- M: Reimplement the mc commands
- advancement
- attribute
- bossbar
- clear
- clone
- data
- datapack
- defaultgamemode
- difficulty
- effect
- enchant
- execute
- experience
- fill
- forceload
- function
- gamemode
- gamerule
- give
- help
- kill
- list
- locate
- locatebiome
- loot
- me
- msg
- particle
- playsound
- recipe
- reload
- replaceitem
- say
- schedule
- scoreboard
- seed
- setblock
- setworldspawn
- spawnpoint
- spectate
- spreadplayers
- stopsound
- summon
- tag
- team
- teammsg
- teleport
- tell
- tellraw
- time
- title
- tp
- trigger
- w
- weather
- worldborder
- xp
- M: Dynamically generate a class to run the commands
- M: Load the generated class instead of normal functions
- Result removal where possible / Direct callback results (TBD)
- Early Source decomposition tracking
- Mut/Vis tracking
- Execute flattening
- Faster selectors
- Predicate compiling
- Loottable compiling
- Entity type tracking
- Fast NBT
- Multithreading
- Common Helperpack pre compilation
- Common Structures detection
- Function tree
- Loops