The GPU device plugin for Kubernetes supports acceleration using the following Intel GPU hardware families:
- Integrated GPUs within Intel Core processors
- Integrated GPUs within Intel Xeon processors
- Intel Visual Compute Accelerator (Intel VCA)
The GPU plugin facilitates offloading the processing of computation intensive workloads to GPU hardware. There are two primary use cases:
- hardware vendor-independent acceleration using the Intel Media SDK
- OpenCL code tuned for high end Intel devices.
For example, the Intel Media SDK can offload video transcoding operations, and the OpenCL libraries can provide computation acceleration for Intel GPUs
The device plugin can also be used with GVT-d device passthrough and acceleration.
The following sections detail how to obtain, build, deploy and test the GPU device plugin.
Examples are provided showing how to deploy the plugin either using a DaemonSet or by hand on a per-node basis.
Note: It is presumed you have a valid and configured golang environment that meets the minimum required version.
$ mkdir -p $(go env GOPATH)/src/
$ git clone $(go env GOPATH)/src/
Every node that will be running the gpu plugin must have the kubelet device-plugins configured. For each node, check that the kubelet device plugin socket exists:
$ ls /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/kubelet.sock
To deploy the gpu plugin as a daemonset, you first need to build a container image for the plugin and ensure that is visible to your nodes.
The following will use docker
to build a local container image called
with the tag devel
The image build tool can be changed from the default docker
by setting the BUILDER
to the Makefile
$ cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
$ make intel-gpu-plugin
Successfully tagged intel/intel-gpu-plugin:devel
You can then use the example DaemonSet YAML file provided to deploy the plugin. The default kustomization that deploys the YAML as is:
$ kubectl apply -k deployments/gpu_plugin
daemonset.apps/intel-gpu-plugin created
Alternatively, if your cluster runs Node Feature Discovery, you can deploy the device plugin only on nodes with Intel GPU. The nfd_labeled_nodes kustomization adds the nodeSelector to the DaemonSet:
$ kubectl apply -k deployments/gpu_plugin/overlays/nfd_labeled_nodes
daemonset.apps/intel-gpu-plugin created
Note: It is also possible to run the GPU device plugin using a non-root user. To do this, the nodes' DAC rules must be configured to device plugin socket creation and kubelet registration. Furthermore, the deployments
must be configured with appropriaterunAsUser/runAsGroup
For development purposes, it is sometimes convenient to deploy the plugin 'by hand' on a node. In this case, you do not need to build the complete container image, and can build just the plugin.
First we build the plugin:
$ cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/
$ make gpu_plugin
Now we can run the plugin directly on the node:
$ sudo $(go env GOPATH)/src/
device-plugin start server at: /var/lib/kubelet/device-plugins/
device-plugin registered
You can verify the plugin has been registered with the expected nodes by searching for the relevant resource allocation status on the nodes:
$ kubectl get nodes -o=jsonpath="{range .items[*]}{}{'\n'}{' i915: '}{.status.allocatable.gpu\.intel\.com/i915}{'\n'}"
i915: 1
We can test the plugin is working by deploying the provided example OpenCL image with FFT offload enabled.
Build a Docker image with an example program offloading FFT computations to GPU:
$ cd demo $ ./ ubuntu-demo-opencl ... Successfully tagged ubuntu-demo-opencl:devel
Create a job running unit tests off the local Docker image:
$ cd $(go env GOPATH)/src/ $ kubectl apply -f demo/intelgpu-job.yaml job.batch/intelgpu-demo-job created
Review the job's logs:
$ kubectl get pods | fgrep intelgpu # substitute the 'xxxxx' below for the pod name listed in the above $ kubectl logs intelgpu-demo-job-xxxxx + WORK_DIR=/root/6-1/fft + cd /root/6-1/fft + ./fft + uprightdiff --format json output.pgm /expected.pgm diff.pgm + cat diff.json + jq .modifiedArea + MODIFIED_AREA=0 + [ 0 -gt 10 ] + echo Success Success
If the pod did not successfully launch, possibly because it could not obtain the gpu resource, it will be stuck in the
status:$ kubectl get pods NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE intelgpu-demo-job-xxxxx 0/1 Pending 0 8s
This can be verified by checking the Events of the pod:
$ kubectl describe pod intelgpu-demo-job-xxxxx ... Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning FailedScheduling <unknown> default-scheduler 0/1 nodes are available: 1 Insufficient