Elastic Beanstalk may is a platform among AWS that's used for deploying and scaling internet applications. In easy terms, this platform as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) takes your application code and deploys it whereas provisioning the supporting design and reckon resources needed for your code to run. Elastic Beanstalk additionally absolutely manages the fixture and security updates for those provisioned resources.
exploitation the Elastic Beanstalk platform delivers the chance to pay longer developing and fewer time managing your network, storage, o/s and compute runtimes as this can be all handled by Elastic Beanstalk. This results in faster deployment since all you would like to try and do is package up your code, feed it to Elastic stem and also the platform takes it from there.
Test Not ok (http status 400) http://segun-udagram-dev.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/filteredimage?image_url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/bd/Golden_tabby_and_white_kitten_n01.jpg
Test OK (http status 200): http://segun-udagram-dev.us-east-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/filteredimage?image_url=https://tinypng.com/images/social/website.jpg
This is a cloud-based application for uploading, listing, and filtering images. This Project uses a Node.js/Express, a popular JavaScript framework for networked application development to develop this application. A REST API to issue commands using HTTP, store data in Amazon Web Services (AWS) Relational Data Service (RDS) and S3, extend the codebase with secure authentication sign-on features, and deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
Udagram is a simple cloud application developed alongside the Udacity Cloud Engineering Nanodegree. It allows users to register and log into a web client, post photos to the feed, and process photos using an image filtering microservice.
The project is split into three parts:
The Simple Frontend
The RestAPI Backend
The Image Filtering Microservice
Create a new node server. In thr terninal we do the following
Initialize a new project:
npm i
Run the development server with
npm run dev
Create an endpoint in ./src/server.ts which uses query parameter to download an image from a public URL, filter the image, and return the result.
Helper functions will be used to handle some of these concepts and we're importing it for you at the top of the ./src/server.ts file.
`import {filterImageFromURL, deleteLocalFiles} from './util/util';`
We will deploy the application by followin the process below
npm run build
eb init
eb create
eb deploy