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Lucas Bubner edited this page Nov 24, 2024 · 13 revisions

BunyipsLib has various built-in subsystems to assist in robot code creation. Some of these subsystems are required to use features such as RoadRunner, while other subsystems model common subsystems. Subsystems can also be internally composed (childed) through the delegate() method. This page will go over the general plug-n-play BunyipsSubsystem instances available as part of BunyipsLib.

The accompanying method documentation is available on every subsystem, which includes all the relevant methods for the with/set calls used to configure a subsystem. Be sure to read over them if you are planning on using this subsystem, as these methods may be the main ways to configure behaviours.

Drive subsystems

Drive subsystems are special subsystems that implement the Moveable interface. A flowchart is provided below to indicate the relationship the drive subsystems have with the other forms of drivebase interaction, such as localization and accumulation. Further details of the specific implementations are covered in the RoadRunner section.

Localizer instances record pose deltas, passing them into an Accumulator which tallies up all pose deltas, exposed as part of the Localizable interface which is a subset of the Moveable interface. The Moveable interface exposes an additional method, setPower(), to set a target velocity vector.

drive.setPower(Geometry.vel(1, 1, 0)); // Sets power to move the drive left-forward
drive.setPower(Geometry.zeroVel()); // Stops the drive

The SimpleDrive variants exposes nullable Localizer instances, as Localizers are not expected to be used with a simple drive. This is most useful in TeleOp where you don't need to use any features from RoadRunner including localization - which may optimise your loop times if not reading from encoders.

SimpleTankDrive simpleTankDrive = new SimpleTankDrive(Arrays.asList(hw.fl,, Arrays.asList(,;
SimpleMecanumDrive simpleMecanumDrive = new SimpleMecanumDrive(hw.fl,,,;

The standard MecanumDrive and TankDrive classes are used in conjunction with RoadRunner v1.0 to provide localization and tasks to run RoadRunner trajectories. These instances will always be running localization and accumulation in the background, and are moreso the standard drive instances to use in BunyipsLib. More information regarding trajectories is covered in the RoadRunner section.

// See RoadRunner section for more information on driveMode, motionProfile, IMU, and mecanumGains parameters,
// as well as configuring the localizer and accumulator using withLocalizer and withAccumulator.
MecanumDrive mecanumDrive = new MecanumDrive(driveModel, motionProfile, mecanumGains, hw.fl,,,, hw.lazyImu, hardwareMap.voltageSensor);
TankDrive tankDrive = new TankDrive(driveModel, motionProfile, tankGains, Arrays.asList(hw.fl,, Arrays.asList(,, hw.lazyImu, hardwareMap.voltageSensor);

The HoldableActuator is one of the most important built-in subsystems, modelling a generic arm that is able to hold a position and move to any desired position. It is doubly-compatible with the Motor class and normal DcMotor instances, allowing custom PIDs to be used.

A HoldableActuator takes in an instance of a DcMotor and by default, setting the power to 0 through setPower() will switch the arm to run to position to the current position of the arm. Setting powers manually will move the arm at raw speeds. This behaviour can be switched to pure setpoint control through the withUserSetpointControl method.

HoldableActuators can have limit switches mapped to the top or bottom of their travel distance to home encoders, and can also be used to make tasks to run the arm to specific spots.

Review the full API documentation for more features the HoldableActuator is able to do, including homing, integrating several safety features such as steady-state detection and stall detection.

The Switch subsystem is used for controlling a single servo as part of a subsystem. It offers bounds, toggling capabilities, and exposes several tasks for delta or positional control.

DualServos is a simplified version of Switch which only supports two fixed, known positions. It is useful for applications such as claws that use two servos and should only reflect two known positions.

The Vision subsystem handles Camera operations, and is explained in further detail in the Vision section. Vision is not a traditional subsystem in the sense calculations will perform in the periodic() method, but instead offloads this to the internal VisionPortal for data to be accessed via the BunyipsLib Processor. As such, there are no viable tasks that can be affixed to Vision.

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