##SV Identification
- [BreakDancer] (http://gmt.genome.wustl.edu/packages/breakdancer/)
- Description: Genome wide detection of structural variants; Includes two complementary programs, BreakDancerMini (small indel detection) and BreakDancerMax (5 types of structural variants)
- Input: Set of map files produced by a front-end aligner (MAQ, BWA, NovoAlign, and Bfast) and a tab-delimited file containing locations of the map files, detection parameters and sample information
- Output:File containing 14 columns
- [Delly2] (https://github.com/tobiasrausch/delly)
- Description: Can discover and genotype deletions, tandem duplications, inversions and translocations; uses paired-ends and split-reads; SVs can be visualized using Delly-maze and Delly-sauve
- Input: Bam
- Output: VCF
- [Genome STRiP] (http://www.broadinstitute.org/software/genomestrip/)
- Description: Set of tools for structural variant identification and genotyping; requires genomes from multiple individuals (20-30 minimum); Uses GATK and consists of multiple modules
- Input: BAM
- Output: VCF
- [mrFast] (http://mrfast.sourceforge.net/)
- Description: micro-read Fast Alignment Search Tool; designed to map short reads generate with Illumina
- Input:
- Output: SAM
- [mrsFast] (http://sfu-compbio.github.io/mrsfast/)
- Description: Micro-read substitution-only Fast Alignment Search Tool; designed to map short reads to reference genome assemblies
- Input: FastQ *Reference Genome: FASTA
- Output: SAM
- [NovelSeq] (http://novelseq.sourceforge.net)
- Description: Designed to detect novel sequence insertions using high-throughput paired-end whole genome sequencing data
- Input: FASTA or FASTQ
- Output: FASTA file containing paired-end sequences
- [PEMer] (http://sv.gersteinlab.org/pemer/)
- Description: Command line package composed of three modules (PEMer workflow, SV-Simulation, and BreakDB) for SV analysis
- Input: FASTA
- Output:
- [Pindel] (http://gmt.genome.wustl.edu/packages/pindel/)
- Description: Command line package program for detection of “large deletions, medium sized insertions, inversions, tandem duplications, and other structural variations”
- Input: SAM/BAM
- Output: pindel raw output format (can be converted to VCF)
- [SVMerge] (http://svmerge.sourceforge.net/)
- Description: Pipeline for detecting structural variants by integrating calls from different SV callers
- Input: BAM
- Output: multiple (depends on SV callers used)
- Description: Command line package program that “conducts targeted local assembly of structural variants using targeted iterative graph routing assembly algorithm” Uses data from 1000 Genomes project
- Input: SV file; group of BAM files
- Output: Fasta