To measure the performance of the new probe set, we run three different assemblies of the targeted loci:
- with the old probe set in nucleotide format
- with the new probe set in nucleotide format
- with the new probe set in amino-acids format (i.e. translated nucleotides)
To do so, we use:
- Samples: 144 Tibouchina and 96 Memecylon samples from Jantzen et al. (2020): NCBI BioProject numbers PRJNA573947 and PRJNA576018
- HybPiper 2.1.1 with BWA (when probe set is in nucleotide format) or Diamond (when probe set in amino-acid format) fo reads mapping
cd $path_to_wd
mkdir Probe_set_comparison
cd Probe_set_comparison
Configure SRA Toolkit to set $path_to_wd/Probe_set_comparison
default directory with the following command:
vdb-config -i
Download from NCBI the accession lists in .csv:
SraAccList_Tibouchina.csv and SraAccList_Memecylon.csv. Place the files
in $path_to_wd/Probe_set_comparison
cd $path_to_wd/Probe_set_comparison
prefetch --option-file SraAccList_Tibouchina.csv
prefetch --option-file SraAccList_Memecylon.csv
Extract .fastq in 2 paired reads file and 1 unpaired file per sample.
mkdir fastq
fastq-dump ./sra/*.sra -O fastq --split-3
The old probe set was retrieved from the original publication but cannot be used as it is.
cd $path_to_wd/original_template_sequences/Template_sequences
cat *.fasta | sed '/^>/!s/-//g' | sed '/^>/!s/[^ATGCNatgcn]//g' | sed -E '/^>/s/(\w*\.*\w*)-(\w*\.*\w*)/\2-\1/' > ../Old_probe_set.fasta
cd ../
dos2unix Old_probe_set.fasta
cat Old_probe_set.fasta | seqkit replace -p 'Tibouchina-KT377070$' -r 'Tibouchina2-KT377070.1' | seqkit replace -p 'KT377070$' -r 'KT377070.1' | seqkit replace -p 'KT377086$' -r 'KT377086.1' | seqkit replace -p 'KT377086$' -r 'KT377086.1' | seqkit replace -p 'KT377102$' -r 'KT377102.1' | seqkit replace -w0 -p 'KT377110$' -r 'KT377110.1' > Old_probe_set_384.fasta
cat Old_probe_set_384.fasta | seqkit seq -n | sed 's/.*-//g' | sort | uniq | wc -l
Create a namelist.txt
file with all the samples names (accession
See sbatch script
cd $path_to_wd/Probe_set_comparison
See sbatch script
cd $path_to_wd/Probe_set_comparison
See sbatch script
cd $path_to_wd/Probe_set_comparison
# path_to_jobs="$path_to_wd/Probe_set_comparison"
path_to_jobs <- "Probe_set_comparison"
path_to_out <- "Probe_set_comparison/"
bwa_old <- read_tsv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "Probe_set_comparison_hybpiper2_assemble_no_stiched_bwa_old_66557934", "genes_sequences_lengths.tsv", sep = "/")) %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(-1), names_to = "locus", values_to = "length") %>% mutate(percentage = length / length[which(Species == "MeanLength")])
bwa_new <- read_tsv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "Probe_set_comparison_hybpiper2_assemble_no_stiched_bwa_new_66464267", "genes_sequences_lengths.tsv", sep = "/")) %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(-1), names_to = "locus", values_to = "length") %>% mutate(percentage = length / length[which(Species == "MeanLength")])
diamond_new <- read_tsv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "Probe_set_comparison_hybpiper2_assemble_no_stiched_diamond_new_66820939", "genes_sequences_lengths.tsv", sep = "/")) %>% pivot_longer(cols = c(-1), names_to = "locus", values_to = "length") %>% mutate(percentage = length / length[which(Species == "MeanLength")])
Tibouchina <- read_csv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "SraAccList_Tibouchina.csv", sep = "/")) %>% pull(acc)
Memecylon <- read_csv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "SraAccList_Memecylon.csv", sep = "/")) %>% pull(acc)
combined <- bind_rows("1bwa_old" = bwa_old, "2bwa_new" = bwa_new, "3diamond_new" = diamond_new, .id = "id") %>% mutate(percentage = if_else(percentage > 1, 1, percentage)) %>% filter(Species != "MeanLength") %>% mutate(Genus = if_else(Species %in% Tibouchina, "Tibouchina", "Memecylon"))
heatmap <- ggplot(data = combined[,], aes(x = locus, y = Species, fill = percentage))+
facet_nested(vars(id, Genus), drop = T, scale = "free_y", space = "free_y", switch = "y", labeller = as_labeller(c(`1bwa_old` = "Old probe set (bwa)", `2bwa_new` = "New probe set (bwa)", `3diamond_new` = "New probe set (diamond)", Tibouchina = "Tibouchina", Memecylon = "Memecylon")))+
scale_fill_gradient(low="#ffffff", high = "#023858", name = "% length", breaks = c(0,0.25,0.5, 0.75 ,1), labels = c("0","25", "50", "75", "100"))+
theme(strip.text = element_text(face ='bold', angle = 90),
strip.placement = "outside",
# strip.background = element_rect(color = "black"),
axis.title.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.y = element_text(size = 1),
axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, size = 1, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.95),
panel.spacing.y = unit(c(3,10,3,10,3), "points"),
plot.margin = unit(c(3,3,3,3), "points")
ggsave(plot = heatmap, filename = paste0(path_to_out,"heatmap_recovery_combined.pdf"), width = 30, height = 30, units = "cm")
Figure 1. Percentage length recovery for each locus and each sample, relative to the mean length of the reference.
path_to_jobs <- "Probe_set_comparison"
path_to_out <- "Probe_set_comparison/"
bwa_old_stats <- read_tsv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "Probe_set_comparison_hybpiper2_assemble_no_stiched_bwa_old_66557934", "hybpiper_genes_statistics.tsv", sep = "/"))
bwa_new_stats <- read_tsv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "Probe_set_comparison_hybpiper2_assemble_no_stiched_bwa_new_66464267", "hybpiper_genes_statistics.tsv", sep = "/"))
diamond_new_stats <- read_tsv(file = paste(path_to_jobs, "Probe_set_comparison_hybpiper2_assemble_no_stiched_diamond_new_66820939", "hybpiper_genes_statistics.tsv", sep = "/"))
combined_stats <- bind_rows("bwa_old" = bwa_old_stats, "bwa_new" = bwa_new_stats, "diamond_new" = diamond_new_stats, .id = "id") %>% mutate(Genus = if_else(Name %in% Tibouchina, "Tibouchina", "Memecylon"), .before = Name)
# combined_stats %>%
# group_by(id) %>% summarise_at(.vars = vars(NumReads,ReadsMapped,PctOnTarget,GenesMapped,GenesWithContigs,GenesWithSeqs,GenesAt25pct,GenesAt50pct,GenesAt75pct,GenesAt150pct), .funs = list(avg= mean, med = median, sd = sd))
summary_combined_stats <- combined_stats %>%
group_by(id) %>% summarise_if(.predicate = is.double, .funs = list(avg=mean, med = median, sd=sd))
write_tsv(summary_combined_stats, file = paste0(path_to_out, "summary_combined_stats.tsv"))
combined_stats_for_gg <- combined_stats %>% select(id,Genus,Name,GenesMapped,GenesWithSeqs,GenesAt75pct)%>% pivot_longer(cols = c(GenesMapped,GenesWithSeqs,GenesAt75pct), names_to = "variable")
colpal = c(bwa_old = "#46ACC8", bwa_new = "#E2D200", diamond_new = "#DD8D29")
statplot <- ggplot(combined_stats_for_gg, aes(x = id, y = value))+
## half-violin from {ggdist} package
aes(color = id,
fill = after_scale(desaturate(lighten(color, .5), .5))),
adjust = 1,
justification = -.3,
width = .8,
.width = 0,
point_colour = NA
) +
## boxplot
aes(color = id,
color = after_scale(darken(color, .1, space = "HLS")),
fill = after_scale(desaturate(lighten(color, .8), .4))),
width = .5,
outlier.color = NA,
## points
geom_point(aes(fill = id),
color = "transparent",
shape = 21,
stroke = .4,
size = 2,
alpha = .2,
position = position_jitter(seed = 1, width = .14)
## boxplot
aes(color = id,
color = after_scale(darken(color, .2, space = "HLS"))),
fill = "transparent",
width = .5,
outlier.color = NA,
## text
geom = "text",
fun = "median",
aes(label = round(..y.., 2),
color = id,
color = after_scale(darken(color, .2, space = "HLS"))),
fontface = "bold",
size = 3,
position = position_nudge(x=.45)
) +
facet_grid(.~factor(variable, levels = c('GenesMapped', 'GenesWithSeqs', 'GenesAt75pct')), labeller = as_labeller(c(GenesMapped = "A. Loci with mapped reads", GenesWithSeqs = "B. Loci with assembled sequences", GenesAt75pct = "C. Loci at 75% of target length")))+
scale_fill_manual(values = colpal, guide = 'none')+
scale_color_manual(values = colpal, guide = 'none')+
scale_x_discrete(limits = c("bwa_old", "bwa_new", "diamond_new"), labels = c(bwa_old = "Old (bwa)", bwa_new = "New (bwa)", diamond_new = "New (diamond)"))+
theme(strip.text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 13),
panel.grid.major.x = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 10),
axis.title = element_blank()
ggsave(plot = statplot, filename = paste0(path_to_out,"statistics.pdf"), height = 16.7, width = 25, units = "cm", dpi = 300)
Figure 2. Summary of recovery statistics computed with HybPiper for the assemblies with the old probe set (blue) and the new probe set in nucleotide format (yellow), and with the new probe set in amino-acids format (orange). A: number of loci with mapped reads, B: number of loci with assembled sequences, and C: number of loci with assembled sequences equal or longer to 75% of the length of their locus reference in the probe set. Burrow-Wheeler aligner (bwa) was used to map the reads with nucleotide probe sets, and Diamond was used for the amino-acids probe set. Numbers right to the boxplots are the median value.