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"author" : "LeDrascol",
"description" : "Spooky Tweaks is a large scale vanilla overhaul mod that serves as an 'unofficial update' to the game. That is to say, it rebalances, fixes, streamlines, implements unused content, and reduces annoyance. While it attempts to be compatible with content mods, it may conflict with other vanilla-altering mods.\n\nThis mod adds no save-altering content! You can add and remove it at any time without destroying your saves, but remember to unstack modified items. Always make save backups when using mods.\n\n[h1]Steam limits workshop items to 8,000 characters. The description below is [b]abridged[/b].[/h1]\n[h1]For faster updates and the full description, visit the [url=https://github.com/LeDrascol/Spooky-Tweaks/]GitHub Repository[/url][/h1]\n\n[h1]Project Highlights[/h1]\n[h1]General[/h1]\n\tMoon related things are spooky\n\tMr Spooks (Erchius Ghost) moves faster, can be knocked back, and dies in lava\n\tMain missions 'clue' hunting can be skipped by scanning the gate\n\tNo artificial time padding when beaming\n\tMore fuel types, higher fuel values, and higher fuel costs for FTL travel\n\tThe sewing machine makes 90% less noise\n\tVehicles are one-handed, and their costs rebalanced\n\tGrappling hooks use physics just like ropes\n\tBandages and antidotes can be crafted at any time\n\tLate-storyline outpost shops will indicate if they open later\n\n[b]Updates[/b]\n\tNo more startup animation\n\tPlay modes are NORMAL, EXPERT, and HARDCORE\n\t66 new facial emotion triggers for chat\n\tPortable Pixel Printer is back and functional\n\tRadio messages don't provide constant arbitrary praise\n\tEPPs use more scientific names\n\tHoverbikes use a higher hover strength\n\tStatus Pods have new possible effects\n\tMazebound64 moved to Hylotl arcades\n\tQuest text updated to remove arbitrary praise\n\tImmense overhaul of rarity levels\n\tFive new blessings from Tonauac\n\tAll instruments are slightly cheaper and one handed\n\tTeleporters are platforms\n\tVarious items moved to materials tab\n\tGlow effects reworked for better ambient lighting\n\tLearn any race's flag by picking it up\n\tFlashlight beams don't cast ambient light\n\n[b]Latest Update[/b]\n\tRacial bonuses for Avian, Human, Familiar, Glitch, and Hylotl\n\tSplash screen is back, but silent and won't interrupt loading\n\tHuman codexes follow the mod's lore tweaks\n\tUncensored names for breakable alcohol bottles\n\tTents block hunger just like beds\n\tNew tooltip information to show mining speeds for tools\n\tJump height increased to between that of release and beta\n\tTeleportation only takes 0.2 seconds, with no fake loading times\n\tNo fake loading time for the Bounty Board\n\n[h1]Economy[/h1]\n\tNew Shop: Chip Tunes - Selling all vanilla musical instruments (replaces Mazebound64)\n\tTeleporter cores are bought with money instead of diamonds\n\tBuy and sell rates are more reasonable\n\tUpgrade parts can be purchased at the Tech Dispenser (Outpost)\n\tCapture pods can be purchased at The Outpost\n\tPenguin Weapon Shop sells rare and otherwise unobtainable weapons\n\n[b]Updates[/b]\n\tTreasured Trophies sells more rare items\n\tInfinity Express sells new novelty items\n\tWeapon shop sells boss items after beating the respective boss\n\tMinor outpost shops have more unique names\n\tPrize counters sell plushies and toys for tickets (found in loot bags)\n\tStation vending machines sell mech salvage\n\tMech blueprints can be traded for at Beakeasy\n\tMech Assembly Station can be purchased from the tech dispenser\n\tTerramart Shipments buys items for their full value and accept mining materials\n\tPeacekeeper shop items moved to places that make more sense\n\tFake ship licenses are 50% more expensive\n\tOre values are 4x higher\n\tUrsa Miner sells radioactive ship fuel\n\tTeleporters require cores AND relevant materials\n\tFive new otherwise unobtainable sets in Frogg Furnishings\n\t49 more unused items sold at the outpost\n\n[b]Latest Update[/b]\n\tBeakeasy is an actual drinks serving bar\n\tHyltol prize counter joins the outpost, with 70+ new categorized items\n\tTerramart sells the Relocator\n\tPenguin weapon shop sells Neo weapons\n\tAncient items move to the Terraforge instead of Treasured Trophies\n\tNew safer method to remove shop items\n\tOverhaul to Chip Tunes with tabs and mod support\n\n[h1]Tech[/h1]\n\tTech descriptions are more helpful\n\tSonic sphere is faster and easier to control\n\tBlink dash recharges as fast as the normal dash\n\tRocket jumping is almost instant, launches further, and recharges mid-air\n\tMulti-Jump goes higher\n\tSprinting is faster\n\n[b]Updates[/b]\n\tSprinting won't restrict using other tech or items\n\tAll distortion spheres negate fall damage\n\tBlink dash can blink further, in mid-air, and without landing\n\tWall jumping refreshes it's double jump ability\n\tTech missions require tech cards\n\n[h1]Balance[/h1]\n\tAll staves and wands charge significantly faster\n\tHealing zones from staves heal much faster\n\tMission rewards gradually increase in magnitude\n\tErchius Facility always gives 20 Erchius Crystals (1000 Total Fuel)\n\tChallenge doors stay around twice as long (Reduced in Update 2)\n\tTeleporters are not destroyed when broken\n\tTech consoles are not destroyed when broken\n\tMoney loss removed for casual and reduced for survival\n\tValue, speed, and power of unique weapons raised to be more worthwhile\n\tCreatures can be attacked while frozen in time\n\tRacial storage lockers hold 64 items instead of 48\n\n[b]Updates[/b]\n\tRocket Spear ability rebalanced to into a mobility tool\n\tFinal mission reward bag provides incredible loot\n\tProtector's Broadsword buffed to compete with unique weapons\n\tDual wielding chainsaws for extreme lumbering\n\tEPPs emit a small amount of light\n\tSome back items provide special buffs\n\tMech battery pickups heal twice as much energy\n\tHigh tech mech parts balanced out to create aesthetic choice\n\tSolarium tier mech arms buffed to match endgame weapon strength\n\tShield drone can deploy up to five orbiting shields\n\tAll mech drones last longer (2-5 minutes) and have reduced cooldowns\n\tSimple mech parts improved to be worth using\n\tOutpost mech missions actually give rewards\n\tAvian god wings hold a mysterious ancient power\n\tFoods that claimed to be spooky are actually spooky\n\tShip lights are harder to accidentally break\n\tDrill Spear mobility buffed for maximum heavens piercing potential\n\tMech arm attachments reworked for usability\n\tHigher tier mech bodies are more energy efficient\n\tShip lockers make food rot 80% slower\n\n[b]Latest Update[/b]\n\tNo dropping items on death in Survival mode, but money drop restored to 30%\n\tMining tools don't use durability, and drills mine in a 3x3 area\n\tAdaptable crossbow requires less energy to fire\n\tBroken Broadsword attacks faster and provides a defensive ability\n\n[h1]Crafting[/h1]\n\tAugments can be crafted at the Research Station, and specify their exact functions\n\tRestored crafting for disabled items such as Perfect Armor, Tall Chair, and Valentines Heart Forge\n\tAncient themed items and vending machines can be 3D printed\n\n[b]Updates[/b]\n\tEnergy pickaxe is craftable and slightly improved\n\tMech Part Crafting Table is craftable like any workstation\n\tPlayer station transponders cost the same as any other device\n\tPlayer stations require exponentially less resources to upgrade\n\tRestored crafting for Toymaker's Table and glow grenades\n\tMore Protectorate items at the Industrial Workbench\n\tBoss doors are printable for all your one-way needs\n\tThe orange stimpack returns\n\tMining tools can be made at an Agricultural Station\n\t62 more unused items made craftable\n\tStimpacks moved from the Medical Station to the Apothecary\n\n[b]Latest Update[/b]\n\tWater coolers dispense water into empty bottles\n\tPickaxes must be crafted, rather than found as loot or purchased\n\tAll Campfire crafting is accessible from the Kitchen Counter\n\tComponents are craftable in the tier two furnace, including RAM\n\tMany improvements to learn on pickup\n\tSoda is craftable",
"friendlyName" : "Spooky Tweaks",
"name" : "spookyTweaks",
"priority" : 1,
"steamContentId" : "737895230",
"tags" : "Crafting and Building|Miscellaneous|Musical Instruments and Songs|NPCs and Creatures|Weapons|Quests|User Interface|Furniture and Objects|Character Improvements|Mechanics",
"version" : "1.6.1"