In order to run program you need to install package using:
pip install git+
In order to determine complexity of your program you need make new class that inherits from Basic class and implement methods:
_init_ -declare all variables you'll need in your program
set_up(self, l): - set up your program and this won't be taken into account during complexity mesurement, takes size of the problem as parameter
function(self): - write code you want to be measured
cleaning(self): -write code to clean up after function
example code:
from complexitymeasureproject import Basic
class i_do(Basic):
def __init__(self):
self.l = 0
def set_up(self, l):
self.l = l
def function(self):
for i in range(0, self.l):
x = 2 * 5 + i
def cleaning(self):
Then you can use:
- predict_elements(package.module.class,time,timeout) -shows complexity and returns aproximated number of elements computed in time
- predict_time(package.module.class,time,timeout) -shows complexity and returns aproximated time to compute
- show_complexity(package.module.class,timeout) - shows complexity Where timeout - max time of measuring program default - 30s
Example usage:
from complexitymeasureproject import main
f = main.predict_elements('okidoki.i_do',10)
x = main.predict_time('okidoki.i_do',10)