper = joint->limits->upper;
+ }
+ hasLimits = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ lower = -M_PI;
+ upper = M_PI;
+ hasLimits = 0;
+ }
+ if (hasLimits)
+ {
+ joint_has_limits_vector_.push_back(true);
+ joint_min_vector_.push_back(lower);
+ joint_max_vector_.push_back(upper);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ joint_has_limits_vector_.push_back(false);
+ joint_min_vector_.push_back(-M_PI);
+ joint_max_vector_.push_back(M_PI);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROS_WARN_NAMED(name_, "no joint corresponding to %s", link->name.c_str());
+ }
+ link = link->getParent();
+ }
+ if (joint_names_.size() != num_joints_)
+ {
+ ROS_FATAL_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Joint numbers mismatch: URDF has " << joint_names_.size() << " and IKFast has "
+ << num_joints_);
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::reverse(link_names_.begin(), link_names_.end());
+ std::reverse(joint_names_.begin(), joint_names_.end());
+ std::reverse(joint_min_vector_.begin(), joint_min_vector_.end());
+ std::reverse(joint_max_vector_.begin(), joint_max_vector_.end());
+ std::reverse(joint_has_limits_vector_.begin(), joint_has_limits_vector_.end());
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < num_joints_; ++i)
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, joint_names_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i] << " "
+ << joint_has_limits_vector_[i]);
+ active_ = true;
+ return true;
+void IKFastKinematicsPlugin::setSearchDiscretization(const std::map& discretization)
+ if (discretization.empty())
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("The 'discretization' map is empty");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (redundant_joint_indices_.empty())
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("This group's solver doesn't support redundant joints");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (discretization.begin()->first != redundant_joint_indices_[0])
+ {
+ std::string redundant_joint = joint_names_[free_params_[0]];
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Attempted to discretize a non-redundant joint "
+ << discretization.begin()->first << ", only joint '" << redundant_joint << "' with index "
+ << redundant_joint_indices_[0] << " is redundant.");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (discretization.begin()->second <= 0.0)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Discretization can not takes values that are <= 0");
+ return;
+ }
+ redundant_joint_discretization_.clear();
+ redundant_joint_discretization_[redundant_joint_indices_[0]] = discretization.begin()->second;
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::setRedundantJoints(const std::vector& redundant_joint_indices)
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Changing the redundant joints isn't permitted by this group's solver ");
+ return false;
+int IKFastKinematicsPlugin::solve(KDL::Frame& pose_frame, const std::vector& vfree,
+ IkSolutionList& solutions) const
+ // IKFast56/61
+ solutions.Clear();
+ double trans[3];
+ trans[0] = pose_frame.p[0]; //-.18;
+ trans[1] = pose_frame.p[1];
+ trans[2] = pose_frame.p[2];
+ KDL::Rotation mult;
+ KDL::Vector direction;
+ switch (GetIkType())
+ {
+ case IKP_Transform6D:
+ case IKP_Translation3D:
+ // For **Transform6D**, eerot is 9 values for the 3x3 rotation matrix. For **Translation3D**, these are ignored.
+ mult = pose_frame.M;
+ double vals[9];
+ vals[0] = mult(0, 0);
+ vals[1] = mult(0, 1);
+ vals[2] = mult(0, 2);
+ vals[3] = mult(1, 0);
+ vals[4] = mult(1, 1);
+ vals[5] = mult(1, 2);
+ vals[6] = mult(2, 0);
+ vals[7] = mult(2, 1);
+ vals[8] = mult(2, 2);
+ // IKFast56/61
+ ComputeIk(trans, vals, vfree.size() > 0 ? &vfree[0] : NULL, solutions);
+ return solutions.GetNumSolutions();
+ case IKP_Direction3D:
+ case IKP_Ray4D:
+ case IKP_TranslationDirection5D:
+ // For **Direction3D**, **Ray4D**, and **TranslationDirection5D**, the first 3 values represent the target
+ // direction.
+ direction = pose_frame.M * KDL::Vector(0, 0, 1);
+ ComputeIk(trans, direction.data, vfree.size() > 0 ? &vfree[0] : NULL, solutions);
+ return solutions.GetNumSolutions();
+ case IKP_TranslationXAxisAngle4D:
+ case IKP_TranslationYAxisAngle4D:
+ case IKP_TranslationZAxisAngle4D:
+ // For *TranslationXAxisAngle4D*, *TranslationYAxisAngle4D*, *TranslationZAxisAngle4D* - end effector origin
+ // reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator direction makes a specific angle with x/y/z-axis (defined in the
+ // manipulator base link’s coordinate system)
+ ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "IK for this IkParameterizationType not implemented yet.");
+ return 0;
+ case IKP_TranslationLocalGlobal6D:
+ // For **TranslationLocalGlobal6D**, the diagonal elements ([0],[4],[8]) are the local translation inside the end
+ // effector coordinate system.
+ ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "IK for this IkParameterizationType not implemented yet.");
+ return 0;
+ case IKP_Rotation3D:
+ case IKP_Lookat3D:
+ case IKP_TranslationXY2D:
+ case IKP_TranslationXYOrientation3D:
+ ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "IK for this IkParameterizationType not implemented yet.");
+ return 0;
+ case IKP_TranslationXAxisAngleZNorm4D:
+ double roll, pitch, yaw;
+ // For **TranslationXAxisAngleZNorm4D** - end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ // direction needs to be orthogonal to z axis and be rotated at a certain angle starting from the x axis (defined
+ // in the manipulator base link’s coordinate system)
+ pose_frame.M.GetRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
+ ComputeIk(trans, &yaw, vfree.size() > 0 ? &vfree[0] : NULL, solutions);
+ return solutions.GetNumSolutions();
+ case IKP_TranslationYAxisAngleXNorm4D:
+ // For **TranslationYAxisAngleXNorm4D** - end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ // direction needs to be orthogonal to x axis and be rotated at a certain angle starting from the y axis (defined
+ // in the manipulator base link’s coordinate system)
+ pose_frame.M.GetRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
+ ComputeIk(trans, &roll, vfree.size() > 0 ? &vfree[0] : NULL, solutions);
+ return solutions.GetNumSolutions();
+ case IKP_TranslationZAxisAngleYNorm4D:
+ // For **TranslationZAxisAngleYNorm4D** - end effector origin reaches desired 3D translation, manipulator
+ // direction needs to be orthogonal to y axis and be rotated at a certain angle starting from the z axis (defined
+ // in the manipulator base link’s coordinate system)
+ pose_frame.M.GetRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
+ ComputeIk(trans, &pitch, vfree.size() > 0 ? &vfree[0] : NULL, solutions);
+ return solutions.GetNumSolutions();
+ default:
+ ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Unknown IkParameterizationType! "
+ "Was the solver generated with an incompatible version of Openrave?");
+ return 0;
+ }
+void IKFastKinematicsPlugin::getSolution(const IkSolutionList& solutions, int i,
+ std::vector& solution) const
+ solution.clear();
+ solution.resize(num_joints_);
+ // IKFast56/61
+ const IkSolutionBase& sol = solutions.GetSolution(i);
+ std::vector vsolfree(sol.GetFree().size());
+ sol.GetSolution(&solution[0], vsolfree.size() > 0 ? &vsolfree[0] : NULL);
+ // std::cout << "solution " << i << ":" ;
+ // for(int j=0;j& solutions,
+ const std::vector& ik_seed_state, int i,
+ std::vector& solution) const
+ solution.clear();
+ solution.resize(num_joints_);
+ // IKFast56/61
+ const IkSolutionBase& sol = solutions.GetSolution(i);
+ std::vector vsolfree(sol.GetFree().size());
+ sol.GetSolution(&solution[0], vsolfree.size() > 0 ? &vsolfree[0] : NULL);
+ // rotate joints by +/-360° where it is possible and useful
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < num_joints_; ++i)
+ {
+ if (joint_has_limits_vector_[i])
+ {
+ double signed_distance = solution[i] - ik_seed_state[i];
+ while (signed_distance > M_PI && solution[i] - 2 * M_PI > (joint_min_vector_[i] - LIMIT_TOLERANCE))
+ {
+ signed_distance -= 2 * M_PI;
+ solution[i] -= 2 * M_PI;
+ }
+ while (signed_distance < -M_PI && solution[i] + 2 * M_PI < (joint_max_vector_[i] + LIMIT_TOLERANCE))
+ {
+ signed_distance += 2 * M_PI;
+ solution[i] += 2 * M_PI;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+double IKFastKinematicsPlugin::harmonize(const std::vector& ik_seed_state, std::vector& solution) const
+ double dist_sqr = 0;
+ std::vector ss = ik_seed_state;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < ik_seed_state.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ while (ss[i] > 2 * M_PI)
+ {
+ ss[i] -= 2 * M_PI;
+ }
+ while (ss[i] < 2 * M_PI)
+ {
+ ss[i] += 2 * M_PI;
+ }
+ while (solution[i] > 2 * M_PI)
+ {
+ solution[i] -= 2 * M_PI;
+ }
+ while (solution[i] < 2 * M_PI)
+ {
+ solution[i] += 2 * M_PI;
+ }
+ dist_sqr += fabs(ik_seed_state[i] - solution[i]);
+ }
+ return dist_sqr;
+// void IKFastKinematicsPlugin::getOrderedSolutions(const std::vector &ik_seed_state,
+// std::vector >& solslist)
+// {
+// std::vector
+// double mindist = 0;
+// int minindex = -1;
+// std::vector sol;
+// for(size_t i=0;i= 0){
+// getSolution(minindex,solution);
+// harmonize(ik_seed_state, solution);
+// index = minindex;
+// }
+// }
+void IKFastKinematicsPlugin::getClosestSolution(const IkSolutionList& solutions,
+ const std::vector& ik_seed_state,
+ std::vector& solution) const
+ double mindist = DBL_MAX;
+ int minindex = -1;
+ std::vector sol;
+ // IKFast56/61
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < solutions.GetNumSolutions(); ++i)
+ {
+ getSolution(solutions, i, sol);
+ double dist = harmonize(ik_seed_state, sol);
+ ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Dist " << i << " dist " << dist);
+ // std::cout << "dist[" << i << "]= " << dist << std::endl;
+ if (minindex == -1 || dist < mindist)
+ {
+ minindex = i;
+ mindist = dist;
+ }
+ }
+ if (minindex >= 0)
+ {
+ getSolution(solutions, minindex, solution);
+ harmonize(ik_seed_state, solution);
+ }
+void IKFastKinematicsPlugin::fillFreeParams(int count, int* array)
+ free_params_.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
+ free_params_.push_back(array[i]);
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::getCount(int& count, const int& max_count, const int& min_count) const
+ if (count > 0)
+ {
+ if (-count >= min_count)
+ {
+ count = -count;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (count + 1 <= max_count)
+ {
+ count = count + 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (1 - count <= max_count)
+ {
+ count = 1 - count;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if (count - 1 >= min_count)
+ {
+ count = count - 1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::getPositionFK(const std::vector& link_names,
+ const std::vector& joint_angles,
+ std::vector& poses) const
+ if (GetIkType() != IKP_Transform6D)
+ {
+ // ComputeFk() is the inverse function of ComputeIk(), so the format of
+ // eerot differs depending on IK type. The Transform6D IK type is the only
+ // one for which a 3x3 rotation matrix is returned, which means we can only
+ // compute FK for that IK type.
+ ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Can only compute FK for Transform6D IK type!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ KDL::Frame p_out;
+ if (link_names.size() == 0)
+ {
+ ROS_WARN_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Link names with nothing");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (link_names.size() != 1 || link_names[0] != getTipFrame())
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Can compute FK for %s only", getTipFrame().c_str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ bool valid = true;
+ IkReal eerot[9], eetrans[3];
+ if (joint_angles.size() != num_joints_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_NAMED(name_, "Unexpected number of joint angles");
+ return false;
+ }
+ IkReal angles[num_joints_];
+ for (unsigned char i = 0; i < num_joints_; i++)
+ angles[i] = joint_angles[i];
+ // IKFast56/61
+ ComputeFk(angles, eetrans, eerot);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ p_out.p.data[i] = eetrans[i];
+ for (int i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
+ p_out.M.data[i] = eerot[i];
+ poses.resize(1);
+ tf::poseKDLToMsg(p_out, poses[0]);
+ return valid;
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose,
+ const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ std::vector& solution, moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options) const
+ const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
+ std::vector consistency_limits;
+ return searchPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state, timeout, consistency_limits, solution, solution_callback, error_code,
+ options);
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose,
+ const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ const std::vector& consistency_limits,
+ std::vector& solution, moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options) const
+ const IKCallbackFn solution_callback = 0;
+ return searchPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state, timeout, consistency_limits, solution, solution_callback, error_code,
+ options);
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose,
+ const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ std::vector& solution, const IKCallbackFn& solution_callback,
+ moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options) const
+ std::vector consistency_limits;
+ return searchPositionIK(ik_pose, ik_seed_state, timeout, consistency_limits, solution, solution_callback, error_code,
+ options);
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::searchPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose,
+ const std::vector& ik_seed_state, double timeout,
+ const std::vector& consistency_limits,
+ std::vector& solution, const IKCallbackFn& solution_callback,
+ moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options) const
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "searchPositionIK");
+ /// search_mode is currently fixed during code generation
+ // Check if there are no redundant joints
+ if (free_params_.size() == 0)
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "No need to search since no free params/redundant joints");
+ std::vector ik_poses(1, ik_pose);
+ std::vector> solutions;
+ kinematics::KinematicsResult kinematic_result;
+ // Find all IK solution within joint limits
+ if (!getPositionIK(ik_poses, ik_seed_state, solutions, kinematic_result, options))
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "No solution whatsoever");
+ error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::NO_IK_SOLUTION;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // sort solutions by their distance to the seed
+ std::vector solutions_obey_limits;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < solutions.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ double dist_from_seed = 0.0;
+ for (std::size_t j = 0; j < ik_seed_state.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ dist_from_seed += fabs(ik_seed_state[j] - solutions[i][j]);
+ }
+ solutions_obey_limits.push_back({ solutions[i], dist_from_seed });
+ }
+ std::sort(solutions_obey_limits.begin(), solutions_obey_limits.end());
+ // check for collisions if a callback is provided
+ if (!solution_callback.empty())
+ {
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < solutions_obey_limits.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ solution_callback(ik_pose, solutions_obey_limits[i].value, error_code);
+ if (error_code.val == moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS)
+ {
+ solution = solutions_obey_limits[i].value;
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Solution passes callback");
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Solution has error code " << error_code);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ solution = solutions_obey_limits[0].value;
+ error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
+ return true; // no collision check callback provided
+ }
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Error Checking
+ if (!active_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Kinematics not active");
+ error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ik_seed_state.size() != num_joints_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Seed state must have size " << num_joints_ << " instead of size "
+ << ik_seed_state.size());
+ error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!consistency_limits.empty() && consistency_limits.size() != num_joints_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Consistency limits be empty or must have size " << num_joints_ << " instead of size "
+ << consistency_limits.size());
+ error_code.val = error_code.NO_IK_SOLUTION;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Initialize
+ KDL::Frame frame;
+ tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, frame);
+ std::vector vfree(free_params_.size());
+ ros::Time maxTime = ros::Time::now() + ros::Duration(timeout);
+ int counter = 0;
+ double initial_guess = ik_seed_state[free_params_[0]];
+ vfree[0] = initial_guess;
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Handle consitency limits if needed
+ int num_positive_increments;
+ int num_negative_increments;
+ if (!consistency_limits.empty())
+ {
+ // moveit replaced consistency_limit (scalar) w/ consistency_limits (vector)
+ // Assume [0]th free_params element for now. Probably wrong.
+ double max_limit = fmin(joint_max_vector_[free_params_[0]], initial_guess + consistency_limits[free_params_[0]]);
+ double min_limit = fmax(joint_min_vector_[free_params_[0]], initial_guess - consistency_limits[free_params_[0]]);
+ num_positive_increments = (int)((max_limit - initial_guess) / search_discretization_);
+ num_negative_increments = (int)((initial_guess - min_limit) / search_discretization_);
+ }
+ else // no consitency limits provided
+ {
+ num_positive_increments = (joint_max_vector_[free_params_[0]] - initial_guess) / search_discretization_;
+ num_negative_increments = (initial_guess - joint_min_vector_[free_params_[0]]) / search_discretization_;
+ }
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Begin searching
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Free param is " << free_params_[0] << " initial guess is " << initial_guess
+ << ", # positive increments: " << num_positive_increments
+ << ", # negative increments: " << num_negative_increments);
+ if ((search_mode & OPTIMIZE_MAX_JOINT) && (num_positive_increments + num_negative_increments) > 1000)
+ ROS_WARN_STREAM_ONCE_NAMED(name_, "Large search space, consider increasing the search discretization");
+ double best_costs = -1.0;
+ std::vector best_solution;
+ int nattempts = 0, nvalid = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ IkSolutionList solutions;
+ int numsol = solve(frame, vfree, solutions);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Found " << numsol << " solutions from IKFast");
+ // ROS_INFO("%f",vfree[0]);
+ if (numsol > 0)
+ {
+ for (int s = 0; s < numsol; ++s)
+ {
+ nattempts++;
+ std::vector sol;
+ getSolution(solutions, ik_seed_state, s, sol);
+ bool obeys_limits = true;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && (sol[i] < joint_min_vector_[i] || sol[i] > joint_max_vector_[i]))
+ {
+ obeys_limits = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ // ROS_INFO_STREAM_NAMED(name_,"Num " << i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limits " <<
+ // joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " " << joint_min_vector_[i] << " " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+ }
+ if (obeys_limits)
+ {
+ getSolution(solutions, ik_seed_state, s, solution);
+ // This solution is within joint limits, now check if in collision (if callback provided)
+ if (!solution_callback.empty())
+ {
+ solution_callback(ik_pose, solution, error_code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (error_code.val == error_code.SUCCESS)
+ {
+ nvalid++;
+ if (search_mode & OPTIMIZE_MAX_JOINT)
+ {
+ // Costs for solution: Largest joint motion
+ double costs = 0.0;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < solution.size(); i++)
+ {
+ double d = fabs(ik_seed_state[i] - solution[i]);
+ if (d > costs)
+ costs = d;
+ }
+ if (costs < best_costs || best_costs == -1.0)
+ {
+ best_costs = costs;
+ best_solution = solution;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ // Return first feasible solution
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!getCount(counter, num_positive_increments, -num_negative_increments))
+ {
+ // Everything searched
+ error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::NO_IK_SOLUTION;
+ break;
+ }
+ vfree[0] = initial_guess + search_discretization_ * counter;
+ // ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_,"Attempt " << counter << " with 0th free joint having value " << vfree[0]);
+ }
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Valid solutions: " << nvalid << "/" << nattempts);
+ if ((search_mode & OPTIMIZE_MAX_JOINT) && best_costs != -1.0)
+ {
+ solution = best_solution;
+ error_code.val = error_code.SUCCESS;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // No solution found
+ error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::NO_IK_SOLUTION;
+ return false;
+// Used when there are no redundant joints - aka no free params
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::getPositionIK(const geometry_msgs::Pose& ik_pose, const std::vector& ik_seed_state,
+ std::vector& solution, moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes& error_code,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options) const
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "getPositionIK");
+ if (!active_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("kinematics not active");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ik_seed_state.size() < num_joints_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ik_seed_state only has " << ik_seed_state.size() << " entries, this ikfast solver requires "
+ << num_joints_);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Check if seed is in bound
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ik_seed_state.size(); i++)
+ {
+ // Add tolerance to limit check
+ if (joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && ((ik_seed_state[i] < (joint_min_vector_[i] - LIMIT_TOLERANCE)) ||
+ (ik_seed_state[i] > (joint_max_vector_[i] + LIMIT_TOLERANCE))))
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED("ikseed", "Not in limits! " << (int)i << " value " << ik_seed_state[i]
+ << " has limit: " << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " being "
+ << joint_min_vector_[i] << " to " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ std::vector vfree(free_params_.size());
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < free_params_.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ int p = free_params_[i];
+ ROS_ERROR("%u is %f", p, ik_seed_state[p]); // DTC
+ vfree[i] = ik_seed_state[p];
+ }
+ KDL::Frame frame;
+ tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_pose, frame);
+ IkSolutionList solutions;
+ int numsol = solve(frame, vfree, solutions);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Found " << numsol << " solutions from IKFast");
+ std::vector solutions_obey_limits;
+ if (numsol)
+ {
+ std::vector solution_obey_limits;
+ for (std::size_t s = 0; s < numsol; ++s)
+ {
+ std::vector sol;
+ getSolution(solutions, ik_seed_state, s, sol);
+ ROS_DEBUG_NAMED(name_, "Sol %d: %e %e %e %e %e %e", (int)s, sol[0], sol[1], sol[2], sol[3], sol[4],
+ sol[5]);
+ bool obeys_limits = true;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++)
+ {
+ // Add tolerance to limit check
+ if (joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && ((sol[i] < (joint_min_vector_[i] - LIMIT_TOLERANCE)) ||
+ (sol[i] > (joint_max_vector_[i] + LIMIT_TOLERANCE))))
+ {
+ // One element of solution is not within limits
+ obeys_limits = false;
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Not in limits! " << (int)i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limit: "
+ << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " being "
+ << joint_min_vector_[i] << " to " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (obeys_limits)
+ {
+ // All elements of this solution obey limits
+ getSolution(solutions, ik_seed_state, s, solution_obey_limits);
+ double dist_from_seed = 0.0;
+ for (std::size_t i = 0; i < ik_seed_state.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ dist_from_seed += fabs(ik_seed_state[i] - solution_obey_limits[i]);
+ }
+ solutions_obey_limits.push_back({ solution_obey_limits, dist_from_seed });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "No IK solution");
+ }
+ // Sort the solutions under limits and find the one that is closest to ik_seed_state
+ if (!solutions_obey_limits.empty())
+ {
+ std::sort(solutions_obey_limits.begin(), solutions_obey_limits.end());
+ solution = solutions_obey_limits[0].value;
+ error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::SUCCESS;
+ return true;
+ }
+ error_code.val = moveit_msgs::MoveItErrorCodes::NO_IK_SOLUTION;
+ return false;
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::getPositionIK(const std::vector& ik_poses,
+ const std::vector& ik_seed_state,
+ std::vector>& solutions,
+ kinematics::KinematicsResult& result,
+ const kinematics::KinematicsQueryOptions& options) const
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "getPositionIK with multiple solutions");
+ if (!active_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("kinematics not active");
+ result.kinematic_error = kinematics::KinematicErrors::SOLVER_NOT_ACTIVE;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ik_poses.empty())
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("ik_poses is empty");
+ result.kinematic_error = kinematics::KinematicErrors::EMPTY_TIP_POSES;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ik_poses.size() > 1)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR("ik_poses contains multiple entries, only one is allowed");
+ result.kinematic_error = kinematics::KinematicErrors::MULTIPLE_TIPS_NOT_SUPPORTED;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (ik_seed_state.size() < num_joints_)
+ {
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ik_seed_state only has " << ik_seed_state.size() << " entries, this ikfast solver requires "
+ << num_joints_);
+ return false;
+ }
+ KDL::Frame frame;
+ tf::poseMsgToKDL(ik_poses[0], frame);
+ // solving ik
+ std::vector> solution_set;
+ IkSolutionList ik_solutions;
+ std::vector vfree;
+ int numsol = 0;
+ std::vector sampled_joint_vals;
+ if (!redundant_joint_indices_.empty())
+ {
+ // initializing from seed
+ sampled_joint_vals.push_back(ik_seed_state[redundant_joint_indices_[0]]);
+ // checking joint limits when using no discretization
+ if (options.discretization_method == kinematics::DiscretizationMethods::NO_DISCRETIZATION &&
+ joint_has_limits_vector_[redundant_joint_indices_.front()])
+ {
+ double joint_min = joint_min_vector_[redundant_joint_indices_.front()];
+ double joint_max = joint_max_vector_[redundant_joint_indices_.front()];
+ double jv = sampled_joint_vals[0];
+ if (!((jv > (joint_min - LIMIT_TOLERANCE)) && (jv < (joint_max + LIMIT_TOLERANCE))))
+ {
+ result.kinematic_error = kinematics::KinematicErrors::IK_SEED_OUTSIDE_LIMITS;
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("ik seed is out of bounds");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // computing all solutions sets for each sampled value of the redundant joint
+ if (!sampleRedundantJoint(options.discretization_method, sampled_joint_vals))
+ {
+ result.kinematic_error = kinematics::KinematicErrors::UNSUPORTED_DISCRETIZATION_REQUESTED;
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sampled_joint_vals.size(); i++)
+ {
+ vfree.clear();
+ vfree.push_back(sampled_joint_vals[i]);
+ numsol += solve(frame, vfree, ik_solutions);
+ solution_set.push_back(ik_solutions);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // computing for single solution set
+ numsol = solve(frame, vfree, ik_solutions);
+ solution_set.push_back(ik_solutions);
+ }
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Found " << numsol << " solutions from IKFast");
+ bool solutions_found = false;
+ if (numsol > 0)
+ {
+ /*
+ Iterating through all solution sets and storing those that do not exceed joint limits.
+ */
+ for (unsigned int r = 0; r < solution_set.size(); r++)
+ {
+ ik_solutions = solution_set[r];
+ numsol = ik_solutions.GetNumSolutions();
+ for (int s = 0; s < numsol; ++s)
+ {
+ std::vector sol;
+ getSolution(ik_solutions, ik_seed_state, s, sol);
+ bool obeys_limits = true;
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sol.size(); i++)
+ {
+ // Add tolerance to limit check
+ if (joint_has_limits_vector_[i] && ((sol[i] < (joint_min_vector_[i] - LIMIT_TOLERANCE)) ||
+ (sol[i] > (joint_max_vector_[i] + LIMIT_TOLERANCE))))
+ {
+ // One element of solution is not within limits
+ obeys_limits = false;
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "Not in limits! " << i << " value " << sol[i] << " has limit: "
+ << joint_has_limits_vector_[i] << " being "
+ << joint_min_vector_[i] << " to " << joint_max_vector_[i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (obeys_limits)
+ {
+ // All elements of solution obey limits
+ solutions_found = true;
+ solutions.push_back(sol);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (solutions_found)
+ {
+ result.kinematic_error = kinematics::KinematicErrors::OK;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM_NAMED(name_, "No IK solution");
+ }
+ result.kinematic_error = kinematics::KinematicErrors::NO_SOLUTION;
+ return false;
+bool IKFastKinematicsPlugin::sampleRedundantJoint(kinematics::DiscretizationMethod method,
+ std::vector& sampled_joint_vals) const
+ double joint_min = -M_PI;
+ double joint_max = M_PI;
+ int index = redundant_joint_indices_.front();
+ double joint_dscrt = redundant_joint_discretization_.at(index);
+ if (joint_has_limits_vector_[redundant_joint_indices_.front()])
+ {
+ joint_min = joint_min_vector_[index];
+ joint_max = joint_max_vector_[index];
+ }
+ switch (method)
+ {
+ case kinematics::DiscretizationMethods::ALL_DISCRETIZED:
+ {
+ int steps = std::ceil((joint_max - joint_min) / joint_dscrt);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
+ {
+ sampled_joint_vals.push_back(joint_min + joint_dscrt * i);
+ }
+ sampled_joint_vals.push_back(joint_max);
+ }
+ break;
+ case kinematics::DiscretizationMethods::ALL_RANDOM_SAMPLED:
+ {
+ int steps = std::ceil((joint_max - joint_min) / joint_dscrt);
+ steps = steps > 0 ? steps : 1;
+ double diff = joint_max - joint_min;
+ for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++)
+ {
+ sampled_joint_vals.push_back(((diff * std::rand()) / (static_cast(RAND_MAX))) + joint_min);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case kinematics::DiscretizationMethods::NO_DISCRETIZATION:
+ break;
+ default:
+ ROS_ERROR_STREAM("Discretization method " << method << " is not supported");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+} // end namespace
+// register IKFastKinematicsPlugin as a KinematicsBase implementation
+PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS(ikfast_kinematics_plugin::IKFastKinematicsPlugin, kinematics::KinematicsBase);
diff --git a/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/src/khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_solver.cpp b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/src/khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_solver.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1161517
--- /dev/null
+++ b/khi_rs_ikfast_plugin/src/khi_rs030n_manipulator_ikfast_solver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,12847 @@
+/// autogenerated analytical inverse kinematics code from ikfast program part of OpenRAVE
+/// \author Rosen Diankov
+/// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+/// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+/// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+/// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+/// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+/// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+/// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+/// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+/// limitations under the License.
+/// ikfast version 0x1000004a generated on 2023-08-30 08:20:06.790960
+/// To compile with gcc:
+/// gcc -lstdc++ ik.cpp
+/// To compile without any main function as a shared object (might need -llapack):
+/// gcc -fPIC -lstdc++ -DIKFAST_NO_MAIN -DIKFAST_CLIBRARY -shared -Wl,-soname,libik.so -o libik.so ik.cpp
+#include "ikfast.h" // found inside share/openrave-X.Y/python/ikfast.h
+using namespace ikfast;
+// check if the included ikfast version matches what this file was compiled with
+#define IKFAST_COMPILE_ASSERT(x) extern int __dummy[(int)x]
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifndef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+#ifndef __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+#define __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ __func__
+#define IKFAST_ASSERT(b) { if( !(b) ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "ikfast exception: " << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << ": " <<__PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << ": Assertion '" << #b << "' failed"; throw std::runtime_error(ss.str()); } }
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#define IKFAST_ALIGNED16(x) __declspec(align(16)) x
+#define IKFAST_ALIGNED16(x) x __attribute((aligned(16)))
+#define IK2PI ((IkReal)6.28318530717959)
+#define IKPI ((IkReal)3.14159265358979)
+#define IKPI_2 ((IkReal)1.57079632679490)
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+#ifndef isnan
+#define isnan _isnan
+#ifndef isinf
+#define isinf _isinf
+//#ifndef isfinite
+//#define isfinite _isfinite
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+// lapack routines
+extern "C" {
+ void dgetrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info);
+ void zgetrf_ (const int* m, const int* n, std::complex* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, int* info);
+ void dgetri_(const int* n, const double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, double* work, const int* lwork, int* info);
+ void dgesv_ (const int* n, const int* nrhs, double* a, const int* lda, int* ipiv, double* b, const int* ldb, int* info);
+ void dgetrs_(const char *trans, const int *n, const int *nrhs, double *a, const int *lda, int *ipiv, double *b, const int *ldb, int *info);
+ void dgeev_(const char *jobvl, const char *jobvr, const int *n, double *a, const int *lda, double *wr, double *wi,double *vl, const int *ldvl, double *vr, const int *ldvr, double *work, const int *lwork, int *info);
+using namespace std; // necessary to get std math routines
+inline float IKabs(float f) { return fabsf(f); }
+inline double IKabs(double f) { return fabs(f); }
+inline float IKsqr(float f) { return f*f; }
+inline double IKsqr(double f) { return f*f; }
+inline float IKlog(float f) { return logf(f); }
+inline double IKlog(double f) { return log(f); }
+// allows asin and acos to exceed 1. has to be smaller than thresholds used for branch conds and evaluation
+#define IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ((IkReal)1e-7)
+// used to check input to atan2 for degenerate cases. has to be smaller than thresholds used for branch conds and evaluation
+#define IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH ((IkReal)1e-7)
+// minimum distance of separate solutions
+#define IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH ((IkReal)1e-6)
+// there are checkpoints in ikfast that are evaluated to make sure they are 0. This threshold speicfies by how much they can deviate
+#define IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH ((IkReal)0.00001)
+inline float IKasin(float f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return float(-IKPI_2);
+else if( f >= 1 ) return float(IKPI_2);
+return asinf(f);
+inline double IKasin(double f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return -IKPI_2;
+else if( f >= 1 ) return IKPI_2;
+return asin(f);
+// return positive value in [0,y)
+inline float IKfmod(float x, float y)
+ while(x < 0) {
+ x += y;
+ }
+ return fmodf(x,y);
+// return positive value in [0,y)
+inline double IKfmod(double x, double y)
+ while(x < 0) {
+ x += y;
+ }
+ return fmod(x,y);
+inline float IKacos(float f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return float(IKPI);
+else if( f >= 1 ) return float(0);
+return acosf(f);
+inline double IKacos(double f)
+IKFAST_ASSERT( f > -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && f < 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH ); // any more error implies something is wrong with the solver
+if( f <= -1 ) return IKPI;
+else if( f >= 1 ) return 0;
+return acos(f);
+inline float IKsin(float f) { return sinf(f); }
+inline double IKsin(double f) { return sin(f); }
+inline float IKcos(float f) { return cosf(f); }
+inline double IKcos(double f) { return cos(f); }
+inline float IKtan(float f) { return tanf(f); }
+inline double IKtan(double f) { return tan(f); }
+inline float IKsqrt(float f) { if( f <= 0.0f ) return 0.0f; return sqrtf(f); }
+inline double IKsqrt(double f) { if( f <= 0.0 ) return 0.0; return sqrt(f); }
+inline float IKatan2Simple(float fy, float fx) {
+ return atan2f(fy,fx);
+inline float IKatan2(float fy, float fx) {
+ if( isnan(fy) ) {
+ IKFAST_ASSERT(!isnan(fx)); // if both are nan, probably wrong value will be returned
+ return float(IKPI_2);
+ }
+ else if( isnan(fx) ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return atan2f(fy,fx);
+inline double IKatan2Simple(double fy, double fx) {
+ return atan2(fy,fx);
+inline double IKatan2(double fy, double fx) {
+ if( isnan(fy) ) {
+ IKFAST_ASSERT(!isnan(fx)); // if both are nan, probably wrong value will be returned
+ return IKPI_2;
+ }
+ else if( isnan(fx) ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return atan2(fy,fx);
+struct CheckValue
+ T value;
+ bool valid;
+inline CheckValue IKatan2WithCheck(T fy, T fx, T epsilon)
+ CheckValue ret;
+ ret.valid = false;
+ ret.value = 0;
+ if( !isnan(fy) && !isnan(fx) ) {
+ ret.value = IKatan2Simple(fy,fx);
+ ret.valid = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+inline float IKsign(float f) {
+ if( f > 0 ) {
+ return float(1);
+ }
+ else if( f < 0 ) {
+ return float(-1);
+ }
+ return 0;
+inline double IKsign(double f) {
+ if( f > 0 ) {
+ return 1.0;
+ }
+ else if( f < 0 ) {
+ return -1.0;
+ }
+ return 0;
+inline CheckValue IKPowWithIntegerCheck(T f, int n)
+ CheckValue ret;
+ ret.valid = true;
+ if( n == 0 ) {
+ ret.value = 1.0;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else if( n == 1 )
+ {
+ ret.value = f;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ else if( n < 0 )
+ {
+ if( f == 0 )
+ {
+ ret.valid = false;
+ ret.value = (T)1.0e30;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ if( n == -1 ) {
+ ret.value = T(1.0)/f;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ }
+ int num = n > 0 ? n : -n;
+ if( num == 2 ) {
+ ret.value = f*f;
+ }
+ else if( num == 3 ) {
+ ret.value = f*f*f;
+ }
+ else {
+ ret.value = 1.0;
+ while(num>0) {
+ if( num & 1 ) {
+ ret.value *= f;
+ }
+ num >>= 1;
+ f *= f;
+ }
+ }
+ if( n < 0 ) {
+ ret.value = T(1.0)/ret.value;
+ }
+ return ret;
+/// solves the forward kinematics equations.
+/// \param pfree is an array specifying the free joints of the chain.
+IKFAST_API void ComputeFk(const IkReal* j, IkReal* eetrans, IkReal* eerot) {
+IkReal x0,x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7,x8,x9,x10,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x16,x17,x18,x19,x20,x21,x22,x23,x24,x25,x26,x27,x28,x29,x30,x31,x32,x33,x34,x35,x36,x37,x38,x39,x40,x41,x42;
+IkReal x43=((1.0)*x22);
+IkReal x44=((1.0)*x22);
+IKFAST_API int GetNumFreeParameters() { return 0; }
+IKFAST_API int* GetFreeParameters() { return NULL; }
+IKFAST_API int GetNumJoints() { return 6; }
+IKFAST_API int GetIkRealSize() { return sizeof(IkReal); }
+IKFAST_API int GetIkType() { return 0x67000001; }
+class IKSolver {
+IkReal j0,cj0,sj0,htj0,j0mul,j1,cj1,sj1,htj1,j1mul,j2,cj2,sj2,htj2,j2mul,j3,cj3,sj3,htj3,j3mul,j4,cj4,sj4,htj4,j4mul,j5,cj5,sj5,htj5,j5mul,new_r00,r00,rxp0_0,new_r01,r01,rxp0_1,new_r02,r02,rxp0_2,new_r10,r10,rxp1_0,new_r11,r11,rxp1_1,new_r12,r12,rxp1_2,new_r20,r20,rxp2_0,new_r21,r21,rxp2_1,new_r22,r22,rxp2_2,new_px,px,npx,new_py,py,npy,new_pz,pz,npz,pp;
+unsigned char _ij0[2], _nj0,_ij1[2], _nj1,_ij2[2], _nj2,_ij3[2], _nj3,_ij4[2], _nj4,_ij5[2], _nj5;
+IkReal j100, cj100, sj100;
+unsigned char _ij100[2], _nj100;
+bool ComputeIk(const IkReal* eetrans, const IkReal* eerot, const IkReal* pfree, IkSolutionListBase& solutions) {
+j0=numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); _ij0[0] = -1; _ij0[1] = -1; _nj0 = -1; j1=numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); _ij1[0] = -1; _ij1[1] = -1; _nj1 = -1; j2=numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); _ij2[0] = -1; _ij2[1] = -1; _nj2 = -1; j3=numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); _ij3[0] = -1; _ij3[1] = -1; _nj3 = -1; j4=numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); _ij4[0] = -1; _ij4[1] = -1; _nj4 = -1; j5=numeric_limits::quiet_NaN(); _ij5[0] = -1; _ij5[1] = -1; _nj5 = -1;
+for(int dummyiter = 0; dummyiter < 1; ++dummyiter) {
+ solutions.Clear();
+r00 = eerot[0*3+0];
+r01 = eerot[0*3+1];
+r02 = eerot[0*3+2];
+r10 = eerot[1*3+0];
+r11 = eerot[1*3+1];
+r12 = eerot[1*3+2];
+r20 = eerot[2*3+0];
+r21 = eerot[2*3+1];
+r22 = eerot[2*3+2];
+px = eetrans[0]; py = eetrans[1]; pz = eetrans[2];
+r00 = new_r00; r01 = new_r01; r02 = new_r02; r10 = new_r10; r11 = new_r11; r12 = new_r12; r20 = new_r20; r21 = new_r21; r22 = new_r22; px = new_px; py = new_py; pz = new_pz;
+IkReal x45=((1.0)*px);
+IkReal x46=((1.0)*pz);
+IkReal x47=((1.0)*py);
+IkReal j0eval[1];
+if( IKabs(j0eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+continue; // no branches [j0, j1, j2]
+} else
+IkReal j0array[2], cj0array[2], sj0array[2];
+bool j0valid[2]={false};
+_nj0 = 2;
+CheckValue x49 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((-1.0)*px)),IkReal(((-1.0)*py)),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+IkReal x48=x49.value;
+if( j0array[0] > IKPI )
+ j0array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j0array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j0array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j0valid[0] = true;
+if( j0array[1] > IKPI )
+ j0array[1]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j0array[1] < -IKPI )
+{ j0array[1]+=IK2PI;
+j0valid[1] = true;
+for(int ij0 = 0; ij0 < 2; ++ij0)
+if( !j0valid[ij0] )
+ continue;
+_ij0[0] = ij0; _ij0[1] = -1;
+for(int iij0 = ij0+1; iij0 < 2; ++iij0)
+if( j0valid[iij0] && IKabs(cj0array[ij0]-cj0array[iij0]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj0array[ij0]-sj0array[iij0]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j0valid[iij0]=false; _ij0[1] = iij0; break;
+j0 = j0array[ij0]; cj0 = cj0array[ij0]; sj0 = sj0array[ij0];
+IkReal j2array[2], cj2array[2], sj2array[2];
+bool j2valid[2]={false};
+_nj2 = 2;
+if( cj2array[0] >= -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && cj2array[0] <= 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ j2valid[0] = j2valid[1] = true;
+ j2array[0] = IKacos(cj2array[0]);
+ sj2array[0] = IKsin(j2array[0]);
+ cj2array[1] = cj2array[0];
+ j2array[1] = -j2array[0];
+ sj2array[1] = -sj2array[0];
+else if( isnan(cj2array[0]) )
+ // probably any value will work
+ j2valid[0] = true;
+ cj2array[0] = 1; sj2array[0] = 0; j2array[0] = 0;
+for(int ij2 = 0; ij2 < 2; ++ij2)
+if( !j2valid[ij2] )
+ continue;
+_ij2[0] = ij2; _ij2[1] = -1;
+for(int iij2 = ij2+1; iij2 < 2; ++iij2)
+if( j2valid[iij2] && IKabs(cj2array[ij2]-cj2array[iij2]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj2array[ij2]-sj2array[iij2]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j2valid[iij2]=false; _ij2[1] = iij2; break;
+j2 = j2array[ij2]; cj2 = cj2array[ij2]; sj2 = sj2array[ij2];
+IkReal j1eval[3];
+IkReal x50=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x51=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x52=((675.0)*cj2);
+IkReal x53=((675.0)*sj2);
+if( IKabs(j1eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j1eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j1eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j1eval[3];
+IkReal x54=((27.0)*cj2);
+IkReal x55=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x56=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x57=(pz*sj2);
+IkReal x58=((8.27586206896552)*cj2);
+IkReal x59=((25.0)*pz);
+if( IKabs(j1eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j1eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j1eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j1eval[3];
+IkReal x60=cj0*cj0;
+IkReal x61=px*px;
+IkReal x62=pz*pz;
+IkReal x63=py*py;
+IkReal x64=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x65=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x66=((27.0)*cj2);
+IkReal x67=((27.0)*sj2);
+IkReal x68=((25.0)*x61);
+IkReal x69=((44.4444444444444)*x61);
+IkReal x70=(x60*x63);
+if( IKabs(j1eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j1eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j1eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+continue; // no branches [j1]
+} else
+IkReal j1array[1], cj1array[1], sj1array[1];
+bool j1valid[1]={false};
+_nj1 = 1;
+IkReal x71=px*px;
+IkReal x72=cj0*cj0;
+IkReal x73=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x74=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x75=((27.0)*cj2);
+IkReal x76=((27.0)*sj2);
+IkReal x77=((25.0)*x71);
+CheckValue x78 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((3.2625)+((pz*x76))+(((-21.75)*x73))+(((-1.0)*x73*x75))+(((21.75)*x74))+((x74*x75))+(((4.05)*cj2)))),IkReal((((pz*x75))+(((-4.05)*sj2))+(((21.75)*pz))+(((-1.0)*x74*x76))+((x73*x76)))),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+CheckValue x79=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(((-0.5625)+(((50.0)*x73*x74))+(((-1.0)*x77))+(((-25.0)*(pz*pz)))+(((-25.0)*x72*(py*py)))+((x72*x77))+(((7.5)*x73))+(((-7.5)*x74)))),-1);
+if( j1array[0] > IKPI )
+ j1array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j1array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j1array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j1valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij1 = 0; ij1 < 1; ++ij1)
+if( !j1valid[ij1] )
+ continue;
+_ij1[0] = ij1; _ij1[1] = -1;
+for(int iij1 = ij1+1; iij1 < 1; ++iij1)
+if( j1valid[iij1] && IKabs(cj1array[ij1]-cj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj1array[ij1]-sj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j1valid[iij1]=false; _ij1[1] = iij1; break;
+j1 = j1array[ij1]; cj1 = cj1array[ij1]; sj1 = sj1array[ij1];
+IkReal evalcond[5];
+IkReal x80=IKcos(j1);
+IkReal x81=IKsin(j1);
+IkReal x82=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x83=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x84=((1.08)*sj2);
+IkReal x85=((1.08)*cj2);
+IkReal x86=(pz*x80);
+IkReal x87=((1.74)*x81);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+} else
+IkReal j1array[1], cj1array[1], sj1array[1];
+bool j1valid[1]={false};
+_nj1 = 1;
+IkReal x863=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x864=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x865=((27.0)*cj2);
+IkReal x866=((25.0)*pz);
+CheckValue x867 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((-18.9225)+(((-46.98)*cj2))+(((-29.16)*(cj2*cj2)))+((pz*x866)))),IkReal(((((23.49)*sj2))+((x863*x866))+(((-1.0)*x864*x866))+(((29.16)*cj2*sj2))+(((-3.75)*pz)))),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+CheckValue x868=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(((3.2625)+(((21.75)*x864))+(((-21.75)*x863))+(((-27.0)*pz*sj2))+((x864*x865))+(((-1.0)*x863*x865))+(((4.05)*cj2)))),-1);
+if( j1array[0] > IKPI )
+ j1array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j1array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j1array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j1valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij1 = 0; ij1 < 1; ++ij1)
+if( !j1valid[ij1] )
+ continue;
+_ij1[0] = ij1; _ij1[1] = -1;
+for(int iij1 = ij1+1; iij1 < 1; ++iij1)
+if( j1valid[iij1] && IKabs(cj1array[ij1]-cj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj1array[ij1]-sj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j1valid[iij1]=false; _ij1[1] = iij1; break;
+j1 = j1array[ij1]; cj1 = cj1array[ij1]; sj1 = sj1array[ij1];
+IkReal evalcond[5];
+IkReal x869=IKcos(j1);
+IkReal x870=IKsin(j1);
+IkReal x871=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x872=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x873=((1.08)*sj2);
+IkReal x874=((1.08)*cj2);
+IkReal x875=(pz*x869);
+IkReal x876=((1.74)*x870);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+} else
+IkReal j1array[1], cj1array[1], sj1array[1];
+bool j1valid[1]={false};
+_nj1 = 1;
+IkReal x877=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x878=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x879=((675.0)*cj2);
+IkReal x880=((675.0)*sj2);
+CheckValue x881 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((81.5625)+(((-543.75)*x878))+((pz*x880))+(((543.75)*x877))+(((-1.0)*x878*x879))+((x877*x879))+(((101.25)*cj2)))),IkReal(((((543.75)*pz))+(((-1.0)*x877*x880))+((x878*x880))+(((-101.25)*sj2))+((pz*x879)))),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+CheckValue x882=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(((-1202.0625)+(((-1174.5)*cj2)))),-1);
+if( j1array[0] > IKPI )
+ j1array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j1array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j1array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j1valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij1 = 0; ij1 < 1; ++ij1)
+if( !j1valid[ij1] )
+ continue;
+_ij1[0] = ij1; _ij1[1] = -1;
+for(int iij1 = ij1+1; iij1 < 1; ++iij1)
+if( j1valid[iij1] && IKabs(cj1array[ij1]-cj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj1array[ij1]-sj1array[iij1]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j1valid[iij1]=false; _ij1[1] = iij1; break;
+j1 = j1array[ij1]; cj1 = cj1array[ij1]; sj1 = sj1array[ij1];
+IkReal evalcond[5];
+IkReal x883=IKcos(j1);
+IkReal x884=IKsin(j1);
+IkReal x885=(cj0*py);
+IkReal x886=(px*sj0);
+IkReal x887=((1.08)*sj2);
+IkReal x888=((1.08)*cj2);
+IkReal x889=(pz*x883);
+IkReal x890=((1.74)*x884);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+return solutions.GetNumSolutions()>0;
+inline void rotationfunction0(IkSolutionListBase& solutions) {
+for(int rotationiter = 0; rotationiter < 1; ++rotationiter) {
+IkReal x88=((1.0)*sj0);
+IkReal x89=(cj0*r12);
+IkReal x90=((1.0)*sj1);
+IkReal x91=((1.0)*cj1);
+IkReal x92=(cj0*r11);
+IkReal x93=(cj0*r10);
+IkReal x94=(((cj2*sj1))+(((-1.0)*sj2*x91)));
+IkReal x95=(((cj1*sj2))+(((-1.0)*cj2*x90)));
+IkReal x96=((((-1.0)*sj2*x90))+(((-1.0)*cj2*x91)));
+IkReal j4array[2], cj4array[2], sj4array[2];
+bool j4valid[2]={false};
+_nj4 = 2;
+if( cj4array[0] >= -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH && cj4array[0] <= 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ j4valid[0] = j4valid[1] = true;
+ j4array[0] = IKacos(cj4array[0]);
+ sj4array[0] = IKsin(j4array[0]);
+ cj4array[1] = cj4array[0];
+ j4array[1] = -j4array[0];
+ sj4array[1] = -sj4array[0];
+else if( isnan(cj4array[0]) )
+ // probably any value will work
+ j4valid[0] = true;
+ cj4array[0] = 1; sj4array[0] = 0; j4array[0] = 0;
+for(int ij4 = 0; ij4 < 2; ++ij4)
+if( !j4valid[ij4] )
+ continue;
+_ij4[0] = ij4; _ij4[1] = -1;
+for(int iij4 = ij4+1; iij4 < 2; ++iij4)
+if( j4valid[iij4] && IKabs(cj4array[ij4]-cj4array[iij4]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj4array[ij4]-sj4array[iij4]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j4valid[iij4]=false; _ij4[1] = iij4; break;
+j4 = j4array[ij4]; cj4 = cj4array[ij4]; sj4 = sj4array[ij4];
+IkReal j5eval[3];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j3eval[3];
+if( IKabs(j3eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j3eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j3eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j3eval[2];
+if( IKabs(j3eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j3eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal evalcond[5];
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(j4))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[4]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5mul = 1;
+if( IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r01)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(new_r00) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r01))+IKsqr(new_r00)-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j3=IKatan2(((-1.0)*new_r01), new_r00);
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].fmul = j3mul;
+vinfos[3].freeind = 0;
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = 0;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].fmul = j5mul;
+vinfos[5].freeind = 0;
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = 0;
+std::vector vfree(1);
+vfree[0] = 5;
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-3.14159265358979)+j4)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[4]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5mul = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r01) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r11)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r01)+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r11))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j3=IKatan2(new_r01, ((-1.0)*new_r11));
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].fmul = j3mul;
+vinfos[3].freeind = 0;
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = 0;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].fmul = j5mul;
+vinfos[5].freeind = 0;
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = 0;
+std::vector vfree(1);
+vfree[0] = 5;
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j3eval[1];
+IkReal x97=new_r22*new_r22;
+IkReal x98=((16.0)*new_r10);
+IkReal x99=((16.0)*new_r01);
+IkReal x100=((16.0)*new_r00);
+IkReal x101=(new_r11*new_r22);
+IkReal x102=((8.0)*new_r00);
+IkReal x103=(x97*x98);
+IkReal x104=(x97*x99);
+if( IKabs(j3eval[0]) < 0.0000000100000000 )
+continue; // no branches [j3, j5]
+} else
+IkReal op[4+1], zeror[4];
+int numroots;
+IkReal j3evalpoly[1];
+IkReal x105=new_r22*new_r22;
+IkReal x106=((16.0)*new_r01);
+IkReal x107=(new_r00*new_r22);
+IkReal x108=(x105*x106);
+IkReal x109=((((8.0)*x107))+(((-8.0)*new_r11)));
+IkReal j3array[4], cj3array[4], sj3array[4], tempj3array[1];
+int numsolutions = 0;
+for(int ij3 = 0; ij3 < numroots; ++ij3)
+IkReal htj3 = zeror[ij3];
+for(int kj3 = 0; kj3 < 1; ++kj3)
+j3array[numsolutions] = tempj3array[kj3];
+if( j3array[numsolutions] > IKPI )
+ j3array[numsolutions]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j3array[numsolutions] < -IKPI )
+ j3array[numsolutions]+=IK2PI;
+sj3array[numsolutions] = IKsin(j3array[numsolutions]);
+cj3array[numsolutions] = IKcos(j3array[numsolutions]);
+bool j3valid[4]={true,true,true,true};
+_nj3 = 4;
+for(int ij3 = 0; ij3 < numsolutions; ++ij3)
+ {
+if( !j3valid[ij3] )
+ continue;
+ j3 = j3array[ij3]; cj3 = cj3array[ij3]; sj3 = sj3array[ij3];
+htj3 = IKtan(j3/2);
+IkReal x110=new_r22*new_r22;
+IkReal x111=((16.0)*new_r10);
+IkReal x112=(new_r11*new_r22);
+IkReal x113=((8.0)*x112);
+IkReal x114=(new_r00*x110);
+IkReal x115=(x110*x111);
+IkReal x116=((8.0)*x114);
+if( IKabs(j3evalpoly[0]) > 0.0000001000000000 )
+ continue;
+_ij3[0] = ij3; _ij3[1] = -1;
+for(int iij3 = ij3+1; iij3 < numsolutions; ++iij3)
+if( j3valid[iij3] && IKabs(cj3array[ij3]-cj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj3array[ij3]-sj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j3valid[iij3]=false; _ij3[1] = iij3; break;
+IkReal j5eval[3];
+IkReal x117=cj3*cj3;
+IkReal x118=new_r22*new_r22;
+IkReal x119=(new_r22*sj3);
+IkReal x120=((((-1.0)*x117))+(((-1.0)*x118))+((x117*x118)));
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal evalcond[1];
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-1.5707963267949)+j3)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r11)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(new_r10) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r11))+IKsqr(new_r10)-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((-1.0)*new_r11), new_r10);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[4];
+IkReal x121=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x122=IKcos(j5);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((1.5707963267949)+j3)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r11) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r10)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r11)+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r10))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r11, ((-1.0)*new_r10));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[4];
+IkReal x123=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x124=IKcos(j5);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+IkReal x125=new_r22*new_r22;
+CheckValue x126=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x125),-1);
+if(((x125*(x126.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst12=IKsqrt((x125*(x126.value)));
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-1.0)+(IKsign(sj3)))))+(IKabs((cj3+(((-1.0)*gconst12)))))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+IkReal x127=new_r22*new_r22;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+if( (gconst12) < -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH || (gconst12) > 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+CheckValue x128=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x127),-1);
+if(((x127*(x128.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst12=IKsqrt((x127*(x128.value)));
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+CheckValue x129=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(gconst12,-1);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))))))+(((-1.0)*gconst12*new_r01)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((new_r00*(x129.value))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))))))+(((-1.0)*gconst12*new_r01))))+IKsqr((new_r00*(x129.value)))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))))))+(((-1.0)*gconst12*new_r01))), (new_r00*(x129.value)));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x130=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x131=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x132=((1.0)*x131);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x133=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12)))));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x134 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((-1.0)*new_r01)),IkReal(new_r00),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+CheckValue x135=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(gconst12),-1);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x136=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x137=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x138=((1.0)*x137);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x139=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12)))));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+IkReal x140=new_r22*new_r22;
+CheckValue x141=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x140),-1);
+if(((x140*(x141.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst12=IKsqrt((x140*(x141.value)));
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((1.0)+(IKsign(sj3)))))+(IKabs((cj3+(((-1.0)*gconst12)))))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+IkReal x142=new_r22*new_r22;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+if( (gconst12) < -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH || (gconst12) > 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+CheckValue x143=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x142),-1);
+if(((x142*(x143.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst12=IKsqrt((x142*(x143.value)));
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+CheckValue x144=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(gconst12,-1);
+if( IKabs((((new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))))))+(((-1.0)*gconst12*new_r01)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((new_r00*(x144.value))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr((((new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))))))+(((-1.0)*gconst12*new_r01))))+IKsqr((new_r00*(x144.value)))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2((((new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))))))+(((-1.0)*gconst12*new_r01))), (new_r00*(x144.value)));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x145=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x146=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x147=((1.0)*x146);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x148=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12)))));
+IkReal x149=((1.0)*x148);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x150 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((-1.0)*new_r01)),IkReal(new_r00),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+CheckValue x151=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(gconst12),-1);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x152=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x153=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x154=((1.0)*x153);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x155=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst12*gconst12)))));
+IkReal x156=((1.0)*x155);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+IkReal x157=new_r22*new_r22;
+CheckValue x158=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x157),-1);
+if(((x157*(x158.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst13=((-1.0)*(IKsqrt((x157*(x158.value)))));
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-1.0)+(IKsign(sj3)))))+(IKabs((cj3+(((-1.0)*gconst13)))))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+IkReal x159=new_r22*new_r22;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+if( (gconst13) < -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH || (gconst13) > 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+CheckValue x160=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x159),-1);
+if(((x159*(x160.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst13=((-1.0)*(IKsqrt((x159*(x160.value)))));
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+CheckValue x161=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(gconst13,-1);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*gconst13*new_r01))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13)))))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((new_r00*(x161.value))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*gconst13*new_r01))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))))))))+IKsqr((new_r00*(x161.value)))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*gconst13*new_r01))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))))))), (new_r00*(x161.value)));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x162=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x163=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x164=((1.0)*x163);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x165=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13)))));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x166 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((-1.0)*new_r01)),IkReal(new_r00),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+CheckValue x167=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(gconst13),-1);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x168=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x169=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x170=((1.0)*x169);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x171=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13)))));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+IkReal x172=new_r22*new_r22;
+CheckValue x173=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x172),-1);
+if(((x172*(x173.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst13=((-1.0)*(IKsqrt((x172*(x173.value)))));
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs((cj3+(((-1.0)*gconst13)))))+(IKabs(((1.0)+(IKsign(sj3)))))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+IkReal x174=new_r22*new_r22;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+if( (gconst13) < -1-IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH || (gconst13) > 1+IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+CheckValue x175=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(((-1.0)+x174),-1);
+if(((x174*(x175.value))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal gconst13=((-1.0)*(IKsqrt((x174*(x175.value)))));
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+CheckValue x176=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(gconst13,-1);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*gconst13*new_r01))+((new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13)))))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((new_r00*(x176.value))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*gconst13*new_r01))+((new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))))))))+IKsqr((new_r00*(x176.value)))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*gconst13*new_r01))+((new_r11*(IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))))))), (new_r00*(x176.value)));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x177=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x178=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x179=((1.0)*x178);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x180=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13)))));
+IkReal x181=((1.0)*x180);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x182 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((-1.0)*new_r01)),IkReal(new_r00),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+CheckValue x183=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(gconst13),-1);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x184=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x185=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x186=((1.0)*x185);
+if((((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13))))) < -0.00001)
+IkReal x187=IKsqrt(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(gconst13*gconst13)))));
+IkReal x188=((1.0)*x187);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( 1 )
+continue; // branch miss [j5]
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+IkReal x189=((1.0)*new_r22);
+IkReal x190=(cj3*new_r01);
+CheckValue x191=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(cj3,-1);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*x190))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((x191.value)*(((((-1.0)*new_r11*x189))+((new_r11*new_r22*(cj3*cj3)))+new_r00+(((-1.0)*sj3*x189*x190)))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*x190))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))))+IKsqr(((x191.value)*(((((-1.0)*new_r11*x189))+((new_r11*new_r22*(cj3*cj3)))+new_r00+(((-1.0)*sj3*x189*x190))))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*x190))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))), ((x191.value)*(((((-1.0)*new_r11*x189))+((new_r11*new_r22*(cj3*cj3)))+new_r00+(((-1.0)*sj3*x189*x190))))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[10];
+IkReal x192=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x193=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x194=((1.0)*cj3);
+IkReal x195=((1.0)*sj3);
+IkReal x196=(cj3*new_r10);
+IkReal x197=(cj3*new_r11);
+IkReal x198=((1.0)*x193);
+IkReal x199=(new_r22*x193);
+IkReal x200=(sj3*x192);
+IkReal x201=(new_r22*x192);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[8]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[9]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+IkReal x202=((1.0)*new_r01);
+CheckValue x203=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(new_r22,-1);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))+(((-1.0)*cj3*x202)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((x203.value)*((((cj3*new_r11))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x202)))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))+(((-1.0)*cj3*x202))))+IKsqr(((x203.value)*((((cj3*new_r11))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x202))))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))+(((-1.0)*cj3*x202))), ((x203.value)*((((cj3*new_r11))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x202))))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[10];
+IkReal x204=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x205=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x206=((1.0)*cj3);
+IkReal x207=((1.0)*sj3);
+IkReal x208=(cj3*new_r10);
+IkReal x209=(cj3*new_r11);
+IkReal x210=((1.0)*x205);
+IkReal x211=(new_r22*x205);
+IkReal x212=(sj3*x204);
+IkReal x213=(new_r22*x204);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[8]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[9]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+IkReal x214=cj3*cj3;
+IkReal x215=new_r22*new_r22;
+IkReal x216=(new_r22*sj3);
+CheckValue x217=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign((((x214*x215))+(((-1.0)*x214))+(((-1.0)*x215)))),-1);
+CheckValue x218 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal((((new_r00*x216))+((cj3*new_r01)))),IkReal(((((-1.0)*cj3*new_r00))+((new_r01*x216)))),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[10];
+IkReal x219=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x220=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x221=((1.0)*cj3);
+IkReal x222=((1.0)*sj3);
+IkReal x223=(cj3*new_r10);
+IkReal x224=(cj3*new_r11);
+IkReal x225=((1.0)*x220);
+IkReal x226=(new_r22*x220);
+IkReal x227=(sj3*x219);
+IkReal x228=(new_r22*x219);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[8]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[9]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+ }
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( 1 )
+continue; // branch miss [j3, j5]
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+} else
+IkReal j3array[1], cj3array[1], sj3array[1];
+bool j3valid[1]={false};
+_nj3 = 1;
+CheckValue x230=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(sj4,-1);
+IkReal x229=x230.value;
+CheckValue x231=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(new_r02,-1);
+if( IKabs((x229*(x231.value)*(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(cj4*cj4)))+(((-1.0)*(new_r12*new_r12))))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r12*x229)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr((x229*(x231.value)*(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(cj4*cj4)))+(((-1.0)*(new_r12*new_r12)))))))+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r12*x229))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j3array[0]=IKatan2((x229*(x231.value)*(((1.0)+(((-1.0)*(cj4*cj4)))+(((-1.0)*(new_r12*new_r12)))))), ((-1.0)*new_r12*x229));
+if( j3array[0] > IKPI )
+ j3array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j3array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j3array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j3valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij3 = 0; ij3 < 1; ++ij3)
+if( !j3valid[ij3] )
+ continue;
+_ij3[0] = ij3; _ij3[1] = -1;
+for(int iij3 = ij3+1; iij3 < 1; ++iij3)
+if( j3valid[iij3] && IKabs(cj3array[ij3]-cj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj3array[ij3]-sj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j3valid[iij3]=false; _ij3[1] = iij3; break;
+j3 = j3array[ij3]; cj3 = cj3array[ij3]; sj3 = sj3array[ij3];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x232=IKsin(j3);
+IkReal x233=IKcos(j3);
+IkReal x234=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x235=((1.0)*sj4);
+IkReal x236=(new_r02*x232);
+IkReal x237=(new_r12*x233);
+IkReal x238=(sj4*x233);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+IkReal j5eval[3];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[2];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[3];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal evalcond[5];
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(j4))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[4]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+IkReal x239=((1.0)*new_r01);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*cj3*x239))+(((-1.0)*new_r00*sj3)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((((cj3*new_r00))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x239)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*cj3*x239))+(((-1.0)*new_r00*sj3))))+IKsqr((((cj3*new_r00))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x239))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*cj3*x239))+(((-1.0)*new_r00*sj3))), (((cj3*new_r00))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x239))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x240=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x241=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x242=((1.0)*sj3);
+IkReal x243=(sj3*x240);
+IkReal x244=((1.0)*x241);
+IkReal x245=((1.0)*x240);
+IkReal x246=(cj3*x244);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-3.14159265358979)+j4)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[4]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+IkReal x247=((1.0)*cj3);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*new_r01*x247))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((((new_r01*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*x247)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*new_r01*x247))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))))+IKsqr((((new_r01*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*x247))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*new_r01*x247))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))), (((new_r01*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*x247))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x248=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x249=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x250=((1.0)*sj3);
+IkReal x251=(cj3*x248);
+IkReal x252=((1.0)*x249);
+IkReal x253=(x249*x250);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-1.5707963267949)+j4)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r20) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(new_r21) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r20)+IKsqr(new_r21)-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r20, new_r21);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x254=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x255=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x256=((1.0)*x255);
+IkReal x257=((1.0)*x254);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((1.5707963267949)+j4)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r20)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r21)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r20))+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r21))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((-1.0)*new_r20), ((-1.0)*new_r21));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x258=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x259=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x260=((1.0)*x259);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(j3))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r01)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(new_r00) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r01))+IKsqr(new_r00)-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((-1.0)*new_r01), new_r00);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x261=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x262=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x263=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x264=((1.0)*x262);
+IkReal x265=((1.0)*x261);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-3.14159265358979)+j3)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r01) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r00)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r01)+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r00))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r01, ((-1.0)*new_r00));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x266=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x267=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x268=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x269=((1.0)*x267);
+IkReal x270=((1.0)*x266);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-1.5707963267949)+j3)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r11)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(new_r10) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r11))+IKsqr(new_r10)-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((-1.0)*new_r11), new_r10);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x271=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x272=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x273=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x274=((1.0)*x271);
+IkReal x275=((1.0)*x272);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((1.5707963267949)+j3)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[3];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[2];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal evalcond[4];
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-1.5707963267949)+j4)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r20) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(new_r21) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r20)+IKsqr(new_r21)-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r20, new_r21);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[4];
+IkReal x276=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x277=((1.0)*(IKcos(j5)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((1.5707963267949)+j4)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r11) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r21)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r11)+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r21))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r11, ((-1.0)*new_r21));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[4];
+IkReal x278=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x279=IKcos(j5);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r11) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r10)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r11)+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r10))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r11, ((-1.0)*new_r10));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[6];
+IkReal x280=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x281=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x282=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x283=((1.0)*x281);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+if( IKabs(new_r11) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r10)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r11)+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r10))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r11, ((-1.0)*new_r10));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[6];
+IkReal x284=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x285=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x286=((-1.0)*x285);
+IkReal x287=((-1.0)*x284);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( 1 )
+continue; // branch miss [j5]
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x288=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(new_r02,-1);
+CheckValue x289=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(cj4,-1);
+if( IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r20*(x288.value))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((new_r01*(x289.value))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r20*(x288.value)))+IKsqr((new_r01*(x289.value)))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((-1.0)*new_r20*(x288.value)), (new_r01*(x289.value)));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x290=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x291=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x292=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x293=((1.0)*x291);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x294=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(new_r02,-1);
+if( IKabs(new_r11) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(((-1.0)*new_r21*(x294.value))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(new_r11)+IKsqr(((-1.0)*new_r21*(x294.value)))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(new_r11, ((-1.0)*new_r21*(x294.value)));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x295=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x296=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x297=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x298=((1.0)*x296);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x299=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(new_r02),-1);
+CheckValue x300 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(((-1.0)*new_r20)),IkReal(((-1.0)*new_r21)),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x301=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x302=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x303=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x304=((1.0)*x302);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[1];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000000100000000 )
+continue; // no branches [j5]
+} else
+IkReal op[2+1], zeror[2];
+int numroots;
+IkReal j5array[2], cj5array[2], sj5array[2], tempj5array[1];
+int numsolutions = 0;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < numroots; ++ij5)
+IkReal htj5 = zeror[ij5];
+for(int kj5 = 0; kj5 < 1; ++kj5)
+j5array[numsolutions] = tempj5array[kj5];
+if( j5array[numsolutions] > IKPI )
+ j5array[numsolutions]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[numsolutions] < -IKPI )
+ j5array[numsolutions]+=IK2PI;
+sj5array[numsolutions] = IKsin(j5array[numsolutions]);
+cj5array[numsolutions] = IKcos(j5array[numsolutions]);
+bool j5valid[2]={true,true};
+_nj5 = 2;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < numsolutions; ++ij5)
+ {
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+ j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+htj5 = IKtan(j5/2);
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < numsolutions; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+ }
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+if( 1 )
+continue; // branch miss [j5]
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x306=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(sj4,-1);
+IkReal x305=x306.value;
+CheckValue x307=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(cj4,-1);
+CheckValue x308=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(sj3,-1);
+if( IKabs((new_r20*x305)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((x305*(x307.value)*(x308.value)*(((((-1.0)*new_r01*sj4))+(((-1.0)*cj3*new_r20)))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr((new_r20*x305))+IKsqr((x305*(x307.value)*(x308.value)*(((((-1.0)*new_r01*sj4))+(((-1.0)*cj3*new_r20))))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2((new_r20*x305), (x305*(x307.value)*(x308.value)*(((((-1.0)*new_r01*sj4))+(((-1.0)*cj3*new_r20))))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[12];
+IkReal x309=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x310=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x311=(cj4*sj3);
+IkReal x312=(cj3*new_r10);
+IkReal x313=((1.0)*new_r01);
+IkReal x314=(cj3*new_r11);
+IkReal x315=((1.0)*new_r00);
+IkReal x316=((1.0)*x310);
+IkReal x317=(cj4*x309);
+IkReal x318=((1.0)*x309);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[8]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[9]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[10]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[11]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x320=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(sj4,-1);
+IkReal x319=x320.value;
+CheckValue x321=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(cj3,-1);
+if( IKabs((new_r20*x319)) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((x319*(x321.value)*((((new_r00*sj4))+((cj4*new_r20*sj3)))))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr((new_r20*x319))+IKsqr((x319*(x321.value)*((((new_r00*sj4))+((cj4*new_r20*sj3))))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2((new_r20*x319), (x319*(x321.value)*((((new_r00*sj4))+((cj4*new_r20*sj3))))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[12];
+IkReal x322=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x323=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x324=(cj4*sj3);
+IkReal x325=(cj3*new_r10);
+IkReal x326=((1.0)*new_r01);
+IkReal x327=(cj3*new_r11);
+IkReal x328=((1.0)*new_r00);
+IkReal x329=((1.0)*x323);
+IkReal x330=(cj4*x322);
+IkReal x331=((1.0)*x322);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[8]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[9]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[10]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[11]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+CheckValue x332=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(sj4),-1);
+CheckValue x333 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(new_r20),IkReal(new_r21),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[12];
+IkReal x334=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x335=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x336=(cj4*sj3);
+IkReal x337=(cj3*new_r10);
+IkReal x338=((1.0)*new_r01);
+IkReal x339=(cj3*new_r11);
+IkReal x340=((1.0)*new_r00);
+IkReal x341=((1.0)*x335);
+IkReal x342=(cj4*x334);
+IkReal x343=((1.0)*x334);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[8]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[9]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[10]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[11]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} else
+IkReal j3array[1], cj3array[1], sj3array[1];
+bool j3valid[1]={false};
+_nj3 = 1;
+CheckValue x344=IKPowWithIntegerCheck(IKsign(sj4),-1);
+CheckValue x345 = IKatan2WithCheck(IkReal(new_r02),IkReal(((-1.0)*new_r12)),IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH);
+if( j3array[0] > IKPI )
+ j3array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j3array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j3array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j3valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij3 = 0; ij3 < 1; ++ij3)
+if( !j3valid[ij3] )
+ continue;
+_ij3[0] = ij3; _ij3[1] = -1;
+for(int iij3 = ij3+1; iij3 < 1; ++iij3)
+if( j3valid[iij3] && IKabs(cj3array[ij3]-cj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj3array[ij3]-sj3array[iij3]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j3valid[iij3]=false; _ij3[1] = iij3; break;
+j3 = j3array[ij3]; cj3 = cj3array[ij3]; sj3 = sj3array[ij3];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x346=IKsin(j3);
+IkReal x347=IKcos(j3);
+IkReal x348=((1.0)*cj4);
+IkReal x349=((1.0)*sj4);
+IkReal x350=(new_r02*x346);
+IkReal x351=(new_r12*x347);
+IkReal x352=(sj4*x347);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+IkReal j5eval[3];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[2];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal j5eval[3];
+if( IKabs(j5eval[0]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[1]) < 0.0000010000000000 || IKabs(j5eval[2]) < 0.0000010000000000 )
+IkReal evalcond[5];
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(j4))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[4]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+IkReal x353=((1.0)*new_r01);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*cj3*x353))+(((-1.0)*new_r00*sj3)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((((cj3*new_r00))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x353)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*cj3*x353))+(((-1.0)*new_r00*sj3))))+IKsqr((((cj3*new_r00))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x353))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*cj3*x353))+(((-1.0)*new_r00*sj3))), (((cj3*new_r00))+(((-1.0)*sj3*x353))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x354=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x355=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x356=((1.0)*sj3);
+IkReal x357=(sj3*x354);
+IkReal x358=((1.0)*x355);
+IkReal x359=((1.0)*x354);
+IkReal x360=(cj3*x358);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;
+std::vector vfree(0);
+} while(0);
+if( bgotonextstatement )
+bool bgotonextstatement = true;
+evalcond[0]=((-3.14159265358979)+(IKfmod(((3.14159265358979)+(IKabs(((-3.14159265358979)+j4)))), 6.28318530717959)));
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[1]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[2]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[3]) < 0.0000050000000000 && IKabs(evalcond[4]) < 0.0000050000000000 )
+IkReal j5array[1], cj5array[1], sj5array[1];
+bool j5valid[1]={false};
+_nj5 = 1;
+IkReal x361=((1.0)*cj3);
+if( IKabs(((((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r01*x361)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs((((new_r01*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*x361)))) < IKFAST_ATAN2_MAGTHRESH && IKabs(IKsqr(((((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r01*x361))))+IKsqr((((new_r01*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*x361))))-1) <= IKFAST_SINCOS_THRESH )
+ continue;
+j5array[0]=IKatan2(((((-1.0)*new_r11*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r01*x361))), (((new_r01*sj3))+(((-1.0)*new_r11*x361))));
+if( j5array[0] > IKPI )
+ j5array[0]-=IK2PI;
+else if( j5array[0] < -IKPI )
+{ j5array[0]+=IK2PI;
+j5valid[0] = true;
+for(int ij5 = 0; ij5 < 1; ++ij5)
+if( !j5valid[ij5] )
+ continue;
+_ij5[0] = ij5; _ij5[1] = -1;
+for(int iij5 = ij5+1; iij5 < 1; ++iij5)
+if( j5valid[iij5] && IKabs(cj5array[ij5]-cj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH && IKabs(sj5array[ij5]-sj5array[iij5]) < IKFAST_SOLUTION_THRESH )
+ j5valid[iij5]=false; _ij5[1] = iij5; break;
+j5 = j5array[ij5]; cj5 = cj5array[ij5]; sj5 = sj5array[ij5];
+IkReal evalcond[8];
+IkReal x362=IKsin(j5);
+IkReal x363=IKcos(j5);
+IkReal x364=((1.0)*sj3);
+IkReal x365=(cj3*x362);
+IkReal x366=((1.0)*x363);
+IkReal x367=(x363*x364);
+if( IKabs(evalcond[0]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[1]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[2]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[3]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[4]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[5]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[6]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH || IKabs(evalcond[7]) > IKFAST_EVALCOND_THRESH )
+std::vector > vinfos(6);
+vinfos[0].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[0].foffset = j0;
+vinfos[0].indices[0] = _ij0[0];
+vinfos[0].indices[1] = _ij0[1];
+vinfos[0].maxsolutions = _nj0;
+vinfos[1].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[1].foffset = j1;
+vinfos[1].indices[0] = _ij1[0];
+vinfos[1].indices[1] = _ij1[1];
+vinfos[1].maxsolutions = _nj1;
+vinfos[2].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[2].foffset = j2;
+vinfos[2].indices[0] = _ij2[0];
+vinfos[2].indices[1] = _ij2[1];
+vinfos[2].maxsolutions = _nj2;
+vinfos[3].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[3].foffset = j3;
+vinfos[3].indices[0] = _ij3[0];
+vinfos[3].indices[1] = _ij3[1];
+vinfos[3].maxsolutions = _nj3;
+vinfos[4].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[4].foffset = j4;
+vinfos[4].indices[0] = _ij4[0];
+vinfos[4].indices[1] = _ij4[1];
+vinfos[4].maxsolutions = _nj4;
+vinfos[5].jointtype = 1;
+vinfos[5].foffset = j5;
+vinfos[5].indices[0] = _ij5[0];
+vinfos[5].indices[1] = _ij5[1];
+vinfos[5].maxsolutions = _nj5;