escaping false dichotomy with sanely-automatic derivation
Mateusz Kubuszok
Most of you probably used some Scala library based on type class derivation. Most of you probably started with so-called automatic derivation, and at some point it bite you with long compilation times or hard to debuf errors. Some of you moved to moved to so-called semi-automatic derivation, which is much more clumsy, but tries to solve some of the issues with automatic derivation. In this presentation, I’ll try to show that all of these issues are not some inherent cost of using type class derivation, but that we all did it wrong. |
breaking things in Scala for 9 years
a little bit of open source - including co-authoring Chimney for over 7 years now
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niche Things you need to know about JVM (that matter in Scala) ebook
I’ve been working with Scala for over 9 years, and 7 of them I’ve been a maintainer of a library with rather complex metaprogramming. Additionally, I’ve been blogging, speaking at meetups and conferences like this one, and also wrote a book about Scala and JVM, so maybe I am not here by accident. But enough about me. Let’s see today’s game plan. |
what is a type class
what is type class derivation
automatic and semi-automatic derivation a’la Circe
semi-automatic derivation a’la Jsoniter
sanely-automatic derivation a’la Chimney
does it matter to a library users how these approach differ
We’ll start with briefly saying what is a type-class, since some of you might not be familiar with the term. Then we explain what we mean by type class derivation, because it has nothing to do with integrals and calculus. Then we take a look at what people mean by automatic and semi-automatic derivation - in libraries which almost always followed Circe’s approach. Then we show that not all libraries follow this approach, when it comes to semi-automatic derivation. And some libraries have some improvements also when it comes to automatic derivation. Hopefully, by the end of this talk, you will understand that how the library’s author implement the whole mechanics, impacts you, the users. But I have to worn you, this is not Shapeless/Mirrors/Magnolia/or macros tutorial. |
We will be talking how these design choices of library’s authors affect you, the users. If you are curious about the code that generated the numbers or error messages, everything that we compare, you can take a look at this link, and investigate the code at your own pace. As an excercise for the reader. So let’s start. |
with type paremeters
whose implementation can be automatically provided based on their type only
Type class, what it is? As far as I care it is an interface. But it’s an interface with some type parameter. So that each implementation,that we’d use, could be distinguished only by type, and we could let the compiler pass it around for us. For example. |
trait Encoder[A] {
def apply(a: A): Json // <-- JSON as data
object Encoder {
given encodeString: Encoder[String] = ...
given encodeInt: Encoder[Int] = ...
given encodeDouble: Encoder[Double] = ...
extension [A](value: A) {
def asJson(using encoder: Encoder[A]): Json = encoder(value)
"value".asJson // using Encoder.encodeString
1024.asJson // using Encoder.encodeInt
3.13.asJson // using Encoder.encodeDouble
We has some data type representing JSONs. We want to be able to encode our type, whatever it is, to JSON. For starters, we have implementation for the primitives. And some extension methods, so that the code would look nice. Then with the mechanism called However, we only provided some implementations. (next slide) |
What if nobody wrote the implementation explicitly for my type?
case class Address(value: String)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
Address("Paper St. 19").asJson // ???
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19")).asJson // ???
No given instance of type Encoder[Address] was found for parameter encoder of
method asJson in object ...
No given instance of type Encoder[User] was found for parameter encoder of
method asJson in object ...
What if nobody wrote the implementation explicitly for my type? We can have, some What is going to happen when we try to encode them? The answer is that the compilation would fail. Because there are no implementations for these types. That’s where the derivation comes in. |
(If you don’t understand this diagram, you probably haven’t spend 600h on a topic that most sane people avoid.)
Type class derivation. We’ll have several of these pictures, which you can study at your own pace at home. For now what I want you to remember:
Maybe some example would help. |
trait Encoder[A] {
def apply(a: A): Json // <-- JSON as data
extension [A](value: A) {
def asJson(using encoder: Encoder[A]): Json = encoder(value)
case class Address(value: String)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
Address("Paper St. 19")
// { "value": "Paper St. 19" }
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19"))
// { "name": "John Smith", "address": { "value": "Paper St. 19" } }
import MagicImportOfSomethingThatCreatesEncoders.given
Address("Paper St. 19").asJson // generates Encoder[Address] on demand
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19")).asJson // ditto but for User
import ImportOfSomethingThatLetsYouCreateEncoders.deriveEncoder
given addressEncoder: Encoder[Address] = deriveEncoder[Address]
given userEncoder: Encoder[User] = deriveEncoder[User]
Address("Paper St. 19").asJson // using addressEncoder
User("John Smith", Address("Paper St. 19")).asJson // using userEncoder
As a reminder, we have this It has this nice extension method. And we want to encode these `case class`es. The library’s author has some assumption, like for instance, that each Automatic derivation assumes that all the missing implementations, that you have not provided yourself have an automatic fallback, often enabled with an import. You add that import, fallback becomes available in the implicit scope, and everything works. (Sometimes, this is implemented in the compation objects and then it cannot be disabled). Semi-automatic derivation assumes that you want to define these implicits yourself, but you don’t want to write their implementation. It gives you some method, which would give you a new implementation, and even if there is implicit of a demanded type in scope, it ignores it. (So that you won’t end up with cyclical dependeny in the initialization). If you will not write thise implicits/givens yourself, you’ll keep on getting implicit not found. But let’s take a look a bit closer. |
implicitly[Encoder[Address]] // <-- using Encoder[Address]
What happens when we try to summon an instance with automatic derivation? Using (Reminder: this and the following diagrams are also something you can study at your own pace at home.) First of all, automatic derivation should be a fallback, so the compiler tries to find some existing implementation and failed. Then, it sees that we have a
Now, the semi-automatic. |
deriveEncoder[Address] // <-- creates new Encoder[Address]
Here, we can see that there is no, try-existing-then-use-fallback part. We moved directly into creating new instance. If it cannot be created, the compilation fails, even if such instance exist and is in scope. Is there any difference when you try these approach with |
implicitly[Encoder[User]] // <-- using Encoder[User]
Well, there is, the diagram is much bigger. Why? Because, with automatic derivation in scope the compiler automatically, as a fallback, not only the implementation for the type we asked for, but also implementations for the types nested in this type. Here, it triggers the automatic derivation of Is it try for semi-automatic derivation as well? |
deriveEncoder[User] // <-- creates new Encoder[User]
No. If we haven’t imported automatic derivation next to semi-automatic, if we didn’t create that implicit Semi-automatic derivation in Circe, and libraries based on its approach, are not recursive. In case you look at all of this, and as yourself… (next slide) |
Wouldn’t it be easier to understand with some examples?
…where is the code? Reminder: (next slide) |
One. Our goal is it see how something that we didn’t wrote but someone else affect us. |
Two. You can look at the code whenever you want. |
If we actually try to show it, and explain it during this presentation. It would take half the conference. The whole audience would be traumatised, and we would still not get to the point I’m trying to make. So, getting back to the main topic. |
We’re not going to question that use case. If you want to have the same implementation everywhere, you define it only once and reuse. |
But the other reason people have strong preference for semi is speed. There were a lot of horror stories about a single implicit compiling for several minutes. (I saw some myself). A lot of people did investigation - compiler benchmarks, flame graphs, time spend in different compilation phases - and found that the cause is automatic derivation. Semi-automatic derivation solved their problems. But is it still true today? |
// We're use Circe:
// trait Encoder[A] { ... } turns A -> Json
// trait Decoder[A] { ... } turns Json -> Either[Decoder.DecodingError, A]
case class Out(...) // <-- really big case class with nested case classes
// value -> Json -> value again
def roundTrip(out: Out): (Json, Either[Decoder.DecodingError, Out]) = {
val json = out.asJson // <-- encode as Json using Encoder[Out]
val parsed =[Out] // <-- decode from Json using Decoder[Out]
json -> parsed
// Semi-automatic version will just have this:
implicit val in1Decoder: Decoder[In1] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in1Encoder: Encoder[In1] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in2Decoder: Decoder[In2] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in2Encoder: Encoder[In2] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in3Decoder: Decoder[In3] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in3Encoder: Encoder[In3] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in4Decoder: Decoder[In4] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in4Encoder: Encoder[In4] = deriveEncoder
implicit val in5Decoder: Decoder[In5] = deriveDecoder
implicit val in5Encoder: Encoder[In5] = deriveEncoder
implicit val outDecoder: Decoder[Out] = deriveDecoder
implicit val outEncoder: Encoder[Out] = deriveEncoder
// instead of automatic derivation import.
This shouldn’t be hard on compiler?
I defined some very mean nested case class. All you need to know that it’s 5 levels of nesting deep. I want to use Circe, both Encoder and Decoder, and do a round trip - encode this case class, and then decode it, for example to test if I get the same value or do some benchmarks. I try to do it once with automatic derivation, and once with semi-automatic approach. Both will be single-file modules which only generate a few codecs. How bad it can be? |
(less is better)
On Scala 2.13, not so bad. The compilation times are quite close, not deserving the bad press. Of course, if we ignore the fact that both need at least 12 seconds on cold JVM to compile a single short file. But on Scala 3 with automatic we have 46 seconds to compile a single file on cold JVM! On the other hand semi-auto works much faster! What about runtime?
Scala 2.13.14
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 7.319 ± 0.011 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 6.775 ± 0.013 ops/ms
Scala 3.3.3
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 0.490 ± 0.432 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 4.607 ± 0.014 ops/ms
(more is better)
Scala 2.13 has very small differences between auto and semi in benchmarks as well. Scala 3 on the other hand… semi-automatic derivation 1/3rd slower than Scala 2.13! But the automatic derivation is a disaster - an order of magnitude slower than that. Can we example these results? |
1) baseline - scalac 2.13.x 2) scalac 2.13.x with matchesPtInst
HList Size
50 4 3
100 7 3
150 15 4
200 28 4
250 48 5
300 81 6
350 126 8
400 189 11
450 322 13
500 405 16 Compile time in seconds
Autor of Shapeless spend a lot of time contributing to the compiler, to optimize the implici resolution. He made a whole series of PRs. 2 of them got closed, but the 3rd one finally got merged and released as a part of 2.13.0-M5. And then there was another one. We can see that he was pretty happy with the result because we boasted how the compilation times went down. Some of that work was ported to Scala 3 but perhaps not everything, or maybe these opimization do not play well with how Mirrors work. And all the bad press that automatic derivation has comes probably from before these PRs. Or maybe people were deriving exactly the same implicit 50 times. Putting these optimizations aside (next slide) |
alternative to Shapeless/Mirrors
boasts about:
better API
better performance
better compilation times
better error messages when derivation fail
Was created as an alternative to Shapeless for the most common use cases, with better API, performance, compilation times, and error messages. Let’s start with the last claim. |
Semi-automatic derivation
case class Street(name: Either[String, Nothing]) // <-- should not be able to derive name
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = deriveEncoder
implicit val addressEncoder: Encoder[Address] = deriveEncoder
implicit val userEncoder: Encoder[User] = deriveEncoder
Shapeless' errors
could not find Lazy implicit value of type DerivedAsObjectEncoder[Street]
implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = deriveEncoder
Mirrors' errors
implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = deriveEncoder
Failed to find an instance of Encoder[Either[String, Nothing]]
Magnolia’s errors
magnolia: could not find Encoder.Typeclass for type Either[String,Nothing]
in parameter 'name' of product type Street
implicit val streetEncoder: Encoder[Street] = EncoderSemi.derived
Here we have some nested case classes - What kind of errors we’ll get? Shapeless tells us that it cannot find implicit for the Mirrors tell us that it cannot find implicit for the type of bad field (without naming that field and which class has it, but at least we know the location). Magnolia tells us which field has a type that cannot be encoded, and in which case class this field is defined. Nice! But it’s semi-automatic derivation. What about automatic? |
Automatic derivation
case class Street(name: Either[String, Nothing])
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
could not find implicit value for parameter encoder: Encoder[User]
Unfortunatelly, no matter which library we used, none of them could tell us anything useful: implicit not found for All of them are equaly unhelpful. Ok, so let’s take a look at the compilation times. |
// Out - the outerermost of a deep nested, nasty case class structure
def roundTrip(out: Out): (Json, Result[Out]) = {
val json = out.asJson // encode
val parsed =[Out] // decode
json -> parsed
(less is better)
Perhaps at the times of Scala 2.12 the difference was bigger, but it seems that the compilation times on Scala 2.13 are close. The small spike on hot JVM might be an error. But something weird happens on Scala 3, Magnolia is always worse than Mirrors! Why? Because on Scala 3 it was implemented with Mirrors so it adds its own overhead on top of Mirrors. How about benchmarks?
Scala 2.13.14
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 7.319 ± 0.011 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 6.775 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 7.689 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 7.838 ± 0.013 ops/ms
Scala 3.3.3
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 0.490 ± 0.432 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 4.607 ± 0.014 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 0.077 ± 0.039 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 5.590 ± 0.013 ops/ms
(more is better)
There are some small differences on Scala 2.13, Magnolia is a bit faster, but still, results are very close. On Scala 3, semi-automatic Magnolia seem to doo better than semi-automatic Mirrors, curious, but automatic Magnolia is order or magnitude slower than even automatic Mirrors! I suspect that it might be about inlining, a bit too much inlining. |
Shapeless/Mirrors/Magnolia - different APIs, same approach.
Did anyone try something else?
It seems that Shapeless/Mirrors/Magnolia are offering mostly different APIs - we don’t care about that in this talk. They have slightly different errors with semi-automatic derivation. Sometimes ridiculous performance on Scala 3 with automatic derivation. But for us, users, it’s mostly the same DX. Did anyone try something else? |
prioritizes performance
no automatic derivation
no need to derive intermediate instances
Jsoniter Scala is a library which has performance at heart. It intentionally has no automatic derivation - why? Because intermediate type class instances can hurt performance. But how you can have no intermediate instances, for intermediate types? Apparently Jsoniter handles it somehow. How? |
// Yes, only 1 codec, no need to manually derive implicits for nested cases
implicit val outCodec: JsonValueCodec[Out] =
def roundTrip(out: Out): (String, Either[Throwable, Out]) = {
val str = writeToString(out)
val parsed = scala.util.Try(readFromString(str)).toEither
str -> parsed
Quite simply: its semiautomatic derivation is recursive and handles intermediate types in the same macro expansion. You tell it to derive an implicit and it will handle all the nested case classes, and so on, inside that implicit implementation. So the mechanism is a bit different to what we see in Circe-like libraries. |
If we look at this diagram it looks more complex. Why? Because everything that was delegated before on the compiler, typer and implicit search is now handled "manually" in the same macro, with if-elses, loop, or good old recursion. If we zoom out a bit… (next slide) |
…we might suspect why people prefer to develop things in the Circe style - it’s much easier for developer to now thing about these things! You write some implicits and it works, while with macros you have to deal manually write conditional code and create trees. (next slide) |
OK, but what does this gibberish mean for users?
Probably you are asking yourself this question, so let’s get to the numbers. |
(less is better)
Jsonier Scala beaten all of the other approaches: Shapeless, Mirrors, Magnolia, whether automatic or semiautomatic. 10 seconds on cold JVM going down to 4 seconds on Scala 2.13. 8 seconds down to 1 on Scala 3. And we are only taking about the compilation time, not the actual performance!
Scala 2.13.14
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 7.319 ± 0.011 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 6.775 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 7.689 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 7.838 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi thrpt 10 20.081 ± 0.151 ops/ms
Scala 3.3.3
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 0.490 ± 0.432 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 4.607 ± 0.014 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 0.077 ± 0.039 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 5.590 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi thrpt 10 21.480 ± 0.070 ops/ms
(more is better)
In benchmarks, it was 3 times faster than the fastest Circe result. And have to admit: I am cheating, Jsoniter parses and writes to String while, Circe parses and writes to Json AST. If Circe was first: parsing from String to Json and then Json to case class… I suspect it would be even worse. |
Similar problem:
derivation should be recursive
macro should only use implicits for overrides
automatic derivation should be available without breaking the 2 above
This is exactly the question I had when I was developing newer version of Chimney. We had a similar problem: (read points) Of course, we found a solution. |
trait TypeClass[A] extends TypeClass.AutoDerived[A] { ... }
object TypeClass {
// semi-automatic derivation of TypeClass[A]
inline def derived[A]: TypeClass[A] = ${ derivedImpl[A] }
trait AutoDerived[A] { ... }
object AutoDerived extends AutoDerivedLowPriorityImplicits
trait AutoDerivedLowPriorityImplicits {
// automatic derivation of TypeClass.AutoDerived[A]
inline given derived[A]: AutoDerived[A] = ${ derivedImpl[A] }
extension [A](value: A)
// uses TypeClass[A] defined by user manually or with TypeClass.derived,
// falling back on automatic derivation
def method(using TypeClass.AutoDerived[A]) = ...
// allowed to try summoning TypeClass[Sth].
// NOT allowed to try summoning TypeClass.AutoDerived[Sth]!
def derivedImpl[A: Type]: Expr[TypeClass[A]] = ...
(Disclaimer: understanding this code is not necessary to understand its implications on the next slides)
(Solutions for New Prioritization of Givens in Scala 3.7 available at the checkout)
We have 2 separate types: one is intended to be used by the ., and one used only for automatic derivation. Extension methods and other summoning should try to use the one we exposed to user, and then fallback on automatic derivation. Both automatic and semiautomatic derivation can only use the type intended for users, so a macro never calls itself. If you don’t get it, don’t worry, it’s enough if you just understand the implications. If you have questions about givens and 3.7 we can talk about it later. (In case I forgot: |
Can we test it outside Chimney?
I know that it works in Chimney, but we are using JSON examples for now. The answer is "yes". |
I implemented wrapper around Jsoniter (on Scala 3-only) which works like this:
import jsonitersanely.* // <-- 1 import, like with std automatic derivation
def roundTrip(out: Out): (String, Either[Throwable, Out]) = {
val str = write(out)
val parsed = scala.util.Try(read[Out](str)).toEither
str -> parsed
The approach, which I named sanely-automatic as opposed to semi-automatic, is something I implemented for Jsoniter. Since I couldn’t just edit the Jsoniter code, I made a wrapper, and only for Scala 3 because it was easier for me. As you can see, it’s used just like automatic derivation on Circe. |
How does it compare to Circe or normal Jsoniter Scala?
Did we managed to avoid all of the issues of automatic derivation without the ceremony of semi-automatic derivation? |
(less is better)
I would say "yes". Sanely-automatic derivation has amost the same compilation times as Jsoniter, much, much faster than Circe, no matter which apporach.
Scala 2.13.14
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 7.319 ± 0.011 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 6.775 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 7.689 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 7.838 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi thrpt 10 20.081 ± 0.151 ops/ms
Scala 3.3.3
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericAuto thrpt 10 0.490 ± 0.432 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeGenericSemi thrpt 10 4.607 ± 0.014 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 0.077 ± 0.039 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.circeMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 5.590 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSemi thrpt 10 21.480 ± 0.070 ops/ms
[info] JsonRoundTrips.jsoniterScalaSanely thrpt 10 21.408 ± 0.070 ops/ms
(more is better)
Benchmarks are virtually the same. We the fastest compilation, with the fastest bytecode, and no manually written implicits! |
But Jsoniter parsing String
s vs Circe parsing Json
might be apples vs oranges.
Can we have some more fair comparison?
However, you can remind me: these libraries have different philosophies, designs, etc. The results might be the artifact of something else than just the way they implemented the derivation. And you would be right which is why I also implemented something else. |
trait FastShowPretty[A] {
def showPretty(
value: A,
sb: StringBuilder,
indent: String = " ",
nesting: Int = 0
): StringBuilder
implicit class FastShowPrettyOps[A](private val value: A) {
def showPretty(indent: String = " ", nesting: Int = 0)(
implicit fsp: FastShowPretty[A]
): String =
fsp.showPretty(value, new StringBuilder, indent, nesting).toString()
case class Street(name: String)
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
println(User("John", Address(Street("Paper St"))).showPretty())
name = "John",
address = Address(
street = Street(
name = "Paper St"
Some of you might be familiar with It also has a I decided to use that pretty variant, but instead of concatenating Strings, like in the original, I decided I would be appending them to StringBuilder. This is how I’d like to use that type class, and what kind of output I’d like to see. |
automatic and semi-automatic derivation using Shapeless (Scala 2)
automatic and semi-automatic derivation using Mirror s (Scala 3)
automatic and semi-automatic derivation using Magnolia (Scala 2 & 3)
sanely-automatic derivation with macros and Chimney macro commons (Scala 2 & 3)
Then I implemented it for Shapeless on Scala 2 Mirrors on Scala 3 Magnolia on both 2 and 3 Sanely-automatic derivation with macros on both 2 and 3 For startes I implemented sanely-automatic derivation in naive way - inlining everything. Then I run numbers for my evil, nested case class. |
(less is better)
It seems that some results are the same like with JSONs experiments. Scala 2.13 approaches are close. Semi-automatic results on Scala 3 are slightly better. Automatic results on Scala 3 are much worse. Naive macro implementation, isn’t very bad, especially considering how convenient it is, but it seems that it’s slower to compile than semi-automatic.
Scala 2.13.14
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto thrpt 10 2.651 ± 0.012 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi thrpt 10 2.829 ± 0.033 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 3.621 ± 0.017 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 3.745 ± 0.028 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely thrpt 10 2.202 ± 0.359 ops/ms
Scala 3.3.3
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto thrpt 10 0.156 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi thrpt 10 3.492 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 0.090 ± 0.023 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 3.918 ± 0.012 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely thrpt 10 2.204 ± 0.396 ops/ms
(more is better)
Similarly benchmarks, our naive sanely-automatic derivation isn’t terrible, but probably you would prefer anything else (other than automatic derivation on Scala 3). So was it a failed experiment? |
But wait.
Jsoniter had one more trick. It "caches" subroutines as def
If you need to handle the same type, you wouldn’t derive code for it again, but just call that def you defined when you handled it the first time. |
Would that make a difference?
(less is better)
It seems that caching results of the derivation, inside the same macro, is not that difficult, and 1 non-invasive PR later, we run the numbers again. We beat all the other approaches. It’s the fasted thing to compile. How about benchmarks?
Scala 2.13.14
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto thrpt 10 2.651 ± 0.012 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi thrpt 10 2.829 ± 0.033 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 3.621 ± 0.017 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 3.745 ± 0.028 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely thrpt 10 4.811 ± 0.026 ops/ms
Scala 3.3.3
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingAuto thrpt 10 0.156 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showGenericProgrammingSemi thrpt 10 3.492 ± 0.013 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaAuto thrpt 10 0.090 ± 0.023 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showMagnoliaSemi thrpt 10 3.918 ± 0.012 ops/ms
[info] ShowOutputs.showSanely thrpt 10 4.800 ± 0.042 ops/ms
(more is better)
Again, the fastest! The code that required as little ceremony as a single import is both the fastest to compile and the fastest to run! But we haven’t talked about debugging these macros, did we? |
case class Street(name: Either[String, Nothing]) // <-- this should fail the derivation
case class Address(street: Street)
case class User(name: String, address: Address)
// scalacOptions += "-Xmacro-settings:fastshowpretty.logging=true"
def printObject(out: User): String = out.showPretty()
[error] .../ShowSanely.scala:12:54: Failed to derive showing for value : example.ShowSanely.User:
[error] No build-in support nor implicit for type scala.Nothing
[error] def printObject(out: User): String = out.showPretty()
[error] ^
[info] .../ShowSanely.scala:12:54: Logs:
[info] - Started derivation for value : example.ShowSanely.User
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Skipped summoning example.showmacros.FastShowPretty[example.ShowSanely.User]
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info] - Checking if def for example.ShowSanely.User exists
[info] - Started deriving def for example.ShowSanely.User
[info] - Started derivation for string : java.lang.String
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Successfully shown java.lang.String: sb.append("\"").append(string).append("\"")
[info] - Started derivation for address : example.ShowSanely.Address
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info] - Checking if def for example.ShowSanely.Address exists
[info] - Started deriving def for example.ShowSanely.Address
[info] - Started derivation for street : example.ShowSanely.Street
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info] - Checking if def for example.ShowSanely.Street exists
[info] - Started deriving def for example.ShowSanely.Street
[info] - Started derivation for either : scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info] - Attempting rule SumTypeRule
[info] - Checking if def for scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing] exists
[info] - Started deriving def for scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Started derivation for left : scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info] - Checking if def for scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing] exists
[info] - Started deriving def for scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Started derivation for string : java.lang.String
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Successfully shown java.lang.String: sb.append("\"").append(string).append("\"")
[info] - Cached result of def for scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Successfully shown scala.util.Left[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]: show_nothing$u005D(left, nesting)
[info] - Started derivation for right : scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Attempting rule ProductRule
[info] - Checking if def for scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing] exists
[info] - Started deriving def for scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Started derivation for nothing : scala.Nothing
[info] - Attempting rule ImplicitRule
[info] - Attempting rule CachedDefRule
[info] - Attempting rule BuildInRule
[info] - Cached result of def for scala.util.Right[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Cached result of def for scala.util.Either[java.lang.String, scala.Nothing]
[info] - Cached result of def for example.ShowSanely.Street
[info] - Cached result of def for example.ShowSanely.Address
[info] - Cached result of def for example.ShowSanely.User
[info] def printObject(out: User): String = out.showPretty()
[info] ^
Again, the example with nested case classes, and one nasty field. We are able to provide quite a good error message! And with a single scalac option we can also take a look how the code is generated with a structured logging! Even if we had some doubts after reading the error message with a whole log, we know exactly what happened. |
Last year’s survey showed that 53% of developers complained about compile times. That the effort should be made to make the compiler faster. Perhaps, that’s not the compiler. Perhaps, we just did the derivation the wrong way. We could see that through great effort automatic-derivation was optimized to be as performant as semi-automatic one on Scala 2.13. It took several years. It hasn’t yet happened on Scala 3. And then we could beat all that effort with a single PR to a macro, that just doesn’t follow the popular conventions. For me it means that the conventions are at fault. It doesn’t mean that Shapeless/Mirrors/Magnolia/all the current inline def and compiletime ops effort was in vain - if you take a look at libraries implemented with these tools and libraries implemented with macros, you can think that many of our popular libraries wouldn’t be faster without Shapeless. They would never have been created in the first place. These tools make it much easier to start learning about metaprogramming and even with them it’s difficult. But if we want to have user friendly libraries in Scala - and I know we all do - we should start challenging the current solutions. So we should start giving - in a polite and respectful way - feedback to library maintainers that we can do better. That it’s the libraries that can make compilation time shorter, generated code faster, and error messages better. And I’m fine if that won’t happen with the sanely-automatic derivation I invented, as long as thing will improve. Thank you! |