This is my python implementation of CGOL. The Gameboard can be any size as long as it's square. You can load different initial configurations by editing the board variable in the main function.
You will need to download these libraries:
I implemented a few well-known initial patterns which are stored in the file. By the time of writing this, the following patterns are added:
Type: Oscillator
Period: 2
board = blinker()
Type: Oscillator
Period: 2
board = toad()
Type: Oscillator
Period: 2
board = beacon()
Type: Oscillator
Period: 3
board = pulsar()
Type: Oscillator
Period: 15
board = pentadecathlon()
Type: Spaceship
board = glider()
Type: Spaceship
board = LWSS()
Type: Spaceship
board = MWSS()
Type: Spaceship
board = HWSS()
To make your own initial pattern just edit the custom function at the bottom of the
board = custom()