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Dart Programming Fast and Simple Guide

This Guide is for those, who were/are already familiar to programming and have desire to learn dart also for various purposes.

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Note : This guide not gonna brush over the simple programming facts like

  • what is loop ?
  • what is datatype ?
  • what is condition statement ?
  • what is variable ? and so on.

If you are unfamiliar with any of above terms take a slight look on this terms before starting.

First of all we gonna cover basic syntax and topics on of dart language like :

  1. Data Types
  2. How to Define A Variable
  3. Print Statement in Dart
  4. Different operators in Dart
  5. Loops in Dart
  6. If Else Statement in Dart
  7. Function in Dart

Before We go onto basics, let us see an hello world program in dart language

    print("Hello World");

1.Different Primitive DataTypes in Dart :

Before Starting : All datatypes in dart are at base is just an object. Value of each variable declared using these datatype is null by default.

More Remarks :

  1. Dart is statically typed language means you have to explicitly declare variable's datatype and it cannot be changed at runtime.

  2. var keyword is used to auto declare the datatype of variable but dissimilar of var in js once variable datatype set using var keyword it can't be changed.

    Note : by default var assign the dynamic datatype to variable but it can be differ if you initialize the variable during declaration.

    var var1 ;//dynamic
    var1 = 'a';
    var1 = 2;//No Errors 
    var var2 = 123;//int
    var2 = "fire";//Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
  3. dynamic keyword which is dart object under the hood is used to dynamically assign datatype to variable it associated with.

    dynamic a = 40;
    a ='a'; //works
    a = true;
    a = ['a','b',2,true];

  • Numbers

    holds the numeric value. The num type is an inherited data type of the int and double types.

    | Keyword - num |

    Number in dart can further classified as:
    int used to represent integers
    double used to represent floating point values

    • int

      is used to represent whole numbers values.

      | Keyword - int |

      int mynum = 4;
      int mynum2 = 9999;
      int mynum3 = -232;
      //below code will give an error
      int mynum4 = 33.34;//Error: A value of type 'double' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'int'.
      //Note : Sometime you may need to convert int to string datatype at this you may use toString method in-built to num object.
      print("1 "+ mynum.toString());
      print("2 "+ mynum2.toString());
      print("3 "+ mynum3.toString());
      /*Output :
      1 4
      2 9999
      3 -232
    • double

    is used to represent 64-bit floating-point numbers.

    | **Keyword** - double | 
    double mynum = 434.22;
    double mynum1 = -4331.233;
    double mynum2 = 32;
    //Note : Sometime you may need to convert double to string datatype at this you may use toString method in-built to num object.
    print("1 "+ mynum.toString());
    print("2 "+ mynum1.toString());
    print("3 "+ mynum2.toString());
    1 434.22
    2 -4331.233
    3 32

    For more detail on Number, Int, Double class and their property

  • Strings

    is used to represent a sequence of characters. It is a sequence of UTF-16 code units. The keyword string is used to represent string literals.

    | Keyword - String |

    • In dart string is represent as text between ""(double quotes) or ''(single quotes ) also known as String Literals.

      String mystr = "hello";
      String mystr2 = "dart";
      String mystr3 = "652";
      String mystr4 = 54;
      //Error: A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'String'
      //String mystr4 = 54; 
      print("1 "+mystr);
      print("2 "+mystr2);
      print("3 "+mystr3);
      1 hello
      2 dart
      3 652

    For more detail on String class in dart.

  • Booleans

    represents Boolean values true and false.

    The keyword bool is used to represent a Boolean literal in DART.

    | Keyword - bool |

    bool mybool = false;
    bool mybool1 = true;
    bool mybool2 = 1;//Error: A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
    bool mybool3 = 0;//Error: A value of type 'int' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
    bool mybool4;
    bool mybool5 ="true";//Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
    bool mybool6 ="false";//Error: A value of type 'String' can't be assigned to a variable of type 'bool'.
    print("1 "+mybool.toString());
    print("2 "+mybool1.toString());
    print("3 "+mybool4.toString());//null is no value is given
  • Lists (similar to Arrays)

    is similar to arrays in other programming languages. A list is used to represent a collection of objects. It is an ordered group of objects.

    | Keyword - List |

    Remarks : . The dart:core library provides the List class that enables creation and manipulation of lists.

    • Fixed Sized List

      In this type of list, length can't change at runtime.

      • Declaration Syntax :

        List Declare using this syntax will be fixed size list.

        List list-name = new List(initialization_size);

        Intializing list element after declaration

        List myList = new List(n);
        myList[index] = val;//index can be any value between 0 to n-1 
      • Example of Nested Lists :-

        List myList = new List(6);
        for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
        myList[i]= "hello "+i.toString();
        List myList2 = ["one",2,"three"];
        List myList3 =[myList,myList2];
        /* Output :
        [hello 0, hello 1, hello 2, hello 3, hello 4, hello 5]
        [one, 2, three]
        [[hello 0, hello 1, hello 2, hello 3, hello 4,  hello 5], [one, 2, three]]   
    • Resizable List

      ->Syntax is same as of Fixed List but you can add more element, change the length of current List object via add() method. Note : A list is resizable only if initialized using following syntax;

      • Syntax1 :

        List l = new List();//empty initialization of list using constructor with no para
        //l  is a variable-name
      • Syntax2 :

        List l = [];
        //Using List literal or 
        List l = [val1,val2,...val_n];
        //l is a variable-name
      • First method:

        List myList = new List();
        //i won't recommend this if input value need to be changed after initialization.
      • Second method:

        List myList2 = ['a','b','c'];//resize the existing list
        [1, 2, 3, hy, true, true]
        [a, b, c, 4]
        myList2[4] ="five";//This generate out of index error. 
      • More Examples :

         List myList = new List(6);
        for(int i=0;i<6;i++){
        myList[i]= "hello "+i.toString();
        List myList2 = ["one",2,"three"];
          List myList3 =[myList,myList2];
        var myList4 = new List();
        //   myList3[2]=5;
        [hello 0, hello 1, hello 2, hello 3, hello 4,  hello 5]
        [one, 2, three, 3]
        [[hello 0, hello 1, hello 2, hello 3, hello 4,  hello 5], [one, 2, three, 3]]
      • Fixed Size List vs Resizable List

         List l = new List(2);//Fixed Size List
        l.add(1);//It will Throw
        //Unsupported operation: addError: Unsupported  operation: add
         List p = new List();
        p.add(2);//No problem

    For More Detail about List class in dart

  • Maps

    object is a key and value pair. Keys and values on a map may be of any type. It is a dynamic collection.

    | Keyword - Map |

    • Syntax :

      Map myMap = new Map();
      myMap[key1] =val1;
      myMap[key2] =val2;
      myMap[key3] =val3;
      myMap[key_n] =val_n;
      //val1,val2,val3...val_n can be of any datatypes,  objects etc.
      //key1,key2,key3...key_n can be of any datatypes,objects etc.
    • Example :

      Map obj = new Map();
      obj["mykey"] ="myVal";//String as key
      List l = [1,2,3];//list
      obj[l] ="list as key";//list as key
      obj[true] =false;//boolean value as key
      obj[23] =43;//integer value as key
      /*Output :
      list as key

    Note while using list or any other object as key that it will take the reference of obj as key not the value of object itself.

    • Example :

      Map myMap = new Map();
      List l = [1,2,3];//list
      obj[l] ="List as key";
      print("Before : "+ obj[l]);
      l[1] = 4;//changes
      print("After  : "+obj[l]);//same result 
      Before :   List as key
      After  : List as key
      obj[[5,6,7]]= "Another One";
      //and also
      //since l is reference to object of List which is  new for each list 

    For More Detail about Map class in dart

More About Dart

  • Is dart an Interpreted or a Compiled Language ?

    Actually, it can be both interpreted and compiled. Yes, it provides functionality for ahead of time (AOT) compilation used primarily in production code and also for just in time compilation which is beneficial while developing code.

    Commands for compiling different dart executables :

    dart compile <sub-command> <dart-file>

    Sub-Commands :

    sub-commands overview
    aot-snapshot Compile Dart to an AOT snapshot.
    exe Compile Dart to a self-contained executable.
    jit-snapshot Compile Dart to a JIT snapshot.
    js Compile Dart to JavaScript.
    kernel Compile Dart to a kernel snapshot

    Example (for binary system executable) :

    • Creating

      dart compile exe main.dart
    • Running (in linux env)
