diff --git a/.github/workflows/publish.nuget.yml b/.github/workflows/publish.nuget.yml
index d4f0450a..c836dd62 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/publish.nuget.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/publish.nuget.yml
@@ -54,93 +54,97 @@ jobs:
path: |
${{ github.workspace }}/sdk/dotNet/SecretsManager/bin/Release/*.nupkg
- publish-nuget-strongname:
- environment: prod
- runs-on: windows-latest
- defaults:
- run:
- shell: powershell
- working-directory: .\sdk\dotNet
- steps:
- - name: Get the source code
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- - name: Setup .NET 6
- uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
- with:
- dotnet-version: 6.0.x
- - name: Retrieve secrets from KSM
- id: ksmsecrets
- uses: Keeper-Security/ksm-action@master
- with:
- keeper-secret-config: ${{ secrets.KSM_KSM_CONFIG }}
- secrets: |
- Sq4nnb5HXXNp1l6KryXynw/field/password > NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN
- Sq4nnb5HXXNp1l6KryXynw/file/sgKSM.snk > file:${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk
- - name: Extract and Update Public Key in SecretsManagerClient.cs
- run: |
- $snPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\sn.exe"
- $snkPath = "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk"
- $publicKeyPath = "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.pub"
- & $snPath -p $snkPath $publicKeyPath
- $publicKeyInfo = & $snPath -tp $publicKeyPath
- # Filter and join the lines of the public key
- $publicKeyLines = $publicKeyInfo -split "`n" | Where-Object { $_ -match "^[a-f0-9\s]+$" }
- $publicKey = $publicKeyLines -join "" -replace "\s", ""
+ # 2024-08-30
+ # TODO: Fix it and try to release in the next sdk version, or release indpenedently fromt he regular sdk
+ #
+ # publish-nuget-strongname:
+ # environment: prod
+ # runs-on: windows-latest
+ # defaults:
+ # run:
+ # shell: powershell
+ # working-directory: .\sdk\dotNet
+ # steps:
+ # - name: Get the source code
+ # uses: actions/checkout@v4
+ # - name: Setup .NET 6
+ # uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v4
+ # with:
+ # dotnet-version: 6.0.x
+ # - name: Retrieve secrets from KSM
+ # id: ksmsecrets
+ # uses: Keeper-Security/ksm-action@master
+ # with:
+ # keeper-secret-config: ${{ secrets.KSM_KSM_CONFIG }}
+ # secrets: |
+ # Sq4nnb5HXXNp1l6KryXynw/field/password > NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN
+ # Sq4nnb5HXXNp1l6KryXynw/file/sgKSM.snk > file:${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk
+ # - name: Extract and Update Public Key in SecretsManagerClient.cs
+ # run: |
+ # $snPath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v10.0A\bin\NETFX 4.8 Tools\sn.exe"
+ # $snkPath = "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk"
+ # $publicKeyPath = "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.pub"
+ # & $snPath -p $snkPath $publicKeyPath
+ # $publicKeyInfo = & $snPath -tp $publicKeyPath
+ # # Filter and join the lines of the public key
+ # $publicKeyLines = $publicKeyInfo -split "`n" | Where-Object { $_ -match "^[a-f0-9\s]+$" }
+ # $publicKey = $publicKeyLines -join "" -replace "\s", ""
- if (-not $publicKey) {
- Write-Error "Failed to extract the full public key."
- exit 1
- }
+ # if (-not $publicKey) {
+ # Write-Error "Failed to extract the full public key."
+ # exit 1
+ # }
- Write-Output "Extracted Public Key: $publicKey"
- $filePath = "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\SecretsManagerClient.cs"
- (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo\("SecretsManager.Test.Core"\)\]', "[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(`"SecretsManager.Test.Core, PublicKey=$publicKey`")]" | Set-Content $filePath
- Write-Output "First 20 lines of the modified SecretsManagerClient.cs:"
- Get-Content $filePath -Head 20
- - name: Install dependencies
- run: dotnet restore
- - name: "Preparing package for strong naming"
- working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
- run: |
- pwd
- Get-ChildItem
- Copy-Item -Path "SecretsManager.csproj" -Destination "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj"
- (Get-Content -Path "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj") -replace 'Keeper.SecretsManager', 'Keeper.SecretsManager.StrongName' | Set-Content -Path "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj"
- Get-Content "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj"
- Copy-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk" -Destination "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager.Test.Core\sgKSM.snk"
- Get-ChildItem "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager.Test.Core\"
- - name: Build
- working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
- run: |
- pwd
- Get-ChildItem
- dotnet build "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj" --configuration Release --no-restore -p:SignKSM=True
- - name: Cleanup secret files
- working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
- run: |
- Remove-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk"
- Remove-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager.Test.Core\sgKSM.snk"
- - name: Publish package
- if: ${{ github.event.inputs.publish == 'true' }}
- working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
- run: |
- Get-ChildItem ".\bin\Release\"
- dotnet nuget push ".\bin\Release\*.nupkg" --api-key ${{steps.ksmsecrets.outputs.NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN}} --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
- - name: Upload strong-named binaries
- if: ${{ github.event.inputs.publish == 'false' }}
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
- with:
- name: strong-named-binaries-${{ github.run_number }}
- path: |
- ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\bin\Release\*.nupkg
\ No newline at end of file
+ # Write-Output "Extracted Public Key: $publicKey"
+ # $filePath = "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\SecretsManagerClient.cs"
+ # (Get-Content $filePath) -replace '\[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo\("SecretsManager.Test.Core"\)\]', "[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(`"SecretsManager.Test.Core, PublicKey=$publicKey`")]" | Set-Content $filePath
+ # Write-Output "First 20 lines of the modified SecretsManagerClient.cs:"
+ # Get-Content $filePath -Head 20
+ # - name: Install dependencies
+ # run: dotnet restore
+ # - name: "Preparing package for strong naming"
+ # working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
+ # run: |
+ # pwd
+ # Get-ChildItem
+ # Copy-Item -Path "SecretsManager.csproj" -Destination "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj"
+ # (Get-Content -Path "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj") -replace 'Keeper.SecretsManager', 'Keeper.SecretsManager.StrongName' | Set-Content -Path "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj"
+ # Get-Content "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj"
+ # Copy-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk" -Destination "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager.Test.Core\sgKSM.snk"
+ # Get-ChildItem "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager.Test.Core\"
+ # - name: Build
+ # working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
+ # run: |
+ # pwd
+ # Get-ChildItem
+ # dotnet build "SecretsManager.StrongName.csproj" --configuration Release --no-restore -p:SignKSM=True
+ # - name: Cleanup secret files
+ # working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
+ # run: |
+ # Remove-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\sgKSM.snk"
+ # Remove-Item -Path "${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager.Test.Core\sgKSM.snk"
+ # - name: Publish package
+ # if: ${{ github.event.inputs.publish == 'true' }}
+ # working-directory: ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\
+ # run: |
+ # Get-ChildItem ".\bin\Release\"
+ # dotnet nuget push ".\bin\Release\*.nupkg" --api-key ${{steps.ksmsecrets.outputs.NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN}} --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
+ # - name: Upload strong-named binaries
+ # if: ${{ github.event.inputs.publish == 'false' }}
+ # uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
+ # with:
+ # name: strong-named-binaries-${{ github.run_number }}
+ # path: |
+ # ${{ github.workspace }}\sdk\dotNet\SecretsManager\bin\Release\*.nupkg