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Setup Komodo Notary Node

SHossain edited this page May 4, 2019 · 77 revisions

Komodo Notary Nodes

Note: This is still in BETA phase. This is to give you a good understanding on building a Komodo Notary Node, but it is possible that some commands could be deprecated by the time you read it.

If you have any problems, please join #notarynode on the Komodo Discord



Komodo currently only works on Linux. To setup Komodo Notary Node be sure you have a good solid server with the following requirements:

  • CPU: A good CPU (Xeon/i7)
  • RAM: 64GB
  • Disk: 500GB SSD
  • Bandwidth: 100Mbps

Operating System

Ubuntu LTS x64 - minimal installation with Openssh server.


Before doing anything further, please ensure that your server is secure.

Install Dependencies

Install regular deps

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config libc6-dev m4 g++-multilib autoconf libtool ncurses-dev unzip git python zlib1g-dev wget bsdmainutils automake libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libgtest-dev libqt4-dev libqrencode-dev libdb++-dev ntp ntpdate software-properties-common curl libcurl4-gnutls-dev cmake clang libsodium-dev jq htop -y

Install nanomsg (requires for iguana)

cd ~
git clone
cd nanomsg
make -j2
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Compile Komodo from source

Clone source, checkout beta branch and compile

cd ~
git clone
cd komodo
git checkout beta
./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

-j$(nproc) uses all available processor threads while compiling. If you don't want to use all threads, you can use -j8 which will use only 8 threads.

Symlink the compiled binaries

sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/komodo/src/komodo-cli /usr/local/bin/komodo-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/komodo/src/komodod /usr/local/bin/komodod

Create data dir, komodo.conf file and secure it

cd ~
mkdir .komodo
nano ~/.komodo/komodo.conf

Insert the following contents inside komodo.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)


Secure the komodo.conf file

chmod 600 ~/.komodo/komodo.conf

Compile Bitcoin and other 3rd-party Coin from Source


Step 1: Clone Bitcoin source

cd ~
git clone
cd bitcoin
git checkout 0.16

Step 2: Create a build script called inside the ~/bitcoin dir for easy compiling and put the contents below inside the script. The script will also symlink the binaries with /usr/local/bin/ and for that, you will be asked to provide sudo password.

berkeleydb () {
    mkdir -p $BITCOIN_PREFIX
    wget -N ''
    echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
    tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
    cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/

    ../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$BITCOIN_PREFIX

    make install

buildBITCOIN () {
    git pull
    make clean
    ./configure LDFLAGS="-L${BITCOIN_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${BITCOIN_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared
    make -j$(nproc)

cd ~/bitcoin
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/bitcoin/src/bitcoin-cli /usr/local/bin/bitcoin-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/bitcoin/src/bitcoind /usr/local/bin/bitcoind

Step 3: Make the script executable and run it

chmod +x

Step 4: Create Bitcoin data dir, bitcoin.conf file and secure it

cd ~
mkdir .bitcoin
nano ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

Insert the following contents inside bitcoin.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)


secure the bitcoin.conf file

chmod 600 ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf


Step 1: Clone CHIPS source

cd ~
git clone
cd chips3
git checkout dev

Step 2: Create a build script called inside the ~/chips3 dir for easy compiling and put the contents below inside the script. The script will also symlink the binaries with /usr/local/bin/ and for that, you will be asked to provide sudo password.

berkeleydb () {
    mkdir -p $CHIPS_PREFIX
    wget -N ''
    echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
    tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
    cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/

    ../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$CHIPS_PREFIX

    make install
    cd $CHIPS_ROOT

buildCHIPS () {
    git pull
    make clean
    ./configure LDFLAGS="-L${CHIPS_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${CHIPS_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared
    make -j$(nproc)

cd ~/chips3
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/chips3/src/chips-cli /usr/local/bin/chips-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/chips3/src/chipsd /usr/local/bin/chipsd

Step 3: Make the script executable and run it

chmod +x

Step 4: Create CHIPS data dir, chips.conf file and secure it

cd ~
mkdir .chips
nano ~/.chips/chips.conf

Insert the following contents inside chips.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)


secure the chips.conf file

chmod 600 ~/.chips/chips.conf

GameCredits (GAME)

Step 1: Clone GAME source

cd ~
git clone
cd GameCredits
git checkout master

Step 2: Create a build script called inside the ~/GameCredits dir for easy compiling and put the contents below inside the script. The script will also symlink the binaries with /usr/local/bin/ and for that, you will be asked to provide sudo password.

# GameCredits build script for Ubuntu & Debian 9 v.3 (c) Decker

# Step 1: Build BDB 4.8
wget -N ''
echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/

../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$GAMECREDITS_PREFIX

make -j$(nproc)
make install

# Step 2: Build OpenSSL (libssl-dev) 1.0.x
mkdir -p openssl_build
wget -qO-$version.tar.gz | tar xzv
cd openssl-$version
export CFLAGS=-fPIC
./config no-shared --prefix=$GAMECREDITS_ROOT/openssl_build
make -j$(nproc)
make install
cd ..

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$GAMECREDITS_ROOT/openssl_build/pkgconfig"
export CXXFLAGS+=" -I$GAMECREDITS_ROOT/openssl_build/include/ -I${GAMECREDITS_PREFIX}/include/"
export LDFLAGS+=" -L$GAMECREDITS_ROOT/openssl_build/lib -L${GAMECREDITS_PREFIX}/lib/ -static"
export LIBS+="-ldl"

# p.s. for Debian added -ldl in LDFLAGS it's enough, but on Ubuntu linker doesn't recognize it, so,
# we moved -ldl to LIBS and added -static to LDFLAGS, because linker on Ubuntu doesn't understan that
# it should link librypto.a statically.
# Or we can build OpenSSL 1.0.x as shared (instead of no-shared) and use:
# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/$USER/GameCredits/openssl_build/lib before
# starting gamecreditsd.

# Step 3: Build GameCredits daemon
./configure --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared
make -j$(nproc)

sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/GameCredits/src/gamecredits-cli /usr/local/bin/gamecredits-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/GameCredits/src/gamecreditsd /usr/local/bin/gamecreditsd

Step 3: Make the script executable and run it

chmod +x

Step 4: Create GAME data dir, gamecredits.conf file and secure it

cd ~
mkdir .gamecredits
nano ~/.gamecredits/gamecredits.conf

Insert the following contents inside gamecredits.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)


secure the gamecredits.conf file

chmod 600 ~/.gamecredits/gamecredits.conf

Einsteinium (EMC2)

Step 1: Clone EMC2 source

cd ~
git clone
cd einsteinium
git checkout master

Step 2: Create a build script called inside the ~/einsteinium dir for easy compiling and put the contents below inside the script. The script will also symlink the binaries with /usr/local/bin/ and for that, you will be asked to provide sudo password.

berkeleydb () {
    mkdir -p $EMC2_PREFIX
    wget -N ''
    echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
    tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
    cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/

    ../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$EMC2_PREFIX

    make install
    cd $EMC2_ROOT

buildEMC2 () {
    git pull
    make clean
    ./configure LDFLAGS="-L${EMC2_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${EMC2_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared
    make -j$(nproc)

cd ~/einsteinium

sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/einsteinium/src/einsteinium-cli /usr/local/bin/einsteinium-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/einsteinium/src/einsteiniumd /usr/local/bin/einsteiniumd

Step 3: Make the script executable and run it

chmod +x

Step 4: Create EMC2 data dir, einsteinium.conf file and secure it

cd ~
mkdir .einsteinium
nano ~/.einsteinium/einsteinium.conf

Insert the following contents inside einsteinium.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)


secure the einsteinium.conf file

chmod 600 ~/.einsteinium/einsteinium.conf

GinCoin (GIN)

Step 1: Clone GIN source

cd ~
git clone
cd gincoin-core
git checkout master

Step 2: Create a build script called inside the ~/gincoin-core dir for easy compiling and put the contents below inside the script. The script will also symlink the binaries with /usr/local/bin/ and for that, you will be asked to provide sudo password.

berkeleydb () {
    mkdir -p $GIN_PREFIX
    wget -N ''
    echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
    tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
    cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/

    ../dist/configure -enable-cxx -disable-shared -with-pic -prefix=$GIN_PREFIX

    make install
    cd $GIN_ROOT

buildgin () {
    git pull
    make clean
    ./configure LDFLAGS="-L${GIN_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${GIN_PREFIX}/include/" --with-gui=no --disable-tests --disable-bench --without-miniupnpc --enable-experimental-asm --enable-static --disable-shared --without-gui
    make -j$(nproc)


sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/gincoin-core/src/gincoin-cli /usr/local/bin/gincoin-cli
sudo ln -sf /home/$USER/gincoin-core/src/gincoind /usr/local/bin/gincoind

Step 3: Make the script executable and run it

chmod +x

Step 4: Create GIN data dir, gincoin.conf file and secure it

cd ~
mkdir .gincoincore
nano ~/.gincoincore/gincoin.conf

Insert the following contents inside gincoin.conf file and save it. (change the rpcuser and rpcpassword values)


secure the gincoin.conf file

chmod 600 ~/.gincoincore/gincoin.conf


Clone HUSH3 source and compile

cd ~
git clone
cd hush3
git checkout dev
./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

VerusCoin (VRSC)

Clone VRSC source and compile

cd ~
git clone
cd VerusCoin
git checkout master
./zcutil/ -j$(nproc)

Start the daemons and sync all chain

For the first time sync, we will run all the coin daemons normally. Make sure you have successfully compiled all daemon above. We will create a start script later on this guide to start the chains for notarisation with -pubkey.

Start 3rd-party coins

bitcoind &
chipsd &
gamecreditsd &
einsteiniumd &
gincoind &

Start Komodo and all assetchains including VRSC & HUSH3

cd ~/komodo/src
./komodod &

Now wait for all chain to finish sync. You can check check sync progress with tail -f command. All coin data dir creates a debug.log file, we just need a tail that file. Komodo assetchains has their own data dir inside ~/.komodo directory.

Commands to tail debug.log

tail -f ~/.bitcoin/debug.log
tail -f ~/.chips/debug.log
tail -f ~/.gamecredits/debug.log
# EMC2
tail -f ~/.einsteinium/debug.log
tail -f ~/.gincoincore/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/VRSC/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/HUSH3/debug.log
tail -f ~/.komodo/SUPERNET/debug.log

For any other Komodo assetchain, use the example of VRSC, HUSH3 or SUPERNET and change the path with coin name accordingly. Wait for sync to finish fully for all coins.

Generating pubkey, address & WIF from your secure passphrase

The mainnet operators will have 2 seed phrase (passphrase) which will generate 2 sets of pubkey, address and private key (WIF). For security best practices, you should never use your seed phrase or privatekey in another node other than your notary node. If you ever expose a private key for any coin, it can be converted to all other coins easily.


You need to provide 2 sets of pubkey to Kolo when he asks for it (pubkey starts with 02 or 03). Follow this guide to generate all required info in your server. You will need the compressed address, pubkey and WIF from output generated by the script. Based on the default seed used in the genkomodo.php file, we get the following information:

Pubkey: 02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1

BTC Address: 1M68ML9dMZZPEdrjncUCe7ZWadAGUxMNyv
BTC WIF: L24bEAJSkFCdjoQNEcboWfJdsLGLmkBgfGb4TSHnbhEmU9jenaes

KMD Address: RVNKRr2uxPMxJeDwFnTKjdtiLtcs7UzCZn

GAME Address: Gdw3mTUaLRAgK7A2iZ8K4suQVnx7VRJ9rf
GAME WIF: Re6YxHzdQ61rmTuZFVbjmGu9Kqu8VeVJr4G1ihTPFsspAjGiErDL

EMC2 Address: EdF2quz8nWrJDwTbbTTieFYUMGfPsVB5dv
EMC2 WIF: T7trfubd9dBEWe3EnFYfj1r1pBueqqCaUUVKKEvLAfQvz3JFsNhs

GIN Address: Gdw3mTUaLRAgK7A2iZ8K4suQVnx7VRJ9rf

CHIPS & all Komodo assetchain including HUSH3 & VRSC uses same address and WIF as Komodo (KMD).

It is recommended that you write down 24 words random seed in a piece of paper and type directly into your server. Do not keep the seed saved in your local computer.

Import private key into coin daemons

Important: Make sure your daemon is running and fully synced before importing any privkey. Importing key into daemon will trigger rescan which can take some time to finish depending on tx history.

  • Follow the below example to import key into your coin daemons:
komodo-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
bitcoin-cli importprivkey WNejFTXR11LFx2L8wvEKEqvjHkL1D3Aa4CCBdEYQyBzbBKjPLHJQ
chips-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
gamecredits-cli importprivkey Re6YxHzdQ61rmTuZFVbjmGu9Kqu8VeVJr4G1ihTPFsspAjGiErDL
einsteinium-cli importprivkey T7trfubd9dBEWe3EnFYfj1r1pBueqqCaUUVKKEvLAfQvz3JFsNhs
gincoin-cli importprivkey WNejFTXR11LFx2L8wvEKEqvjHkL1D3Aa4CCBdEYQyBzbBKjPLHJQ
komodo-cli -ac_name=HUSH3 importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
komodo-cli -ac_name=VRSC importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh
  • For all other Komodo assetchains, use the following command to import privkey
cd ~/komodo/src
./fiat-cli importprivkey UtrRXqvRFUAtCrCTRAHPH6yroQKUrrTJRmxt2h5U4QTUN1jCxTAh

This command will import keys into all assetchains that are using the main Komodo daemon. This may take some time and will display the coin name and address after each import. You can tail the coin specific debug.log files to check progress.

Validate the address

After all addresses are imported, using the $COIN-cli validate all address and make sure it is showing ismine:true. If you have ismine:false, dPoW will not work for that coin. Sample command for that is below.

komodo-cli validateaddress RVNKRr2uxPMxJeDwFnTKjdtiLtcs7UzCZn

Create pubkey.txt file

We will need to create a pubkey.txt file inside ~/komodo/src/ directory. This will be used to start all assetchains including HUSH3 & VRSC with -pubkey= param. pubkey.txt file should contain only the below information. Change 02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1 with your own pubkey.


Stop All Wallet Daemon Safely

Never use kill -9 to kill any wallet daemon if you don't like corrupt database. Always shutdown wallet daemon and iguana gracefully with pkill -15 iguana or use the below RPC commands for wallets.

komodo-cli stop
bitcoin-cli stop
chips-cli stop
gamecredits-cli stop
einsteinium-cli stop
gincoin-cli stop
komodo-cli -ac_name=HUSH3 stop
komodo-cli -ac_name=VRSC stop

For all other Komodo assetchains, use the following command to stop the daemons.

cd ~/komodo/src
./fiat-cli stop

Setting up Iguana

Clone the source

cd ~
git clone
cd SuperNET/iguana
git checkout dev

Copy the pubkey.txt file that we created earlier from ~/komodo/src/ dir.

cp ~/komodo/src/pubkey.txt ~/SuperNET/iguana/pubkey.txt

Create wp_7776

Create wp_7776 file inside iguana dir with your 24 words seed passphrase. The file should look like below (replace YOUR VERY SECURE PASSPHRASE with your own):

curl --url "" --data "{\"method\":\"walletpassphrase\",\"params\":[\"YOUR VERY SECURE PASSPHRASE\", 9999999]}"

Make wp_7776 file executable

chmod +x wp_7776

Create userhome.txt

Create userhome.txt file inside iguana dir with your server user name. Here is an example using user dextar and how the file should look like.


There shouldn't be any other text or space.

Set ulimit parameters on Ubuntu permanent

By default the number of open files per user in Ubuntu is 1024. In our case this number is too small so you have to increase it.

This is done with the ulimit command:

$ulimit -a   # see all the kernel parameters
$ulimit -n   # see the number of open files
$ulimit -n 1000000  #  set the number open files to 1000000

The problem with this way is that the ulimit parameter is only set currently for this command terminal and user. This means that after a reboot you’ll need to set the parameter again. Do the following to set it permanent:

Edit /etc/security/limits.conf file

sudo nano /etc/security/limits.conf

add these lines:

* soft nofile 1000000
* hard nofile 1000000

Save and close file

Edit /etc/pam.d/common-session file

sudo nano /etc/pam.d/common-session

add this line:

session required

save and close file

We are done. Now let's stop all our wallet daemons safely with RPC commands and reboot the server using sudo reboot or sudo shutdown -r command.

Check the values now:

ulimit -n

Create start Script

We need a start script in the home dir to start Komodo, assetchains and all 3rd party coin daemons with -pubkey option. -pubkey is not required for BTC daemon. All other coins needs it. Here is an example of start script (change the pubkey with your Notary Node pubkey):

bitcoind &
chipsd -pubkey="02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1" &
gamecreditsd -pubkey="02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1" &
einsteiniumd -pubkey="02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1" &
gincoind -pubkey="02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1" &
cd komodo/src
./komodod -gen -genproclimit=1 -notary -pubkey="02a854251adfee222bede8396fed0756985d4ea905f72611740867c7a4ad6488c1" &
sleep 600

Make the file executable:

chmod +x start

Start the script

This may take upto 20-30 minutes max depending on system spec.

cd ~

Make sure all daemons started properly before starting iguana in the next step.

Start iguana

Once all required daemons are running, we have funds on all coins, we can go ahead and start iguana.

cd ~/SuperNET/iguana

m_notary script will issue a git pull command to update the repo, remove old iguana, compile fresh and start all the process. This can take about 10 minutes maximum to finish. You will see INIT with 64 notaries once the process finishes.

Start dPoW

After you see INIT with 64 notaries, you can safely start dPoW process. Just issue the following command from inside iguana dir to start with it.


Iguana should split your utxos automatically. If you want to test or split manually, you can follow this guide.

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