Diskord is a Discord wrapper written in Kotlin, making use of coroutines and Kotlins async model.
This library is not stable! The gateway connection isn't stable and error with the following message:
ForkJoinPool.commonPool-work - Gateway - INFO - End of income, opening a new socket connection
Exception in thread "ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unknown MessageType: 46
- Gateway
- Rest
- Caching (Gateway + Rest)
- Voice
- Sharding
- Make all events
classes - Name function
to show that rest is being used - Do not put
- but still make it available to use in myra for finding out the language - Use normal Instant class instead of custom time class
Use https://kotlinlang.org/docs/type-safe-builders.html#scope-control-dslmarker - Create copy of cache for every event and fire then every cache event and functions immediatly instead of waiting for all events to finish and updating the cache then
Diskord has Rest caching as well as Gateway caching.
Though note that if you turn of gateway caching the objects won't be in sync anymore since update events are missing!
If an even can be interpreted in different ways the event has the following structure
FooBarEvent ─┐
├─ GenericFooEvent
FooBazEvent ─┘
: Event handler which calls GenericFooEvent
s subclasses
: Abstract class which shares common methods across its subclasses
Because the cache waits for all functions of the fired event to finish, the cache may be outdated for events following very close on each other.