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182 lines (137 loc) · 8.03 KB


As present, you may have noticed that the Web version of Google Translate opens with standard European language pairs by default (none of which you may EVER use) , neither nowhere in the Languages menu is there the possibility to set default pair languages for translation , nor are the last used pairs synced to your account, which leaves you with the boring alternative to navigate and select them from the drop-down menu or bookmark their syntax appended url for quick future use , and as a frequent user it might be a bit more painful to keep changing them.

To save time, you can use one liners from your commandline interface or fully automate file translations using batch scrips or any desired scripting language.


Download and add to path. Running Qtranslate.exe -v should print the current version number.

Syntax and Usage:

Parameter Function Default value
-s Sets a text input. Text containing white spaces should be enclosed in double-quotes. Null
-l Sets the destination language using a specified ISO prefix or a language identifier for Fun Translations (yoda , valspeak, shakespeare jive cockney , brooklyn, ermahgerd or minion).
The Source language is will be auto detected.
The identifier must be specified.
-o Specifies the path and name of the translated file to export a translation. The translated text is printed to the standard output by default.
Saving Prefixes :
%l - Language ISO Prefix.
%f - Filename.
A new file with a unique Random integer of filetype : .txt
-f Specifies the path and file name of the file to be translated. Long filenames should be enclosed in double-quotes.
.txt, .lrc, .rtf, .md, .ini
Print the current version and build information. none
/debug Sets up running in debug mode. If you're unsure about any response or errors you can use this flag to print all the behind the scene events.
This parameter does parse any argument.
Commandline Preview [Click to reveal hidden contents.]

Commandline Syntax Preview


Known Issues

1. Unicode and Extended ASCII characters rendered wrongly in console window. (Displayed as question mark `?`)
[Expand Fix]

Although CL-QuickTranslate writes output based on the current console code page, which depends on a system's locale by default, the current code page may handle only a subset of available Unicode characters, so if you try to display characters that are not mapped to the current code page, the console won't be able to render or represent them accurately. To fix this, you can change to an active code page which may allow rendering them using chcp by running the command chcp 65001 && Cl-Quicktranslate.exe ... However, if you want to render Unicode output reliably , set the console font to a non-raster or TrueType font such as Consolas or Lucida Console then use logical shift or redirectional operators to parse the unicode output to file handles. Or even better, use the -o switch which is provided as a parameter to help you to parse the output of a command to a local file that you specify.
Example :
CL-QuickTranslate.exe -s "hello world" -l ru -o "%l-HelloWorld.txt"
> Saved to file : ru-HelloWorld.txt

Commandline Notes

For the -l switch , all standards are backward compatible and fall back to the ISO 639-1 language prefix which is normally used by the Google Translate API , meaning that the command: Qtranslate.exe -s 'Noche Oscura' -l 'Albanian' (Using a native name) would be the same as running : Qtranslate.exe -s 'Noche Oscura' -l 'sq' (Using the ISO 639-1 prefix) , also the same as running: Qtranslate.exe -s 'Noche Oscura' -l 'sqi' (Using the ISO 639-2/T prefix) and also the same as Qtranslate.exe -s 'Noche Oscura' -l 'alb' (Using the ISO 639-2/B prefix)

The -o switch supports saving with specified prefixes as a substitute for special long names. :

prefix Long name
%l The used ISO 639-1 language prefix.
%f Used Filename without file extension.

Example :
CL-QuickTranslate.exe -f "Pc Maintenance Guide.txt" -l sw -o "%l_%f.txt"
> Saved to file : SW_Pc Maintenance Guide.txt

Some ISO codes cheat sheet [Click to reveal hidden contents.]

All languages standard may be used with the -l switch to set the destination language for translation. The source language is auto detected by default. see full list at :

ISO language name ISO 639-1 ISO 639-2/T ISO 639-2/B
1 English en eng eng
2 Afrikaans af afr afr
3 Albanian sq sqi alb
4 Amharic am amh amh
5 Arabic ar ara ara
6 Armenian hy hye arm
7 Azerbaijani az aze -
8 Basque eu eus baq
9 Belarusian be bel bel
10 Bengali bn ben ben
11 Bosnian bs bos bos
12 Bulgarian bg bul bul
13 Catalan,Valencian ca cat cat
14 Cebuano ceb ceb ceb
15 Chichewa ny nya nya
16 Corsican co cos cos
17 Croatian hr hrv hrv
18 czech cs ces cze
19 Danish da dan dan
20 Dutch, Flemish nl nld dut
21 Esperanto eo epo epo
22 Estonian et est est
23 Filipino tl tl tl
24 Finnish fi fin fin
25 french fr fra fre
26 Frisian fy fry fry
27 Georgian gl glg glg
28 German de deu ger
29 Haitian,Haitian Creole ht hat hat
30 Hausa ha hau hau
31 Hawaiian haw haw haw
32 Hmong hmn hmn hmn
33 Hungarian hu hun hun
34 Icelandic is isl ice
35 Igbo ig ibo ibo
36 Indonesian id ind ind
37 Irish ga gle gle
38 Italian it ita ita
39 Khmer km km km
40 Latin la lat lat
41 Latvian lv lav lav
42 Lithuanian lt lit lit
43 Luxembourgish lb ltz ltz
44 Malagasy mg mlg mlg
45 Malay ms msa msa
46 Maltese mt mlt mlt
47 Maori mi mri mao
48 Norwegian no nor nor
49 Polish pl pol pol
50 Portuguese pt por por
51 Romanian,moldavian ro ron rum
52 Sesotho st sot sot
53 Slovak sk slk slk
54 Slovenian sl slv slv
55 Somali so som som
56 Spanish,Castilian es spa spa
57 Swahili, Kiswahili sw swa swa
58 Swedish sv swe swe
59 Turkish tr tur tur
60 Uzbek uz uzb uzb
61 Vietnamese vi vie vie
62 Welsh cy cym wel
63 Xhosa xh xho xho
64 Yoruba yo yor yor
65 Zulu zu zul zul

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