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Lab 3 - Docker Container part 1


We will package the Application in a Docker container. Run it locally. Deploy manually to Azure using Azure CLI

Let's code!

In this lab, we will execute the following steps:

  1. Make our project ready for docker
  2. Build our first Docker image
  3. Run our dockerized application locally
  4. Learn how to stop our running container
  5. Deploy our dockerized application to Azure
  6. Cleaning up resources

Make our project ready for docker

We will first create a Dockerfile and optionally a .dockerignore file at the root of our project.

Docker files location

You have multiple options to achieve that, here are the two covered here:

  • Setting up docker manually
  • Setting up docker using VS Code Docker extension

Feel free to use the method that you prefer.

Setting up docker manually

You can create those files using your favorite text editor like VS Code.

  1. Create .dockerignore (no file name, only an extension) at the root of your project.

  2. Copy the following text into .dockerignore:

  3. Create Dockerfile (no extension) at the root of your project.

  4. Copy the following text into Dockerfile:

    FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-aspnetcore-runtime AS base
    WORKDIR /app
    EXPOSE 80
    FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-sdk AS build
    WORKDIR /src
    COPY ["GABDemo.csproj", "./"]
    RUN dotnet restore "./GABDemo.csproj"
    COPY . .
    WORKDIR "/src/."
    RUN dotnet build "GABDemo.csproj" -c Release -o /app
    FROM build AS publish
    RUN dotnet publish "GABDemo.csproj" -c Release -o /app
    FROM base AS final
    WORKDIR /app
    COPY --from=publish /app .
    ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "GABDemo.dll"]

Setting up docker using VS Code Docker extension

Using VS Code Docker extension, it is as simple as this:

  1. Open VS Code command palette (ctrl+shift+p).
  2. Select or type Docker: Add Docker Files to Workspace.
  3. [optional] If you are in a Workspace, select the folder that you want to create the Dockerfile into.
  4. Select ASP.NET Core as the Application Platform.
  5. Select Linux as the Operating System.
  6. Hit Enter and select the default 80 port for the application to listen to (any other port of your choosing should work as well).
  7. [optional] if you have multiple projects, select the application .csproj file.

Setup docker using Docker extension

This should have created a Dockerfile similar to (assuming your application is named GABDemo and the GABDemo.csproj file is at the same level as the Dockerfile):

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-aspnetcore-runtime AS base

FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.2-sdk AS build
COPY ["GABDemo.csproj", "./"]
RUN dotnet restore "./GABDemo.csproj"
COPY . .
WORKDIR "/src/."
RUN dotnet build "GABDemo.csproj" -c Release -o /app

FROM build AS publish
RUN dotnet publish "GABDemo.csproj" -c Release -o /app

FROM base AS final
COPY --from=publish /app .
ENTRYPOINT ["dotnet", "GABDemo.dll"]

Depending on your project structure, you may end up with a slightly different Dockerfile.

Build our first Docker image

The next step is to build the docker image of your application. Once again, we have multiple choices. Here are two:

  • Using the Docker CLI
  • Using VS Code Docker extension

Using the Docker CLI

To create a Docker image manually:

  1. Open a terminal

    • In VS Code you can ctrl+` or click View > Terminal.

      You can even have multiple terminals opened at the same time. On Windows 10, they can be cmd, PowerShell and even bash if you have a Linux subsystem installed!

    • In Windows 10 you can open PowerShell by right-click Start Menu > Windows PowerShell or from Explorer (Windows+E): File > Open Windows PowerShell.
    • In MacOS or Linux open bash (How to use the Terminal command line in macOS).
  2. Type the following command:

    docker build --rm -f "Dockerfile" -t gabdemo:latest .
  3. Wait for Docker to complete; this may take a few minutes the first time, but don't worry, it gets faster afterward.

Using VS Code Docker extension

Using VS Code Docker extension, it is as simple as this:

  1. Open VS Code command palette (ctrl+shift+p).
  2. Select or type Docker: Build Image.
  3. [optional] If you are in a Workspace, select the folder that you created the Dockerfile into.
  4. Hit enter to acknowledge the default tag name of [your application]:latest.
  5. Wait for Docker to complete; this may take a few minutes the first time, but don't worry, it gets faster afterward.

Run our dockerized application locally

This can again be achieved by following different paths, and we have the following two to offer you:

  • Using the Docker CLI
  • Using VS Code Docker Explorer

Using the Docker CLI

To run a Docker image manually:

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Type the following command:

    docker run --rm -d -p 80:80/tcp --name gabdemo gabdemo:latest
  3. Browse to http://localhost using your favorite browser to enjoy navigating your newly dockerized website.

IMPORTANT: if you don't supply the --name parameter, the Docker daemon will generate a UUID automatically for you. That means that if you want to stop your container later without searching for its ID manually, you can copy the CONTAINER ID that was outputted into the terminal window; this should be a string looking like this: d8897f7bd10783d075260d953eec8a06885350bf8acc8322c0e4143432f01237.

Using VS Code Docker Explorer

To run your dockerized application using Docker Explorer, do:

  1. In VS Code, click on the Docker icon (left). Docker Icon
  2. Under Images, locate the image you created and right-click on it then select Run. The running container should appear under Containers.
  3. Browse to http://localhost using your favorite browser to enjoy navigating your newly dockerized website.

Run your dockerized application using Docker Explorer

Learn how to stop our running container

This can again be achieved following different methods, and we have the following two for you:

  • Using the Docker CLI
  • Using VS Code Docker Explorer

Using the Docker CLI

To stop a running container manually, if you know the CONTAINER ID:

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Type the following command to search for the ID of the running container:

    # if you have supplied the name parameter
    # if you have not supplied a name parameter
    # For example:
    # with the name parameter
    docker stop gabdemo
    # with UUID
    docker stop d8897f7bd10783d075260d953eec8a06885350bf8acc8322c0e4143432f01237
    # Or using the shorter ID:
    docker stop d8897f7bd107

If you do not know the CONTAINER ID, you can find the ID of all running containers by running the following command:

docker ps

Once you located the container that you want to stop, copy its ID (ctrl+C) and execute the docker stop command.

How to stop all running containers

Tip of the day: you can run the following command to stop all running containers:

docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)

Using VS Code Docker Explorer

To stop the container using Docker Explorer, you can:

  1. In VS Code, click on the Docker icon (left).
  2. Under Images, locate the image you created and right-click on it then select Stop Container. The running container should then disappear from under Containers.

Stop your container using Docker Explorer

Deploy our dockerized application to Azure

To deploy our application and run it in the Cloud, we will use both Docker and the Azure CLI (version 2.0.55 or later recommended). What we will do is:

  1. Create or use an existing Azure Resource Group. Resource Groups help keep our stuff organized, and it is easier to clean up this way.
  2. Create a private image registry (we could have used Docker Hub as well, but the event is named Azure Bootcamp; and our images will be closer to our running containers, helping with latency in a real-world scenario).
  3. Push our Docker image in our private registry
  4. Deploy a container, based on our Docker image, to an Azure Container Instance.

To do that:

  1. Open a terminal

  2. Create a resource group (if not already done):

    # Create a resource group in Toronto
    az group create --name gabdemogroup --location canadacentral
    # Create a resource group in Québec
    az group create --name gabdemogroup --location canadaeast
  3. Create a container registry (to push our Docker image into). The <acrName> must be unique Azure-wide (not just your account). For example, I named mine GAB2019ContainerRegistry.

    az acr create --resource-group gabdemogroup --name <acrName> --sku Basic --admin-enabled true

    Take note of the registry name you entered here. Throughout the rest of this quickstart <acrName> is a placeholder for the container registry name.

    Take note of loginServer in the output, which is the fully qualified registry name (all lowercase). Throughout the rest of this quickstart <acrLoginServer> is a placeholder for the container registry name.

  4. From there we need one of the admin password generated for us by Azure. To get those we must:

    1. Log in to the Azure Portal
    2. Navigate to our container registry: <acrName>
    3. Navigate to Access keys
    4. Copy the Username (which should be the same as the registry name) and one of the two passwords.

    Instead of using this admin password, it would be possible to save credentials into Azure Key Vault. That would be more secure for a production scenario; for a demo, this way is easier and faster.

  5. Log in the Docker CLI to the registry:

    az acr login --name <acrName>
  6. Tag our Docker image with our private Docker repository name

    docker tag gabdemo <acrLoginServer>/gabdemo:v1
  7. Push our Docker image into our private container registry:

    docker push <acrLoginServer>/gabdemo:v1
  8. Create a container in Azure. The dns-name-label must be unique Azure-wide. For example, I named mine: gab-2019-container-demo.

    az container create --resource-group gabdemogroup --name gab2019container --image <acrLoginServer>/gabdemo:v1 --dns-name-label <dns-name-label> --ports 80
    # Enter your admin Azure Container Registry username and password (copied a few steps ago).
  9. From there, we can list our running containers:

    az container show --resource-group gabdemogroup --name gab2019container --query "{FQDN:ipAddress.fqdn,ProvisioningState:provisioningState}" --out table
  10. Copy the FQDN (that should look like

  11. Using a browser, navigate to that URI, ex.: and you should see your container running in the Cloud!



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